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1、 茂县民族中学8年级(上)英语第一次月考试题 一 听力部分(共20分)1. 听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1,A. Im sorry to hear that. B. She is in the hospital. C. She should keep healthy.( )2. A. You are right. B. Where is it? C. I drink it every day. ( )3. A. My mother. B. No, she doesnt. C. She eats much.( )4. A. .I have a sore throat.

2、B. I like drawing very much. C. I sleep for 8 hours.( )5. A . You should see a dentist. B . Thats a good idea. C. You sleep too much.2. 听对话及问题选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6.A. He has a fever. B. He has a toothache. C. He has a sore throat. .( )7. A. Because he is stressed out. B. Because he is happy. C. Bec

3、ause he is cold.( )8. A. She felt angry. B. She felt week. C. She felt tired.( )9. A. Wang Lins grandfather. B. Wang Lins father. C. Wang Lins uncle.( )10. A. A cup of tea B. A glass of water. C. A glass of juice. 3. 听短文,选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共10分)( ) 11. Where does Mr. Brown work?A. In a restaurant. B. In

4、a school. C. In a hospital.( ) 12. Whats the matter with Alice?A. She has a headache. B. She has a sore back. C. She has a cold.( ) 13. HOW OFTEN should Tom take medicine?A. Once a day. B. Twice a day. C. Three times a day.( ) 14. Who has a sore throat?A. Mary. B. Tom. C. Bob.( ) 15. What else shoul

5、d Mary do?A. Drink more water. B. Drink hot tea with honey. C. Have a good rest. 二 笔试部分(A) (共80分)4. 单项选择(每小题1分,共30分)( )16. -_ do you go to work? - I go there by bike.A. What B. Which C. How D. Why( )17.- _ is it from your home to school? -Three kilometers.A. How often B. How far C. How old D. How mu

6、ch( )18. -Do they usually go there by subway? - _ .A. Yes, they are. B. Yes , they dont . C. No. they dont . D. No, they do.( )19. It will take the man half a year _ the work.A. to finish B. finish C. finishing D. finishes( )20. -Im going to Tibet next Monday. - _ .A. Thank you. B. Im sorry to hear

7、that. C. That sounds exciting. D. I know.( )21. Can you help me _ up the waste things?A. to clean B. cleaning C. of cleaning D. with clean( )22. _ it is rainy today, _ he still works outside.A. / ; although B. Although; but C. Although; / D. But; although( )23. He is _ his younger sister this aftern

8、oon.A. babysiting B. look after C. look at D. babysitting( )24. Dont forget _ me the news when you come back.A. to tell B. tell C. told D. telling( )25. _ are you doing this evening? - Im watching a volleyball game.A. Which B. Where C. How D. What( )26. The children like to do _ .A. anything differe

9、nt B. different anything C. something different D. different something( )27. Jenny, with her classmates, _ going hiking next month.A. are B. is C. am D. be( )28.-_ is Nancy staying? - Tow weeks.A. How often B. How many C. How far D. How long( )29. I hope they will have a _ vacation .A. relax B. rela

10、xed C. to relax D. relaxing( )30. If you want to be in good _, you should eat _ food.A, health; healthy B. healthy; healthy C. health; health D. healthy; health( )31. -Mrs. Yuan is ill in hospital. - _.A. Im glad to hear that. B. Thats OK. C. Thank you. D. Im sorry to hear that.( )32. -Whats your fa

11、ther? - _ .A. He is a policeman. B. She is a nurse. C. Its a PIG. D. He is thirteen years old.( )33. We shouldnt eat _ junk food.A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too( )34. Its difficult _ remember( 记住) all the new words.A, of B. in C. on D. to( )35. “70% of students like reading books.” M

12、eans “ _ students like reading books.A. All B. Most C. Some D. No( )36. -Would you like to come to my party? -_, Id love to.A. No B. Sorry C. Of course D. Yuck( )37. _ homework, I think you must finish it now.A. As for B. As C. For D. For as ( )38. Please _ the dog for me while I am away.A. look at

13、B. look after C. look for D. look like( )39. -_ do you exercise? - Five times a week.A. How often B. How old C. How much D. How far( )40. -What does you sister do? -_.A. She is fifty. B. She has three children. C. She lives in Maoxian. D. Shes a student.( )41. -How long are you staying in Paris? -_.

14、A. In a week B. Once a week C. For a week. D. A week ago.( )42. My cousin doesnt study English well, he wants me _ him.A. to help B. helping C. helps D. helped( )43. Dont wait for John, he must _ to the bank and _ some money.A. go; gets B. goes; get C. go; get D. goes; gets( )44.Ted, come and enjoy

15、these beautiful postcards! My friend _ them to me from Hong Kong.A. showed B. sent C. took D. gave( )45- _ ? - Im going to the Grate Wall.A. What are you doing? B. What did you do? C. When are you going? D. Where did you go?5.完型填空(每小题1分,共10分) It was Friday night and Dongdong was watching TV. His mom

16、 was washing the dishes (洗碗 ) in the kitchen (厨房 ) . But before she could finish, _46_ didnt feel well and had to stop. She said she would do it after a _47_. “ Are you OK, mom?” asked Dongdong. His mom said, “Yes, I am. But I need to rest.” Then she went to _48_. Dongdong felt a little _49_. He kne

17、w he should help his mom more. _50_ when his mother rested, he _51_ all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. The kitchen was very clean and Dongdong felt much better. When Dongdongs mom woke up ( 醒来 ), she thought she had_52_ to do. She had to clean the kitchen and wash all the dishes. But when she w

18、ent to the kitchen, she could not believe her _53_. The kitchen was so clean. She_54_ Dongdong for all his work. She told him he was a really nice boy. On that day, Dongdong learned that _55_ others makes everyone happy. It makes others happy, and it makes you happy, too.( )46. A. he B. she C. it D.

19、 they( )47. A. party B. class C. weekend D. rest( )48. A. school B. hospital C. sleep D. work( )49. A. cold B. sad C. angry D. hungry( )50. A. Because B. Although C. But D. So ( )51. A. washed B. sold C. used D. found( )52. A. a little B. a few C. a lot D. a bit( )53. A. son B. ears C. eyes D. dream

20、( ) 54. A. asked B. made C. waited D. thanked( ) 55. A. telling B. visiting C. believing D. helping6. 阅读理解 (一)Sleeping was always a problem for Eve. It made school difficult the next day. “I didnt want to study,” said Eve. “Every class wasnt easy for me.” That was a few years ago. These days, she ta

21、kes a health class. That helps Eve sleep easily. Every child needs 9 hours of sleep each night. But many child dont get enough (足够的) sleep. A study (研究) shows that six in ten middle school students sleep fewer than 9 hours. And two in ten students get fewer than 8 hours of sleep. A good nights sleep

22、 is your key to good health. The following advice will help you get a good sleep. Turn off (关掉) games, computers, and TVs 30 minutes before bedtime. Many children like to go to bed late on weekends. But it is bad for you to sleep until noon on Sunday night. Youll be too awake to sleep at the right t

23、ime on Sunday night. Dont sleep over 11 hours on weekends. Drinks, coffee, or tea can make it difficult to go to sleep at night. Try not to drink them after noon. Try talking about your worries (烦恼) with someone, or write them down. Before Eve goes to bed, she thinks about a long road with some door

24、s. “Then one by one,” she says, “I put my worries behind the doors and close them for the night.”根据材料内容判断下列说法正(T)误(F). (每题2分,共10分)( ) 56. The subjects were difficult, so Eve didnt want to study.( ) 57. According to () the study, four in ten students get enough sleep each night.( ) 58. The underlined

25、 word “awake” means “忧虑的” in Chinese.( ) 59. Eve thinks that putting worries down helps get a good sleep.( ) 60. The writer gives us five pieces of advice. (二) Hi, Im a worker and work in a downtown office. I live on a small island (岛屿), so I take a boat from the island to the city everyday. The boa

26、t leaves every 20 minutes and it takes about 35 minutes to get to the city. Then I have a short walk to my office. Sometimes when the weather is bad, I cant get to work on time by boat. My name is Sarah and Im a teacher. I take the train to work every day. The train is quick and cheap, and there are

27、 hardly any delays (耽误)。 The trains run every half an hour and run until 00:30。 The train station is near my home. It only takes 20 minutes from my home to school. Hello, Im Maria and Im a college student (大学生). I live in the college. The college is very big, so I usually walk a lot. Sometimes it ta

28、kes 15 minutes to get from one building to the next. When I want to shop with my friends outside the college, we take a bus. The buses stop running after 10:00 pm. So if we come back after that time, we have to take a taxi. 根据材料内容判断下列说法正(T)误(F). (每题2分,共10分)61.( ) Tina goes to work first by boat and

29、then on foot.62( ) Sarah likes taking the train to work, though there are often delays.63 ( ) There are only two trains from Sarahs home to her school every day.64 ( ) Because the college is very big, Maria goes from one building to the next by bus.65 ( ) Maria and her friends cant take a bus back t

30、o her college after 10:00 pm. (三)A family of crabs (螃蟹) lived on the beach of a blue sea happily. One day the mother crab saw a beautiful crane (仙鹤) walking about on the beach, a straight walk in its long legs.“That crane looks so beautiful,” she thought to herself. Then she saw her son waddling (摇摆

31、地行走) to her. “And look at how my son walks. Its not beautiful.”“Why do you walk like that?” she asked, when he came near. “Walk straight and beautifully,” she said.“How do I walk straight, mother?” asked the little crab. “ I can only walk like this.”But his mother thought he could walk straight, and

32、 it would not be too difficult if he tried. So the little crab tried, but he just couldnt walk straight.“Why dont you show me how to walk straight, mother?” he told her. “If you show me the straight way, I think I will learn it.”So the mother tried to show her son how to do the straight walk, but sh

33、e couldnt walk like that. Her legs were not right for walking straight.“I give up (放弃), she said, after she tried many times. “Forget it, child. I dont think its right for us crabs to learn to walk like the cranes.”根据材料内容选择正确答案(每题2分,共10分)( )66.The crabs lived _ .A. by a river B. by a lake C. by a se

34、a( )67. What was the beautiful crane doing ?A. swimming B. walking C. dancing( )68. Could the little crab walk straight? _A. Yes, he could. B. No, he couldnt. C. No, he could.( )69. The underlined word “ Forget it” means “_” in Chinese.A. 忘了它 B. 我忘了 C.算了( )70. What do you think is the best title (题目

35、) for the article?A. Crabs can walk straight B. Never give up C. A crane and the crabs7. 用所给答语补全对话。(每空2分,共10分)( )71.How did you get to school yesterday?( )72. Do you always take the subway to school?( )73. How many buses get to your school each hour?( )74. How long do you need to wait for a bus?( )7

36、5. Is your school far from your home?A. Yes, it is.B. For five minutes.C. I took the subway.D. No, I usually get to school by bus.E. Twelve.三 笔试部分()(共50分)1.根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写(10分)76. There are about two h_ teachers in our school.77. Canada is in N_ America.78. How many m_ are there in an hour?79.

37、Dont w_ about me. Im OK now.80.This is her f_ sport. She play it every day.81. A lot of v_ can help you to keep healthy.82. It is i_ for us to learn English well.83. She wants to b_ her young sister.84. How often do you e_ every morning ?85. Mr Chen usually goes to work by t_.2.按要求完成句子,每空一词。(10分)86.

38、 They are going boating next week.(就划线部分提问) _ _ they going boating?87. Its sunny and hot today.(就划线部分提问)_ the weather _ today?88. Im going to Japan with my parents.(就划线部分提问)_ are you going to Japan _ ?89. they are good friends, _ _(改为-反意疑问句)90. It takes her 20 minutes to get home from the school.(改一

39、般疑问句)_ it _ her 20 minutes to get home from school?3.根据汉语提示,补全句子。91. 保持健康很容易。 It is _ _ stay healthy.92.你该多喝点热茶。 You should drink _ _ hot tea.93.他必须先完成作业。 He has to _ _ his homework first.94. 从学校到车站不是很远。 It is not _ _ from the school to the bus stop.95. 格林先生很少吃冰激凌。 Mr Green _ _ eats ice cream.4. 书面表达。(20分) 提示:诸葛剑是个中学生,他家离学校约5公里。他每天4:30起床,5:00 离家跑步去上学。那要花费他一个多小时。 请发挥想象,向其他同学介绍一下诸葛剑的情况。( 词数80 左右)6

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