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1、浙江省温州市五年级下学期英语期末考试试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 Read and choose.(选出下列每组单词中画线部分 (共6题;共6分)1. (1分) 下面哪个字母发/b/的音。( ) A . bear B . apple2. (1分) 选出划线部分发音不同的单词( ) A . beardB . hearC . bear3. (1分) 选出划线部分读音与其他不同的选项。 A . whereB . hitC . homeD . hello4. (1分) 找出画线部分发音相同的一项:lake A . m

2、apB . bankC . date5. (1分) 选出画线部分发音不同的一项( ) A . pinkB . youngC . song6. (1分) Lets write lots of emails to each other. A . deafB . greatC . speak二、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择) (共8题;共8分)7. (1分) He is very _ to the people there. A . helpB . helpedC . helpful8. (1分) What should you then? A . doB . doe

3、sC . doing9. (1分) I have _ English book and two storybooks.A . aB . anC . many10. (1分) Im . Im from . A . Tom;USA B . Tom;the USA11. (1分) _ stamp is my hobby. A . CollectB . CollectsC . Collecting12. (1分) April is the _ month in a year. A . firstB . fourthC . second13. (1分) _ are Graces hobbies? She

4、 likes swimming and dancing.A . WhenB . WhereC . What14. (1分) 当你想问别人,“感觉它怎么样?”你要怎么问?_ A . How does it feel? B . What does it feel?三、 Choose and fill in the blanks. (共1题;共9分)15. (9.0分) 下面是Tingting的两张照片,请你根据照片信息选择单词,补全短文。waslongfat shortthinHello. ImTingting. I_ two then. Now I am ten. My hair was _ t

5、hen. Now my hair is _. I was _ then. Now Im_.四、 Read and choose(给下列情景选择相应的内容)( (共1题;共9分)16. (9.0分) Is he funny? _五、 Make up the sentences.连词成句。(10 (共5题;共10分)17. (2分) some/ can/ have/ fruit/ I (?) (连词成句)18. (2分) (2018五下盐田期末) whatyoutoare thisgoingdosummer(?)(连词成句)19. (2分) a/ I/ like/ cup/ milk/ would

6、/ of (.)(连词成句)20. (2分) What,they,are,color,(?) 21. (2分) Thegoeseveningdowninthesun (.) 六、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断句子正误。)( (共1题;共10分)22. (10分) 根据表格提供的信息,选择正确答案。星期时间MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday9:00 AMmathmathEnglish10:30 AMchemistryhistorychemistrychemistry11:15 AMhistory1:45 PMphysicsphysicsph

7、ysics3:00 PMEnglishmath(1) What lesson do they have at 1:45 pm on Wednesday? A . Physics.B . Chemistry.C . History.D . Math.(2) Do they have lessons at 10:30 am on Thursday?A . Yes,they have.B . No,they dont.C . We cant know from the timetable.D . None of the above.(3) On Friday,a physics lesson beg

8、ins at _. A . 9:10 amB . 10:30 amC . 1:45 pmD . 3:00 pm七、 Try to write.(书面表达)(8分) (共1题;共8分)23. (8分) 选择单词,照例子补全句子。scarf,camera,kite,tea,storybook例:A:What do you want to buy for your father?B:I want to buy a Tshirt.(1) A:What do you want to buy for your mother?B:I want to _.(2) A:What do you want to b

9、uy for your brother?B:I _.(3) A:_B:_(4) A:_B:_(5) A:_B:_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、 Read and choose.(选出下列每组单词中画线部分 (共6题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、二、 Choose the best answers.(单项选择) (共8题;共8分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、三、 Choose and fill in the blanks. (共1题;共9分)15-1、四、 Read and choose(给下列情景选择相应的内容)( (共1题;共9分)16-1、五、 Make up the sentences.连词成句。(10 (共5题;共10分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、六、 Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断句子正误。)( (共1题;共10分)22-1、22-2、22-3、七、 Try to write.(书面表达)(8分) (共1题;共8分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、

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