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1、中江县兴隆中学导学案 年级 八 年 级 科目 英 语 课题: Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? Period One (Section A 1a1c) 温馨提示:预习是高效学习的前提,请同学们认真完成预习部分的内容和任务一、学习目标1. 1能听、说、读、写、单词, anyone anywhere wonderful few quite a few most ,2复习回顾动词一般过去时态的用法。3.掌握和运用下列语句:1).Where did you go on vacation? -I stayed at home .2). Where did Tina

2、go on vacation? -She went to the beach.二、课前自主学习:(一)预习指导1.自主朗读本课时单词仔细观察单词中各字母的发音特点并记忆:2. 阅读学习下面的“语法回顾”,然后朗读句型3.朗读理解本课1a部分的短语和学习目标的重点句型。4、认真观察a的图画,将词语与图片搭配。(二)预习检测: 1.写出下列动词的过去式: go _ stop _ visit _study_ do _ride_ take_ drive_ arrive_walk_ sleep _keep_ get_2.翻译下列短语:参加夏令营_ 去大山_去海滩_参观博物馆_呆在家_ 拜访我的叔叔_任何

3、特殊的事情_外出_三、语法回顾:动词过去式构成规则构成规则原形过 去 式1.一般在动词原形末尾加-ed work play worked played2.结尾是e的动词加-d hope live hoped lived3.末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed stop trip stopped tripped4.结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词,先变“y”为“ i”再加-ed study worry studiedworried5.特殊变化见八年级上册课本142页 四、课堂学习流程:(一)检查预习检测(二)独学:内容为:(1)复习回顾语法,(2)自读本课时相关单词、短

4、语和句型: (三)对学:对子之间相互检查独学的内容发现不会的马上交流探讨。(四)群学-合作学习,勇敢质疑:内容为:(1)主要由各组探讨1、2环节中大家不会(读、/懂)的内容,(2)操练本课时的重点句型(见学习目标),(3)如何展示,在组内预展示好。(四)展示1.词汇:展示本课时要学的生词并负责组织全班学习然后完成1a的练习。 anyone 任何人anywhere 任何地方anything 任何事物wonderful 精彩的few少量的 quite a few相当多的,不少的,most最多的,大多数(many 和much的最高级形式) 。2.短语朗读(课本1a部分)3.句型朗读和操练1).Whe

5、re did you go on vacation? -I stayed at home .2). Where did Tina go on vacation? -She went to the beach.4听力训练:1b、2a、2b的录音完成有关任务。5、句型操练模仿2c编对话,然后对子展示。(展示组抽查各组代表对子)A: _B:_A:_B:_五、反馈检测: 用词的正确形式填空1.I _( like ) oranges when I was young(年轻的).But now I _(not like) them.2. My mother often _( stay) at home o

6、n Sundays, but last Sunday she _( not stay) at home ,she _(go) to the park.3.Wei Hua _ (have)a busy day yesterday.4.He _(visit) the Great Wall(长城) last year.5.We_(have) a good time yesterday.6.We often _(go) to school by bus last year.7.I _(live)in the village when I was a child.9.Mike_(see) a big t

7、iger in the park last year.10.Sam_ (do) the housework yesterday.11._(do) you _(enjoy) yourself yesterday?12._(do)you _(play) the violin in the art room yesterday?No, I didnt. I_(draw)some pictures there.选择填空( ) 1. She watered the flowers _. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( ) 2.What _ Mik

8、e do last weekend ? A do B does C did( ) 3. I _ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning( ) 4. I often help my mother _ housework. A does B did C do ( ) 5. _ you _ TV last night . A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched( ) 6.-Did your father write an e-mail yesterday? A Yes, he did. B Ye

9、s, he does C No, he dont( ) 7.They _ on a trip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went( ) 8.Were going to _ mountains tomorrow . A climb B climbed C climbing( ) 9. _ he _ football two days ago? A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play( ) 10.-Good afternoon, Miss Lee. How does Mike feel? -Hes

10、tired . He _ a lot of work _ . A does , this morning B do , this morning C did , this mornPeriod Two (Section A 2a3c)一、学习目标1能听、说、读、写、单词:waterfall瀑布 wonderful精彩的绝妙的 , excellent 优秀的/极好的,something某事物 everyone每一个人 of course当然 ,myself 我自己yourself你自己/你们自己, hen母鸡 pig 猪seem似乎 bored厌倦的,烦人的 someone某人 diary日记2

11、进一步学习动词一般现在是的一般疑问句。3.掌握和运用下列语句:1).Did you go to the beach last Saturday? -Yes, I did. No, I didnt .2). Did Tina visit your uncle on vacation? - Yes, she did. No, she didnt.4. 探究符合不定代词的简单用法:(符合不定代词:something, somebody, someone; anything somebody, anyone; everything ,everybody, everyone ; nothing nobo

12、dy , no one ) (副词:somewhere, anywhere, everywhere no where)二、课前自主学习:(一)预习指导1.自主朗读本课时单词仔细观察单词中各字母的发音特点并记忆:2. 朗读理解本课时重点句型学习目标2,阅读、朗读2d 对话找出生词和难点并在文中标出来。3. 阅读学习语法附录中关于复合不定代词的用法,然后试做3a 和3b.(二)预习检测: 四、课堂学习流程:(一)检查预习检测(二)独学:内容为:(1)自读本课时相关单词、句型和2b的对话:(2)复习回顾有关语法后进一步检查3a 和3b.的完成情况。 (三)对学:对子之间相互检查独学的内容发现不会的马

13、上交流探讨。(四)群学-合作学习,勇敢质疑:内容为:(1)主要由各组探讨1、2环节中大家不会(读、/懂)的内容,(2)操练本课时的重点句型(见学习目标),(3)如何展示,在组内预展示好。(四)展示1.词汇:展示本课时要学的生词并负责组织全班学习。waterfall瀑布 wonderful精彩的绝妙的 , excellent 优秀的/极好的,something某事物 everyone每一个人 of course当然 ,myself 我自己yourself你自己/你们自己, hen母鸡 pig 猪seem似乎 bored厌倦的,烦人的 someone某人 diary日记。2. 句型朗读和操练1).

14、Did you go to the beach last Saturday? -Yes, I did. No, I didnt .2). Did Tina visit your uncle on vacation? - Yes, she did. No, she didnt.3.朗读(课本2b部分并查找和展示难点。4探究符合不定代词的简单用法,然后完成下列的题目:把探究结果即我的收获记录在下面:(a.b.c)_小试牛刀:1) 1.-Do you have _ to eat?(anything /something)-No, I dont have _to eat. (anything /som

15、ething)2) -Would you like _ to eat?(anything /something) Yes, please.3) Something _(is/ are /am) wrong with my watch.4) There is _(something interesting / interesting something) in the news paper.5完成3a 和3b.对子核对答案。五、反馈检测:(一)汉译英:1上个月_ 2.瀑布_ 3.相当多_4.拍照/照相_ 5.大多数时间_ 6.第一次_.7.认为,思考_8.很久没有见面!_9.那是我第一次去三亚。

16、_10. 你觉得海南怎样?_11.没有什么有趣的事情可做。_12.我没有给自己买任何东西。_(二)句型转换(改为一般疑问句)1. I went to Sanya last year. 2 Jim went out with his family last night.3. We fed some hens and some pigs in the countryside.4.Kate had something to do at school last week.5.They did something fun on the beach. 6. I bought something speci

17、al for my mother.Period Three (Section B 1a1e)一、学习目标1复习巩固一些描述旅游购物常用的形容词exciting expensive delicious cheap ,terrible boring friendly kind nice bad 2学会用英语交谈假期的情况(以对话或自述形式)。3.掌握和运用下列句型:1).Where did you go on vacation? -I stayed at home .2). Where did Tina go on vacation? -She went to the beach.3). How

18、was your/her/his vacation?4).what did you/he/she do?5).Did you/he/she?6).How were the?二、课前自主学习:(一)预习指导1.朗读本课时1a单词,仔细观察单词中各字母的发音特点并记忆,然后按好坏分类(1b):2.朗读学习目标3所列的句型3. 结合和运用学习目标3所列的句型和问题谈论自己的假期。(对话或自述/编)。(二)预习检测: 1.把下列单词按要求归类:exciting expensive delicious cheap ,terrible boring friendly kind nice clean,bea

19、utiful wonderful dirtyJ:_L:_2.选用第1题的单词描述自己假期旅游中如下所列有关项目的情况(没有旅游的可以虚构):the vacation:_ the people_the food _the stores/shops_the park /farm/mountains_ the weather_ 四、课堂学习流程:(一)检查预习检测(二)独学:内容为:(1)自读本课时相关单词及句型(2):自我检查预习任务的完成情况 (三)对学:对子之间相互检查独学的内容发现不会的马上交流探讨。(四)群学-合作学习,勇敢质疑:内容为:(1)主要由各组探讨1、2环节中大家不会(读、/懂)

20、的内容,(2)操练本课时的重点句型(见学习目标),(3)如何展示,在组内预展示好。(四)展示1.词汇PK:补充并朗读描述旅游购物常用的形容词,多而优者胜。2.句型朗读大PK:先组内补充完整学习目标3 的句型,然后朗读竞赛。3. “介绍我的假期”大PK:可用对话和自述形式进行。4听力训练:1c、1d的录音完成有关任务。五、反馈检测(一)句型转换。句型转换1. We played football yesterday afternoon. (划线提问)_ _ you _ yesterday afternoon?2. My vacation was great. (划线提问) _ _ your va

21、cation.3. I went to summer camp during my holiday. (划线提问)_ did you _ during your holiday?4. His sister had a party yesterday evening. (划线提问)_ _ his sister _ a party?5. I saw the math teacher in the office a moment ago. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ the math teacher in the office a moment ago?6. The shops were to

22、o crowded. (划线提问) _ _ the shops?(二)选择题( )1.He helped me my lost book. A. foundB. find C. finding ( )2. We had great fun _ in the water. A. play B. to play C. plays D. playing( )3. Yesterday afternoon , we _to the park. A. went B. go C. goes D. goed ( )4. How were the people? -They _ unfriendly。 A. w

23、as B were C. are D. is( )5.She didnt _ me it . A. told B. tell C. telling D tells( )6 _ was the food in the restaurant? A. How many B. Why C. HowD. Where ( )7. Where _she _ on vacation? -She _ her uncle.A. did, go , visited B. does , go visited C. did , went , visited D. does , went , visit( )8. Did

24、 you visit your grandma on Friday evening?No, I _ to a wonderful movie with my mother.A. didnt go B. wentC. goD. did went( )9. How was your summer camp in Dalian last year?_.I had a good time with my friends.A. AwfulB. FantasticC. Expensive D. Not good(三)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (eat) a big pizza yesterda

25、y.2.There_ (be) many sheep on the farm last year.3. I _ (watch) a cartoon(卡通片) on Saturday.4. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.5. We _ to zoo yesterday, we _ to the park. (go)6. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?7. _ he _ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he _.Period Four (Sec

26、tion B 2a2e)一、学习目标1学习掌握下列单词:activity 活动,enjoyable,Penang 槟城,Malaysia 马来西亚,decide 决定,try 尝试/努力,paraglide滑翔伞运动,feel like 感觉像/想要,bird鸟,Malaysian马来西亚人,bicycle自行车,Georgetown 乔治市building建筑物, Weld Quay海墘街, trader商人, wonder想知道, difference变化,差别,hill小山, Penang Hill 槟城山, top顶 ,顶部, wait 等待, umbrella雨伞, wet湿的,be

27、cause of因为 below下面的, enough足够的, hungry饿的,as像一样2模仿有关范文用英语描述假期的情况。3.掌握和运用文中出现的重要词语、短语。二、课前自主学习:(一)预习指导1.朗读本课时单词,仔细观察单词中各字母的发音特点并记忆。2.阅读2b的两篇日记,找出不懂的或者你认为难理解的词句,并做好标记。3. 模仿这两篇日记范文试描写或谈论自己的假期。(二)预习检测: 英译汉:1.到达_2.决定做_ 3.去海滩_4.试着做 _5.尽力做 _6.好像/觉得 _7.骑自行车去_8.大量的/许多的_ 9.100年前_ 10.喜欢做某事_11.走上_ 12.等待 _13.因为_四

28、、课堂学习流程:(一)检查预习检测(二)独学:(1)自读本课时相关单词及句型短语(2):阅读2b的两篇日记,找出不懂的或者你认为难理解的词句,并做好标记。(三)对学:对子之间相互检查独学的内容发现不会的进行交流探讨。(四)群学-合作学习,勇敢质疑:(1)主要由各组探讨1、2环节中大家不会(读、/懂)的内容,(2)组内朗读课文(3)结合日记内容完成2c-2e的读后任务。(4)如何展示,在组内预展示好。(四)展示1.词汇PK:。2.课文朗读大PK。3.合作探究挑战你和我:各组先组内找出重难点词句,然后组间进行挑战(解释、翻译造句等形式进行,可以参照预习检测部分内容)。特供如下探究点: arrive

29、 in 和arrive at 的异同: _ try to do 和try doing的异同: _ because 和 because of的异同: _ feel like 后接句子也可以接动词,接动词用什么形式?_ A lot of 的同义短语/词有:_4完成2c-2e的读后任务。五、反馈检测:(一)写出下列动词的过去式1. stay_ 2. study_ 3. stop_ 4. decide_ 5. write_6. feel_ 7. has_ 8. find_ 9. come_ 10. are_(二)写出下列动词的原形1. went_ 2. spent_ 3. played_ 4. cal

30、led_ 5. wore_6. bought_ 7. sold_ 8. enjoyed_ 9. got_ 10. ran_(三)选择填空( )1. How _you _your summer vacation? I visited Xian.A. do,spend B. did,spend C. did,spent ( )2._did you go on vacation?A. Where B. What C. Who ( )3. There _a small boy _in the comer,and I helped him find his mother.A. was,crying B.

31、 is,cry C. was,cries ( )4. Can you help me _a taxi?A. look B. give C. find ( )5. Do you want _the music club?A. join B. joining C. to join ( )6. I found a little cat _with a ball in the garden.A. plays B. played C. playing ( )7. What did they decide _then?A. do B. to do C. doing ( )8. We had great f

32、un _in the water.A. play B. played C. playing ( )9. That computer was too expensive,_I decided not to buy.A. because B. so C. if ( )10. I didnt have _money for a taxi, _I have to walk home.A. many, because B. any, so C. some, so(四)句型转换1. Dont come late to school. (改为同意句) Dont _late _school.2. What i

33、s your father? (改为同意句) What _your father _.3. They went to do some shopping yesterday afternoon. (改为同意句) They _ _ yesterday afternoon.4. They wanted to go to Africa on vacation. (改为否定句) They _ _to go to Africa on vacation.5. We had some hamburgers and fruit for lunch. (对画线部分提问) _did you _for lunch?Period Five (Section B 3aself check)u 课型:练习巩固课u 学习目标:完成Section B 3aself check设计的活动/练习内容巩固本单元所学的动词一般过去时以及谈论话题-过去的经历。u 学习流程(略)- 4 -

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