外研版九年级英语上册Module9 Unit1 练习及答案

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1、Unit 1I. 根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)。1. 我想我必须得和你谈一谈。I think I have to _ you.2. 这栋大楼的这边没有窗户。The building _ no windows on this side.3. 你最好乖一点,否则你妈妈回来你就惨了。Youd better behave yourself, or youll _ when your mum gets home.4. 我往老太太那边走过去,扶她上公共汽车。I _ to the old woman and helped her into the bus.5. 玛丽现在不在家,她正在寻找丢失的小狗。Ma

2、ry isnt at home now. She is _ her lost dog.II. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Respect is one of those _ (thing) that everyone wants.2. We are going to have a football match if it _ (not rain) tomorrow.3. David can usually tell stories that make everyone else _ (laugh).4. In the end the two _ (hero) fall in love

3、 with each other.5. Mum and Dad, would you please let me _ (make) my own decision (决定) this time?参考答案:I. 1. have a word with 2. has got 3. be in deep trouble 4. went over 5. looking forII. 1. things 2. doesnt rain 3. laugh 4. heroes 5. makeUnit 2I. 单项填空。1. The golden fish looks than the orange-and-w

4、hite one. A. cuter B. smart C. clever D. cute2. He is a teacher with . A. much experience B. much experiences C. many experience D. many experiences3. The _ TV cost my grandparents only 200yuan. A. old black and white B. old blackandwhite C. black, white and old D. black-and-white and old4. In Decem

5、ber 1984, the whole series of Tintin _ in China. A. began publishing B. began to publish C. was began to publish D. began to be published5. We moved here 20 years ago and have lived here _. A. ever since B. since that C. from then on D. by thenII. 根据句意及英文释义完成单词。1. Well have to eat here. _ (all place

6、s) else is crowded.2. Owning a _ (not for public use) car is a great thing. It makes going out more convenient (方便的) and comfortable.3. There are many _ (used often) expressions you can use to give advice in English.4. The Monkey King is told to go to _ (the place in which Gods live) for taking a gr

7、eat weapon (武器).5. It was my first _ (an event or activity that influences you in some way) of living alone.6. Then the teacher _ (go in front to show the way) us out of the museum.参考答案:I. 1-5AABBA II. 1. Everywhere 2. private 3. common 4. heaven 5. experience 6. ledUnit 3I. 选择最佳答案。1. Do you know th

8、e man _ is talking with Mr Wang? Yes, hes our new head teacher.A. / B. whoC. which D. whom2. Is this the river _ we can swim?A. which B. in whichC. that D. the one3. This is the best hotel in the city _ I know.A. where B. since C. that D. it4. The girl _ is reading under the tree _ my sister.A. that

9、; is B. that; was C. which; is D. whom; was5. Have you found the notebook _ Jim gave to me for my birthday?A. who B. whom C. where D. /II. 填空。1. This is the film _ I saw last night.2. Here are two pictures _ are taken from the film.3. The man and the woman _ you see in the picture are Jack and Lucy. 4. Jack and Lucy are the hero and the heroine _ loved each other very much in the film.参考答案:I. 1-5 BBCADII. 1. (which/that) 2. (that/ which) 3. (who/whom/that) 4.(who/that)

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