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1、(新版)英语八年级(下)单元练习题解析Unit 1 Whats the matter?一、单项选择( )1. You have a bad cold. I think you _ lie down and rest.A. shouldB. couldC. canD. shall解析:此题主要练习情态动词的用法 - 用于提出建议或劝告,情态动词用should。( )2. Whats wrong _ John?A. withB. toC. forD. on解析:此题主要练习固定句式结构中介词的使用 - Whats wrong with为固定句式结构。( )3. Whats _ with you?A

2、. the wrongB. troubleC. matterD. the matter解析:此题主要练习句式结构同选项的关联 - wrong为形容词,用于此句式结构中不能带定冠词,排除A;trouble/matter为名词,用于此句式结构中,应带上定冠词,排除B/C。( )4. If you have a _, you should go to see a dentist.A. headacheB. stomachacheC. toothacheD. sore throat解析:此题主要练习上下文意义的关联 - 同see the dentist相关,应是toothache。( )5. “Wha

3、ts wrong with you?” “I dont feel _.”A. goodB. wellC. illnessD. sadly解析:此题主要练习联系动词的用法 - feel为联系动词,之后应带上形容词作补语,排除C/D(illness为名词;sadly是副词);说明身体状况,形容词用well,不能用good。( )6. “Whats the matter with you?” “I have _.”A. a sore throatB. sore throatC. a throat soreD. throat sore解析:此题主要练习疾病名称的表达方法 - 使用单数名词表示疾病时,应

4、加上不定冠词,排除B/D;用sore表示疼痛部位时,sore应放在表示身体部位的名词前,排除D。( )7. Nobody teaches _ French. I teach _.A. me ; meB. myself ; myselfC. me ; myselfD. myself ; me解析:此题主要练习人称代词的用法 - 两句中的人称代词都用作动词的宾语,第一句同主语人称不一致,使用宾格形式,排除B/D;第二句同主语人称一致,应使用反身代词,排除A。知识要点:人称代词判断方式:人称代词的判断方法(步骤)-四步推断法确定应用形式: 第一步:看其后是否有名词,如有则用形容词性物主代词,如无则考

5、虑其余形式;e.gWhere does _ friend come from?A. you B. your C. yourself D. yours(答案为B。因为它后面带有名词friend。)注意:如其后的名词为双宾语中的间接宾语,名词前用宾格。e.gMr. Smith teaches us English. 第二步:看其是否代换了名词词组,如是则用名词性物主代词,如不是则考虑其余三个;e.gThis isnt my pen. _ is in my pencil case.A. IB. MeC. My D. Mine(答案为D。因为在此它代换了my pen。) 第三步:看其是否在动词前,如在

6、动词前,则用主格,如在动词后,则考虑剩下的两个;e.gNancy is mach fatter than _ am.A. IB. meC. myD. myself(答案为A。因为它位于动词am前用用作主语。) 第四步:如在动词后,应考虑其是否同主语人称一致,如一致则用反身代词,如不一致则用宾格。e.gNobody teaches _ English. She teaches _.A. her; herB. herself; herselfC. her; herselfD. herself; her(答案为C。因为它们都位于动词teaches后作宾语;其中第一空同主语人称不一致,使用宾格,第二空

7、同主语人称一致,使用反身代词。)( )8. “Help _ to some fish.” Mrs. Black said to the kids.A. youB. yourC. yourselfD. yourselves解析:此题主要练习人称代词的用法 - 人称代词后无名词,不能使用形容词性物主代词,排除B(形容词性物主代词为限定词,之后必须带名词);人称代词在此用作help的宾语,句式为祈使句,主语为第二人称,因此应使用反身代词(用作宾语的人称代词同主语人称一致时,应使用反身代词),排除A;上下文意义的关联,考虑使用复数形式,排除C。( )9. John is old enough. He

8、can do the work all by _.A. himB. himselfC. herD. herself解析:此题主要练习人称代词的用法 - all by oneself(独自)为固定短语,人称代词用反身代词,排除A/C;短语中反身代词应同主语人称一致,排除D。( )10. I cant go with you because I have _ homework to do.A. too manyB. too muchC. much tooD. many too解析:此题主要练习词语用法区别 - 没有many too这一表达方式,排除D;之后名词homework为不可数名词,排除A(

9、too many后带复数可数名词)和C(much too后带形容词或副词的原级)。知识要点:too much/too many/much too的用法区别:这三个短语的选用,主要需考虑其后所带词语的不同。too much后带不可数名词(或代换上文中的不可数名词);too many后带复数可数名词(或代换上文中的可数名词);much too后带形容词或副词的原级。( )11. There are _ books in the library.A. too manyB. too muchC. much tooD. many too解析:此题主要练习词语用法区别 - 没有many too这一表达方式

10、,排除D;之后名词books为复数可数名词,排除B(too much后带不可数名词)和C(much too后带形容词或副词的原级)。( )12. He is _ heavy because he eats _ sugar.A. too much too muchB. too much much tooC. much too much tooD. much too too much解析:此题主要练习词语用法区别 - heavy为形容词,之前使用much too;而sugar为不可数名词,之前应使用too much.( )13. You should _ before you make any d

11、ecision.A. think hardlyB. think onceC. hard thinkD. think twice解析:此题主要练习句式结构及英语固定表述同选项的关联 - hardly为说明否定关系的副词(几乎不能),不能用于否定句,必须放在谓语动词前,位于句首时,句子需使用倒装句式,排除A(hardly放在了谓语动词think后);hard用作副词修饰动词时,应位于动词后,排除C;没有think once的表述方式,排除B;think twice为英语的一种固定表述方法,意为“(做某事前)认真考虑;权衡利弊”。( )14. Thanks _ your help. I unders

12、tand how to use the word now.A. forB. toC. ofD. with解析:此题主要练习介词同句式结构的关系 - thanks不能同介词of/with连用,排除C/D;thanks for为祈使句,用于对别人表示感谢;而thanks to用作插入语,说明原因,意为“辛亏;由于;因为”;thanks用于祈使句时,应使用句号;thanks用作插入语,应使用逗号,因此排除B。( )15. Thanks _ the Internet, we can learn more about the world from home.A. forB. toC. ofD. with

13、解析:此题主要练习介词同句式结构的关系 - thanks不能同介词of/with连用,排除C/D;thanks for为祈使句,用于对别人表示感谢;而thanks to用作插入语,说明原因,意为“辛亏;由于;因为”;thanks用于祈使句时,应使用句号;thanks用作插入语,应使用逗号,因此排除A。做题小窍门:thanks后介词的选用:其后使用用句号,用for;其后使用逗号,用to。( )16. I have _ friends here. I often visit them on weekends.A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD. little解析:此题主要练习限定

14、词同名词的关系 - 名词为复数可数名词,排除B/D(little、a little后只能带不可数名词);上下文意义说明肯定关系,排除C(few表示否定)。知识要点:限定词同名词的关联:不同的限定词同不同的名词形式(单数可数名词、复数可数名词、不可数名词)连用,其规则如下:1. 前位限定词同名词的搭配:all可带复数可数名词或不可数名词;both只能带复数可数名词;every、each、either只能带单数可数名词。2. 中位限定词同名词的搭配:不定冠词只能带单数可数名词;零冠词、定冠词、名词所有格、形容词性物主代词可带名词的任何一种形式;指示代词(this、that、these、those)

15、则需单数带单数,复数带复数。3. 后位限定词同名词的搭配基数词(除one外)带复数可数名词;序数词(其后无基数词时)带单数可数名词;many、(a)few、a(large)number of、several带复数可数名词;much、(a)little、a(great)deal of、a bit of带不可数名词;some、any、no、a lot of、lots of、plenty of带复数可数名词或不可数名词。( )17. There is _ milk at home. Lets go and buy some.A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD. little解析:此

16、题主要练习限定词同名词的关系 - 名词为不可数名词,排除A/B(few、a few后只能带复数可数名词);上下文意义说明否定关系,排除B(a little表示肯定)。( )18. Mary used _ to school by bike. But now she usually go on foot.A. goB. goingC. to goD. to going解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - used to为固定表达方法,之后带动词原形,排除A/B/D。语法知识:used to和be used to用法区别:是否加be以及其后带何种词,主要考虑其不同的意义。used to do s

17、.th:主要用于表示过去一度存在但现在已经消失的某一特地情形,以及用于说明“过去经常做某事,但现在不那样了”,之后带动词原形。(含同现在进行比较之意)e.gHe used to be quiet.(含有“现在不内向了”之意)I used to play the piano. But now I play the violin.be used to s.th/doing s.th:表示“习惯于某事或习惯于做某事”,to为介词,之后带名词或-ing形式,此时句子的主语应为表人的词。e.gHe is used to the weather in Australia now.I am used to

18、writing with that kind of pen.be used to do s.th:表示“被用来做什么”(= be used for doing s.th),to为不定式的小品词,其后带动词原形,此时句子的主语应为表物的词。e.gKnives are used to cut things. (= Knives are used for cutting things.)做题小窍门:(be) used to之后动词形式的判定:没有be时,动词用原形;有be时,如主语为人,动词用-ing形式,如主语为物,动词用原形。( )19. Aron is used to _ risks beca

19、use he is a mountain climber.A. takeB. takingC. takesD. took解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - be used to的主语为表人的词语时,表示“习惯于做某事”,to为介词,之后的动词用-ing形式。( )20. Knives are used to _ things.A. cutB. cuttingC. cutsD. making解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - be used to的主语为表物的词语时,意为“被用了做某事”,to为不定式的小品词,之后带动词原形。( )21. The old man has _.A. onl

20、y three toothsB. three only toothsC. only three teethD. three only teeth解析:此题主要练习名词复数形式的写法 - tooth的复数形式为特殊形式,不能加-s表示复数,而必须使用teeth表示,排除A/B;only应用于数词前强调数量关系,排除D。语法知识:名词复数形式的构成:可数名词复数形式的构成主要有以下几种方式:1、一般情况下,直接在词尾加-s;e.gbook - bookspanda - pandasbanana - bananas2、用-s、-x、-sh、-ch结尾的名词,在词尾加-es;e.gbus - buse

21、sbox - boxessandwich - sandwicheswatch - watches3、用-y结尾的名词,y之前为元音字母时,直接加-s;-y之前为辅音字母时,先将-y变为-i,再加-es;e.gboy - boysbaby babies4、用-f或-fe结尾的名词,先将-f或-fe变为-v,再加-es(注:scarf可直接加-s);e.gknife - knivesleaf - leavesscarf - scarves / scarfs5、用-o结尾的词,除Negro、hero、potato、tomato(“黑人”“英雄”爱吃“土豆”和“西红柿”)加-es外,其余的都加-s;e

22、.gtomato - tomatoespiano - pianosphoto - photos6、特殊变化:(1)单数和复数一样:people、sheep、deer、fish(可加-es)以及用-ese、-sh、-ch结尾表示“某国人”的词;e.g a sheep - some sheepone Chinese - some Chinese(2)man或用-man结尾的词,变man为men;e.gman - menwoman - womenpoliceman - policemen注:human和German加-s构成复数。(3)其它:foot - feettooth - teethchild

23、 - childrenmouse - mice( )22. I saw Bob _ soccer with some boys when I passed the playground just now.A. playB. playedC. playingD. to play解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - see为感官动词,其宾语后用作宾补的非谓语动词用原形或-ing形式,排除B/D;上下文意义说明所看见的只是动词的一部分,排除A(使用动词原形时,表示看见的是一个完整的动作或反复性的动作)。语法知识:用作宾补的非谓语动词形式的判断:非谓语动词用作宾补时,其形式的判定需考虑同其前谓语动词

24、(以及宾语)的关联,初中英语中通常有以下几种表达形式:1、使役动词make/let后用作宾补的非谓语动词用动词原形(不带to的不定式)。e.gLets go hiking this afternoon.The teacher made the boy stand outside the classroom.注意:have(不作“有”讲)用作使役动词时,其后用作宾补后非谓语动词形式的判定需考虑同宾语的关联,宾语为表人的词语,非谓语动词用动词原形;宾语为表物的词语,非谓语动词用过去分词(-ed形式)。e.gHer parents have her practice the piano five h

25、ours a day.I will have my radio repaired this afternoon.另:help后用作宾补的非谓语动词可使用带to或表达to的不定式。e.gJohn often helps me (to) learn English on weekend.2、感官动词后用作宾补的非谓语动词形式的判定,主要应考虑是说明整个动作(不带to的不定式),还是说明动作的一部分(-ing形式)。主要有下面几种情况:(1)句子中有表频率的词时,用不带to的不定式;e.gI often hear Lucy sing songs in the classroom.(2)look at

26、以及see和hear的过去式后,一般用-ing形式;e.gI saw the children playing soccer on the playground.(3)watch之后,一般用不带to的不定式。e.gHe sat there and watched them play basketball.3、动词keep/find/waste后用作宾补的非谓语动词用-ing形式。.e.gWhy do you keep me waiting for such a long time?I found a wallet lying on the ground when I was walking i

27、n the park.4、其它动词(如want/tell/ask/order/invite/allow/suppose/consider/suggest等)之后用作宾补的非谓语动词用带to的不定式。e.gMy parents want me to be a teacher when I grows up.Mr. Miller asked us to have dinner with him this evening.注意:tell/ask/order/invite/allow/suppose/consider/suggest等动词后的不定式只能用作宾补(位于宾语后)或主语补语(用于被动语态),

28、因此,如上述动词未带宾语而直接带不定式时,必须使用被动语态。e.gJim was asked to come earlier next time.The students should be allowed to exercise at least three hours a day.( )23. Jack is a very funny boy. He often makes us _.A. laughB. laughedC. laughingD. to laugh解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - 使役动词make后用作宾补的非谓语动词为动词原形(不带to的不定式)( )24. The

29、 teacher asked the boys _ in the river.A. dont swimB. not swimmingC. dont to swimD. not to swim解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - ask后用作宾补的非谓语动词为带to的不定式,排除A/B;不定式的否定结构在小品词to前加not,排除C。( )25. To my _, Tom passed the math exam yesterday.A. surpriseB. surprisesC. surprisedD. surprising解析:此题主要练习句式结构同词性的关联 - 介词以及形容词性物主代

30、词后应带上名词,排除C/D;surprise用作名词为不可数名词,不能使用-s形式,排除B。( )26. Could you tell me what _ John last night?A. happenedB. happened onC. happened toD. happened for解析:此题主要练习词语的基本用法 - happen为不及物动词,不能带宾语,如其后带上表人的词语,必须同介词to连用。( )27. You have a stomachache. You should drink some hot tea _ honey.A. ofB. inC. forD. with解

31、析:此题主要练习介词的用法 - 说明伴随关系时,介词用with;hot tea with honey(加蜂蜜的热茶)。( )28. Im _ in that _ book. What about you?A. interesting ; interestingB. interested ; interestedC. interesting ; interestedD. interested ; interesting解析:此题主要练习词语用法区别 - -ing分词的形容词用于说明性质,一般同表物的词语连用,而-ed分词的形容词表示感受,同表人的词语连用;第一空同表人的词语相关,排除A/C;第二

32、空同表物的词语相关,排除B。( )29. I will go to the station to meet one of _ this afternoon.A. my good friendB. my best friendC. my good friendsD. my best friends解析:此题主要练习one of结构的用法 - one of后所带名词必须为复数可数名词,排除A/B;one of后名词前的形容词应使用最高级,排除C。( )30. Though the book is the same _ yours, but its different _ his.A. as; as

33、B. from; fromC. as; fromD. from; as解析:此题主要练习固定短语中介词的使用 - the same as和be different from为固定短语。( )31. This story happened _ a rainy dark morning.A. inB. onC. atD. for解析:此题主要练习时间介词的用法 - 一天分段时间的词语morning/afternoon/evening等词语受具体日期或形容词修饰时,时间介词使用on。( )32. Mr. Miller will stay in New York on business _ a few

34、 days.A. inB. onC. atD. for解析:此题主要练习时间介词的用法 - a few days为时间段,不能同介词on/at连用,排除B/C;谓语动词为延续性动词,说明动作的延续性(动作或状态持续一段时间),介词用for,排除A(in带一段时间用于将来时态时,表示“动作过多久才发生”,谓语动词应使用瞬间动词)。( )33. You should be careful when _ the busy street.A. crossB. crossedC. crossingD. to cross解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - when/while/after/before

35、带动词说明动作的同时性或先后顺序(相当于一个时间状语从句),此时when/while/after/before为介词,之后的动词用-ing形式。( )34. You cant be in control _ a business if you dont know what is going on.A. ofB. forC. withD. at解析:此题主要练习固定短语中介词的用法 - be in control of(掌控)为固定短语。( )35. Mr. Smith was late for the meeting this morning _ the heavy traffic.A. be

36、causeB. thoughC. because ofD. though of解析:此题主要练习句式结构同词语的关联 - though of的表达方式不成立,排除D;because/though为从属连词,之后必须带从句,排除A/B(之后为名词词组)。( )36. I dont fell like _ anything. I think I have a cold.A. eatB. ateC. eatingD. to eat解析:此题主要练习非谓语动词的用法 - feel like的like为介词,之后的非谓语动词用-ing形式。( )37. Although he eats _, he do

37、esnt looks _.A. well; wellB. good; goodC. well; goodD. good; well解析:此题主要练习句式结构同词性的关联 -修饰动词eat的词语应使用副词,排除B/D;用于联系动词look后作宾补的词语应为形容词,此处说明身体状况,形容词使用well,排除C(形容词good不能用于说明身体状况)。( )38. Dont shout at him. He is only a _ boy.A. five-year-oldB. five-years-oldC. five year oldD. five years old解析:此题主要练习表量词组用作定

38、语的方式 - 表量词组用连字符连接作定语时,词组中的名词用单数形式,排除B;表量词组未使用连字符时,用作定语必须使用所有格形式,排除C/D。( )39. “Im sorry to trouble you.” “_.”A. It doesnt matterB. Youre welcomeC. Thats rightD. Dont say that解析:此题主要练习交际英语的用法 - 回答表人表示歉意的句子,常使用Thats all right/OK、It doesnt matter、Never mind等。( )40. “Im sorry to hear that your brother is

39、 ill in hospital.” “_.”A. It doesnt matterB. Thank youC. Thats all rightD. Dont worry about him解析:此题主要练习交际英语的用法 -但别人表扬你或对你以及你的家人表示关心时,你应该对别人表示感谢。注意:此处的sorry不是表示歉意,而是表示对别人的关心。二、完形填空AAn old man went to a hospital. When the _1_ came to see _2_, he said, “Mr. Smith, you should have two injections(注射), a

40、nd then you will feel much better. A _3_ will come and give you the first one this evening, and then you will get _4_ tomorrow morning.In the evening in the _5_ a young woman came to Mr. Smiths bed and said to him, “Ill give you the first injection now. _6_ do you want it?”The old man was _7_. He lo

41、oked at the nurse for a few second and then he said, “_8_ has ever let me choose it before. Are you going to let me _9_ now?” “Yes, Mr. Smith, the nurse answered _10_ a smile.“I want it in your left arm, please.” Mr. Smith answered very quickly.( )1. A. workerB. doctorC. nurseD. waiter( )2. A. himB.

42、 heC. sheD. her( )3. A. workerB. doctorC. nurseD. waiter( )4. A. anotherB. othersC. the othersD. the other( )5. A. morningB. afternoonC. eveningD. day( )6. A. WhenB. HowC. WhyD. Where( )7. A. happyB. angryC. surprisedD. sorry( )8. A. EverybodyB. NobodyC. SomebodyD. Anybody( )9. A. chooseB. choosingC

43、. to chooseD. chose( )10. A. withB. atC. hasD. inBMary was ill, so she went to see _1_.“Doctor, Im not feeling _2_,” said Mary. “Every time I do my homework, I feel _3_. If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and _4_ for a few times.”The doctor looked over her _5_. At last he said, “_6_ serio

44、us(严重的), but Im afraid you are eating too much.”“I dont understand. What do you mean(意思)?” asked Mary.“I mean you eat _7_ food,” said the doctor.“Oh! You mean Im too _8_. Thats a problem,” said Mary. “What should I do?”“The answer is easy,” said the doctor. “If you want to be thinner and healthier,

45、you _9_ eat a lot of food and you should also do much _10_.”( )1. A. her motherB. the teacherC. the doctorD. her friend( )2. A. terribleB. illC. goodD. well( )3. A. hungryB. thirstyC. tiredD. happy( )4. A. stand upB. lie downC. eat foodD. have a rest( )5. A. carelesslyB. carelessC. carefullyD. caref

46、ul( )6. A. SomethingB. AnythingC. EverythingD. Nothing( )7. A. too manyB. many tooC. too muchD. much too( )8. A. thinB. healthyC. stressed outD. heavy( )9. A. mustB. shouldC. shouldntD. didnt( )10. A. houseworkB. homeworkC. shoppingD. exercise三、阅读理解AIn the doctors waiting room, sick people are waiti

47、ng on their chair. Bob, a school boy, is among them. They all look very sad except(除了)Bob. He is enjoying an exciting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor comes in to say he is ready for the next person. Bob jumps up and runs into the doctors room.“Whats your trouble?” says the doctor. Before B

48、ob could say a word, the doctor makes him lie down on a bed, “Now, let me listen to your heart.” Bob tries to speak, but the doctor tells him not to say anything. “Ill take your temperature.” Bob tries to sit up, but the doctor stops him. After a moment, the doctor says, “Well, boy, you dont have a

49、fever. In fact, theres nothing wrong with you.”“I know there isnt,” says Bob. “I just come here to get some medicine for my father.”( )1. Bob sits in the waiting room to _.A. see the doctorB. wait for the doctorC. read his magazineD. buy some medicine( )2. All the sick people look sad except Bob bec

50、ause _.A. Bob is too young to(太小了而不会)worry about anythingB. his father isnt very illC. he is interested in the magazineD. there is nothing wrong with him( )3. From the passage we can see that _.A. the doctor is carelessB. there is no nurse in the doctors roomC. the doctor is warm-heartD. the doctor

51、takes Bob as(把Bob当作)a sick person( )4. While looking over Bob, the doctor might think that _.A. Bob is funnyB. Bob isnt naughty(淘气的)C. Bob is foolishD. Bob is very ill( )5. When Bob tells the doctor what he is here for, the doctor might think that _.A. he himself is funnyB. he himself is carelessC.

52、he himself is foolishD. he himself is naughtyBAn exhausted(筋疲力尽的)looking woman came into the doctors office. She said, “Doctor, there are dogs all over my neighborhood. They bark(犬吠)all day and all night, and I cant get a good sleep.”“I have good news for you,” the doctor said, taking out a small bo

53、ttle. “Here are some new sleeping pills(药片)that work like a dream. A few of these and your trouble will be over(结束).”“Great, thank you.” the woman was very glad to go back home with the pills.A few weeks later, the woman came again, looked worse than ever(比以前更坏). She said, “Doctor, your pills are no

54、t good at all. Im more tired than before.”“I dont understand how that could be,” said the doctor, shaking his head, “Those are the strongest(最强的)pills on the market.”“That may be true,” answered the woman, “but Im still up all night running after those dogs and when I finally(最后)catch one, its hard

55、to get him to eat the pills.”( )1. The woman came to see the doctor because _.A. her dog was illB. she was bitten(被咬) by dogsC. she couldnt sleep wellD. her son was ill( )2. The doctor gave some pills to the woman for _.A. the dogsB. herselfC. her sonD. her neighbors( )3. The woman got _ in a few we

56、eks.A. betterB. healthyC. worseD. well( )4. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. The doctor gave the woman wrong pills.B. The woman liked to run with the dogs.C. The woman took the pills but the pills didnt work at all.D. The woman might feel better if she took the pills.( )5. When he heard what the w

57、oman said, the doctor might think that _.A. he gave the woman the right pillsB. the woman was a very clever personC. the woman was very foolishD. he should give the woman the pills againCDo you know the story about Tom? It was a true story. Tom was an English boy and he was eight years old. Tom didn

58、t like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to him, “Tom, your hands are very dirty again. Go and wash them.” But Tom never washes them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few second and then took them out again.Toms uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Toms parents, and they brought their small son, Ted, with them. Ted was seven years old and he didnt like soap or water, either.The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. Whe

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