2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Section 3 Using Language课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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1、Unit 3,A taste of English humour,Section Using Language,自 主 预 习,.单词速记 1particular(adj.)_ (adv.)特殊地;特别地 2occasion(n.)_ (adj.)偶尔的 3actress(n.)_ (v.)表演_ (n.)男演员 4amuse(v.)_ (n.)娱乐_ (adj.)好笑的;有趣的 _ (adj.)高兴的 5slide(v.)_ (过去式和过去分词)_ (现在分词) 6explain(v.)_ (n.)解释;说明,particularly,occasional,act,actor,amuseme

2、nt,amusing,amused,slid,sliding,explanation,7detective(n.)_ (v.)觉察,看穿 8mountain(n.)_ (adj.)多山的 9react(v.)_ (n.)反应 10drink(v.)_ (adj.)醉的,detect,mountainous,reaction,drunk,.短语互译 1pick up _ 2burst into laughter _ 3play on words _ 4对做出反应;回应 _ 5使明显;显示出 _ 6合计;把加起来 _,拾起;捡起 放声大笑 玩文字游戏 react to bring out add

3、up,.课文理解 First 略读主旨 The passage mainly tells us _. Aa joke made by Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson Ba dialogue between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson Ca misunderstanding between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson Da story told by two famous detectives,A,Second 细读细节 1In the first dialogue the cus

4、tomer in fact means that _. Ahe doesnt know what it is now Bhe doesnt hear clearly what the waiter says Che is not content with the soup Dhe mistakes “bean” for “been”,C,2In the third dialogue the customer really wants to know _. Athe length of the pancakes Bhow soon the pancakes will be ready Cthe

5、size of the pancakes Dthe shape of the pancakes 3When did the story probably happen?_ AIn the morning. BAt noon. CIn the afternoon. DAt night.,B,D,4What happened to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson?_ ATheir tent was stolen by someone. BThey quarreled with each other about their tent. CTheir tent wa

6、s blown away by the strong wind. DThey quarreled with each other about different opinions of life.,A,Third 精读语篇 Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went 1._ (camp)in a 2._ (mountain)area.They were lying in the 3._ air under the stars.Sherlock Holmes looked 4._ at the stars and asked Watson in 5._ (whi

7、sper) what he thought of 6._ he looked at that beautiful sky.Watson replied that he thought of how short life was and how long the universe had lasted.Holmes asked the same question 7._ second time.This time Watson thought of how small he was and how vast the sky was.Holmes asked Watson to try again

8、.Watson tried a 8._ (three) time and he thought of how cold the universe was and how warm people could be 9._ their beds.Holmes couldnt control himself at last.He shouted to Watson that he was a fool,for he should be thinking that someone 10._(steal) their tent.,camping,mountainous,open,up,whispers,

9、when,a,third,in,had stolen,合 作 探 究,Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour. 尤其是孩子们看到他的表演会大笑不止。 (2018北京高考)Anger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel angry. 生气是一种尤其强烈的情感而且也许人们认为他们有原因感到生气。,1particularly adv.特殊地;特别地,重 点 词 汇,(2017

10、全国高考卷)For many older people,particularly those living alone or in the country,driving is important for preserving their independence,giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others. 对于许多老年人,尤其是那些独自生活或者是在乡村,驾驶对保持他们的独立,给予他们自由出入而不依赖于别人很重要。,连词填空 (particular/particularly/spe

11、cially)。 What I _ dislike about this lesson is that it is really boring. I like the song in _. The party is _ arranged for you. Why did he spend so much time searching shops for a shirt? Oh,he was very particular _ his clothes. 解析:句意:为什么他会为了买一件衬衣而花费这么多的时间在店铺中搜索呢?噢,他对着装特别挑剔。particular“特别的;挑剔的”,be par

12、ticular about“对挑剔的”,符合句意。,particularly,particular,specially,about,On one occasion in a restaurant he ordered a steak tartare. 有一次在餐馆他点了一份鞑靼牛排。 (2017全国高考卷)This great occasion will be the national theatre of Chinas first visit to the UK. 这个伟大的盛会将是中国国家剧团首次访问英国。 You have on occasion surprised people. 你有

13、时使人们感到诧异。,2occasion n.时刻;场合,写出下列句中occasion的汉语意思。 I only wear a tie on special occasions.( ) Send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.( ) 根据句意填入恰当的词。 Occasions are quite rare _ I have the time to spend a day with my kids. 我能有时间和孩子们度过一天的时候很少。,场合,时刻,when,语法填空。 I saw Bob play the piano at Johns pa

14、rty and _ that occasion he was simply brilliant. 解析:句意:我看见鲍勃在约翰的聚会上弹奏钢琴,在那个场合下,他简直才华横溢。occasion“场合”,on that occasion“在那个场合下”,是固定搭配,符合句意。 Ive been writing this report _ (occasion) for the last two weeks,but it has to be handed in tomorrow. 解析:句意:在过去的两周,我一直断断续续地写这篇报告,但是明天必须上交了。occasionally“不时地,偶尔,间或”,

15、符合句意。,on,occasionally,(1)n.耳语;低语 She said it in a whisper,so I couldnt hear. 她是悄声说的,所以我没有听清说的是什么。 Ive heard a whisper that hes going to resign. 我听到了一个传闻说他准备辞职。,3whisper,(2)vt.&vi.低语;小声说 The story is being whispered about. 这事正被人私下传播。 (2016浙江高考)“Did you hear what happened to Adam last Friday?”Lindsey

16、whispered to Tori. “你听说上周五Adam出的事了吗”Lindsey小声对Tori说。,填入恰当的介词。 He answered _ a whisper/whispers. She is whispering a story _ her daughter. 英汉互译。 她对我附耳说了一句话。 _. It is whispered that he is heavily in debt. 据传闻他负债累累。,in,to,She whispered a word in my ear,语法填空。 Mom whispered _ us,“Be quiet!Your little sis

17、ters sleeping.” 解析:句意:妈妈小声对我们说:“安静!你们的小妹妹正在睡觉。”whisper“低语;小声说”,后接to。,to,(1)v. (使)滑行;滑动 She fell over and slid across the shiny floor. 她跌倒了,滑过了发亮的地板。 (使)快捷而悄声地移动 Daniel slid out of the room when no one was looking. 丹尼尔趁没人看见,偷偷溜出了房间。 slide(from.)逐渐降低;贬值 Shares slid to a 10year low. 股票跌到了十年来的最低。,4slide

18、,(2)n. C降低;跌落;衰落 The economy is on the slide /getting worse. 经济日益衰退。 C(在冰上或光滑表面上)滑行,滑动 Her car went into a slide. 她的车打起滑来。 C山崩;岩崩;土崩;崩塌 I was afraid of starting a slide of loose stones. 我当时担心会引起松散石块崩塌。,C幻灯片 Slides are shown once a week in their physics class. 他们每周一次在物理课上放映幻灯。,单句语法填空。 Harold slid _ h

19、e classroom while his teacher was writing on the blackboard. 解析:句意:当老师在黑板上写字的时候,哈罗德溜进了教室。slide into“溜进”,符合句意。 Seeing the big crowd ing towards him,he started to run down the hill,but _ (slip)and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow. 解析:句意:看到一大群人朝他来了,他开始往山下跑,但是滑到了,趴在了正在融化的雪中。slip滑倒。,i

20、nto,slipped,How do you think John will react to her? 你认为约翰将怎样回应她? He reacted against my suggestion. 他反对我的建议。 (2017全国高考卷)But is anyone listening?Apparently.Because we can watch the neighbours react. 但是有人在听吗?很明显。因为我们能观察到邻居们的回应。,5react vi.作出反应;回应,用react的搭配完成句子。 How did the audience _ his remarks? 听众对他的

21、讲话反应如何? Your applause would _ the speaker. 你们的喝彩对演说者有影响。 (2017全国高考卷)But we all have to accept that as we get older our _(react)slow down. 但是我们都必须接受当我们变老时候,我们的反应会迟钝。,react to,react on/upon,reactions,(1)n.脏或乱的状态 Your dormitory is in a mess. 你们的宿舍杂乱不堪。 (2017天津高考卷) My room is a mess,but I neednt clean i

22、t before I go out tonight.I can do it in the morning. 我的房间很乱,但是在今晚我出去之前不需要打扫,我可以明天早晨再打扫。,6mess,(2)vt.&vi.(常与up连用)弄脏;弄乱;弄糟;(与with连用)惹麻烦 I was used to him messing up the kitchen. 我对他把厨房弄脏已经习惯了。 (2017天津高考卷)I could have asked her,but something prevented me from doing so.She seemed so content in her obse

23、rvation.I didnt want to mess with that. 我本来能问她的,但是有件事阻止了我那么做,她似乎很满意她的观察,我不想惹麻烦。,翻译句子。 你本不该把房间弄得杂乱不堪的。 You shouldnt have made the room in a mess.,(1)n.感觉,知觉;辨识,赏识,领悟力;判断力;见识 The blind generally have a keen sense of hearing. 一般说来,盲人听觉灵敏。 He suddenly lost his sense of direction. 他突然失去了辨别方向的能力。 (2017全国高

24、考卷)People have stronger senses than before. 人们有比以前更强的意识。,7sense,(2)v.感觉,意识,察觉 (2018天津高考)Suddenly I sensed a man standing behind me. 突然我感觉到一个人站在我身后。 The horse sensed danger and stopped. 这匹马意识到有危险,停了下来。,单句语法填空。 Whats the sense _ having a public open space where you cant eat,drink or even simply hang o

25、ut for a while?,of,Can you match the joke with the explanation? 你能把笑话和解释匹配起来吗? The coat matches the dress.外衣和裙子很相配。 Zhu Shimao and Chen Peisi are the best match at playing sketches. 朱时茂和陈佩斯在演小品方面是最佳搭档。 (2017全国高考卷)The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains. 旅行挂车甚至有匹配的地毯和窗帘。,8match vt.与相配/相称 n.

26、对手;相配的人,I was no match for him at studies. 学习上我不是他的对手。 You should match your deeds to your beliefs. 你应该使你的行动与信仰相一致。 He is good at chess,but that day he met his match. 他擅长下棋,但是那天他遇到了对手。,I noticed their clothing sizes closely _ (match)ours. 解析:句意:我注意到他们衣服的尺寸与我们的几乎一致。考查动词时态。前面主句中谓语动词为一般过去时,故此处match也要使用

27、一般过去时。,matched,What was Mary going to do with the cooked plums in the pan? 玛丽将怎样处理平底锅里熬过的李子? What do you do with the problem? 你怎么处理这个问题? (2018北京高考)Also,sometimes preanger does not have to do with a lasting condition,but rather a temporary state before a triggering event has occurred. 有时候生气前也不是必须与持续的

28、条件有关系,而是触发事件已经发生之前的临时状态。,1do with处理;对付,重 点 短 语,They found a way to do with the elephant. 他们找到了一种对付那头大象的办法。 We cant do with such carelessness. 我们不能容忍如此粗心。 I have nothing to do with him. 我跟他无任何关系。 (2017全国高考卷)Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while youre trying to get work done. 当你

29、想尽力把工作做完,干扰是需要处理的最差的事情之一。 This is a book dealing with Asian problems. 这是一本论述亚洲问题的书。,单句填空 With so many things _ (deal with),I have to work late into the night. It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows what to _ (处理)it.,to deal with,do with,完成句子 What if we meet with a

30、situation that none of us are able to _ (处理)? Learning to resolve conflicts can help students _ (deal) with friends,teachers,parents,bosses,and coworkers. I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play,it is to teach us that happiness _ (与无关系)fun.,deal with,(to) deal,has nothing to

31、 do with,In the 1990s,Mr Bean became a star using mime to highlight difficult social situations much as Charlie Chaplin had done. 在20世纪90年代,憨豆先生成为一位像查理卓别林那样用哑剧来反映艰难社会处境的喜剧明星。,经 典 句 式,He arrived at his destination finally driving all the way. 他一路开车,终于到达了目的地。 The students are doing an experiment as th

32、eir teacher has shown them. 这些学生正在按老师展示的那样做实验。 (2017北京高考卷)But the problem should not be dismissed out of hand,as it has been by some AI researchers. 但是问题不能像一些人工智能研究者那样 无法控制的被搁置。,As you grow older,youll know better and better about yourself. 随着年龄增长,你会越来越了解自己。 As he was wet all over,he decided to have

33、 a bath. 因为全身都湿了,他决定洗个澡。 When at Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。 Child as he is,he knows a lot. 尽管他是个孩子,但他懂得很多。,仿写句子。 像他们的父母期望的那样,这对双胞胎通过勤奋学习进入了他们理想的大学。 The twins entered their ideal university _ _. 像她的同事建议的那样,律师把自己扮成一名学生来找出这位学生发生了什么。 The lawyer decided to find out what had happened to the student _.

34、,by working hard as their parents had,expected,by dressing herself up as a student as her colleague had suggested,单句语法填空。 Hot _ the night air was,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. 解析:句意:虽然夜晚的空气很热,但我们睡得很沉,因为长途跋涉之后我们很累。根据句意,所需连词引导让步状语从句,而且从句中把作表语的形容词置于句首,故用as或though。,as/

35、though,Coach,can I continue with the training? Sorry,you cant _ you havent recovered from the knee injury. 解析:句意:教练,我能继续训练吗?对不起,你不能,因为你的膝盖伤还没痊愈。根据句意可知,所选项引导的从句说明“不能继续训练”的原因。,as/since/because,2The answer to the question contains a word which,when spoken,can have two meanings 问题的答案中包含有一个单词,这个单词在说的时候有两

36、层意思。,The answer to the question is quite easy to get. 问题的答案很容易得到。 The sentence,when used,has two different meanings. 这个句子在用的时候有两个不同的意思。 (2017全国高考卷)Scientists have found that all kinds of plants give out VOCs when being attacked. 科学家们已经发现各种植物当他们收到攻击时,释放出挥发性有机物。,完成句子 这本书包含了很多的神话故事,当读这些故事时,它们会给你很多的快乐。

37、The book contains many fairy stories _ _. 这座楼含有很多房间,当建完时,其中一个房间将被用作阅览室。 The building contains many rooms,one of _ _.,which,when read,can give you much,pleasure,which,when pleted,will be,used as a reading room,(2017天津高考卷)但是当人们想到无人驾驶的汽车时,那不是人们头脑中想的。 But that is not what many people have in mind when _ driverless cars.,thinking of,3Watson tried a third time. 华生又试着回答了一次。,the thirda third,

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