Greeting and IntroductionPPT学习教案

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《Greeting and IntroductionPPT学习教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Greeting and IntroductionPPT学习教案(25页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、会计学1Greeting and Introduction第1页/共25页第2页/共25页Im fine!Thank you,and you?How are you?第3页/共25页第4页/共25页第5页/共25页How do people greet each other in other different countries?Discussion 1第6页/共25页How do they greet each other?In Thailand,people greet each other by putting their hands together and bowing sligh

2、tly.第7页/共25页How do they greet each other?In South America,you can expect to be hugged when you meet someone.第8页/共25页In the Middle East,Arabs greet each other by_.touching noses第9页/共25页In the USA,people shake hands when meeting each other.第10页/共25页Shaking handsIn France,it is the custom to shake hand

3、s with people in the office every morning.Britain,China第11页/共25页 When Dutch people meet,they kiss each other on one cheek and then the other.If you are a close friend or relative,then you get three kisses!第12页/共25页In Japan,people bow to each other when they meet.第13页/共25页What about a Chinese and a J

4、apanese meeting for the first time?Do in Rome as the Romans do.第14页/共25页Country/AreaWays of greetingDutchThailandthe USAkissing each other on one cheek and then the otherputting their hands together and bowing slightlyshaking hands with each other第15页/共25页Country/AreaWays of greetingSouth Americathe

5、 Middle EastJapanhugging each othergreeting each other by touching nosesbowing to each other第16页/共25页People in different countries greet each other in different ways.Why?Because of cultural differences,such as different languages,different habits,different customs and so on.Discussion 2第17页/共25页 Can

6、 you think of any other customs that are different in different parts of the world?Discussion 3第18页/共25页在非洲,有的民族见面后互问”你出汗的情况怎样”,以表示关心与问候因为这个地区流行热病,得了热病的人,皮肤就会变得干燥,而健康人的皮肤一般是湿润的,因此在这里,皮肤出汗与否是衡量人们是否健康的标志 尼泊尔宾主相见时,双手合十,口中道声”纳马斯得”在山区,主宾相见时,主人伸出舌头表示对客人的欢迎因为舌头和心都是鲜红的,红舌头代表赤诚的心 非洲有的部落有个奇怪的礼节,即表示珍爱一个人或一个物时,

7、要吐唾沫当部落的战士第一次遇到小孩时,要朝他吐口唾沫在触摸一件新武器时,要先在自己手上吐唾沫这可能是一种古老的遗俗,因为一些原始人认为,口水可以避除邪恶阿尔巴尼亚的礼仪有很多讲究在阿尔巴厄亚语中,对生病、生育、乔迁、婚丧,都有成套问候的语言如过生日时,人们会说”祝像高山一样长寿”、”像雄狮那样结实”;生育时,人们祝产妇”再生100 个”;办丧事时,人们通常讲”与您同哀”、”望您逢凶化吉”、”化悲哀为乐”等。第19页/共25页 Which of the following words indicate (表明表明)the right attitudes towards cultural diff

8、erences?A.respect B.tolerate(容许容许)C.look down upon D.appreciate E.hate F.understand G.rejectABDF第20页/共25页 Though we have different cultures and customs,we should learn to respect each other and live in peace and harmony.虽然我们各自拥有不同的文化习俗,但是我们虽然我们各自拥有不同的文化习俗,但是我们应该要学会彼此尊重、和谐共处。应该要学会彼此尊重、和谐共处。第21页/共25页第22页/共25页第23页/共25页第24页/共25页

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