九年级英语上学期第一次阶段性检测试题 人教新目标版

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1、九年级英语上学期第一次阶段性检测试题 人教新目标版第一部分 听小对话回答问题(计5分)本部分共有5道小题,每小题你将听到一段小对话,每段对话只听一遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。1. How will Frank go from Beijing to Guangzhou?A. By train.B. By plane.C. By bus.2. What sport does Ricky like to watch?A. Volleyball.B. Football.C. Tennis.3. What time will th

2、e concert begin?A. 7:30.B. 7:15.C. 7:45.4. Whats the woman going to do first? A. Go to the cinema.B. Go to the post office.C. Go to a party.5. How does the man feel about London? A. He likes everything about it.B. He doesnt like the weather.C. He hates the city.第二部分 听较长对话回答问题(计10分)本部分共有5道小题,你将听到两端较长

3、对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。现在听一段较长对话,回答第67两小题。6.What will Peter and Daming do after dinner? A. See a movie.B. Watch a football match.C. Go to a concert.7. Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Customer(顾客) and waiter.B. Teacher and st

4、udent.C. Wife and husband.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第810三小题。8. What would Victor like to do in a foreign country on vacation?A.Travel.B.Study.C.Visit a friend.9. How much will it cost Victor to go there?A.$500.B.$1000.C.$1500.10. What will Victor bring with him?A.His swimming suits.B.His notebook.C.His camera.第三

5、部分 听短文回答问题(计10分)本部分共有5小题,你将听到一篇短文,短文听2遍。在听短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。11. What does Mrs. Green probably do?A. A teacher.B. An engineer.C. A doctor.12. When will the students have the exams?A. Next monthB. Tomorrow. C. Next week.13. What is a good choice to eat while you are stu

6、dying?A. Candy.B. Fruit.C. Cola.14. Which of the following is NOT true according to Mrs. Green? A. Drink some water.B. Find a fortable place to study.C. Try to memorize everything youve learned before the exam.15. Where can the students find past exam papers?A. In the library.B. In the classroom.C.

7、In the office.卷二 笔试部分(共六部分,满分95分)一、完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One day, a farmer was walking down a road with his son John. Suddenly, the father said, “Look! Theres a 1 , pick it up and put it in your bag.”John said, “It isnt worth the trouble.”His father said 2 , but

8、he picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the farmer sold the horseshoe and 3 the money he bought some cherries(樱桃).The farmer and the son 4 their way. The sun was well up in the sky, and there wasnt a house or even a 5 where they could have a rest. John felt to

9、o 6 to walk on. At this time his father 7 a cherry on the ground and John picked it up 8 . After a while, his father dropped 9 cherry and once again, his son lost no time in picking it up and putting in his 10 .And so they went on. The old farmer dropped the cherries and the son picked 11 up. When J

10、ohn had eaten up all the cherries, his father said to him, “My dear son, 12 you had bent(弯腰) down early to pick up that horseshoe, it would not be 13 for you to bend so many times for the cherries. 14 remember the lesson that he who doesnt worry about the little things will find that he cannot 15 th

11、e great things.”After hearing these words, the son felt ashamed of himself for making such a silly mistake deeply.1. A. coinB. purseC. cherryD. horseshoe 2.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything3. A. withB. ofC. withoutD. from4. A. lostB. continuedC. foundD. started5. A. treeB. hotelC. resta

12、urantD. river 6. A. sadB. hotC. thirstyD. hungry7. A. ateB. foundC. sawD. dropped8. A. quicklyB. tiredlyC. slowlyD. luckily9. A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other10. A. bagB. mouthC. pocketD. hand11. A. oneB. onesC. itD. them12. A. if B. becauseC. butD. though13. A. importantB. fortableC. necessa

13、ryD. useful14. A. NeverB. AlwaysC. SometimesD. Often15. A. meetB. solveC. doD. offer二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(A)Dear Denny,Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!Soon Ill start my trip round the world.Im writing to you because I found your name wasnt on my “Nice Kids List” las

14、t night. Im disappointed that you dont trust me so I wont deliver any presents to you this year. I hope you will change your attitude in time. Will you try, Denny?Well cheer for you! Best Wishes!Santa Claus Dear Santa Claus,I dont believe in Santa Claus like many other kids. I think youre just a fai

15、ry tale.I think youre just a hoax(骗局).I dont believe you know if Ive been sleeping when I should.I think the toys under our tree were bought from toy-store shelves.I once believed when I was six;Now at seven I know better.But if Im wrong and you are real, please forget about this letter.Denny DSouza

16、16. Where did the Christmas gifts e from according to Denny?A. From toy-store shelves.B. From their friends. C. From Santa Clause.D. From elves.17. How old was Denny when he wrote the letter? A. Six.B. Seven.C. Eight.D. Nine.18. Why was Denny not on the “Nice List”? A. Because Denny wasnt a good boy

17、. B. Because Denny didnt want to receive any gifts from Santa Claus. C. Because Santa Clause missed Dennys name on the list. D. Because Denny didnt believe in Santa Claus.(B)Fast food slows downIt seems food deliverymen (送货员) are always in a hurry. They wear blue, red or yellow helmets (头盔) and many

18、 of them dont follow traffic rules. They drive on the wrong side of the road and run red lights. They use mobile phones while driving.These reckless behaviors have caught the publics attention. In the first half of xx, food deliverymen had 76 traffic accidents in Shanghai, according to Shanghai Publ

19、ic Security Bureau. That means, every two and a half days, a food deliveryman will die or get hurt on the road. What makes deliverymen take such risks? The strict rule of the food delivery service panies and the anxious customers may be the answer. Many panies will fine(罚款) a deliveryman up to xx yu

20、an if he fails to deliver or order on time, reported China Daily. Fines also go to those who get bad reviews from their customers. To solve the problem, food delivery panies need to improve their incentive(奖励的) systems, noted CRI online. Some cities are also taking action. Shanghai has asked panies

21、to train their deliverymen on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a deliveryman gets caught in traffic rules more than twice, then he would be banned from driving food service delivery vehicle for a whole year.19. How many deliverymen will die or get hurt every week in Shanghai?A. About 2.

22、B. About 3.C. About 6.D. About 12.20. W hat does the word “reckless” mean in the second paragraph?A. carelessB. thoughtfulC. braveD. cool21. A deliveryman will be fined if_.A. he deliveries or orders food on timeB. he gets bad reviews from his customersC. he obeys the traffic rulesD. he drives slowl

23、y on roads22. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Traffic rules are too strict for deliverymen.B. Food delivery service panies should treat deliverymen better.C. Deliverymen should not be allowed to use their vehicle to deliver food anymore.D. Some useful solutions should be taken to stop t

24、he deliverymens risks on roads.(C)One day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for several hours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop mak

25、ing any progress. It appeared as if it had got as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could e out easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it

26、 came out of the cocoon.The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would bee larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and sma

27、ll wings. It was never able to fly.The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the

28、 small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon.Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we could have been; we could never fly. 23. What was the butterfly doing

29、at the beginning of the story?A. It was trying to make a cocoon for itself.B. It was flying among the trees in the forest. C. It was struggling to get out of its cocoon.D. It was crawling around quietly on the ground.24. The man cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon _. A. to take the butterfly hom

30、eB. to stop the butterfly growing bigger C. to help the butterfly flyD. to help the butterfly e out easily 25. What does the last paragraph tell us?A. Struggles would sometimes make us fail in our life. B. Struggles are sometimes necessary in our life.C. We could fly without any struggles in our lif

31、e.D. Sometimes God allowed us to struggle in our life.26. What is the best title for the story?A. The Love for the CocoonB. The Joy of Helping Each Other C. The Lesson of the CocoonD. The Expectation for the Butterfly(D)Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, close to 50 percent of peop

32、le are shy. Almost 80 percent of people feel shy at some point in their lives. These days, shyness is being more and more mon. Now, scientists are trying to understand shyness. They have some interesting ideas about why people are shy.Is it possible to be born shy? Many scientists say yes. They say

33、15 to 20 percent of babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and more watchful than other babies. Interestingly, these shy babies usually have shy parents. As a result, scientists think that some shyness is genetic(基因的).Family size might cause people to be shy as well. Scientists at Ha

34、rvard University studied shy children. They found that 66 percent of them had older brothers and sisters. As a result, they became shy. At the same time, children with no brothers and sisters may be shy as well. Growing up alone, they often play by themselves. They are not able to learn the same soc

35、ial skills as children from big families.You may also be shy because of where you were born. When scientists studied shyness in different countries, they found surprising differences. In Japan, most people said they were shy. But in Israel, only one of three people said so. What explains the differe

36、nce? One scientist says the Japanese and Israelis have different opinions of failure. In Japan, when people do not succeed, they feel bad about themselves. They blame(责备)themselves for their failure. In Israel, the opposite is true. Israelis often blame failure on outside reasons, such as family, te

37、achers, friends, or bad luck. In Israel, freedom of opinion and risk taking are strongly supported. This may be why Israelis worry less about failure and are less shy.For shy people, it can be difficult to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can get over you

38、r shyness. They suggest trying new things and practicing conversations. And dont forget-if you are shy, you are not the only one.27. What is the passage mainly about? A. Happiness.B. Shyness.C. Kindness.D. Loneliness.28. We can learn from the passage that _ may cause shyness. A. genetics, grown-ups

39、and birthplaceB. genetics, family size and birthplace C. family size, grown-ups and failureD. genetics, family size and freedom29. Scientists suggest that shy people can get over their shyness by_. A. blaming their failure on outside reasons B. trying to understand reasons for their shyness C. getti

40、ng themselves away from their shy parentsD. trying new things and practicing conversations30. What can be learned from the passage? A. Most little babies are born shy and quiet. B. If you are shy now, you will be shy forever. C. Many shy children have older brothers and sisters. D. Most Israeli peop

41、le are shy of expressing opinions.三、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分) 假设你是校英文报专栏作者, 你的文章在排版时段落顺序出错,请根据你的写作框架,重新将A-D四个段落填入第31-34小题相应的横线上,并完成第35小题。31. Opinion 32. Reason 33. Example 34. Conclusion(结论) A. In a word, its good for us students to join school clubs to develop ourselves in an all-round (全面的) way. Wh

42、y not choose a club right now and go for it?B. Nowadays, some students think joining school clubs influences their studies. But I dont think so. I think its important for us students to choose our favorite club and join it. C. Li Hong from Class 3 was once a shy girl. But after joining the club, she

43、 works on her abilities by helping others in study and organizing activities. She now bees more outgoing. “As teenagers, we should not always get buried in our books,” said Zhang Xuan, my desk-mate, “I am now in an English drama club, in which I can both practice my English and improve my acting ski

44、lls.D. School clubs play an important part in our school lives. They can make our lives better, and improve us as well. In the clubs, we can develop our hobbies and interests. By joining clubs, not only can we get skills and knowledge but also experience and friendship.35. Whats the main subject of

45、this writing? A. Making friends.B. Learning English. C. Joining school clubs.D. Doing part-time jobs.四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)A. 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。36. Mom always tells me not to talk with _(陌生人) when I am alone.37. My friend and I live in the same city. We write regularly but _(很少

46、) meet.38. The methods mentioned in this book are only _(建议).39. His mom had been _(死的)for five years, but he always felt his mom was still alive.40. Children can be seen to copy the behavior of others whom they _(仰慕) a lot.41. The little boy asked the woman _(礼貌地)if he could have another piece of c

47、ake.42. I dont know how to _(提高) my reading speed, and I always read slowly.43. When were together, all he talks about is _(生意). It makes me feel really bored.44. Miss Li is _(有耐心的) with her students, so they love her very much.45. The mother turtle _(产卵)her new-born eggs in the sand then went back

48、to the sea.skillhoweverhappyquickwhetherB. 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。Keeping learning can make people live a much 46 life. If you keep learning, your life will bee colorful. As a result, it is necessary to keep learning. 47 , many of the teens wish that the school days could pass away 48 so that

49、 they could end learning. They are expecting to live in the “real world” of work: no more homework, and no more exams. But really, 49 you want or not, youre going to carry on learning throughout your life. Youll learn new 50 at work. You might learn how to be a parent. In a short, learning is a life

50、long job. A person who keeps learning will never feel bored or lonely.五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。This story will warm you better than a coffee on a cold winter day.One day, my friend and I entered a little coffee house and ordered two cups of co

51、ffee. While we 51 (be) waiting, two young men came in and began to order, “Five cups of coffee, please. Two for us and three suspended(待用).”They paid for their order, took the two and left. I asked my friend, “What are those suspended coffees?” Instead of 52 (give) me the answer, he told me to wait

52、and see.Some more people came. Two girls asked for one coffee each, paid and went away. Then came three lawyers who paid for 53 coffeesthree for themselves and four suspended. While I still wondered what the suspended coffees were, I enjoyed the 54 (sun) weather and the beautiful view in front 55 th

53、e coffee house. Suddenly a 56 man like a beggar(乞丐) came into the coffee house. He kindly ordered a suspended coffee and sat there to drink it.At that moment, I knew the 57 (mean) of the suspended coffees. Its simplepeople pay the coffee in advance(提前) for someone who 58 afford it. The tradition wit

54、h the suspended coffees started in Italy, but it has spread all over the world. Meanwhile, I understood the suspended coffee is not 59 a cup of coffee, but also the 60 (warm) and love to someone in need.六、书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分)61.如今越来越多的同学喜欢和家人或朋友出去旅行。一些人倾向于选择住宾馆,另一些人选择住民宿(homestay)。请根据提示,做出你的选择,并阐述理由。H

55、otelHomestay clean and tidy safe provide good service cheap convenient experience the local life 注意:(1)短文必须包括你所选择一方的所有要点,并适当发挥;(2)词数:80100;(3)短文首句仅供参考,不计入总词数。I prefer to live in a _If I have a chance to choose where to live during the trip, I prefer to live in a_ _鄞州实验中学九年级第一学期第一阶段英语测试卷参考答案卷一 听力测试(共

56、三部分,满分25分)第一部分 听小对话回答问题(计5分)1-5 BCCBB第二部分 听较长对话回答问题(每小题2分, 共计10分)6-10 BCABA第三部分 听短文回答问题(每小题2分, 共计10分)11-15 ACBCA卷二 笔试部分(共六部分,满分95分)一、完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共计15分)1-5 DCABA6-10 CDACB11-15 DACBC二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)16-20 ABDBA21-25 BDCDB26-30 CBBDC三、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分)31-35 BDCAC四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,

57、每小题1分;共计15分)36-40strangersseldomsuggestionsdeadadmire41-45 politelyimprovebusinesspatientlaid46-50happierHoweverquicklywhetherskills五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)51-55weregivingsevensunnyof56-60poormeaningcantonlywarmth六、书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分)61.Possible version 1: I prefer to live in a hotelIf I have a ch

58、ance to choose where to live during the trip, I prefer to live in a hotel. First, I can enjoy nice rooms which are clean and tidy. Also, I feel safer when I live in a hotel. I dont need to worry about my safety. Whats more, hotels can provide good service for us. People who live in hotels can live m

59、ore fortably. Besides, there are many things I can do in a hotel. For example, I can swim in the swimming pool at any time I like. In a word, living in a hotel is a good choice for me.Possible version 2:I prefer to live in a homestayIf I have a chance to choose where to live during the trip, I prefe

60、r to live in a homestay. First of all, it costs less money so that Ill be able to visit more places of interest and enjoy more delicious food. Whats more, a homestay is usually near a subway station or a bus station. Therefore, it will make my trip more convenient. In addition, I can experience local peoples life while living in a homestay. I can try local food and know more about their cultures. Whats more, living in a homestay gives

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