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1、北海公园 原是辽、金、元、明、清历代封建帝王的御花园。总面 积共有 68.2 公顷。 / 公园的中心 琼岛 ,周长 1913 米,高 32.8 米,/是 1179 年(金代)用挖海的泥土堆成的。 /岛上白塔 建于 1651 年,塔高 35.9 米。Beihai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares,was the imperial garden in the Liao, Jin ,Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The centre of the park is Qiong Island, 32.

2、8 metres high and 1913 metres in circumference. It was made in 1179 (in the Jin Dynasty) with the earth that came from the digging of the lake. The White Pagodabuilt on it in 1651 is as high as 35.9 metres.琼岛东北部有 “琼岛春阴 ”碑,为 1751年建立, /附近风光秀丽, 过去是燕京八景之一。There is a stone tablet erected in 1751 in the n

3、ortheast of Qiong Island, with “ QiongDao Chun Yin ” (SpringShade on the Qiong Island) engraved on it. This area, noted for its beautiful scenery, was counted as one of the eight outstanding views of Beijing.海北岸有 “五龙亭 ”,建于 1602 年,是封建皇帝钓鱼和看焰火的 地方; / “九龙壁 ”,建于 1756年,全璧用五彩琉璃瓦砌成, /两 面各有蟠龙九条,姿态生动,反映了我国劳动

4、人民的创造才能; / “铁影壁 ”,是元代文物。On the north shore of the lake are the Five Dragon Pavilions, built in 1602, where the emperors enjoyed fishing and watched fireworks. Not far to the northeast stands the Nine-Dragon Screen, put up in 1756, which is made of colourful glazed tiles. With nine lively dragons on each side, it has proved the creativeness of the working people of China. Near there is the Iron Screen, which is a relic of the Yuan Dynasty.启示:1. 句群推进:仔细剥离汉语长句有几个层次,每个层次的关 系,确定出几个句群;2.译成英语句子具体选用什么句式: 找到句子的主干, 确定主 要谓语动词,其他的动词成分采用介词短语,过去分词或者 现在分词,定语从句,状语从句。可以再结合我画出来红线 的部分仔细琢磨。

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