2020陕西省八年级英语下册 Unit 2 What should I do Section B学案 人教新目标版

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2 What should I do Section B学习目标能用书信的形式写出自己遇到的麻烦和困惑,并能写信对别人的问题给出合理的建议。通过阅读,正确认识生活中遇到的困惑,并能适时地给自己减压。疑难点拨:1、 argue 和fightLucy argued with her sister yesterday.I had an argument with my best friend.argue with sb 意为_,其同义词组为_argument _. fight 和argue相似,_意为和某人打架,也就相当于 have a fight with

2、sb.【小试身手】 2、They may find it difficult to plan things for themselves. Do you find it easy to talk with your parents?句中find it +形容词+(for sb.)to do sth.结构,意为_,其中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式_.【小试身手】我发现学习英语很重要。_你认为环游世界有趣吗? _自学导航1、 words .1、 各小组按以下要求预习单词(P13-P17):根据音标试读跟录音机跟读英汉对照理解词性识记组长听写在文中画出新单词(体会用法)。2、 预习检测。

3、 1.Look! How_(新颖的) the clothes are! I like them very much.2.The chair is very nice. Its quite c_for me to sit on.3.I think we should buy the _(expensive) clothes, for we dont have much money. 二、phases 在课本13到17页找出以下词组,完成英汉互译。1. the same as_. 2. 穿着同样的衣服 _3.different haircut _. 4. 找出,查明 _5.planfor _. 6

4、. 被邀请 _7. be upset _. 8. 把某物遗忘在某地_9. everyone else _. 10.考试不及格_11.return sth _. 12.和某人相处得好_13.look for help _. 13. 给某人一些建议_Reading 里的词组1compare with _ 2. 从到 _3. busy enough _ 4. 找到时间干某事_5. its time for _ 6. 抱怨 _7.push sb so hard _ 8. 从开始 _9. be under pressure _ 10. 自己独立干某事_11. think for oneself _ 12

5、. 另一方面 _三、writing 给你的笔友写封信,告诉他最近困扰你的烦心事,请他给你一些建议。_四、readingRead and answer the questions below.1、What do you think of the life for Cathy Talors three children ? Why do you think so?2、What do American and British parents always do for their children ? Is it good for children? Why?3、What kind of activ

6、ities do most children take part in ?4、Is Linda Miller a pushy mother ? Why?5、What should parents do for their children ? Why?五、检测一、单选( )1 ._ I argued with my best friend. A. How were you? B. Whats wrong? C. Can I help? D. Good morning?( )2.Maybe you should buy some flowers _ her. A. with B. from C.

7、 for D. to ( )3.I am not good at English. What _ I do? You should practice more. A. am B. do C. should D. would ( )4.My clothes are _of style, but his are _ style he looks cool. A. in, out B. out, in C. out, out D. in, in ( )5.- Your shirt is the same _ Jims. - We are good friends. A. as B. to C. wi

8、th D. for( )6.Could you give me _ advice A. some B. any C. many D. a lot ( )7.Please _ who broke the window . A. find out B. find C. look for D. look out ( )8.Please show me the ticket _the concert A. of B.with C. to D .on ( )9.I need to get some money to _the summer camp . A . pay on B. pay in C. p

9、ay with D. pay for ( )10. All the clerks went home_ Mr Wang. Why? A . except B. besides C.without D. beside( ) 11.I saw boy_when I walked along the river. A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swims( )12.I find _ hard to get along with him. A.that B.this C.it D.is( )13.There is _ in todays newspaper.A.nothi

10、ng new B.new nothing C.anything new D.new anything( )14._ are going home on a train. A.Mr Turner B.Mr Turners C.The Turners D. The Turners( )15.- Our teacher wouldnt give us the answers to the questions directly. - Why not work them out all by _? A.themselves B.himself C.ourselves D.myself( )16.Writ

11、e_and try not to make any mistakes.A.as careful as possible B. as carefully as you can C.most careful D. more careful二、用词的适当形式填空。1.You should _(be) much friendly if you want to be popular.2.They need more money _(build) the bridge.3.Tom had an _(argue) with his boss about his pay.4.We are sorry _(he

12、ar) of her fathers death .5.She felt quite _(surprise) at the news.6. The girl likes wearing _(color) clothes.7.I told him _(wait) for me at the school gate.8.The old house _(build) in 1950.三完成句子。1.我不想和你在电话里谈论这件事。I dont want to talk _ it _you _the phone .2.我觉得汤姆应该向他的父母求助。I think Tom _ _ his parents

13、_ some help.3.这个男孩很沮丧,也不知道该怎么办。The boy is very _and he doesnt know _ _do.4.一方面我们要努力工作,另一方面我们也要注意身体。On the _ hand ,we should work hard ,_ _ _ _, we should also _ _ ourselves.5.孩子们发现融洽相处很简单。Children find_easy _ _ _well with each other .四、选词并用适当形式填空find out argue with be angry with get on complain about How are you _with your classmates?The teacher wanted to _who broke the window.I my best friend yesterday because she didnt return my book .Dont _the boy ,he is only a child.He always _his parents, because they dont often give him money.

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