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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Main task课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 My day Main task课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

Unit 4 My day Task,Millie's happiness chart,Love,Like,Dislike,Morning exercises,Lunchtime,basketball,Reading club,Drawing,Homework,like-dislike,Q1.What is Millies favourite activities at school? Q2. Why does she like or dislike it?,Talk about Millies favourite activities.,Does she like ? Why ? Does she dislike ? Why ? What is her favourite activity? Why?,According to Millies likes and dislikes to fill in the sentences: 1.Millie likes _ because she can learn more about the world. 2.She likes _ because it is fun. 3.She loves _ because they are good for her and they help her get ready for the day. 4.She loves lessons because teachers are _ and the subjects are _. 5.She dislikes basketball because she is not _ and she can not play it _. 6.She dislikes homework because she always has too much_ _.,reading,drawing,morning exercises,nice,interesting,tall,well,homwork,Part B Millies Diary,I love _ at school. Our teachers are _ and the subjects are _. I love _ too. From it, I can learn a lot about _. I like _. They are _. They help us _ for the day. I also like _. It is _. I do not like _. I am not _,so I cannot _. We always have _. I do not like it.,lessons,nice,interesting,reading,the world,morning exercises,good for us,get ready,drawing,fun,basketball,tall,play it well,too much homework,知识点1:They are good for us. 对。有好处:_ 题1:做眼保健操对我们有好处。 题2:看太多电视对我们的眼睛有好处吗? 题3:电脑游戏对我们没有益。,be good for,Doing eye exercises is good for us.,Is watching too much TV good for our eyes?,Computer games arent good for us.,知识点2 They help us get ready for the day. 为做准备_ 题1:妈妈正在准备晚餐。 题2:你在准备什么? 题3:他不准备考试。,get ready for,Mum is getting ready for supper.,What are you getting for?,He doesnt get ready for tests.,知识点3:I can learn a lot about the world. 了解: 题1:我兄弟对电脑了解很多。 题2:你很了解他吗? 题3:我几乎不懂博客(blog),Learn about,My brother learn much about the computer.,Do you learn a lot about him?,I learn little about the blog.,知识点4 Like词性:1 2 3 Dislike词性:1 2,动词,名词,介词,动词,名词,例:I like sports very much. (动词) He looks like his father.(介词) I dislike sports(动词) Lets read about Millies likes and dislikes.(名词),Discussion,Whats your favourite activity at school and why?,My happiness chart,Love,Like,Dislike,Morning exercise,lessons,basketball/football,Reading club,Drawing / music,Homework,I like / do not like. My favourite subjects(s) is / are. I can learn a lot about . It helps me. It is fun/ interesting. I cannot , so . We always have .,Useful expressions,以“My likes and dislikes”为题写一篇80字作文。,Homework,Write an e-mail to your e-friend about your school life. Tell what you like and what you dislike and state your reasons.,


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