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1、第一 元一、 1. The tranquilatmosphere of the inn allows guests to feel totally at home.2.Technological advances might ultimately lead to even more job losses.3.In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls for tighter controls on gun ownership.4.Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional

2、 flashes of temper.5.He was beginning to wonder if he would survive the ordeal6. Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.7. Perhaps her most important legacy was her program of educational reform.8.There were food shortages and other deprivationsd

3、uring the Civil War.9.The new economic policies could prove suicidalfor the party.10. The building will be completed around six months earlier thananticipated.11. The experience was enough to keep him preoccupied for some time.12. The road to happiness is paved with adversities.13. She aspires to no

4、thing no less than the chairmanship of the company.14. He might be influenced by nostalgia for the surroundings of his happy youth.15. In retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action.二、 1. Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience(极其令人 的 ).2.There is bui

5、lt-in storage space (内置 藏空 ) in all bedrooms.3.This handout focuses on self-protection measures( 自我保 措施 ) under difficult climaticconditions.4.Im sure we could offer you some short-term employment (短期的工作 ).5. So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a distorted and negative self-

6、perception (歪曲的、否定的自我 念 )?6. Helen Hunt stars as a character undergoinglife-changing events( 改 了生活的事件 ) in ThenShe Found Me.7. She has written a book that is beautifulbecause ofthe honesty and the raw emotion that isportrayed in all-encompassing details(无所不包的 ).8. Having a decent job contributes toa

7、 good self-image (一个好的自我形象 ).三、 What then is a good mind? It is the whole mental1、 searches2、 connections3、 inventive4、 discerning5、 anticipates6、future7、 individual8、 identifies9、 fallacy10、 self-discipline四、翻 1、 I had so worked upon my imagination as really to believe that about the whole mansion

8、and domain there hung 。 the silent tarn a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden-hued. (Edgar Allan Poe: “The Fall of the House of Usher ”) 文:我如此沉湎于自己的想象,以至于我 在在地 那宅院及其周 浮着一种它 所特有的空气。那种空气并非生 于天地自然, 而是生 于那些枯 残枝、灰 暗壁,生 于那一汪死气沉沉的湖水。那是一种神秘而致命的 ,阴晦,凝滞,朦 ,沉 如 。2、 She h

9、ad a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in a dark room in the middle of a 。 l of the night passing swiftly on toward further darkness but moving also toward anew sun. 文:( 她的)容貌那么清秀, 就像半夜里醒来 在黑暗中 可 的小小的 面, 告 刻的 面。 它皎 而安静,深知 在 , 深信黑暗 然越来越深沉,却也越来越接近新生的太阳。11. I ve been spared a l

10、ot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privilegedhandful of the dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the hundred-year-old man.1. 我一直活得无 无 ,深得上帝垂 ,至少算个幸运儿,少数人才享有的尊荣富 ,我垂手得之。就像百 人瑞 有人 教,我的秘 也 有人探 。2. And so Franklin Roosevelt found that he had,

11、in effect, to recruit an entirely new and temporary government to be piled on top of the old one, the new government to get the tanks and airplanes built, the uniforms made, the men and women assembled and trained and shipped abroad, and the battles fought and won.2. 富 克林 斯福因此意 到他必 招募新班人 , 建 机构来 不能

12、任的旧政府。 新成立的政府机构 建造坦克 机,定制 服, 招募培 士。 些 士将被派往前 ,去 得一 的 争。Unit2一.段落 填空Underwhatconditionsdocommercia l、二. 英1.超越国家或文化界限( transcend national or cultural boundaries )2.一些 惠( some tangible benefits)3.被无休止的争 (have been debated endlessly)4.以指出 人的 (delights in pointing out other peoples mistakes)5. 于失 者的同情 (s

13、ympathy with losers)6.因 几乎 不清的原因 (for reasons that can be barely articulated)7. 在 服 开启新的 代 (define a new era for online services)8. 他来 是重要的 (matter to him)三. 填空1.From the corner of my eye, I ( glimpsed )2.Ulike Colin, who remains (fever )3.An additional 28 persons (reckless)4.I felt that the other k

14、ids (despised)5.The woods beside our house (aura )6.None can provide a(n) (definitive)7.Some believe that increasing (bolster )8.The results of the survey were (staggering)9.They became the first English (trophy ) 10.Scientists have to break (constituent )11.The room turns silent ( anthem)12.Looking

15、 at the photographs (stirred )四.英 1 We should not be surprised that increasing numbers of people choose to live 文:越来越多的人 完全足不出 的生活,离开楼群也只是 了开汽 或者乘 机,透 密封的窗 去看一看外面的大千世界,假 他 去看的 ,也不 如此。但是,在更多的 候, 他 凝 着屏幕, 听人 的 种, 与“土地、水和正在生 的种子的 世界 ”隔 开来。 一切我 都不必大惊小怪。(范守 )2. It is a curious feet, of which I can think

16、of no satisfactory explanation,that 文:欧洲有些国家,天气糟透,要找到景色如画的所泰,摹 得辛苦一番。奇怪,他 就喜 村生活,也最 欣 自然美景,而且 种情形在 里是个普遍 象。 是 情,可我怎么也想不出今人 意的原因。3. This is always a feast about where we are now. Thanksgiving reflects the complexion2 文: 我 的 境, 反映出一年的年景。 有些年的感恩 我 心情 悦,几乎是喜气洋洋,但有些年 我 却把感恩 得相当低 ,不敢 傲, 并不是美国人慣有的情 。(叶子南 )

17、4. Friday started with a morning visit to the modem campus 文:周五那天, 中国 球 一早就到安伯 洲附近去参 有22000 名学生的密歇根大学的 代化校园。他 和 校小学生在校内自助餐 排 取午餐,然后 行了一 表演 。5. Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often 文: 多人宁愿 牲比 高的工 以 取成 白 工人的社会地位, 在西方到是人之常情6. Cosmopolitan Shanghai was bom to the world in

18、1842 when theBritish man-of-war 文: 1842 年英国 尼米西思号悄悄潜入 江口, 吴淞炮台,不 一 一卒占据了上海,国 化的上海就此 生了。7. A study of the letter leaves us in no do ubt as to the motives behind it. 文:研究了一下那封信,我 毫不 疑 信是 有用心的8. The happiness-the superior advantages of theyoung women round about her, gave 文: 卡看 她周 的小姐那么有福气,享有种种 越的 利,真是

19、 不出的嫉妒9. Poor Joe*s panic lasted for two or three days;during which he did not visit the house. (W.M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 文: 恐慌了两三天,期 可怜虫都不肯回家Unit 3closeTravelingprovides . gain similaritiesdiverse enrichperspectivediscover challengingspecific adventure enlightensopportunitiesmemories joyfuloutw

20、eighsspanTo celebrate my dads 80th birthday . 1) included2) consecutive 3) places 4) set 5) close 6)followed 7) dinner 8) wildlife 9) outburst 10) deck11) watched 12) walk 13) anchor 14) captains 15)continued填空1.Over breakfast at my motel, I ( fell into ) 2. Much of this trend is( attributable) 。3.D

21、uring the meeting, she reached under the table and( slipped) 4 I was woken up by the branches ( scraping ) .5.Occasionally we all suffer from influenza or a(n) (bout) of .6.When the ship ( docked ) . 7. During the storm, the crew of the vessel clung to the (mast) .8. The firm has been growing rapidl

22、y, but you can t keep(momentumthatkind )of .9.The sun was streaming in through the window, yet it did nothing to(lighten ).10He went to the shop to buy bread, and got ( entangled) 11. As he became more excited, he (gesticulated ) 12The guards were originally hired to ( watch over ) .13I objected to

23、what he had just said and a heated argument then (ensued)14Meanwhile, combine vinegars, ( mustard ) . 15He watched me until I ( pulled out of) .翻 The meeting was not held due to the airline strike. It was held to discuss the impact an aging society would have on our environment. 文:不是因 航空公司 工才 行会 的。召

24、开 个会 是 了 老 化社会 境造成的影响3There was nothing to do in Loma in the evening except to go to the saloon, 文: 在洛曼小 , 晚 后除了去 上唯一的那家酒 便无事可做?酒 是一座老式的木制建筑,有一扇 , 前人行道上方有一 木制雨篷。无 是政府的禁酒令 是后来 除禁酒令的法令都未曾改 它生意的 隆、 客的数量,也未曾改 它威士忌的 量。每天晚 后, 上十五 以上的男子至少要光 布法 酒 一次,喝杯酒,聊聊天,然后回家。酒 里常有人玩扑克牌,不 其 聊 于无。我那位房 太太的丈夫蒂英和; 就 常在那里玩 人

25、牌游 。他玩牌老 作弊, 因 他只在 牌 才 上一杯酒喝。我曾 他一口气 五 。 牌后他便把 牌整整 地全好,然后直起身,神气十足地走向吧台。酒 老板兼伙 胖子卡 不等他走近吧台便会端起已斟了半杯酒的酒杯 :“来杯什么酒? ”威士忌。 ”蒂莫西 是庄重地回答。I am a journalist, not a historian, and while this book is an effort to describe a moment in the, past,it is less a work of history than of personal reminiscence and refl

26、ection 。我是新 工作者,不是 史学家,所以本 描写的 然是 往 月中的一刻,却称不上是一部史学著作,而 是个人的追思。 中所写的主要是 争期 我本人在 盛 的 察和 , 以采 等材料。我 刻画一个城市和一个政府的痛苦与 扎, 个城市和政府突然被要求参加 争, 要在 争中 的国家,参与的又是有史以来最 大的 争, 在是有些措手不及,因此表 得很糟糕,有 甚至很可笑。 几乎肯定是以第一手 料写成的、有关那个 期的最后一 道。二 中位高 重的人物一个接一个很快去世, 在令人不安。有几位原本巳 答 回 并 述一下他 在二 中的 ,可我 没来得及拜 ,他 就离开了人世。我在本 中没有 欧洲及太平

27、洋 区中的宏大 略做 尽的描述。相反,我主要 道了那些年我在 盛 的所 所 。 些往事已 在人 的 中 得越来越模糊, 于那 争, 个国家中有三分之二的人都太年 , 它并无 。 果,本 描写的就是一个以 争 背景的“我 的小 ”, 的是一个城市在根本没有听到一声 响的情况下,就卷入了一 全球性冲突,因而 得很惊愕,常常也很困惑。 是一个不同 常的城市, 立 主要是想将它建成政府的中心,因此 个城市便和当 的政府一 ,行 十分 慢,所做相当有限。第四 元1 The children( fidgety ) 2 The shipyard (crushing )3 His ( pithy )advic

28、e4 It is important( foraging ) 5 The murder( definitive )6 His addiction( propelled )7 On their triumphant( applauded ) 8 The(ubiquity) of9 Here are your( duly )10 By the same(curtail)1(可能会 生微妙的影响)may have a subtle effect on2(提供免 子 的机会)provide free access to e-books3(正 生着巨 )is in the midst of a sea

29、change4(一直在哈佛任教)has been on the faculty of Harvard University5(如似 渴的 者)a voracious book reader6(你就会把心思把心思全花在 上了)you ll stay focused on it7(信息 者)the conduit for information8(你的支票真是天 之物)your check came as an absolute godsend9(我弄不清故事的脉 了)lost the thread of the story10(徜徉在 美的散文中)stroll through elegant p

30、rose1 The (humiliation) of defeat in 1982.2 Amys(pitiless ) step-mother.3 He dropped. and (successive) clangs.4 In many ways, or has reached ( senility)45Being lessin the public .( obsolescence)6 The reorganization. (escalation) in costs.7The huge salad bar .(dizzying ) variety of8 Glancing at her (

31、 scornfully )9The words of the song neately ( encapsulated ) 10 Education make a people .( enslave)11Seasonnal (affective ) disorder.12 Milton ( implanted ) in his daughters.13An entrepreneur is more than (visionary ) 14 She was, literally and ( metaphorically )15That( spotty ) teenage1Darkness came

32、 down 夜色四罩城中之妻方祈天保夫无恙 上其夫仆卧一 穿心死矣。2He seated himself 他坐在她身旁静静地望着她或者和她 往事她的童年和她3 在修道院的情景3The liquid 液 水受 而 成蒸汽。4No one has told 也没有跟他 ,英国人有排 候 、先到先上的 慣。5Two men occupied 两位重病患者住在同一 病房里。6Her experiment 但是,她的 已陷入僅局,并且至今也没取得任何 展。1In the course of 同年,一 重的 染病嫌 了2A receptor is 受体的构造形状使得它只能接受某一 型的信使3The str

33、ucture of 的 构和性 , 其加 程度和冷却快慢而定。4Take care of the pence 少成多。 /集腋成裘。Unit 5Desert protest level slip revengeduplicate sheer skirt1 I stood at .,with a sheer drop .me.2 Harriet glanced could slip out unnoticed.3 The restaurant space also comfortable, desert experience.4 The terrorist .to seek revenge ag

34、ainst its attackers. 5 The boat sheered away .to sea.6 people who .level .in the blood.7 his father had deserted the old.8 We maneuverd the canoe so it skirtedjust around that rock. 9 Dan protested .the problem.10 They began .the duplicates records11 He looked for level .the plane.12 The motive for

35、.revenge13 Her blue skirt swayed from .14 Despite their protests , the .increased.15 Everyone who votes .slipof .16 Give the plant .to duplicate outdoor monplace commence prevail induce impel ponder acquisition prescription slight hamper acute1.The search efforts were hampered .waves2. Hespondering

36、ways.audiences3.The doctor say .an slight .condition4.IBM will .acquisitions .offerings5.Your inner .prevail over 6.The state .induce tickets7.Your first .you commence employment8.Sarah felt impeued after parents.9.She stood ditched in .hand.10.Superstores such momplace in.States.11. At present you

37、can .prescription Plan12. He is acute .solution.只是一点消化不良just a touch of indigestion.他帮了我大忙He did me a good turm.与 有 据相符correspond with the available evidence.不能正常工作out of order.他正要开始 他的故事she was about to plunge into her story.很 解 或控制so difficult to account for, or control.分秒不差to the minute.没有地毯也行you

38、 can do without a carpet.就成家来 as far as starting a family is concerned.往嘴里塞爆米花while stuffing his mouth with popcom.翻 (1).She shall be glad of your company on the journey. 如果你能陪他一 去,他会很高 的。5(2).She had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and she was all for the racyphrases.她感到习语

39、是语言的支柱,因此特别主张用生动地短语,她的想法是完全正确的。(3).“ Butwe have a lot ofsmall,verydisruptiveday-in-and-day-outproblemson the factoryfloor,” oneindustialist said.一位实业家说: “在工厂办公楼里,我们面临许多很小但破坏性很大的问题,它们日复一日,无休止的发生。”(4).Thunderstorms in spring and summer ofen come with intensity great enough to cause flash-flooding. 春夏两

40、季,雷雨交加,猛烈异常,往往会导致暴雨成灾。(5).In the course of decay of the vegetable and animal matter in the soil,various acids and gases are formed which help to decompose the rock particles and other compounds needed for the plantfooods. 动植物在泥土里腐烂的过程中,形成各种酸和气体。这些酸和气体有助于分解岩石粒和其他化合物,以供植物作养料。(6).Considerable attention

41、 has been focused on the dilemma presented by the patient with chest pain who ,on angiographic study,has normal coronary arteries and no other objective evidence of heart disease.有一种胸痛的病人,其冠状动脉造影检查正常,又无心脏病的其它客观特征,其诊断上的困难引起了人们的极大重视。(7).This development is in part a result of experimental studies indi

42、cating that favorable alterations in the determinants of myocardial oxygen consumption may reduce ischemic injury and that reduction after load may be associated with improved cardiac performance. 从某种程度上讲,这方面的进展是实验研究的结果。 实验结果表明, 有效改善心肌耗氧量的决定因素可减轻局部损害,并且负荷的减轻也能改善心肌功能。(8).Could any spectacle for insta

43、nce,be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners using scienceto shatter men” s bodies while,close at hand,surgeons use it to restore them?例如,炮兵用科学毁坏人体, 而就在附近, 外科医生用科学抢救被炮兵毁坏的人体,还有什么情况比这更怪诞可怕的吗?(9).They vainly tried to find out the stranger ” s他name们想尽.力查出陌生者的信息,却徒劳无功。(10)The infinitesimal amount o

44、f nuclear fuel required makes it possible to build power reactors in that mountainous area.动力反应堆所需核燃料极少,因此可以把它建在那个山区。(11).it all begain in the mid- 1850s,when Lowe ” s experienment thwiballoons led him to believe in the existence of an upper stream of air that moved in an easterly direction,no matte

45、r what directionthe lower currents flowed. 这一切始于 19 世纪 50 年代中期,当时罗成的实验使他相信上升气流的存在,不管下层气流向什么方向流动,这种上升气流总是向东流动。(12).More puzzling is the remarkble increase in occurrence of this disease which has happenedsince WorldWarina number ofwestern countrieswhere standards ofhygienewerecontinuously improving. 第

46、二次世界大战以来,西方国家的卫生条件不断改善,但在这些国家中此病的发生率也明显增加,这一点颇令人费解。UNIT 61)水不是有效的遮挡物Water is not an effective shield2)被火焰吞没engulfed in flames3)主权国家的权力the rights of sovereign nations4)在市场上胜过他的竞争者outpaced its rivals in the market5)没有必要唠叨这点There s no need to belabor the point6)她恳求几位有名的学者She invoked several eminent sch

47、olars7)从两个被包围的村庄from two embattled villages8)根据证人证词所述According to the witness s testimony69)虽然我们尽了最大努力In spite of our best endeavors10)经过了许多经验和磨难后After many trials and tribulationsOn this way ,we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances-1 ) remain 2) childish 3)reaffirm 4) precious 5) equal 6

48、) measure7) greatness 8) journey 9) leisure 10) fame 11) obscure 12)prosperityI have missed the two worst tihings that could happen to American,death of a spouse and-1)sacrifice 2) sense3) profuse4) native 5) enduring6)snapshots 7) customary8) traveling 9) where10) affection11)stayer 12) superficial

49、13) replenishing 14) trapped 15) possession1 )Constant injury problems had made it tough for him tohold downa regular first team place.2)It s verysuspicious that she was in the house when the crime happened.3)The prospectof becoming a father filled him with alarm.4)Would you sacrifice a football gam

50、e togo out with a girl?5)The date of the accident remains engraved in my mind.6)What is the reason for the gameenduring appeal?s7)When you first meet her, she gives a(n)superficialimpression of warmth and friendliness.8)Computerization has enabled the automatic replenishmentstock.9)She travels to al

51、l kinds of exotic locations all over the world.10)Private companies should not be allowed to skim off profitable sectors of the postal service.11)The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of beingabandoned to the care of strangers.12)Our original plan was overtakenby events and we had to make a

52、 new one.13)The whole affair was hushed upby the government.14)Their marriage could notwithstandyears separation during the war.15)She was reproached by colleagues for leaking the story to the press.Apple expects to have a fixthis monthfor a vulnerabilityin the iPhone thatcouldallowanattacker to gai

53、n control of the device remotely via SMS, according to CNET NEWS.com.An attacker could exploit a weakness in the way iPhones handle SMS messages to do things likeuse GPS to track the phone s location, turn on the microphoneeavesdropping,foror take controlof the device and add it to a botnet, Charlie

54、 Miller, co-author of The Mac Hacker s Handbook andprincipal security analyst at Independent Security Evaluators, said in a presentation at the SyScanconference in Singapore. The presentation was covered by IDG News Service.Miller said that under an agreement with Apple, he was barred from providing

55、 too much detail onthe vulnerability.He plans togivea more detailed presentation on the hole at the BlackHatconference in Las Vegas at the end of the month.Despite the SMS hole, the iPhone is more secure than OS X on computers, Miller said.That isbecause the iPhone doesn t support Adobe Flash and Ja

56、va, only runs software digitally signed byApple, includes hardware protection for data stored in memory, and runs applications in a sandbox,he said.Apple representatives did not immediately respond to an email request for comment.摘译:据美国 CNET 科技资讯网报道, 苹果公司预计将于本月修复iPhone 中存在的一个安全漏洞,这一漏洞使黑客能够通过发送短信遥控手机

57、。独立安全评估公司的首席安全分析师查理 .米勒声称, 黑客能够利用iPhone 处理短信服务中存在的漏洞,采用 全球定位系统来跟踪 iPhone 的位置,打开手机麦克风窃听用户通话,或者控制手机,把手机变成 “僅尸网络 ”7中的一员。 米勒指出, 尽管存在这一短信服务漏洞不过 相对于电脑上的OSX 系统, iPhone还是比较安全的。A 36-ycar-old Swiss amateur parachutist made a successfiil 650-metre drop using a replica of aparachute designed more than 500 years

58、 ago by Leonardo da Vinci. “ I came dowih. smack in themiddle of the tarmac at Payememilitary airport,* said Olivier Vietti-Teppa.“ A perfect jump.”Vietti-Teppa is the first person to have made it safely to the ground with the Leonardo model. In2000, Britain s Adrian Nicholas tried it but had to pull the ripcord on a modem backup parachuteto complete his descent safely.Vietti-Teppa jumped from a hovering helicopter and the Leonardo

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