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1、Graceful Hands,Sentence Structure: not until,1. Not until the manager participated in the work himself _.,did he realize that the task was a little too difficult for the new secretary to finish on her own.,2. Not until the train started to move, _.,did Mary stop weeping.,3. Not until the managers fi

2、nish their two-day meeting, _.,will all the employees know the result of their performance evaluation.,4. Not until Alice had a baby of her own _.,did she become aware how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.,5. Not until I finish watching the movie, _.,did I

3、get to know what happened in the end to the main characters.,Sentence Structure: present participle as adverbial,1. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desk, stretching themselves.,2. The secretary worked late into the night, preparing a speech for the president.,3.

4、Seeing no prospect of success, we quitted the attempt to climb the mountain.,4. Knowing that they were going travelling, the students began to make preparations.,5. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe sentence by the judge.,Word Building: -th,The suffix th can be added to verbs or a

5、djectives to form nouns to show behavior, quality, state, situation, etc.,steal+ -th : stealth: the action of going or acting secretly,strong+ -th : strength: the quality or degree of being strong,1. grow growth: the act of growing or developing; physical or natural development,2. warm warmth: the s

6、tate or quality of being warm; warm-heartedness and kindness,3. deep depth: the distance from the top to the bottom of sth.,4. true truth: the state or quality of being true; the actual facts or reality of sth.,5. long length: the measurement of how long sth. is in size,6. broad breadth: the distanc

7、e from one side of sth. to the other,7. wide width: the distance from one side of sth. to the other; the quality of being wide,8. die death: the state of being dead,The suffix ure can be added to verbs and adjectives to form nouns to show behavior, result of behavior, state, situation, etc.,depart d

8、eparture: an act of leaving a place,moist moisture: dampness, wetness, humidity,The suffix eer can be added to nouns to form agent nouns names of persons who are specially engaged in a certain kind of activity, work or occupation that is related to the noun.,Engine engineer: a person who designs or

9、builds machines, engines, roads, etc.,mountaineer登山者,运动员,pressure压力,closure停业,封锁,关闭,disclosure披露,泄露,揭发,透露,failure,profiteer投机(商),seizure抓住,夺取,没收,扣留,exposure暴露,披露,公布,VIII.,1. exposure,2. failures,3. disclosures,4. pressure,5. mountaineers,6. closure,7. profiteers,8. seizure,Vocabulary,III.,1. switch,

10、2. decay,3. secured,4. loose,5. slid,6. privileges,7. interval,8. outline,9. preceding,10. shallow,Vocabulary,IV.,1. reached for,2. feel for,3. trying to avoid breathing,4. so that,5. managed to accomplish,6. sense my thoughts,7. provide for,8. spared me,9. read about,10.go about,Vocabulary,V.,1. N

11、motionless,2. I approached,3. K exposed,4. G startling,5. M shallow,6. L confidently,7. A survived,8. F lid,9. C sampled,10. D privilege,As a surgeon, I have seen a lot of deaths. I am rarely astonished by anything. The other day, however, one humorous and slightly odd story I heard touched me. A do

12、ctor told me that a very old woman he was treating was lying _ on her pillow face down. He thought she was dead, but when he _, he noticed she was breathing. Her hospital gown _ her back bare, so he put a cover over her. Just then she sat up slowly, _the doctor. She seemed quite alive.,Cloze,1-5: BC

13、BAD,6-10: BDACA,11-15: CACBA,16-20: DDABA,Cloze (page 132),Aging is a natural process. Although medical advancements have _ ways to cover signs of aging, there is no stopping the process. During the closing period in the lifespan of human beings, people _ to “move away” from more desirable previous

14、periods, often _ “usefulness”.,come up with,tend,known as,Aging sixty is usually considered the _ Line between middle and old age. It is the time where you are _ an “elderly”, meaning somewhat old or advanced beyond middle age. Period of decline comes partly from physical and partly _ factors. The p

15、hysical cause of decline is a change in the body cells _ the effects of the aging process. The psychological cause of decline has something _ unfavorable attitudes toward oneself, other people, work and life _.,dividing,considered,psychological,due to,to do with,in general,Senility, a more or less c

16、omplete physical breakdown, will _ when there is mental disorganization. The individual becomes careless, absent-minded, socially withdrawn, and _ adjusted.,Due to the unfavorable social attitudes toward the elderly, treatment toward them in America, _ other cultures, makes them feel _ useful And wa

17、nted. People who come from countries _ respect for the elderly is _ Usually treat elder people with more _ and respect.,take place,poorly,unlike,no longer,where,customary,consideration,In fact, old people are a treasure of experience to society. It is expected that old people will play a(n) _ active

18、 role in social and community affairs _ in the business and professional worlds. Because of the _ in the number of roles the elderly are able to play, it is _ that they will develop a feeling if inferiority. It is our duty to make them better realize value and help them lead a life of comfort.,incre

19、asing,as well as,reduction,very likely,Text StudySummary,The medical _ from the _ shift was the first indication I got that Mrs. Clark would die. There was a smell of _ in the room that _me of my past experience. The patients skin hung_ and her pulse was _. I used a _to make a few drops of _ slide i

20、nto her mouth to ease her _. I provided for her needs and served her carefully to avoid _ her.,chart,preceding,decay,reminded,loosely,faint,straw,moisture,thirst,injuring,III. Summary,(to be continued),Text StudySummary,She spent her last _ of strength to express her thanks to me. There is a swell of _ within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life. I become aware that it was a _ she has allowed me sharing the last moment of her life.,ounce,emotion,privilege,THANK YOU!,

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