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1、2020/10/1,法律英语,1,Lesson Five,Constitution,2020/10/1,法律英语,2,No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. Thomas Jefferson, America president 没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远适用的宪法,甚至一条永远适用的法律。美国总统 杰斐逊,2020/10/1,法律英语,3,Background,Common Law-Equity Law,Substantive Law-Procedural Law,Public Law-P

2、rivate Law,法律分类,2020/10/1,法律英语,4,History of the Constitution,The Declaration of Independence 独立宣言(1776),2020/10/1,法律英语,5,History of the Constitution,Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union 邦联条例(1777),2020/10/1,法律英语,6,History of the Constitution,THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION (1789),2020/10/1,法

3、律英语,7,Preamble Article I - Legislative Department Article II - Executive Department Article III - Judicial Department Article IV - States Relations Article V - Mode of Amendment Article VI - Prior Debts, National Supremacy and Oaths of Office Article VII - Ratification,2020/10/1,法律英语,8,PREAMBLE,We t

4、he People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Un

5、ited States of America. 我们合众国人民,为建立更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内安宁,提供共同防务,促进公共福利,并使我们自己和后代得享自由的幸福,特为美利坚合众国制定本宪法。,2020/10/1,法律英语,9,History of the Constitution,Amendments (1-27 ) THE FIRST 10 AMENDMENTS TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION BILL OF RIGHTS 权利和自由修正案,2020/10/1,法律英语,10,Part One: The constitution as supreme law,sup

6、reme law of the land. 宪法是美国最高法律。 When state constitutions or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force.,没有效力,2020/10/1,法律英语,11,Decisions handed down by the Supreme Court have confirmed and strengthened “Doctrine of constitut

7、ional supremacy” 联邦最高法院宣布的决定证实并加强了宪法至上原则。,2020/10/1,法律英语,12,Final authority is vested in the American people. 最终权力属于美国人民 change the fundamental law,2020/10/1,法律英语,13,The day-to-day business of government is delegated by the people to public officials . 人民将日常政治工作委托给公务员。,Elected 选举,Appointed 委任,2020/1

8、0/1,法律英语,14,Public officials,Power is limited. 权力受限制。 Their public actions must conform to the Constitution and to the laws made in accord with the Constitution. 他们的公共行为必须符合宪法和依照宪法制定的法律。,2020/10/1,法律英语,15,Elected officials must stand for re-election at periodic intervals, when their records are subj

9、ect to intensive public scrutiny. 选举产生的官员要接受定期重新选举,其政绩要受到公众全面监督。,2020/10/1,法律英语,16,Appointed officials serve at the pleasure of the person or authority who appointed them, and may be removed when their performance is unsatisfactory. 委任的官员应该让任命他们的人或机构满意。如果他们的政绩令人不满意,他们就会被撤职。,Exception,Justices of the

10、 Supreme Court and other federal judges,Lifetime appointment,2020/10/1,法律英语,17,Ballot box,The American people express their will through the ballot box.,美国人通过投票箱表达他们的意愿。,2020/10/1,法律英语,18,The process of impeachment 弹劾程序,removal of a public official from office 将一个政府官员撤职 In case of extreme misconduct

11、 or malfeasance 严重失职或渎职,2020/10/1,法律英语,19,宪法第条第项:,总统、副总统和合众国的所有文职官员,凡受叛国、贿赂或其他重罪轻罪的弹劾并被判定有罪时,应被免职。,Treason 叛国罪,Bribery受贿罪,Misdemeanor 轻罪,Other high crimes 其他重罪,2020/10/1,法律英语,20,Impeachment,House of Representatives vote a bill of impeachment. 众议院投票通过弹劾议案 Senate , with the Chief Justice of the United

12、 States presiding at the trail. 在参议院,由首席大法官主持审判,众议院是作为起诉人的角色,而参议院充当弹劾法庭的角色,2020/10/1,法律英语,21,Impeachment,Drastic measure 严厉措施 Only 13 U.S. officials have been impeached 只有13名联邦官员受到弹劾,Judges Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Secretary of War Senator president,2020/10/1,法律英语,22,参议院的审理结果是:,名法官中,人被

13、宣判有罪而被免职,人被宣布无罪; 以无管辖权为由驳回了众议院对参议员的起诉; 以一票之差宣告约翰逊总统无罪; 宣告陆军部长无罪。,2020/10/1,法律英语,23,在弹劾程序中,众议院是作为起诉人的角色,而参议院充当弹劾法庭的角色,行使弹劾案的审判权。众议院的起诉程序是:众议院司法委员会表决通过弹劾总统条款,全体会议进行辩论并表决,如超过/的议员赞成弹劾,该议案即呈参议院。参议院的审理程序是:()参议院司法委员会负责收集双方证据,为审理弹劾案做准备;()由联邦最高法院首席法官主持审理过程,名参议员为弹劾法庭的法官,听取控辩双方的辩论和有关证人的证词;()众议院以其司法委员会主席为代表扮演控方

14、的角色,白宫则组成辩护团,审理开始后,双方先各进行小时的陈述,然后传唤有关证人作证;()在控辩双方盘问证人和辩论结束后,联邦最高法院首席法官就弹劾指控按姓氏字母顺序一一点名询问每个参议员,后者只能回答“有罪”或者“无罪”。如果有/以上的参议员,就任何一项指控回答“有罪”,总统即被弹劾,由副总统接任总统,被弹劾者将终身不得担任任何公职。如果犯有刑事罪行,在其恢复普通平民身份后由普通法院进行审理。如果被认定为“无罪”,总统可以继续完成其任期。,2020/10/1,法律英语,24,Andrew Johnson,站在南方种植园奴隶主的立场,实施了一系列重建南方的反动措施,遭到控制国会的共和党激进派的强

15、烈反对。,Andrew Johnson(1808 1875),2020/10/1,法律英语,25,美国历史上第一位启动总统弹劾程序的是第届(第任)总统安德鲁约翰逊(年至年)。约翰逊任国会参议员期间,美国爆发了南北战争。年底以后,南卡罗来纳等南方几个州相继脱离联邦,成立“南部同盟”。在南方议员纷纷退出联邦国会的时候,约翰逊却坚决留在国会,并在参议院中强烈谴责南部脱离联邦。故此,年由林肯提名为副总统,年在林肯遇刺后就任总统。就任总统后,倾向南方,主张允许南部各州只附带有限改革条件就可重新加入联邦,给予获得自由的奴隶以极少的公民权利,并对参加叛乱的种植园主予以大赦等等。国会中的共和党激进派为了制衡约


17、差没有得到定罪所需全部的/,约翰逊被宣告无罪。,2020/10/1,法律英语,26,Background of the Nixcon case,American presidents: 37th 1969-1974Richard M. Nixon 38th 1974-1977Gerald R. Ford 尼克松1974年8月9日辞职,由副总统福特继任,2020/10/1,法律英语,27,Richard Nixon,In late July of 1974, the House Judiciary Committee recommended that Nixon be Impeached on

18、three charges: obstruction of justice, abuse of presidential powers, and trying to impede the impeachment process by defying their subpoenas.,Watergate crisis,2020/10/1,法律英语,28,Background (continued),Watergate -In United States v. Nixon, President Nixon was charged with bribing indirectly the burgla

19、rs who broke into the Democratic Party national headquarters in the Watergate complex of offices and apartments seeking to steal campaign secrets in order to give their employers an added advantage in the presidential campaign held in 1972.,2020/10/1,法律英语,29,Background (continued),The tapes -There w

20、as evidence which indicated that President Nixon had known about the bribes from the start. Therefore, the conversations in the presidents office became most important to the investigations when one witness before a congressional committee disclosed that President Nixon secretly had tape recorded al

21、l of his White House meetings.,2020/10/1,法律英语,30,Background (continued),Decision - In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court balanced the interest of the President in keeping important government conversations secret through his executive privilege and the interest of the American people in deter

22、mining whether or not the President had been involved in a crime. Executive privilege inherent in the presidential powers did not permit the President to withhold the tapes from the judicial branch. Impact -President Nixon was forced to resign due to the Watergate affair.,2020/10/1,法律英语,31,第二位启动总统弹劾



25、职权和蔑视国会传调录音带的命令。大批共和党议员纷纷倒戈支持弹劾尼克松,民意测验也表明尼克松的声望一落千丈,月日尼克松在众议院全体会议表决前被迫宣布辞职,弹劾程序停止,由副总统福特继任总统。月日福特宣布赦免尼克松在其任期内,“所犯下的或可能犯下的或参与的所有不利于美国的罪行”,从而免除了普通法院对尼克松刑事案件的司法追诉。,2020/10/1,法律英语,32,Bill Clinton(1946- ),Zippergate and Clinton: Impeachment,2020/10/1,法律英语,33,自克林顿和白宫前实习生莱温斯基之间的“婚外情”暴光之后,特别是在独立检察官斯塔尔公布调查结

26、果后,克林顿终于被迫承认与莱温斯基有过“不适当的关系”,并恳求国人谅解。但在众议院占多数席位的共和党启动了弹劾总统的程序。 众议院司法委员会由名共和党议员和名民主党议员组成,从年月日开始以党派为界线进行弹劾辩论,至日通过了四项弹劾条款:第条指控克林顿今夏就绯闻案向大陪审团作证时,蓄意提供虚假和误导的证词;第条指控克林顿在琼斯民事诉讼案中向联邦法官提供了虚假和误导的证词;第条指控克林顿妨碍司法,包括教唆莱温斯基向法庭作伪证以及串通他人隐蔽证据等;第条指控克林顿引用行政特权抗衡独立检察官斯塔尔的调查,以及月在答复众议院司法委员会主席海德提出的涉及绯闻案的个问题时,作了虚假误导的陈述。 年月日,众议

27、院就其司法委员会提出的对克林顿的项弹劾条款,在辩论之后进行了表决。众议院共和党的议员为人,民主党议员为人,众议院以对票通过了上述第项弹劾条款,以对票通过了第项弹劾条款。另外两项指控被否决。这是在经过了整整年之后,美国众议院全体会议再次通过弹劾现任总统的条款。 在众议院表决后,数十名民主党议员驱车前往白宫会晤克林顿,以表达他们对总统的安慰和支持。克林顿表示对自己私生活方面的不检点行为承担责任,并希望参议院能尽快找到一种合理的、两党一致的和相称的解决办法。与此同时,尽管众议院通过了两项弹劾动议,据多项民意测验表明,美国人对克林顿的工作满意度却达到了。克林顿坚称不会辞职,并自信地说:“我仍然会尽力为

28、人民、两个政党及国家做到最好,年来我一直如是,未来两年我会继续努力,直到任期届满为止。”,2020/10/1,法律英语,34,经过3天秘密讨论,美参议院克林顿弹劾案最终表决中首先以55票对45票否决了对 克林顿作伪证的指控,在随后进行的第二次表决中,以50票对50票否决 了对克林顿妨碍司法公正的指控。这样,共和党议员在两 项指控表决均达不到简单多数票数(51票),克林顿最终以 无罪结束了这场马拉松式的总统弹劾案。,2020/10/1,法律英语,35,2020/10/1,法律英语,36,Three branches of the national government,Legislative 立

29、法机关,Executive 执法机关,Judicial 司法机关,2020/10/1,法律英语,37,2020/10/1,法律英语,38,Part 2: The principles of government,Three main branches of government are separated and distinct from one another. 三个主要的政府机构相互独立和区别。 The powers given to each are delicately balanced by the powers of the other two. 给予一个机构的权力受到另两个机构

30、的微妙制约。,2020/10/1,法律英语,39,Each branch serves as a check on potential excesses of the others. 每一个部门都作为对其他部门可能滥用职权的制约。,2020/10/1,法律英语,40,2020/10/1,法律英语,41,Congress and the Courts balance each other. Congress makes laws, but the Courts interpret them. The Supreme Court decides if a law fits the meaning

31、of the Constitution.,Congress - Courts Keeping the Balance,2020/10/1,法律英语,42,Congress - PresidentKeeping the Balance,The President has special ways to check Congress and Congress has special ways to check the President. The President checks Congress when he vetoes a bill. Congress can check him if a

32、 2/3 majority votes to override his veto.,2020/10/1,法律英语,43,宪法至上,The Constitution , law, and treaties entered into by the President and approved by the Senate, stands above all other laws, executive acts and regulations. 宪法、按照宪法规定通过的法律以及总统签署、参议院批准的条约高于其他法律、行政法和条例。,2020/10/1,法律英语,44,Equal,All men are

33、 equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等。 All men are equally entitled to laws protection. 所有人都有权享有法律的保护。 All states are equal. 所有的州都平等。,2020/10/1,法律英语,45,State government ,like the federal government, must be republican in form, with final authority resting in the people. 与联邦政府一样,州政府形式上必须是共和制,最终权力归于人民。,2020

34、/10/1,法律英语,46,Part 3: Provisions of Amendment,Changes would be needed from time to time if the Constitution were to endure and keep pace with the growth of the nation. 宪法要想持久并跟得上国家发展的步伐,就必须不断改变。,2020/10/1,法律英语,47,The process of changes should not,A minority could not block action desired by most of

35、the people,2020/10/1,法律英语,48,A dual process to change the Constitution,Congress may initiate an amendment国会提起宪法修改动议,The legislatures of states may ask Congress to call a national convention to discuss and draft amendments.州立法机关要求国会召开国民大会讨论并起草修正案,2020/10/1,法律英语,49,Aside from the direct process of cha

36、nging the constitution itself, The effect of its provisions may be changed by judicial interpretation 除了直接改变宪法本身外,通过司法解释,可以改变宪法条款的效果。,2020/10/1,法律英语,50,The doctrine of judicial review司法审查原则,Landmark case,William Marbury,James Madison,vs.,2020/10/1,法律英语,51,In Marbury vs. Madison, Chief Justice John M

37、arshall established the principle of judicial review of the constitutionality of acts of Congress.,Chief Justice John Marshall (1755 - 1835),2020/10/1,法律英语,52,judicial review司法审查权,The power of the Court to interpret acts of Congress and decide their constitutionality. 司法审查权是联邦最高法院解释国会行为并确定国会行为合宪性的权力

38、。,2020/10/1,法律英语,53,judicial review司法审查权,The power of the Court to explain the meaning of various sections of the Constitution as they apply to changing legal, political, economic and social conditions. 司法审查权包含最高法院解释宪法各部分在改变法律、政治、经济和社会环境方面作用的权力。,2020/10/1,法律英语,54,A series of Court decisions has had

39、the effect of altering the thrust of constitutional law, with no substantive change in the Constitution itself. 最高法院裁决有改变宪法指向的效果,但并没有使宪法本身发生实质性变化。,2020/10/1,法律英语,55,Congressional legislation, passed to implement provisions of the basic law, or to adapt it to changing conditions, also broadens and ch

40、anges the meaning of the constitution. 国会为执行基本法或使基本法适应改变的环境而制定的法律,也拓宽和改变了宪法的含义。,2020/10/1,法律英语,56,The rules and regulations of myriad agencies of the federal government may have a similar effect. 联邦政府各机构制定的法规和规章也具有类似的作用(拓宽和改变了宪法的含义)。,Acid test,法律和规章符合宪法本身的立法意图和目的,2020/10/1,法律英语,57,重点专业词汇,Articles of

41、 Confederation BILL OF RIGHTS Doctrine of constitutional supremacy Lifetime appointment Ballot box Impeachment misconduct or malfeasance,2020/10/1,法律英语,58,Treason Bribery Misdemeanor House of Representatives Senate Legislative, Executive, Judicial Amendment The doctrine of judicial review The rules

42、and regulations,2020/10/1,法律英语,59,Questions about the text,2020/10/1,法律英语,60,Map of USA,2020/10/1,法律英语,61,Exercises,Partial translation Each branch serves as a check on potential excesses of the others recommended impeachment, the President resigned before a House vote was taken Drug dealers are sub

43、ject to federal law and treaties signed by the president on behalf of the nation and approved by the Senate,2020/10/1,法律英语,62,Exercises,立法权被分给两院,这在很大程度上是因为该权利是最令人担忧的,而且据认为那两院之间的嫉妒心理会促使它们互相制约。 “三权分立”可能被视为不仅作为控制政府以防滥用权利那可怕趋向的一种政治理论,而且作为公民个人交往中的一种公平原则。 “我们合众国的人民,为了组建一个更为完善的联邦;树立公正;保障国内安宁;建立共同的国防;增进一般福利

44、;以及为我们自己和我们的后代确保自由的赐福;特为美利坚制定并确立本宪法。”,2020/10/1,法律英语,63,Exercises,4. This idea concerns the separation of the judicial power from the executive and legislative powers, rather than executive and legislative from each other. 5. Article II provides that the President is to appoint the heads of any Depa

45、rtment and that he may call on them for written opinions about matters within their responsibility.,2020/10/1,法律英语,64,We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.,

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