(深圳专用)2022高中英语 Module6教材背景链接精品课件 外研版必修5

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1、教材背景链接教材背景链接Module 6Animals in Danger人人类类的自我的自我发发展和展和对对地球生地球生态环态环境的破境的破坏坏,其其恶恶果果已已经经逐逐渐渐显显露露,据据不不完完全全统统计计,19世世纪灭绝纪灭绝的的动动物有物有56种,种,20世世纪纪有有120多种。多种。自我的膨自我的膨胀胀,将使人,将使人类类本身本身经过经过一一场场浩劫。浩劫。Top 5 most endangered animals in ChinaGiant Panda(大熊猫大熊猫)Giant Pandas are black and white bears that live in temper

2、atezone bamboo forests in centralwestern and southwestern China.They are considered to be one of the best recognized animals,but are rarest animals to find around the world.Currently,they have come to be the symbol of the endangered species and there are many efforts to conserve Giant Pandas.WhiteFl

3、ag Dolphin(白鳍豚白鳍豚)The WhiteFlag Dolphin,described as a“living fossil”and native to China,is at extremely highrisk of extinction and may already be extinct due to the deterioration of its living environment in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River.Golden Snubnosed Monkey(金丝猴金丝猴)Endemic to Chi

4、na,Golden Snubnosed Monkey,or scientifically known as Rhinopithecus roxellana,is one of the most beautiful and rare animals found in the world.These monkeys get their name from the short,stump of a nose on their round face,with nostrils arranged forward.They have relatively multicolored and long fur

5、,particularly at the shoulders and backs.They grow to a length of 51 to 83 cm with a tail of 55 to 97 cm.South China Tiger(华南虎华南虎)The South China Tiger,also known as Chinese tiger,is native to Chinas central and southern areas.Male South China Tigers weigh 149225 kilograms and the female are 90120 k

6、ilograms.It is in danger of extinction.Crested Ibis(朱鹮朱鹮)The Crested Ibis,as large as 80 cm,has a long beak and red cheeks.Its head is partially bare and it has a dense crest of white plumes on the nape.新新课导课导入入目前自然保目前自然保护护区已是区已是这这些些濒濒危危动动物的最后物的最后存留地,同存留地,同时时也是中国也是中国濒濒危危动动物的良好庇物的良好庇护护所。所。各种各种濒濒危危动动物也是人物也是人类类的朋友,保的朋友,保护濒护濒危危动动物,物,维护维护地球的生地球的生态态平衡,就是平衡,就是维护维护人人类类自身的利自身的利益,益,维护维护人人类类社会的社会的稳稳定和可持定和可持续发续发展。展。本部分内容讲解结束本部分内容讲解结束按按ESC键键退出全屏播放退出全屏播放

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