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2、修改审批与监察中的“节假日管理”。十、检查审批配置数据(t_permissionitem、t_busiitem、t_busiitemcfg、t_department不应存在垃圾数据):1、原子事项管理。因为会存在并联事项,所以一般来说原子事项数量会小于等于审批事项数量。在页面上查看到的原子事项数量应与审批库中t_atomitem一致。 select * from t_atomitem-数量与页面查询出来的不相等,则说明有问题。 原子事项编码规则:实体类别编号(3位)+流水号(6位)。2、审批事项内容管理。在页面上查看到的审批事项数量应与审批库中t_permissionitem一致。 selec

3、t * from t_permissionitem-数量与页面查询出来的不相等,则说明有问题。审批事项编号规则为:行政区划代码(6位)+单位组织机构代码(9位)+流水号(3位),共18位。select * from t_permissionitem where len(id)!=18-若有结果集,则说明有问题。3、业务事项管理。业务事项编码规则:审批事项编号(18位)+0+流水号(3位) select * from t_busiitem-数量与页面查询出来的不相等,则说明有问题。select * from t_busiitem where len(id) !=22-查询业务事项编号有问题的。s

4、elect * from t_busiitemcfg where len(busiid) !=22-查询业务事项编号有问题的。select * from t_permissionitem where id not in (select substring(id,1,18) from t_busiitem)-查询审批事项没有与之对应的业务事项。select * from t_busiitem where substring(id,1,18) not in (select id from t_permissionitem)-查询不存在审批事项的业务事项。属垃圾数据。应删除。select * fro

5、m t_busiitemcfgwhere substring(busiid,1,18) not in (select id from t_permissionitem)-查询不存在审批事项的业务事项。属垃圾数据。应删除。select * from t_spitemofbusiitemwhere spitemid != substring(busiitemid,1,18)-查询审批事项与业务事项关联错误的。select * from t_busiitem where substring(id,1,18)+subcode != encode-若有结果集,则说明有问题。4、查询出哪些事项没有配置特别

6、程序批准人 select * from t_permissionitem where id not in (select id from t_permissionitemleader)-走大项的审批-select * from t_busiitem where id not in (select id from t_permissionitemleader) -走小项的审批5、审批事项关系管理。页面上查询出的数据应该与业务事项数量一致。select * from t_permissionitemwhere id not in (select spitemid from t_atomofspit

7、em)-查询没有配置关系的审批事项。6、审批事项流程配置管理。 select * from t_permissionitem where id not in (select spitemid from t_apprvlControl) -查询事项没有配置流程的。(大项的审批)-select * from t_busiitem where id not in (select busiitemid from t_apprvlControl)-查询事项没有配置流程的。(走小项的审批)、基本信息显示配置。select *from t_busiitemwhere id not in (select bu

8、siitemid From t_busiitemInfo)-查询没有配置基本显示信息的事项(走小项的审批)-select *from t_permissionitemwhere id not in (select spitemid From t_spiteminfo)-查询没有配置基本显示信息的事项(走大项的审批)8、资料配置管理。 select * From t_busiitemwhere id not in (select busiitemid from t_docconfig)-查询哪些事项没有配置资料9、查询出收费项目没有与事项挂钩的: select * from dbo.T_Char

9、geInfo where id not in (select chargeinfoid from dbo.T_ChargeCfg)10、查询出需要收费的事项,但是没有配置收费部门编码的。(针对非税接口)select * from t_permissionitemwhere id in (select substring(busiid,1,18) from T_ChargeCfg)and (sfbm is null or sfbm = )走大项的审批-select * from t_busiitemcfgwhere id in (select busiid from T_ChargeCfg)an

10、d (sfbm is null or sfbm = )走小项的审批11、查询出没有配置用户的部门。select * from t_departmentwhere zzjgdm not in (select substring(id,1,9) from t_user)十一、检查监察系统配置。1、部门、事项配置。关联表为:t_sys_department,t_jc_xzxk_permissionitemsys,t_jc_xzxk_permissionitem。这三张表的数据都来源于审批系统,因此部门(只是参与行政审批的部门,不包括管理部门)和事项数量(业务事项)要分别与审批系统一致。可用存储过程来

11、实现。注意:修改事项后,需要去重新提交“用户组审批事项管理”,确保用户对事项的权限。2、查询出没有配置预警、红、黄牌短信的事项。select * from t_jc_xzxk_permissionitemsyswhere id not in (select spsxbh from T_JC_XZXK_SMSUSER)十二、检查审批系统业务数据。1、查询出queryid有重复的业务。(可能是由于受理时候重复提交或用户手动输入查询编号造成)注:删除业务数据的时候,可通过queryid或者flowid来删除,若queryid有重复的,则请慎重!select queryid,count(*) from

12、 t_business group by queryid having count(*)1-查询出有结果集,则有问题2、查询事项已经不存在了的业务数据,属于垃圾数据,应该删除。select * from t_shouli where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_chengban where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_shenhe where busiitemid not in (select id from

13、 t_busiitem)select * from t_pizhun where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_banjie where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_tebiechengxushenqing where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_tebiechengxujieguo where busiitemid

14、not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_bujiaogaozhi where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_bujiaoshouli where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)select * from t_business where busiitemid not in (select id from t_busiitem)3、查询业务不在t_shouli的数据,需要通过queryi

15、d来删除,属于垃圾数据,因删除。select * from t_chengban where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli)select * from t_shenhe where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli)select * from t_pizhun where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli)select * from t_banjie where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli)se

16、lect * from t_bujiaogaozhi where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli)select * from t_bujiaoshouli where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli)select * from t_tebiechengxushenqing where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli)select * from t_tebiechengxujieguo where ywlsh not in (select ywls

17、h from t_shouli)select * from t_business where id not in (select yxtywlsh from t_shouli)4、查询业务表中数据不在t_business表中的,属于垃圾数据,因删除。select * from t_shouli where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shouli s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * from t_chengban wh

18、ere ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_chengban s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * from t_shenhe where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_shenhe s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * from t_pizhun wher

19、e ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_pizhun s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * from t_banjie where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_banjie s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * from t_bujiaogaozhi wh

20、ere ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_bujiaogaozhi s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * from t_bujiaoshouli where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_bujiaoshouli s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * fr

21、om t_tebiechengxushenqing where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_tebiechengxushenqing s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)select * from t_tebiechengxujieguo where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_tebiechengxujieguo s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and

22、 substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid)5、以下查询两个数据不等时,则说明有问题。select count(1) from t_shouli select count(1) from t_business6、审批系统页面上查询出来的受理业务量、办结业务量、未办结业务量,应该与数据库中对等。select count (1) as 审批受理业务总量 from t_shouliselect count (1) as 审批办结业务总量 from t_banjie7、查询t_business中已经表示办结的业务,但是t_banjie没有,导致页面查询出来的“已办结”业务

23、量与数据库中t_banjie不等(经过无需受理后会出现这种情况)select * from t_shouli s ,t_business b where s.yxtywlsh=b.id and substring(s.ywlsh,1,9) = b.departid and b.positionid in (98,17) and s.ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from t_banjie)8、在页面随机检查某个单位的数据是否与数据库一致。select count (1) as 审批受理业务总量from t_shouli where sljgzzjgdm=(select

24、zzjgdm from t_department where abbrname like %林业%)select count (1) as 审批办结业务总量from t_banjie where bjjgzzjgdm=(select zzjgdm from t_department where abbrname like %林业%)十三、检查监察系统业务数据。1、查看监察系统关于数据库对象执行出现异常的日志。表中others的前59位标识的是业务流水号,可通过该编号来查找到是哪笔业务出现的问题。select * from t_sys_sql_err order by time desc;2、检

25、查监察系统数据库作业(job),是否正常,可右键点击“查看历史记录”。3、检查哪些单位有逻辑预警业务,针对逻辑预警的业务要查看并处理,因为有可能是由于配置原因造成的。一般来说不允许存在逻辑预警的业务。可与页面上的“综合逻辑监察”结合来看。select zjjgdm,abbrname from t_sys_departmentwhere id in (select departid from t_jc_xzxk_busiindexwhere ywlsh in (select busiindexid from t_jc_xzxk_busi_logic)4、检查哪些业务数据出现了超期的情况,对于超期

26、的业务要进行分析,思考造成的原因是什么,针对具体情况进行具体处理,有的超期业务是因为用户使用不熟悉或者系统BUG造成的。select zjjgdm,abbrname from t_sys_department where id in (select departid from t_jc_xzxk_busiindex where ywlsh in (select busiindexid from t_jc_xzxk_busi_timelimitwhere leavingsday0)5、以下查询结果不相等,则说明存在问题。select (select count(distinct ywlsh) f

27、rom t_jc_xzxk_shouli)+(select count(distinct ywlsh) from h_jc_xzxk_shouli) as 监察受理业务总量select (select count(distinct ywlsh) from t_jc_xzxk_busiindex where shouli = Y)+(select count(distinct ywlsh) from h_jc_xzxk_busiindex where shouli = Y) as 监察受理业务总量select (select count(distinct busiindexid) from t_

28、jc_xzxk_busi_timelimit)+(select count(distinct busiindexid) from h_jc_xzxk_busi_timelimit) as 监察受理业务总量-select (select count(distinct ywlsh) from t_jc_xzxk_banjie)+(select count(distinct ywlsh) from h_jc_xzxk_banjie) as 监察办结业务总量select (select count(distinct ywlsh) from t_jc_xzxk_busiindex where banji

29、e = Y)+(select count(distinct ywlsh) from h_jc_xzxk_busiindex where banjie = Y) as 监察办结业务总量6、查询出没有计算出剩余天数的业务。select * From t_jc_xzxk_busi_timelimitwhere lawenddate is null or convert(varchar(50),lawenddate)=or convert(varchar(50),leavingsday) is null or convert(varchar(50),leavingsday) =unionselect

30、* From h_jc_xzxk_busi_timelimitwhere lawenddate is null or convert(varchar(50),lawenddate)= or convert(varchar(50),leavingsday) is null or convert(varchar(50),leavingsday) =7、在页面上查询的受理总量和办结总量,要与数据库中查询的业务量一致。select (select count(1) from t_jc_xzxk_shouli)+(select count(1) from h_jc_xzxk_shouli) as 监察受

31、理业务总量select (select count(1) from t_jc_xzxk_banjie)+(select count(1) from h_jc_xzxk_banjie) as 监察办结业务总量8、查询监察系统的剩余天数没有发送到审批系统的业务。select * from t_jc_xzxk_busiindex where sended != Y;select * from h_jc_xzxk_busiindex where sended != Y9、若页面上查询出的数据与数据库不一致,可能是由于缓存所导致的,请先关闭监察系统。执行下列SQL语句,再重新开启、登录。delete f

32、rom dbo.T_PRESTAT_DATA;delete from dbo.T_PRESTAT_INDEX;delete from dbo.T_PRESTAT_SQL;9、检查监察系统中统计分析、报表,显示或导出报表的数据量是否属实,是否与数据库一致。十四、审批业务数据与监察业务数据同步,经验告诉我们,尽量不要将监察业务数据清空,重新将审批所有业务数据交换到监察,此过程非常漫长,1.5W的业务量,同步一次大约需要3小时。如存在接口纳入其他业务系统的数据,在检查过程中要将其排除掉。(最好是将审批库、监察库放在一起,便于检查)1、检查受理业务量。use sp_tl-查询审批的受理数据select

33、 COUNT(1) as 审批受理量 from T_SHOULIuse dzjc-查询监察的受理数据select (select count(distinct ywlsh) from t_JC_XZXK_shouli) +(select count(distinct ywlsh) from h_JC_XZXK_shouli) as 监察受理量2、检查办结业务量use sp_tl-查询审批的受理数据select COUNT(1) as 审批受理量from t_banjieuse dzjc-查询监察的受理数据select (select count(distinct ywlsh) from t_J

34、C_XZXK_banjie) +(select count(distinct ywlsh) from h_JC_XZXK_banjie) as 监察办结量3、查询审批不在监察的数据use dzjcselect sp_tl.dbo.t_shouli.ywlsh from sp_tl.dbo.t_shouli where sp_tl.dbo.t_shouli.ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from h_jc_xzxk_shouliunionselect ywlsh from t_jc_xzxk_shouli)4、查询监察不在审批的数据use dzjcselect ywlsh

35、 from t_jc_xzxk_shouli where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from sp_tl.dbo.t_shouli);select ywlsh from h_jc_xzxk_shouli where ywlsh not in (select ywlsh from sp_tl.dbo.t_shouli)5、分别在两个系统的页面查对比业务量。(请仔细核对!)监察:实时监察综合监察审批:审批事项信息统计分析十五、网站配置数据和业务数据同步。各项目网站不太一致,可参照以上方式。可将ifcs交换配置文件中涉及到网站的表都找出来,然后自己总结出网站与审批数据的检

36、查方法和同步方法。十六、请仔细检查审批、监察、网站。点击所有能点击进去的链接,查看显示的内容是否正常,统计分析显示的数据是否正确,报表导出的数据是否正确,有无异常的文字或者图片。十七、其他SQL。1、先关闭ifcs,重置审批库中所有业务数据,为交换到监察做好准备。(慎用!)update t_shouli set sended =Nupdate t_chengban set sended =Nupdate t_shenhe set sended =Nupdate t_pizhun set sended =Nupdate t_banjie set sended =Nupdate t_tebiech

37、engxushenqing set sended =Nupdate t_tebiechengxujieguo set sended =Nupdate t_bujiaogaozhi set sended =Nupdate t_bujiaoshouli set sended =N2、检查审批到监察交换的异常业务。select * from t_shouli where sended in(N,E) select * from t_chengban where sended in(N,E) select * from t_shenhe where sended in(N,E) select * fr

38、om t_pizhun where sended in(N,E) select * from t_banjie where sended in(N,E) select * from t_tebiechengxushenqing where sended in(N,E) select * from t_tebiechengxujieguo where sended in(N,E) select * from t_bujiaogaozhi where sended in(N,E) select * from t_bujiaoshouli where sended in(N,E) 3、在监察中重置某

39、笔业务,再执行JOB调用对应的存储过程,作用等同于将该数据重新交换到监察。update t_jc_xzxk_shouli set status = 1 where ywlsh = 00913817X50024100913817X01441064084A77AAEBFCEF5A402101434D5update t_jc_xzxk_shenpiguocheng set status = 1 where ywlsh = 00913817X50024100913817X01441064084A77AAEBFCEF5A402101434D5update t_jc_xzxk_bujiaogaozhi s

40、et status = 1 where ywlsh = 00913817X50024100913817X01441064084A77AAEBFCEF5A402101434D5update t_jc_xzxk_bujiaoshouli set status = 1 where ywlsh = 00913817X50024100913817X01441064084A77AAEBFCEF5A402101434D5update t_jc_xzxk_tebiechengxushenqing set status = 1 where ywlsh = 00913817X50024100913817X0144

41、1064084A77AAEBFCEF5A402101434D5update t_jc_xzxk_tebiechengxujieguo set status = 1 where ywlsh = 00913817X50024100913817X01441064084A77AAEBFCEF5A402101434D5update t_jc_xzxk_banjie set status = 1 where ywlsh = 00913817X50024100913817X01441064084A77AAEBFCEF5A402101434D5编者话:此文档可能不适用于所有项目,只是起到一个抛砖引玉的效果,希望项目实施人员针对具体情况,举一反三,充分发挥主观能动性,总结出类似的比较详细的系统检查文档。另外,很多项目有现成的存储过程、系统相关材料,大家可以相互交流、借鉴,以提高效率。总之,目的就是为了保证系统(合同上要求的建设内容)质量!

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