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Unit 4 My day Task。to separate words in a list。Read the passage on Page 65 and try to find out the main idea of it.。Unit4。Unit2Task。


1、Reading on P78,CoEvolution,yucca 丝兰,yucca moth,The Travellers Palm 棕榈树,The Madagascar black lemur,The Ophrys Orchid 兰花,wasp,Warming up,Discuss the question: Whats the relationship between plants and animals?,Pre-reading,Before you read the text, glance quickly through it and answer these questions. 1. Whats the topic of the text? 2. What three plants are featured? 3. What do the photos show you? 4. What three animal pollinators are featured?,Whats the topic of the text?,2. What three plan。

2、Reading task and writing,Workbook P55,A Good Master Remembered,Ludwig van Beethoven, a major composer of the nineteenth century, overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.,Read the passage and discuss the questions:,In what ways does the servant admire Beethoven?,He admires his persistence in composing and the way be included his feelings about his deafness into his music.,2 Give two examples of how Beethovens deafness affected him.,Beethovens deafness affected hi。

3、Unit 4 My day Task,Millies happiness chart,Love,Like,Dislike,Morning exercises,Lunchtime,basketball,Reading club,Drawing,Homework,like-dislike,Q1.What is Millies favourite activities at school? Q2. Why does she like or dislike it?,Talk about Millies favourite activities.,Does she like ? Why ? Does she dislike ? Why ? What is her favourite activity? Why?,According to Millies likes and dislikes to fill in the sentences: 1.Millie likes ______ b。

4、Unit 7 Study skills & Task,Using punctuation marks,Study skills,Comma (,),to separate words in a list,Full stop (.),to separate phrases and clauses,Question (?),at the end of a sentence,at the end of a direct question,Exclamation (!),to express surprise, joy,Quotation marks (“”),to enclose words and punctuation marks in direct speech,ORBIS doctors and nurses have done important work for poor people with eye problems. Do you want to be one of them?,Amy found some pictures about an ORBI。

5、Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!,Task,Free talk,Travel in Beijing,Travel in the UK,cow,raise cows,Farmers raise cows on the farm.,My Hometown,By John,wheat,grow wheat,My grandparents grow wheat in autumn.,hometown,My hometown is very beautiful.,People in my hometown are very friendly.,smell the flowers,When spring comes, we can smell the flowers.,hear the birds sing,I can hear the birds sing every morning.,drive a car,My father often drives me to school.,hometown 家乡 grow wheat。

6、Reading task,Read the passage on Page 65 and try to find out the main idea of it.,Main idea: The passage tells us what a ______________ and a _______________ are and the __________ between them.,diffe。







13、Whatisaprogramme Aplanofactivitiestobedoneorthingstobeachieved 工作计划 活动安排 行动方案 OxfordAdvancedLearner sDictionary Whatisaprogramme Aplanofactivitiestobedoneorthingstobeachieved 工作计划 活动。

14、Discussion Skillsbuilding1 completingaquestionnaire Discussion 1 Inordertodoasurvey whatkindsofthingsshouldwetakeintoconsideration Skillsbuilding1 completingaquestionnaire Discussion 1 Inordertodoasur。

15、Task Writingaletterofadvice TeachingAims 1 Tolearnhowtoaskforandgiveadvice2 Todeveloplisteningabilitythrougharadiotalkshow3 Todeveloptheskillofreadingforthemainpoint4 TolearnhowtowritealetterofadviceT。

16、TaskReportingonbodylanguage Unit2Language Facialexpressions Bodylanguage Gestures 手势 Eyecontact Postures 姿势 MainTask Writeareportonbodylanguage Whilelistening you dbettertakenotesandfocusonthediff。

17、Skillsbuilding1 listeningfornumbers Doyouknowhowmanykindsoffiguresthereare CardinalnumbersOrdinalnumbersPluralformofnumbers CardinalandOrdinalnumbers CardinalandOrdinalnumbers first second third fourt。

18、ReadingTask Unit3LifeintheFuture Livinginanunderseacity Livinginanunderseacity Thefuturecity 1 Doyouthinklivingundertheseaispossible 2 Whereareyougoingtoliveunderthesea 3 Intheunderseacities whatequip。

19、Unit3Studyskills Task Stressinsentences WhenwespeakEnglish weoftenstressimportantwords 1 MrLiownsafour bedroomflat It sMrLithatownsafour bedroomflat 2 MrLiownsafour bedroomflat 3 MrLiownsafour bedroom。

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