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定语 从句 试题 答案
定语从句试题及答案 Ⅰ.选择题(40×2) 1.I've read all the books       you gave me.  A.which    B.them    C.what    D.that 2.There isn't much       I can do.  A.what    B.which    C.that    D.how 3.He keeps a record of everything      he had seen there.  A.he    B.that    C.which    D.what 4.Tell us about the people and the places        are different from ours.  A.that    B.who    C.which    D.whom 5.Mr John said that Suzhou was the first city      he had visited in China.  A.that    B.where    C.which    D.what 6.The TV play I watched last night is the best one      I have watched this year.  A.which      B.what    C.whose    D.that 7.Last Sunday they reached Qingdao,      a conference was to be held.  A.which    B.that    C.when    D.where 8.Is this the museum    you visited the other day?  A.that    B.where    C.in which    D.the one 9.I began to work in Beijing in the year      New China was founded.  A.when    B.that    C.which    D.where 10.This is the very film      I've long wished to see.  A.which    B.that    C.who    D.whom 11.There is no difficulty      can't be overcome in the world.  A.that    B.which    C.who    D.what 12.Who is the person      is standing at the gate of Beijing Tourism Tower?  A.who    B.that    C.which    D.whom 13.This was the supermarket      I bought this kind of tin.  A.where    B.that    C.who    D.which 14.The house      the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.  A.that    B.where    C.what    D.when 15.This is the last time      I shall come here to help you.  A.that    B.which    C.when    D.what 16.The house      we live is not big.  A.in that    B.which    C.in which    D.that 17.My neighburs used to give me a hand in time of trouble,      was very kind of them.  A.who    B.that    C.which    D.whom 18.All      glitters is not gold.  A.that    B.which    C./    D.what 19.I now know why Mao impresses everyone who meets him the way    he does. A.which    B.what    C./    D.now 20.Beijing,      is the capital of China,is a beautiful city. A.that    B.it    C.which    D./ 21.She was no longer the woman      she was.  A.that    B.which    C.what    D.who 22.That's the hotel      last year.  A.which we stayed       B.at that we stayed  C.Where we stayed at      D.where we stayed 23.The doctor did all      to save the wounded boy.  A.what he could  B.he could  C.everything which he could  D.for which he could do 24.Anyone      this opinion may speak out.  A.that againsts      B.that against  C.who is against      D.who are against 25.The place      you are standing used to be an old church.  A.which    B.where    C.that    D.when 26.You've made the same mistake    you made last time.  A.as    B.like    C.which    D.that 27.It is not such an interesting magazine      I thought.  A.as    B.that    C.which    D./ 28.     you know,he is a famous musician.  A.As    B.which    C.That    D./ 29.Mr Zhou,      native language was Chinese,could read and write several foreign languages.  A.whose    B.his    C.which    D.that 30.Do you know the actor      you saw playing Hamlet is now doing King Lear?  A.who       B.whom       C.whose       D.which 31.I took my friend to the Summer Palace,     we had some photos taken.  A.where    B.which    C.that    D./ 32.Do you remember the day      your sister was graduated as a Master of Arts?  A.which    B.on which    C.about which    D./ 33.The bus,     was already full,was surrounded by an angry crowd.  A.which of most    B.most of which  C.which of the most  D.most of that 34.We all remember the days      we studied together at school.  A.which    B.that    C.when    D./ 35.Do you know the reason      he didn't come?  A.that    B.which    C.for    D.why 36.I showed the doctor the place      I felt the pain.  A.that    B.which    C.where    D.when 37.He is the only one of the three      got the new idea.  A.who have   B.whom have  C.who has    D.whose had 38.I'm one of the students      well in English in my class.  A.who does    B.who do    C.which does    D.who did 39.This is the baby      tomorrow.  A.after whom I shall look  B.whom I shall look after  C.whose I shall look after  D.after whom I shall look after 40.This is the fastest train      is going to Nanjing.  A.that    B.what    C.where    D./  Ⅱ.从A、B、C、D中找出错误的一项.(5×2) 1.It′ll be dark by the time(A) you get to(B) the river, so I′m afraid you′ll have to(C) go back the same way that(D) you came. 2.When I first came(A) to the supermarket, I worked in(B) the department where(C) sold cooked or prepared(D) food. 3.I have read(A) the novel twice(B) which(C) you are talking about it(D). 4.I'd like to buy(A) that new model recorder but which(B) is too expensive for(C) me at present(D). 5.Marco Poio,who(A) was a great Italian traveller,travelled all the way(B) to China,where(C) was then(D) called Cathay.  Ⅲ.用定语从句连接下列每对句子.(5×2) 1.She was talking with a lady.Her son was ill. 2.You sent my sister a present.Thank you very much for it. 3.The clothes have been cleaned.I'm wearing them. 4.He is sitting in a chair.It is broken. 5.She is a person.Everyone likes to make friends with her. 7、我们每个人应该怎样保护身边的环境? 6、你还知道哪些环境问题?它们都对地球造成了哪些影响? 4、“我迈出了一小步,但人类迈出了一大步。”这句话是阿姆斯特朗说的。参考答案 Ⅰ.1.D   2.C    3.B    4.A    5.A    6.D   7.D   8.A    9.A    10.B   11.A   12.B   13.A  14.A    15.A   16.C   17.C   18.A 6、蚜虫是黄色的,在植物的嫩枝上吸食汁液,每个蚜虫只有针眼般大小,在10倍放大镜下我们可以看清它们的肢体。  19.C  20.C    21.A   22.D   23.B   24.C   25.B  26.A    27.A   28.A   29.A   30.B 3、怎样做才是解决垃圾问题最有效的方法呢?(P73)  31.A  32.B    33.B   34.C   35.D   36.C   37.C  38.B    39.B   40.A     15、经过有效处理的废水,可以排放到湖泊、河流和海洋中,也可以渗入地下。Ⅱ.1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C Ⅲ.1.She was talking with a lady whose son was ill. 9、物质的变化一般分为物理变化和化学变化。化学变化伴随的现象很多,最重要的特点是产生了新物质。物质发生化学变化的过程中一定发生了物理变化。2.Thank you very much for the present which you sent to my sister. 3.I'm wearing the clothes which have been cleaned. 4、举例说明微生物对人类有益的方面是什么?4.He is sitting in a chair which is broken.(The chair which he is sitting in is broken.) 5、草蛉是蚜虫的天敌,七星瓢虫吃蚜虫,蜻蜓吃蚊子。5.She is a person whom everyone likes to make friends with. 1、月球是地球的卫星,月球围绕着地球运动,运动的方向是逆时针方向。 
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