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1、九年级英语导学案(中考第一轮复习) 第 课时笔记/二备第 课时 8BUnits 5-6主备: 课型:复习课 审核:初三备课组 班级 姓名 学号 【自主复习要点】一、易错单词Politely, litter, proper, conversation, discussion, express, explain, keep sb from sth, successful, risk, practice, purpose, support, expect, chance, similar, necessary, confident, closely, achievement, donate, org

2、anization, disease, project, introduction, operation, survivor. 二、重要词汇 1. polite adj. _ (adv.)2. proper adj. _ (adv.)3. loud adj. _ (adv.)4. say v. _ (n.) 谚语 5. discuss v. _ (n.)6. park v. _ (n.) 停车7. polite adj. _ (反义词)8. warn v. _ (n.) 9. train v. _(n.) 10. mean v. _ (adj.) 11. able adj. _(反义词) _(

3、n.) 12. confident adj. _(n.) 13. achieve v. _ (n.) 14. donate v. _(n.) 15. organize v. _(n.) 16. introduce v. _(n.) 17. operate v. _(n.) 18. survive v. _ (n.) 【当堂复习重点】三、复习词组、句型 Unit 51.打断(谈话),插嘴 _2到处扔垃圾 _3. 保持安静 _ 4使水龙头一直流着 _5摘花 _6遵守交通规则 _7. 邀请某人做某事 _8保持图书馆干净 _9. 做某事的恰当方式 _10向某人问好 _11第一次 _12谈论 _13在公

4、共场合 _14大声地笑 _ 15偶然地,意外地 _16互相问候 _17.任何时候;随时 _18单独 _19. 加入到讨论中 _20清楚地表达自己 _21写下,记下 _22忙于(做)某事 _ 23. 警告某人某事 _ 24使某人远离危险 _ 25. 禁止吸烟 _26不久以后 _27为了 _28使某人的梦想成为现实 _ 29. 练习做某事 _30的目的 _31. 首要的是 _ 32挡住某人的路 _ Unit 61.给某人写信 _2课外活动 _ 3. 期望某人做某事 _4最令人惊异的经历 _5. 与不同 _6向某人展示某物 _7. 和相似 _8放弃 _9. 接受培训 _10给某人提供某物 _11.

5、使获得巨大成功 _12生来具有 _ 13. 感到更加自信 _14由于,因为 _ 15.不同的背景 _16与密切合作 _ 17实现某人的梦想 _18务必做某事;一定要做某事 _19. 照看,照顾 _20保持干净 _21. 确保 _22做某事有困难 _23. 和某人保持联系 _24采取行动 _25. 生病住院 _26失去生命 _27. 从事工作 _28给某人让座 _ 重点句型:1.霍波,你现在够大了,要学习有关礼仪的东西了。 _ about manners now, Hobo.2. 他们谈论天气、假期、音乐、书或其他的东西。 They talk about the weather, holiday

6、s, music, books or _3. 那儿的人在公共场合举止礼貌吗?Do people there _?4. 他们认为在别人前面插队是粗鲁的。 They think_ before others.5. 就像谚语说的“入乡随俗”。 Just as the saying goes, “_”6. 基蒂非常忙于上舞蹈课。 Kitty _ her dancing lessons.7. 这些规则是重要的,因为我们应该确保客人和主人在就餐时都舒服。These rules are important because we should _ both guests and hosts _. 8.我正在为

7、成为奥运会的一名志愿者而训练。 _ the Olympic Games.9. 在工作时,我需要更多的食物。 I _ at work.10. 无家可归的人没有他们自己居住的地方。 Homeless people _11. 四万多人为了2007年特奥会放弃了他们的空闲时间。Over 40, 000 people _ the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. 12. 对于这些志愿者来说,在做这些任务之前接受训练是有必要的。 It was _ these volunteers _ before doing the tasks.13. 因为特奥会,他现在感到更加自信了

8、。 He _ the Special Olympics World Games.14. 你有机会帮助他们实现他们的梦想。You _ help them _15. 在我们的日常生活中,我们怎样才能帮助人们呢? How can we help people _? 【当堂复习难点】四、1. enough to,tooto的用法,肯定句型及否定句型, 同义句转换。Eg1 Lucy is strong enough to carry the box herself. 注意enough 在句中的位置:形容词后!Eg 2 The boy is not old enough to dress himself.

9、 与tooto 句型的同义句转换,以及sothat The boy is too young to dress himself. The boy is so young that he cant dress himself. 学生常见错误:1.把that 句中的主语丢失; 2 not enough to中的not 丢失。练习: Amy was careless. She did not take her hat with her when she left.(用三种方式来完成这个句子)1. Amy was _ careless _ _ her hat with her when she lef

10、t.2. Amy _ _ enough _ _ her hat with her when she left.3. Amy was _careless_ she _ take her hat with her when she left. 2. It is + adj+ to do.; It is +adj +for+ to do;It is + adj + of + to do.讲清楚 for 与Of 句型的区别使用。Eg It is _(mean) to help these homeless people. It is important _ us to take actions to

11、protect the environment. It is selfish _ you to eat the whole cake. 用of 还是for 取决于形容词是普通形容词还是修饰人的品德,个性等的形容词。【课后巩固语篇】.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. The students in Class 3 are having a _(discuss) about where to have a picnic.2. Jack, if you keep trying, youll be _ (success) in finding the best way.3. Her dream is

12、_ (be) a famous doctor.4. I think youd better stop talking _ (loud)5. Well invite Jenny _ (talk) about manners in the USA. 6. A _ (able) man is sitting in the armchair.7. The baby was born with _ (blind)8. We can give _ (home) people food and clothes.9. Can they communicate by _ (write) emails?10. D

13、o you expect Jack _ (get) first prize in the race?.单项选择 ()1. You should _ after reading the books and magazines.Aput it backBput back itCput them backDput back them()2. Do you have _ to tell Miss Green, Linda?Asomething importantBimportant anythingCimportant somethingDanything important ()3. _ Andy

14、_ Jack are busy preparing the coming final exam.ANot only; but alsoBBoth; andCNeither; norDEither; or()4. Can we chat in the library? Im afraid _. We should keep quiet.ANotBso CcantDcan()5. We played all kinds of games and we sang and danced _ at the party.AtooBas wellCeitherDalso()6. Its wise _ you

15、 to learn English well.AforBtoCofDwith()7. The first thing for you to do is to find a comfortable room _Ato liveBto living inCto live inDto living()8. Diana made a great success in her research _ her hard work.AbecauseBas a resultCbecause ofDso that()9. It was impossible _ the little boy to carry such a heavy box.AofBforCtoDwith()10. Can you tell the differences between the two pictures?Differences? Oh, no. They look quite _AstrangeBsimilarCdifferentDinteresting【错题摘录反思】 评价: 日期: 4

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