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1、Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849)A brief introduction of Poe He is an American author,poet,editor and literary critic.He was considered part of the American Romantic Movement.one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story the tales of mystery and the macabre令人毛骨耸然的 the inventor of the detect

2、ive fiction genre the first well-known American writer to try to learn a living through writing alone,resulting in a financially difficult life and career He was born in Boston.He was an orphan when his mother died shortly after his father abandoned the family.Poe was taken in by John Allan.He atten

3、ded the University of Virginia for one semester but left due to lack of money.Then he enlisted in the Army and later failing as an officers cadet学员 at West Point.西点军校的二十二条军规:无条件执行 2.工作无借口3.细节决定成败 4.以上司为榜样5.荣誉原则 6.受人欢迎7.善于合作 8.团队精神9.只有第一 10.敢于冒险11.火一般的精神 12.不断提升自己13.勇敢者的游戏 14.全力以赴15.尽职尽责 16.没有不可能17.永

4、不放弃 18.敬业为魂19.为自己奋斗 20.理念至上21.自动自发 22.立即行动In 1835,he married Virginia Clemm,his 13-year-old cousin.In 1847,his wife died and left him inconsolable and bitter with life than ever.He turned to drink and deteriorated physically and emotionally until his death at the age of forty.He was poor all his lif

5、e.传记作家和评论家常常认为爱伦坡作品中频繁出现的主题“美丽女人之死”源于他生活中女性的一再消逝,包括他的妻子。II.His main works Tamerlane and Other Poems帖木儿及其他诗2.Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 述异集3.Tales 故事集Two kinds of his short stories:Mystery and horror 悬疑和恐怖 The Black Cat 黑猫 The cask of Amontillado 阿芒提拉多的酒桶 The Mask of the Red Death 红色死亡假面舞会

6、Ligeia 莉盖亚 The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍屋的倒塌2)Detective 推理 The Purloined letter 被窃的信件 The Gold Bug 金甲虫 The Murders in the Rue Morgue 莫格街的谋杀案柯南 道尔“在(推理小说创作)这条狭窄的小路上,一个作家必须步行,而他总会看到在他前面有爱伦坡的脚印。”Poes works on literary theory:The Philosophy of Composition创作哲学1)The Poetic Principle 诗歌原则 Poes famous p

7、oems The Raven 乌鸦 Annable Lee 安娜贝尔 李 Sonnet-To Science十四行诗 致科学1)To Helen 致海伦III.Writing style one setting-short and brevity Melancholy is all the poetic tones.the rhythmical creation of beauty-his stress on rhythm,musical effect,even metrical韵律 flow in versification(诗律)III.Themes In theme,Poe antici

8、pates twentieth-century literature in his treatment of the disintegration碎裂;分裂of the self in a world of T.S Eliots“nothingness”and Hemingways“nada”n:d:(没有什么).In general,Poe portrayed the world of the neurotics神经病人/the criminal/the abnormal/the sinner through aesthetic and rational eyes.Poe revealed

9、in his stories that these peoples behavior led to disintegration of soul or mind,which led to a morbid病态的 and dreary world,and to death.IV.Influence侦探小说(detective story)鼻祖、科幻小说(science fiction)先驱之一、恐怖小说(horror fiction)大师、短篇哥特小说巅峰、象征主义(symbolism)先驱之一,唯美主义(aestheticism)者。受到过爱伦坡影响的主要人物有:柯南道尔、波德莱尔、斯特芳马拉

10、美、儒勒凡尔纳、罗伯特路易斯斯蒂文森、希区柯克、蒂姆伯顿、江户川乱步等。爱伦坡最著名的文艺理论是“效果论”。坡的文学主张,死亡美学和恐怖美学。爱伦坡、安布鲁斯布尔斯和H.P.洛夫克拉夫特并称为美国三大恐怖小说家。The Father of psychoanalytic criticismV.The Raven7.Gothic novel is a type of romance very popular late in the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century.Gothic novel emphasizes things

11、 which are grotesque怪异的,violent,mysterious,supernatural,desolate 荒凉 and horrifying.Gothic,originally in the sense of“medic医学,not classical”,with its descriptions of the dark,irrational side of human nature,Gothic novel has exerted a great influence over the writers of the Romantic period.Symbols in

12、The Raven the raven:ill-omen death nevermore Midnight and December:the end of something December Poes mother died in this month3.the chamber:loneliness of the man,the sorrow he feels for the loss of Lenore.The room is richly furnished,reminds the narrator of his lost love,which helps to create an ef

13、fect of beauty in the poem.The tempest outside is used to even more signify the isolation of this man,to show a sharp contrast between the calmness in the chamber and the tempestuous night.乌鸦叙述的是一位经受失亲之痛的男子在孤苦无奈,心灰意冷的深夜与一只乌鸦邂逅并叙述其思妻的故事。基调凄怆疑惧,源于不可逆性的绝望,随着乌鸦一声声“永不复生”而加深,直至绝望到无以复加的地步。“永不复生”共重复了11次,它是乌

14、鸦唯一的话语,既是它的名字,也是它对作者每一次询问的回答。听起来虽答非所问,但觉得非常应景。它把原本荒诞的对话推向了对生存价值的哲理叙述。人至爱的一切不正象乌鸦聒噪的那样,一旦逝去便永不复生吗?12月的深夜,又黑又冷,这是叙述者凄苦难耐的心理写照。正是这种心境引来了乌鸦,它孤立在女神的塑像上,一次次地传达着冥界的讯息,一次次地用沙哑刺耳的“永不复生”的字眼戳啄着叙述者已破碎的心,使他的灵魂沉入低徊飘荡的阴影之中。在音韵的处理上,爱伦坡大量使用了头韵alliteration、内韵internal ryhme 和谐韵assonance,对近似音进行了精细而超常的排列。每一节中都有一系列的短句构成长

15、行,这样连续不断拍成流水行,只在行间换气。极忠实地表现了叙述者低徊哀婉的语气,读起来如一步三叹。坡的短篇小说和诗作都充满了哥特式的神奇色彩。坡对美好事物的凋零有着强烈的迷恋。追根究底,这源远与他儿时的丧亲之痛与中年丧妻之痛。而已逝女子的影子常在他的脑海里盘旋,引领他在诗歌王国里翱翔。哥特式风格又恰如其分地被其用在诠释他心底深处的恐惧、痛苦与压抑。他更注重对人内心世界的雕琢。乌鸦的创作理念 诗歌的长度不能太常 诗的基调要美,悲剧美 诗的音韵phonology选择了叠歌refrain的效果,叠句“nevermore”可以增强感染力 没有选择人来说nevermore,而选择乌鸦是因为,在圣经.创世纪中,乌鸦本身就是一去不复返的意思。主题是死亡,美女之死。主角是“一个痛失佳人的多情男子”主角开始太惊讶,然后惊醒,接着恐怖,然后开始自我折磨。1.乌鸦就是一个“没有止境的伤逝”

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