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1、父亲节英语演讲稿范例父亲节英语演讲稿精选范文 Who is using the arm of Qiu Jin, for us to put up a brillia nt sky? Who is using the hard-work ing han ds, hy for us to build a home? Are you, father, a great n ame but Ordin ary! Father of a moun ta in, broad-min ded, the father of rivers to acmodate an umbrella for us so tha

2、t we stay away from disaster Father of a vessel, carrying us, brave the d and waves, love towards the Harbor! In the eyes of his daughter, the father is more like you are leaning aga inst a tree in spri ng can love you like fan tasy Gan lu drop, moiste n with my heart; Through the summerto enjoy you

3、r love, like bursts of breeze, the d blow ing softly beside him; Taught me to bee ripe autumn, your love is to me is that the rh fruits of success Taught meto beea stro ng ter, you love the sun are continu ously ve n me con fide nee and stre ngth! Spring, summer, autumn and ter, the sun traces of ro

4、tation time, quietly climbed up the d and rain on your face hon ed, so that you vissitudes Not forget, you earn estly to teach the sce ne Not forget, you sent her daughter to ride back to school is not to be forgotte n, whe n the daughter of Late in your sad eyes Is not to be forgotte n, whe n the s

5、k daughter on your face can not forget the sce nes of fear, the father and daughter is not to be forgotten If the situation can be life-cycle the life, I also make your daughter! 是谁,用虬劲的臂膀,为我们撑起一片灿烂的天空 ? 是谁,用勤劳的双手,为我们构建一个幸福的家园 ? 是您,父亲,一个平凡而又伟大的名字 ! 父亲一座山,胸怀宽广,容纳百川父亲一把伞,为我们遮风挡雨,使我们远 离灾难 父亲一艘船,载着我们,乘风

6、破浪,驶向爱的港湾 ! 在女儿的眼里,父亲您更像是一棵树春天能倚着幻想您的爱像滴滴甘露, 滋 润着我的心房 ; 夏天能靠着乘凉您的爱像阵阵凉风,轻轻地拂过身旁 ; 秋天教我变得成熟,您的爱是累累硕果让我看到成功的希望 冬天教我变得坚强,您的爱是缕缕阳光赋予我自信和力量 ! 春夏秋冬,日月轮转时光的痕迹,悄悄爬上您的脸庞风雨的磨砺,使您饱经 沧桑 忘不了,您谆谆教导的情景 忘不了,您骑车载送女儿上学的背影忘不了,女儿迟归时您目光中的忧愁 忘不了,女儿生病时您脸庞上的担心忘不了的一幕幕, 忘不了的父女情, 如果生命可以轮回,来生我还做您的女儿 ! Today day is a memorable

7、day, are the annual Fathers Day! Deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain.People at the same time to celebrate Mothers Day and did not forget his fathers achieveme nts.Some one start the year on the reme ndati on of Fathers Day.Years, it is to celebrate the first Fathers Day.At that time, the late father of all people have to wear a white rose, the father of the people alive while wearing red roses.This custom has been passed so far.第 2 页 共 2 页

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