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1、湖南名校试卷合集2023届七年级初一英语期中考试卷16份word文 - 七年级上学期英语期中考试试题 Part B Written Test 笔试局部70 scores I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other two. 选出划线局部发音不同的单词。5% 31. A. e B. colour C. handsome C. instead C. actresses 32. A. please 33. A. apples 34. A. show 35. A. open B.

2、heavy B. classes B. brown B. empty C. yellow C. umbrella II. Multiple choice. 单项选择题(10%) 36. There is _ “h” and _ “u” in the word “hungry”. A. a; an B. a; a C. an; a 37. The man _ the black umbrella is Mr. Crisp. What is he looking _ ? A. with; at B. with; 不填 C. 不填; out 38. Look at _. _ is an Englis

3、h teacher. This is _ new car. A. her; Her; she B. him; He; his C. her; She; shes 39. Whose schoolbags are these? _. A. Its Sandys B. They are Sandy and Sues C. They are Sandys and Sues 40. Give us a box of biscuits, please. Which _? A. one B. ones C. biscuit 41. _ is at the door ? There are three _

4、at the door. A. Who; woman B. Who; women C. What; women 42. Look at these _ cars. They are new. A. small green German B. blue big American C. big French red 43. _ are your English books? _ 72.8 yuan. A. How much; Its 44. _ ? B. How much; Theyre C. How many; Theyre It isnt an Italian car. Its a Germa

5、n car. A. Is it an Italian car B. What make is the car C. Is it an Italian car or a German car 45. Im sorry, mum. I cant post this letter for you this morning. _. A. All right B. Its all right C. Youre wele III. Cloze test. 完型填空( 5 % ) Theres an 46 tree behind the Crisps house. Jack Crisp is standin

6、g near the tree. There are some apples on the tree. Jack is looking 47 the apples. They are big and red. Jack is 48 . He wants to eat an apple. Jack isnt tall. He cant reach the apples. He is putting a box under the tree. Can he reach the apples now? No, he cant. He is too short. Here es Paul Crisp.

7、 He is Jacks 49 , “Hey, Jack! What are you doing?” “Please help me? I cant reach the apples.” Paul picks u50 apples and says, “Here you are, Jack. One for you, and one for me!” “Thank you, brother.” 46. A. apple 47. A. at 48. B. orange B. out C. banana C. 不填 C. hungry A. hot B. tired 49. A. father 5

8、0. A. one C. brother C. three IV. Reading prehension. 阅读理解。5% Jack likes eggs, bananas and apples. So every day he has two eggs, one apple, a cup of milk and some bread for breakfast. But for lunch, he has bananas, some chicken and vegetables. And for supper, he has tomatoes and ice-cream. His siste

9、r likes oranges and apples. She often has some hamburgers, one apple and some fish for lunch. For supper, she likes strawberries and some chicken. 51. Jack has _ for breakfast. A. bananas, one egg and a cup of milk B. some hamburgers, one apple and bread C. one apple, two eggs, some bread and a cup

10、of milk 52. _ likes oranges and apples. A. Jack B. Jacks sister C. Jacks mother 53. Jack has _ for supper. A. tomatoes B. ice-cream C. A and B 54. Jack has some chicken_, but his sister has some chicken _. A. for lunch; for supper B. for supper ; for lunch C. for breakfast; for supper 55.Which of th

11、e following statement (陈述) is right(正确的)? A. Jack and his sister like apples. B. Jacks mother likes apples, too. C. Jack doesnt eat vegetables at all. V. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. 请用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(10%) ? We meet four 56 (child) in Look, Listen, and Learn. ? There

12、are two 57 (box) on the desk. ? I have a dog. Look at 58 ( it)! 59 (it) tail is short. ? 60 (we) lockers arent empty. They are full. ? Look at these pretty sts. They are 61 (Billy). ? 62 (be) Sandys shoes big or small? ? Its time for breakfast. Go and clean your hands 63 (quick). ? 64 (take) out you

13、r exercise book and put these apples in the schoolbag.:Z*xx*k ? Give 65 (they) their notebooks, please. They are on their teachers desk. VI. Make sentences with the words given. 用所给的单词组成有逻辑的句子。(5%) 66. are, and, tall, you, clever _. 67. at, those, look, yellow, rulers, thick _. 68. short, whose, pen

14、cils, are _? 69. exercise, me, your, show, book _. 70. egg, for, this, Liz, you, and, is _? VII. Pattern Shift. 句型转换。(10%) Please ask a question according to the answer. One blank is for one word only. 请根据答案提问。一空一词。 71. A: _ _ is Nancys? B: The red bicycle is Nancys. 72. A: _ _ is Mr. Crisps car? B:

15、 Mr. Crisps car is black. 73. A: _ _ is the tall policeman? B: The tall policeman is American.:| 74. A: _ _ the grey cap on the desk? B: The grey cap on the desk is Sandys. 75. A: _ _ _ _? B: No, our lockers arent empty. 76. A: _ _ _ _ _ _? B: The cup isnt old. Its new. 77. A: _ _ _ _ books. B: My b

16、ooks are thick. Please change the following sentences according to the requirements. 请根据要求句型转换。 78. Sues teacher is Miss Williams. (Please change it into a Yes or No question. 变为一般疑问句。) _ 79. Whose is this car? (Please change it into a plural form. 变为复数句。) _ 80. Liz and Lillie are new schoolgirls. (

17、Please change it into a negative sentence.变为否认句。) _ VIII. Fill in the blanks according to the first letter given and the texts youve learned. 根据课文和首字母填空。15% ? Sandy and Sue are in a shop. They want to buy two p 81 of sweets,but they are one shilling e 82 . Thats all their p 83 money. At last, they b

18、uy two small lollipops i 84 . ? In the afternoon, Sandy and Sue e back home from school. Teas r 85 . Sandy and Sue are very h 86 , but Sandys hands are very d 87 . Mother asks Sandy to go and w 88 his hands at o 89 . Now Sandys hands are clean. Look at Mums nice clean t 90 ! Sandy cleans his hands w

19、ith it. ? On Sunday, Sue and Mum are going shopping. Mum sees a pair of nice s 91 , so she wants Sue to t 92 them on. They are very t 93 for Sue. Sue wants the pink ones and she thinks theyre very p 94 . Theyre j 95 right. IX. Fill in the blanks according to the first letter of the words given. 根据上下

20、文首字母填空。( 5% ) My teacher Mr. Li is a y 96 man, about 25 years old. He is a h 97 teacher, working(工作) at school from 7:30 in the morning to 18:30 in the e 98 . It seems(仿佛) that he has many things to do every day. Although hes b 99 with his work and has no time to play, after class he likes playing f 100 with boys in the playground. Look! Hes kicking the ball! We all like him very much. 第 10 页 共 10 页

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