选修7unit1练习题 (2)

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1、选修7 Unit1一 单项选择(30)1. When they moved to Australia, the children _ the change very quickly. A. adapted for B. adapted themselves to C. adjusted D. adjusted for2. She fulfilled her _to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres in 30 minutes.Aintention Battempt Cattention Dambition3. Im shocked

2、to hear that he_ an accident yesterday.Acame about Bbroke out Ctook place Dmet with4. _, they had a wonderful time at Toms birthday party. A. All in all B. In general C. Generally speaking D. All of the above5. Have you ever read the story The _ girl ? A. white-hair B. white-haired C. white-hairing

3、D. white-hairs6. We know that the workers _ all night but there is no other way. A. make to work B. are made to working C. are made work D. are made to work7. He spends a lot of time with his research _ basketball and chess. A. as well as play B. as well as playing C. as well as to play D. as well a

4、s played8. Mr. Wang said that he was very sorry _ you. A. to miss B. to have missed C. to missing D. missing9. She is _ you could ever meet. A. as a gentle girl as B. as gently a girl as C. a girl as gentle D. as gentle a girl as 10. Spaces for parking cars should be reserved _ disabled and elderly

5、drivers, so they can get to the theaters _ comfort. A. to; in B. in ; to C. for ; in D. in ; for11. I think that no one wants to_. A. make fun of B. be made fun C. be made fun of D. be made fun of others12. The lack of an _education denies them a chance to get a good job.Aaccurate Badequate Curgent

6、Dexcessive13. The more products they sell, the higher_ they make. A. benefits B. profits C. interest D. beneficial14. He told me to meet him _ the entrance _ the cave. A. to ; to B. at ; at C. to ; at D. at ; to15. I think these clothes are _ cold weather , so we should buy them. A. suitable about B

7、. suitable for C. fit on D. fit to16. They each _ a great interest in music and _ singing and dancing lessons after school. A. has ; takes B. have ; take C. shows ; attends D. feels ; join17. - I hope everything goes well for you. - Goodbye, and _ ! A. all the best B. congratulations C. well done D.

8、 never mind18. .I have never dreamed of _ such a good hotel in this town.A. there was B. there is C. there being D. there have19. We can examine bacteria _ a microscope and observe stars in the sky _ a telescope. A. under ; in B. under ; through C. through ; under D. on ; by 20She ran and ran. At la

9、st she reached the finishing line, _. A. out of breath B. losing her breath C. short of breath D. All of the above 21She has been admitted into Beijing University. _.ACheers BGood luck CCome on DCongratulations22Nixon was the first US. President_ before the end of his term of office.Ato resign Bto r

10、esist Cto design Dto insist23Last Saturday evening we went to a concert performed by some disabled children,which was _by an old music professor.Aconducted Babolished Cresigned Ddictated24. These novels are so _that students of all grades can read them.Aavoidable Baccessible Cvaluable Dportable25He

11、finally became a member of the famous basketball team with the _of his classmate.Aassistance Bresistance Cassignment Drequirement26This part of sweet potato has gone bad. Youd better _it_ ,or all the potato will rot away.Acut;up Bcut;out Ccut;down Dcut;through27Jobs exist,but they are not _for someo

12、ne like you.So,Im afraid we will not be able to offer you the job.Asuitable Bnecessary Cpossible Dcomfortable28I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else;_,I was wasting my time.Aon the other hand Bfor example Cto tell the truth Din other words29Im going to Paris ne

13、xt week;would you like to deal with my letters during my _?Aappearance Bdistance Cabsence Dpresence30She got scared and_ when she heard a strange noise outside her window at midnight.Awas out of breath Bheld her breath Ccaught her breath Dlost her breath二 完形填空(20)I do a lot of management training ea

14、ch year for the Circle K Company. Among the 1 we discuss in our classes is the 2 of quality employees(雇员).“What has caused you to stay 3 enough to become a manager?” I asked. After a while a new manager took the 4 and said slowly, “It was a baseball glove.”Cynthia said she used to 5 a Circle K clerk

15、 job as an interim(临时的)one while she looked for something 6 . On her second day behind the counter, she received a (an ) 7 from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He 8 a baseball glove for the little League. She 9 that as a single mother, money was 10 , and her first check would have to go for paying 11

16、 .When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Partircia, the store manager asked her to come to her small office and handed her a box. “I overheard you 12 to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is 13 to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know you have t

17、o pay bills 14 you can buy gloves. You know we cant 15 good people like you as 16 as we would like to; but we do 17 and I want you to know how 18 you are to us .”Cynthias story shows vividly that people 19 more how much a (n) 20 cares than how much he pays .1Atopics Bproblems Cdifficulties Dlessons

18、2Aemploying Bpraising Ckeeping Dimproving 3Asoon Blong Cstrong Dcalm 4Aposition Bdecision Cquestion Dadvice 5Atake Bchange Close Dconsider 6Alighter Beasier Cbetter Dhigher 7Aletter BcallCanswer Demail 8Abought Bkept Cneeded Doffered 9Acomplained Bexplained Cunderstood Dadmitted 10Ashort Benough Csp

19、are Dtight 11Afood Beducation Cclothes Dbills 12Atalking Bcrying Carguing Dscolding 13Aeasy Bhard Csimple Dnice 14Aafter BuntilCwhen Dbefore 15Avalue Bremain Cpay Dfire 16Amuch Bmany Cpleasant Dpossible 17Aregret Bagree Cworry Dcare 18Aexcellent Bimportant Cthankful Dthoughtful 19Aremember Brefuse C

20、thank Drealize 20Amother Bclerk Cofficial Dmanager 三.阅读(10)The National Weather Service at Ryan Airport announced the following forecast Saturday night for Baton Rouge and the surroundings.It will be partly cloudy through Monday with a chance of afternoon showers. High Sunday and Monday will be in t

21、he mid 80s.Winds will be southeasterly 10 to 15 miles per hour becoming smaller at night.Probability of rain will be 20 percent Sunday.On the coast, winds will be southeasterly 10 to 15 knots(海里). Seas will run 2-4 feet. Winds and seas will be 3 feet higher near a few thunder-showers. High tide at 1

22、 pm, low tide at 12:24am. Record high for May 22 was 93 posted in 1956 and record low was 51 recorded in 1954. Normally, temperature should change from 86 to 65 degrees.There will be scattered(稀疏的) afternoon thunder-showers Tuesday and over the west part of the state Thursday. Tuesday through Thursd

23、ay, lows will be in the mid to upper 70s, with highs in the mid to upper 80s. High Saturday was 86,with a low of 65.1.This weather forecast probably appeared in a_.A. Saturday morning paper B. Sunday morning paper C. Sunday evening paper D. Monday morning paper2.This forecast predicts that_.A. recor

24、ds will be brokenB. there will be no rain in the forecast periodC. skies will be partly cloudy on MondayD. temperatures will be lower than normal for the time of year 3. This forecast tells that winds_.A. will be from south to west B. will reduce their speed at nightC. will decrease (=reduce) their

25、speed when they join in thunder-showers at seaD. will be from a different direction on the coast than in the city 4.The lowest recorded temperature for the date of the forecast was_.A. in the mid to upper 70s B.65 degrees C. in the upper 60s D.51 degrees5.If one were planning to play an outdoor game

26、 during this period, he should_.A. plan the game for the morning hours B. plan the game for the afternoonC. put off the game for better weather D. plan the game for the evening hours四. 完成句子:(满分20)1. _(为了赶上火车), wed better hurry to the station by taxi.(catch)2. It happened _(在下雨) when I got there.(rai

27、n)3. Im sorry _(把你的钥匙弄丢了)(lose)4. It has been an honor for me_(被邀请来你们国家)(invite)5. He is said _(正在国外读书) abroad.(study)6. He asked _(被派往的地方the place where he was most needed.(send)7.和电话一样,电子邮件在日常交际中正起着重要作用。(as)E-mail ,_,is playing an important part in daily communication.8.昨晚肯定下雨了因为地面很潮湿。(must)It _ l

28、ast night, for the ground is wet.9.医生说我必需戒烟。(cut)My doctor says I must _.10 恐怕你父母不会同意你去那儿。(approve) Im afraid your parents wont _.五:书面表达(满分20) 有一批要到中国投资的外国企业家在我国某城市参观考察。假定你是接待员,要向外宾们介绍这个城市的概括。请你用英语写一篇发言稿,须包括以下内容:这是一座新兴的现代化城市,建于20世纪80年代;海陆空交通方便,又有一条与首都北京相连的高速公路;自然资源丰富,电力及其他能源供应充足;公共秩序良好,政府多方面支持外国投资者。注意:1 词数:100左右。 2 可以适当增减细节,但不能逐字翻译。3 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:高速公路:freeway 公共秩序:public order 投资者:investorLadies and Gentlemen, Welcome to our city. Now let me introduce

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