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1、九年级上册,英语教学课件系列,2020/8/13,Unit 3 Teenage problems Study skills,2020/8/13,To predict is to guess what comes next. It helps us understand what kinds of books or articles we are reading, and where we might find information. When we read an article, we can often predict the content from the title. We can

2、 also use the headings in an article to predict the main idea of each part. Headings are the titles of the different parts. Often, they are in bold.,Predicting,2020/8/13,A There is an article called The trouble with teenagers . Predict the points that will be talked about in the article and tick ()

3、the correct boxes.,1. making friends 2. life in Australia 3. feeling lonely 4. schoolwork and hobbies,2020/8/13,5. how our body changes 6. worrying about tests 7. study, study, study 8. love or friendship,To get a general idea of a book or an article, we should ask some basic questions. If we predic

4、t the answers that the questions might have, it will help us find the answers more quickly and easily when we read in detail.,2020/8/13,B Millie is reading an article in Teenagers magazine. Match her questions with your predicted answers. Write the correct letter in each blank.,If a question begins

5、with when, then the answer will be a time or date. If a question begins with why, then the answer will give a reason, often beginning with because.,Tip,2020/8/13,1. What is it about? _ 2. When did it happen? _ 3. Who is it about? _ 4. Where did it happen? _ 5. Why did it happen? _ 6. How did it happ

6、en? _,a. In a new school. b. Because she moved to another city. c. She is shy and quiet, and she has no new friends at school. d. Problems with the new school. e. A few weeks after the new term. f. A girl called Zoe.,d,e,f,a,b,c,2020/8/13,Exercises,2020/8/13,I. 从方框里选择合适的词组,并用其正确形 式完成句子。,deal with, s

7、tay up, on time, dream of, be crazy about,Its not a good idea _ till midnight (午夜) to prepare for your exams. 2. If the job cant be completed _, the whole project will be influenced.,to stay up,on time,2020/8/13,3. Since I was a child, I have _ _ being a basketball star like Kobe Bryant. 4. My mothe

8、r used to _ Korean TV dramas like The Man From The Star. 5. Helping students build confidence is a problem. But Mrs Wu has her own ways _ this problem.,dreamed of/,be crazy about,to deal with,been dreaming of,2020/8/13,(A=Andy, W=Wendy) A: I am worried about my English these days. I often get low ma

9、rks in exams. It makes me feel bad and I dont know (1)_ I can improve my English. W: I am sorry to hear that. Do you feel (2) _ you forget words and important points very often?,II. 阅读下面的对话,用合适的连接词填空。,how,that,2020/8/13,A: Yes. Sometimes when I see a word, I cant help wondering (3) _ or not I have l

10、earnt it. W: I feel like this at times, too. I cant remember (4) _ unit a certain word is in or I am not sure (5)_ I learned it. A: But you can always get high marks. I feel so bad because I dont know (6) _ I can do to get out of the,whether,which,when,what,2020/8/13,trouble. And I dont understand (

11、7)_my memory has become so poor. You know, I just feel that the more I learn, the more I forget. W: I think you can talk with Mrs Lee. Maybe she can help you. A: Really? Can you tell me (8) _ Mrs Lee is now? Id like to see her right now.,why,where,2020/8/13,Homework,Master the reading skills in practice.,2020/8/13,Thank you!,小学 初中 高中,教案 课件 试卷,优质 高效 实用,一册在手 备课无忧,最全版本,最多资源,

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