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1、Second LanguageAcquisition (SLA)Leader:郑潇淼Reporters: 王希 张雪梅Answerers: 张洁 刘倩PPT Maker:王海燕Preliminary Remarks:Leader:Good afternoon! Ladies and gentlemen, today I am very happy to be here to share with you our topic: Second Language Acquisition (SLA).Now I will introduce our members to you! The first

2、two girls are: Wang Xi and Zhang Xuemei. They say: We are the reporters. I deeply believe that we will give you a very eloquent speech. The next two girls are: Zhang Jie and Liu Qian. They say: We are the answerers. We will give you a perfect answer. The last one is: Wang Haiyan. She says: I am the

3、PPT-Maker .For a while you will see an elegant slide. OK, now let us begin our class. Let s look at the PPT. This is our contents, including two pointsthe brief introduction of secondlanguage acquisition and the Inter-language. There are many aspects about SLA but time is limited. We will give you t

4、he aspects that we think important. You should listen carefully in order to understand them completely. Let us welcome the first reporter Wang Xi.The first reporter 王希 :As English major, learning English occupies much of our timewhile the result is not satisfied. We wonder why we cannot speak as goo

5、d as our mother tongue and what on earth affects the result? May be we can get some hints from this class. I will share some views on SLA.First, the definition .Before we learn it, I would like to know your opinion on this .or what kind of language can be described as second language. 到底是什么,我们还是来看看语

6、言学家的说法吧。 Second Language acquisition (SLA), formally, refers to the systematic study of how one person acquires a second language subsequent to his native language.戴炜栋 L2 acquisition can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of a cla

7、ssroom, and Second Language Acquisition (SLA) as the study of this.Rod EllisFrom the definition you can get two points. Firstly, SL can refer to any language except your native language. Secondly, SLA is the study of the process that how a person pick up the SL.May be some of you notice that it is s

8、econd language rather than foreign language .In order to have comprehensive information, we had better to know the shade different between the two.Second language and foreign language:In the case of second language acquisition, the language plays an institutional and social role in the community (i.

9、e. it functions as a recognized means of communication among members who speak some other language as their mother tongue). 在第二语言习得中,所说的语 言在团体中起着规定的和社会性的作用(即它的功能被认为是与说其 他语言作为母语的成员进行交往的工具)。例如,中国人在美国或英 国学习英语可以算作是第二语言的学习。Foreign language learning takes place in settings where the language plays no majo

10、r role in the community and is primarily learnt only in the classroom. 相反,外语学习所发生的情景是此种语言在社会中不起主导作用,而 且主要是在课堂中习得的。就如中国人在中国学英语一样(Ellis,1994) 在对概念有了一个大体的认识后,我们接下来看看二语习得的发展阶 段。今天我们主要把它看成是三个阶段。对比研究,错误研究,中介语研究。这也今天的主要内容.Firstly, let us talk about the definition .什么是中介语呢Inter-language refers to the separa

11、teness of a second language learner system, a system that between the native and target language.中介语是第 二语言学习者的一种独立的语言系统,既不是学习者的母语也不是目 的语,而是介于两者之间的一个系统。虽然还不是目的语但中介语并 不都是错误的,我们今天主要是讲错误的中介语。下面我们看看错误的中介语是如何产生(一) 语言迁移(Language transfer)there mainly talk about the negative influence of native language . 母

12、语对二语学习的负迁移。这个 比较简单我们也老说。找同学举个例子看看(二) 对目的语规则的笼统化 (overgeneralization) 这点 简 单说就是讲一定的使用规则扩大化。举个例子名词的复数形式我们知 道有规则的不规则的。如果我们不分情况全加s就是范化了这一规则(三)训练转移 (Transfer after training) it focuses on the influence of teacher and the learning material 由教师教学不当或教材内 容不当引起。例如 ,某位教师有些音素发音不准 ,会导致二语学习者 这些音素发音不准 ; 在目的语课堂上过分强

13、调某一结构或规则也会 引起迁移如out of question (可能)和out of the question (不可能)的 辨异,反而会使学习者容易混淆(四)学习策略(Learning strategies)失败的学习策略是学习者对学习的内容没有完全掌握而采取的一些 策略。这个策略包括使用简化( simplification) ,减少( reduction) ,迁移 (transfer) , 省 略 (omissions) , 替 换 ( substitutions) , 重 构 (restructuring)回避(Avoidance )等。举个例子说 Although it is hot

14、 outside but we have to work.那么这就是受到迁移策略的影响。相面的 例子叫同学来分析一下错在哪了,怎么改。(五)交际策略(Communication strategies)交际策略指二语学习者在交际过程中遇到困难时为了让他人明白自己的表达而运用的一套技巧。Ilost my road。(way.)学生可能想 不起 road 就会用 way 代替。替换原则教室很乱 The classroom is very luan (交换语言,借助母语去让别 人理解自己)Ok ,let us have a review(提问)。The rest part will be finish

15、ed by my partner Zhang welcome.The second reporter 张雪梅:Now, l will introduce the features of Inter-language to you. We found there are 4 major features.First, it is Permeable可渗透性Rules that constitute the learners knowledge at any one stage are not fixed, but are open to amendment. 构成学习者知识的规则在任何一个 阶段

16、都不是固定不变的,而是可以修改的。在这种可修改性就是它的 可渗透性。中介语可以受到学习者母语和目的语的规则或形式的渗 透。来自母语的渗透性,是正负迁移和干扰的结果,来自目的语的渗透 则是对已学过的目的语规则或形式过渡泛化的结果。 For example th (写在黑板上)是一个齿间音,但是大部分中国人,当然也包括我们, 都会发成s 的音,因为我们普通话中没有咬舌音,这就是来自母语的 负迁移的渗透。Next one is Dynamic . 动态性.The L2 learners interlanguage is constantly changing. 中介语是不断 变化的。他是怎么变化的呢

17、? Please look at the blackboard.我画个图大 家就可明白了。(在黑板上画下图,介绍:如果说这是 first language, 这是target language,刚才王希讲过,中介语就是它们中间的部分, 但是中介语不是这其中的某个点火某个阶段,而是随着学习者学习程 度的加深逐渐由 first language 逐渐向 target language 的正确形式靠拢 的动态的过程,所以说它是动态的。(互动)Next one is Systematic.系统性The L2 learner doesnt select haphazardly from his stor

18、e of interlanguage rules, but in predictable ways.第二语言学习者并不是偶然的从他的中 介语系统中选择词汇,语法,甚至语音,而是有规则的。其实中介语 从其初始态开始就具有一种连贯的内部结构,因此对其进行系统的语 言分析。The last feature is Fossilization . 石化性According to its properties, fossilization can be classified into two Types: Temporary fossilization Permanent Fossilization. T

19、emporary fossilization暂时性石化:Temporary fossilization refers to stability of language acquisition or the plateau phenomenon of learning, at the moment language parameter is steady and static, the phenomenon is alterable under certain conditions.Permanent fossilization永久性石化:Because most of the students

20、 interlanguage is in the temporary and stable stage, no permanent fossilization. Because stable stage is not real fossilization.So there is no real permanent fossilization. Lets watch a video() Chinglish is an example of fossilization. Please look at some sentences: First, please look at the first t

21、wo sentences:I gets up。This is my campus life, had happy and sad, had success and lose.Xxx, do you think there are any problems? Try to correct.This kind of chinglish has grammatical errors, and it is easy to solve. But look at the next two.He struck a good idea.Whether he could come is uncertain.XX

22、X, what do you think about these two sentences? Whether do they have something wrong or not?This kind does not have grammatical errors 这类是没有语法错误的中式英语,这类错误在中式英语中占重要的 地位并且很难被觉察到,但是以英语为母语的人会很容易发现这些英 语中的问题。Approach :Since the fossilization does exist, we need some method to solve this problem .Then how

23、to solve it? ( xxx, what is your opinion?互动 2-3 人) We think this is an open question, so you can keep your own opinions. Here we have some suggestions for you to reference.1Pay attention to the language knowledge accumulation 语言知识的积累2 Increase the output of the language as far as possible, and summarize and classify the wrong ways of the output 。尽可能的增加语言的输出量,并且对输出语的错误表达方式进 行自我总结和归类3. To form good habits of feedback and positive strategy communication形成良好的反馈习惯以及积极的交际策略

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