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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 7 How much are these socks第三课时Section B (1a1e)A基础起航 .按要求写出单词。1long (反义词) _short_2these(相对词) _those_3small(反义词) _big_4white(反义词) _black_5box(复数) _boxes_6have(第三人称单数) _has_7I (名词性物主代词) _mine_8woman(复数) _women_9need (第三人称单数) _needs_10short(复数) _shorts_.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Fifteen and fif

2、teen is thirty_2Socks are $5 for two pairs_!3We have yellow shorts for only_ $15.4Whats eleven and twelve? Its twentythree_5Great! I will take_ the sweater.6He needs_35 dollars for his sports shoes.7The little girl knows six plus six is twelve_8100 minus 75 is twentyfive_.用括号中所给数字的英文形式填空。1My green s

3、weater is _twelve_ (12) yuan.2My teacher is _thirty_ (30) years old now!3I am not young. I am _eighteen_ (18) years old now.4We have green sweaters for only _sixteen_(16) dollars.5My brother is _fifteen_ (15) years old this year.6How much is the sweater?It is _twentyeight_(28) dollars.7Look! The pan

4、ts are very nice. Theyre only _nineteen_(19) yuan.8The white socks are _twentynine_(29) dollars. Theyre very dear.9I like the computer game. Its _ninety_(90) dollars.B语法扬帆 .单项选择。(C)1._are the shoes? Theyre ten dollars. AWhat color BWhat aboutCHow much DHow many (A)2.The sweater looks nice. Ill_ it.A

5、take BmakeCneed Dwant (B)3.Do you like the yellow Tshirt? Mmm, yes, I _. Aam BdoCcan Dlike (D)4.Do you like_ trousers? Oh, yes. How much are they?Ait BthatCthis Dthese(A)5.There are usually_ days in February(二月) every year.Atwentyeight BthirtyCthirtyone Dtwentyseven (C)6.I want _ pants.Aa long blue

6、Ba blue longCsome long blue Dsome blue long.根据句意,用适当的词语或括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1Yellow sweaters _are_ (be) only 50 yuan.2The black bike is seventyfive _dollars_ (dollar). 3Socks are only 4 dollars for two _pairs_ (pair). 4The backpack is 25 yuan each. I buy two for _fifty_ yuan.5Can you _help_ (help) your si

7、ster?6Ill _take_(take) it.7I have five _jackets_ (jacket)8The boy _wants_ (want)his mother to buy him a ball.C提升冲浪 .阅读理解。Shishang StoreSALE!(A)1.How much is a sweater?AIts $120. BIts $45.CIts $40. DIts $60.(B)2.Li Hong has $70. How many pairs of socks can she buy?ATwenty.BFourteen.CTwentyfive.DThirt

8、y.(C)3.Lisa wants to buy a backpack and a Tshirt. She needs _A$159 B$180C$105 D$90(B)4.Where can you buy these things?AIn a bookstore.BIn a clothes store.CIn a vegetable store.DIn a fruit store.(C)5.You have $110.You can buy _Aa sweater and a backpackBtwo Tshirts and two hatsCtwo pairs of shorts and

9、 a hatDa pair of pants and a Tshirt.完形填空。Linda is a clerk.She _1_a new car.She has an old one.Her old_2_is black.Linda doesnt like that_3_She likes red and she wants to buy a_4_car.A new red car is on sale.Linda wants to buy it, _5_she cant afford it now.She only_6_$1,000.So shell_7_ pay $1,000.And

10、she needs to pay_8_a month (月) for 48 months.Linda pays_9_for the new car, but thats_10_Linda can afford $400 each month for the new car.She likes the new car very much.(C)1.A.helpsBhasCwants Dthanks(D)2.A.friend BstoreCroom Dcar(B)3.A.number BcolorCpair Dprice(D)4.A.black BsmallCshort Dred(B)5.A.so BbutCbecause Dand(B)6.A.needs BhasCeats Dspells(A)7.A.first BlastConly Dalso(B)8.A.$48 B$400C$1,000 D$20,200(D)9.A.some BmanyClots of Da lot(C)10.A.fun BdifficultCOK Drelaxing 猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。1afford _vt.买得起_2pay_vi.付款_

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