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1、会计学1科普科普(kp)五年级英语下册五年级英语下册lessonHowmanypupilsarethere第一页,共27页。there isthere aremanyhow manyadj. 许多(xdu)的多少(dusho) 有(表示在某地(mu d)存在)Words and expressions第1页/共27页第二页,共27页。Numbers1234567890onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninezero第2页/共27页第三页,共27页。 Numbers111213141516171819202129eleventwelvethirteenfourte

2、enfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentytwenty-onetwenty-nine第3页/共27页第四页,共27页。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-nine thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred第4页/共

3、27页第五页,共27页。第5页/共27页第六页,共27页。Dad: Hi, Kate! What are you doing now?Kate: Im making some flowers for our classroom.Dad: Do you have a new classroom this term?K: Yes, Dad.D: Is it nice?K: Yes, we have a big glass blackboard.D: Do you have a clock in your classroom?K: Yes, we have a new clock and we ha

4、ve some green plants , too.D: How many pupils are there in your class this term?K: There are forty-five.D: oh, thats a big class.第6页/共27页第七页,共27页。 how many用于对可数名词的数量进行提问,后跟可数名词的复数形式。 there be句型表示存在关系,即“在某地(mu d)有某些人或物,“后跟名词。 How many +n(复数) are there?There are +基数词 第7页/共27页第八页,共27页。第8页/共27页第九页,共27页。

5、Lets learn.How many_are there in_?There are_.第9页/共27页第十页,共27页。22 girls, in Class TwoHow many_are there in_?There are_.girlsClass Twotwenty-two第10页/共27页第十一页,共27页。35 boys, in Class FourHow many_are there in_?There are_.boysClass Fourthirty-five第11页/共27页第十二页,共27页。5 women, in the roomHow many_are there

6、in_?There are_.womenthe roomfive women in the room.第12页/共27页第十三页,共27页。thirteenHow many_are there?There are_.pineapplespineapples第13页/共27页第十四页,共27页。peachesHow many_are there ?There are_.fourteenpeaches第14页/共27页第十五页,共27页。kiteskitesHow many_are there?There are_.seventeen第15页/共27页第十六页,共27页。 How many app

7、les are there? Five, five, five. There are five. How many cherries are there? Six, six, six. There are six. How many strawberries are there? Seven, seven, seven. There are seven.第16页/共27页第十七页,共27页。dogsHow many_are there?There are_.dogsfourteen第17页/共27页第十八页,共27页。ratsratssixteenHow many_are there?Ther

8、e are_.第18页/共27页第十九页,共27页。birdsbirdsHow many_are there?There are_.twenty第19页/共27页第二十页,共27页。pigspigseighteenHow many_are there?There are_.第20页/共27页第二十一页,共27页。cowsHow many cows are there?There are fourteen.第21页/共27页第二十二页,共27页。throw around 到处(doch)扔can be used 能被利用throw away 扔掉,抛弃collect useful things

9、收集有用的东西pick up 拾起,捡起put sth into sth 把放进do a good job 干的不错,做好事第22页/共27页第二十三页,共27页。ExercisesIndividual activity第23页/共27页第二十四页,共27页。单项选择(xunz):How_ pens are there? Ten. A. a B. many C. muchThere _ an apple and two eggs on the table. A. be B. are C. is3.There are four_ in the room. A. girls B. boies C.

10、 book4._ there flowers in the park? Yes. A. Is B. Are C. Be5. How many_ are there? A. foot B. foots C. feetBCCBA第24页/共27页第二十五页,共27页。完成(wn chng)对话。A: Good afternoon, Ann. B: _ _, Mary.A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.A:_ _, is this a pen? B: _, its a pencil.A: _ this? B: _ _ desk.A: How

11、many _are _ in your classroom?B: _ are 35 desks.GoodafternoonExcusemeNoWhatsItsadesksthereThere第25页/共27页第二十六页,共27页。A: _there a computer in your classroom?B: _, there is. There is a TV, too.IsYes完成句子。1.班里有多少学生? students _ _in the class?2.书桌上有许多(xdu)书和一块橡皮。There _ _ books and _ eraser on the desk.3.书包里有什么?_in the bag?4.墙上有张地图吗?_ there a map on the wall?HowmanyaretherearemanyanWhatsIs第26页/共27页第二十七页,共27页。

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