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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateModule-7-Unit-1My-father-goes-to-work-at-eight-oclockModule 7 Unit 1Module 7 Unit 1My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.教材分析:本堂课的内容选自五年级下册第七模块的第一单元第二部分,课文情境是Daming在上学的路上

2、遇到Fangfang,他告诉Fangfang,自己的父亲每天早上八点去上班,他是一名警察,Fangfang告诉Daming,她的父亲每天傍晚六点才去上班,他是一名工人,Daming又说,他的母亲每天晚上十一点去上班,她是一名护士,Fangfang说自己的母亲每天五点半就去上班,她是一名出租车司机,正在这时,Fangfang的母亲正好开着出租车经过,于是她开车送他俩去了学校。学情分析:本堂课的授课对象为五年级一班的同学,他们已经有了近三年的英语学习经验,有了一定的英语基础,对英语有一定的兴趣。教学目标:知识与能力:1. 询问并回答跟职业有关的话题。What does he/she do? He/

3、shes.2. 描述某人在什么时段上班。Sb goes to work at.过程与方法:1. 适当使用多媒体辅助教学,增加课堂趣味性。2. 穿插相关小游戏激发学生的学习兴趣。3. 任务教学。情感态度价值观:1. 帮助学生养成健康的生活习惯。2. 理解父母工作的辛劳。3. 尊重各行业的劳动者。教学重、难点:1. 询问并回答跟职业有关的话题。What does he/she do? He/shes.2. 描述某人在什么时段上班。Sb goes to work at.教学准备:Model clock,pictures, word cards,PPT.教学时间:一课时教学过程:Step1:Greet

4、ings.Step2: Warm-up.1. Review professions(Review a chant,and ask “What does he/she do?”) and time (Show a clock and ask about numbers).Guide.(Last night I went to sleep at 12:00,so,today I got up late,now I feel sleepy,what time do you go to bed?what time do you go to school?)2. Show a picture and s

5、ay:Look,who are they?What are they talking about?Step3:Presentation1. Watch a video and answer the questions.2. Show questions in the table, guide Ss watch the video again.3. Fill in the blanks,write the title and key information on the blackboard.4. Repeat , imitate and role play.Step4:Practise.1.

6、Describe these pictures with professions and time given in PPT.(Lets play a game.)2. Show pictures of teachers family ,describe it and guide Ss talk about their family.Step5:Summary(Their parents are so hard and tired,do you think your parents are as hard as them?so,we should give more understanding

7、,more care and more love for them,we should do something for them,such as help them with housework,give them a cup of tea,accompany them,and so on)1. Watch a video.2. Guide Ss respect people from various industry.Every effort deserves to be respected and understood.Step6:Homework.Do a survey about your friends parents.Board designing:Module 7 Unit 1My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning. Hes/Shes a policeman 8:00 nurse 11:00 hardworkingworker 6:00 taxi driver 5:30 -

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