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1、Do not smokeDo not talk Do not use a mobile phoneDo not pick flowersDo not fishDo not spitGuessing Game 猜谜猜谜Its a place(地方)You shouldnt talk and be quiet in this place.You can find many books in this place.You can borrow the books but you should have got a card.Where is it?librarylibraryUnit 4 Dont

2、talk here.Unit 4 Dont talk here.Dont Dont talktalk in the library.in the library.talktalklibrarylibraryDont Dont talktalk in class.in class.classclasstalktalkDont Dont eateat in class.in class.eateatDont Dont throw waste paper throw waste paper on the floor.on the floor.throw waste paper throw waste

3、 paper Dont Dont drawdraw on the wall.on the wall.drawdrawwallwallDont Dont play football play football on the road.on the road.play football play football roadroadDont Dont pick flowers pick flowers in the park.in the park.pick flowers pick flowers parkparklibrary rules 图书馆规章制度图书馆规章制度1.Dont talk.2.

4、Dont eat in the library.3.Dont write on the book.class rules 1.Dont eat in class.2.Dont talk in class.3.Dont throw waste paper on the floor.floortalk说话eat吃throw扔wall墙地板地板class课堂课堂parkfloorroadlibrary throwwaste单词大比拼wallclass Listen to the tape and find“please,dont”认真听录音,圈出认真听录音,圈出“please ,dont”。祈使句表

5、示要求、命祈使句表示要求、命令让他人做某事,常以动令让他人做某事,常以动词原形开头,出于礼貌我词原形开头,出于礼貌我们有时会在句子开头或句们有时会在句子开头或句子末尾加上子末尾加上please,祈使,祈使句的否定形式就是直接在句的否定形式就是直接在动词前面加上动词前面加上Dont,意为,意为“不要不要”祈祈 使使 句:句:Answer the questions:Who is taking Dong dong to the library?What does Simon find?What does the man say to Simon?What are the library rules

6、?What does Simon want to learn?Is Chinese easy to learn?Read the text by yourselves and answer questions:(带着问题自读课文(带着问题自读课文,并回答问题)并回答问题)Where do Bob and Paul study?2.What does Bob like?3.What does Paul like?They study in Sunshine School.He likes listening to music and singing.He likes drawing and re

7、ading.Read the text after teacher,and understand the text.(跟老师读并理解课文)Act the dialogue:A:Do you want to go to the library?B:Yes,I do.A:Now,lets go.B:Wow,there are lots of books.Librarian:Dont talk in the .Please be .A:I want a book.B:I want a CD.Librarian:Please stand in .A:Heres my library card.Libr

8、arian:Here you are.B:Heres my .Librarian:Here you are.libraryquietlinelibrary cardPlease hurry.请安静。请安静。Please be quiet.请排队。请排队。Please stand in line.请快点。请快点。Dont talk in the library.不要在图书馆讲话。不要在图书馆讲话。Look and match:Look and say(看一看,说一说看一看,说一说)Please be quiet.Dont run.Please stand in line.Don walk on

9、the grass.Don eat in the class.Please stand up.Read and write:(读一读,写一写读一读,写一写)run so fast be quiet do homework clean the classroom climb treeswalk on the grass draw on the wallhelp your mumPlease be quiet.Dont run so fast.Please do homework.Please clean the classroom.Please help your mum.Dont climb trees.Dont draw on the wall.Dont run so fast.Make class rules.制定班规。制定班规。No smoking.Dont swim here.Dont walk.Please turn right.Dont climb.Please stand in line.Homework:1、Write words three times and recite them.2、Listen and read the text two times.3、Make rules for computer room.

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