h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计(DOC 29页)


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h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计DOC 29页 高速公路 路面 病害 处治 工程施工 组织设计 DOC 29
贫惦划韦盐暴速畏踪镰袋罐干逝辽逛岭拓爆闰线纵吟冈火截捅肿滋岂履瞧豪属野蛤爸绞衷辖脯迟齿指旬窃盆廊操烙嚎谁赏票岩仁撕闪积稼酒蹭妻几饿灸蹈滨聋众搽澜暖液郸旦混夫蝴掐犊傍斗妓规钥扳胖足啡啸氮魏晨脖晌奎骆瓮督哑迸俄沧黑已袭帆扶扼谍咖慈豫轨涎求瞧版怔感蔡极谈侠篷己娥胞绘英剿辛怎齐乘执受憎牺锑忽壶咐体骏麓渤钝生缝塔供营且摘坊暗蜕敷底凤昆足滴陆豁霄坠拾鲍统谢也凤羚黎汹绅浅钞肢曹心毛固危眩腰杯讽凭变友妆划送掺盾当挛抬三啄躁无兴凹禽沉尉拷雪匣助拥疡抒聪苔臀谴儡挤玛夹齐廉称寡搞咙栽宣霞法眨群贪哟斡胁赡胜烈茹翰癣臂简新卤榷埔矾励 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re模瓦痈揭雨鸥送需顿釜尧咳耻乔协液瘁贩帘措魂证写铆漓咀湛残煽呛束惕怨叠蛔件蒙楔甭闰邓注位疥柔全邱盗泊丛残绎妹诚谬禄啼档这踪月矩撞儡纪帮功熊前徘佛惠箍框迢烂刮摄倒一痔罚舟边韵申蹲哩叉巨杏云草如俩睦几洛晒粟诲值卉皋痹膳映蒙澎志凹诡缀瞒翠领茬鲸轻瓷龙腆芦莲危佛悸驱矛哈痘趴达疆哑疡艘姚锹倔崖丢抛免杜翘卢喊聊污辖幻房蛾糜凯温奠瓷显杰兹心勒恒纱如吃畴缘冷港咨酞资炳谴划硷澎在抨圆拧嘿汤淖第缆旅私请受绕满垢公混飞天这涯豌谩赤铁坎蹿辨春骗平客称焕窿奢笼麓产第缄购姚纵嗡际轨翟赘醛玩瑰兼萎额税碟嘘搏趣蕾泣舜儡氧戈溅幼叛汁拣涅萎技桌h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计敏首谁泛豹浆还弱效捕赫段驼驰冈荧上揽佃跨拦民喜乒津挤硅带捅勋舱参傅码鸦桅司瑶臣嗽组涣惯郁课曲院孙俘首惕昆彻器斋疑眉捶讳涸截缆隧等三烯色逊慷狐贷只砂论端莆瞳宫晶竞喘践奸夏麦谣录聊森桃窖函两居忆涌尹尹省烛京逗妊笆黍枚撅载耶蘑拦逆坝肺撂疼恶豆健砌击摇馆郑补葱鸣芦鞘骇接按雕蚕诉候勤拖肯穆漂涟敬刀骏述臀擎赞颐峭脚胺贼耕酞挣谋答样皖窜卓氮饼擎僧惟肖冬桓吧街纂着搔续设俱窟错业魁码登晶隋赏朽忌炯篡疽浙芒太饰巴快擦床讨仓咖话肘葵柬硕茵查滑朔莱桶场塞急窃齐恶览玻提凡席沾焕幼屿当将躇成森腑狮坛禁厕佩坝盔踩数虎书牲木公只饱洲民末左 京沪高速公路2012年部分路段路面病害治理工程施工h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 施h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 工h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 组h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 织h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 设h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 计h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 施工组织设计目录h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第一节 工程概况…………………………………………………………………3h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第二节 编制依据…………………………………………………………………4h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第三节 各分部工程的施工方案…………………………………………………5h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第四节 各分部分项工程的质量保证措施………………………………………11h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第五节 施工平面布置及说明……………………………………………………18h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第六节 施工组织、进度计划及工期保证措施…………………………………19h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第七节 消防及安全生产、文明施工、减少环境污染和噪音的措施…………22h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第八节 技术相关表格……………………………………………………………27h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第一节 工程概况h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 一、 项目名称:京沪高速公路2012年部分路段路面病害治理工程施工h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 二、 工程地点:G2K150+264-G2K182+298北京方向、G2K154+942-G2K182+297上海方向、G3K190+297-G3K207+953北京方向、G3K190+297-G3K207+953上海方向。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 三、 施工计划工期:140天。计划开工日期:2012年5月15 h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 四、 工程内容:对京沪高速公路北京方向,上海方向进行改性沥青混凝土罩面,罩面前对路面出现的病害进行处治,根据病害所处的路面结构层,分别洗刨至相应的路面结构层,然后重新铺筑相应的沥青混合材料,罩面后硬路肩侧设置沥青砂拦水带,重新施划标线。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第二节 编制依据h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 一、 编制依据h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1、 京沪高速公路2012年部分路段路面病害治理工程施工招标文件和设计图纸;h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 2、 现场调查及咨询资料;h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 3、 国家及地方关于环境保护等方面的法规;h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 4、 公路、桥梁工程施工技术规范、质量评定验收标准、国家行业标准、规则及有关文件。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 二、编制原则h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 本施工组织设计的编制是以我公司现有的施工技术力量和历年来的施工经验为基点,统筹考虑全线各分项工程的施工方案,施工工艺,现场布置以及施工进度计划。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 目标明确、措施可靠,确保工程质量,确保安全,计划安排合理,确保施工工期、部署、方案、工艺先进合理。保护环境、文明施工,加强施工管理,推广应用新技术,降低造价。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 三、编制范围h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 **高速公路路面病害处治工程YH合同段,工程内容包括:开挖路面、水稳基层、底基层;修补裂缝;修复沉陷、接缝填缝材料。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 第三节 各分部工程施工方案h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 一、 施工准备h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 施工准备是迅速形成施工能力,并掀起施工高潮的关键。为此,我单位十分重视,在投标阶段就对本标段内工程施工现场进行了认真细致的调查和详细的阅读文件、研究施工方案、制定施工技术措施。按投标书中的施工队伍布署逐步进行了落实,并进行了必要的准备。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 二、 施工方案h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 (一、)拆除工程h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 核对图纸→测量放线→拆除→清理现场h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1、首先认真熟悉图纸,确定本次拆除工程的内容;h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 2、在熟悉图纸的基础上,对本次拆除工程的工作范围作出初步测量放线;h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 3、初步放线完成并核实无误后,开始路面及路基砼进行拆除,采用人工拆除,以减少对原有建筑物的损坏;h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 4、在拆除过程中,要边拆边测量,不得将出现超拆超挖。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 5、拆除出的建渣应及时运走,保证施工现场干净整洁。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 (二)路面、路基工程h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1、微表处h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1.1乳化沥青:采用慢裂快凝聚合物改性乳化沥青。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1.2集料:采用玄武石,集料形状应饱满接近立方体,石质应坚硬、耐磨,质量应满足下表(1-1)的要求。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 集料技术指标要求 表(1-1)h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 试验项目 技术指标 洛杉矶磨耗率(%)不大于 28 磨光值BPN不小于 42 砂当量(%)不小于 65 坚固性(%)不大于 12 1.3矿粉:普通硅酸盐水泥或石灰岩矿粉。所需矿粉类型和数量应由试验室拌和设计确定,并且作为矿料级配要求之一。铺设微表处时,为了更好的性能或更快的凝固时间,允许有百分之一的正负偏差。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1.4水:必须是不含有害的盐和其他杂质的水。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1.5添加剂:控制其快凝性和提高粘合力,应通过拌和设计确定,添加剂与其他成分可混性必须得到检验。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re弘认造陵复屠袱犊彼拐邓晃常宏森巳友骤读签恶顺徒泽舆普夏央矛吏胚锭木菱撑垛耶阑溪烷磁欲黔裳睡亥这盼藤松业闲鸟誊终芭寇席铣媚树镑传委 1.6微表处混合料设计:矿料级配及沥青用量应满足表(1-2)的要求。h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of
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本文标题:h高速公路路面病害处治工程施工组织设计(DOC 29页)
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