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1、个体和整体(少数和多少,个人和社会) 总观点:1、辩证关系: 整体是由个体组成的,整体的影响归根结底是整体中的个体在具体起作用(整 体只是一个虚泛的联合概念,)整体中的个体可以从不同角度方面连结为一个 整体起作用。网络、电话等新技术加深了个体间的这种联系,从而加剧了整体 环境对人的影响作用。E.g.: 2 Many people believe that a few individuals or small groups (family, friends, teachers, celebrities, for example) have caused them to think and beh

2、ave in the way they do. Yet it is always society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes, not a few individuals.209 The best way to learn a new subject or skill is to study small segments or details in great depth rather than to start by trying to develop a sense of the whole. 个体显整体(关键部分?) 通过主要

3、关键部分的研究来了解整体(文化、文明、社会特点)1、这个所谓的“关键部分”是否有代表性,会不会以偏概全E.g.: 40 The media-and society in general-mistakenly expect an individual to speak for a particular group, whether or not that individual truly represents the views of the entire group.2、可行性:没有精力进行全面的调研3、建议方案:可以选取几个不同的部分调查,综合显示整体特点 230The most effec

4、tive way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.234 Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nations cultural traditions are preserved and generated.52One can

5、 best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities.183The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.(英雄的特征可能正是这个社会所追求的,也恰是这个社会所欠缺 和不足的,可能是这个社会现实特

6、征的反面;英雄不是构成这个社会的最大群 体)研究社会特点:历史、(政经文)、社会中的人(可分各阶层各领域各地 域)、结合专业特点(例如设计、教育、媒体等一个特殊面的截取)239The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.85 The true strength of a country is best demonstratedby the willingness of its governmentto toleratechallenges from itsown

7、citizens. (类比自信的人有更大的度量,对来自别人的不同意见,但这 种挑战要在合理的范围内,有时候政府为了社会稳定对故意的挑衅要果断采取 措施)150 The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers,artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people.(精英和民众是 否绝对对立?1、精英本身就是民众的一部分,他们的存在和权利同样应该受 到尊重和考虑。2、精英对国家的贡献更大,对他们的鼓励和强调对民众有榜

8、 样作用,有助于社会整体向上风气的形成3、但民众的数量毕竟是多数,是社 会的基石。)同样:28 The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famousfew,butbygroupsofpeoplewhoseidentitieshavelongbeen forgotten.同样:41 High-profile awards such as the Nobel

9、 Prize are actually damagingto society because they suggest that only a few people deserve such recognition.198Inorderforanyworkofartwhetherfilm,literature,sculpture,orasong to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.(可放至U艺术类题目 中思考,整体的好处是否要落实到每一个部分身上,如果只是其中的一部分人 受益,那这种措施是否还有存在的必要?【改革开放?

10、 一部分人先富起来 艺术鉴赏?只有一小部分人有欣赏的能力,但是否有普及的必要?】)233 Academicdisciplineshavebecomesospecializedinrecentyearsthat scholarsideasreachonlyanarrowaudience.Untilscholarscanreachawider audience,theirideaswill havelittleuse.整体显个体93Itisprimarilythroughouridentificationwithsocialgroupsthatwedefineourselves.(人对自我的认知是

11、模糊的,通过别人的评价逐渐构建一个自我, 且旁观者清。但整体过于笼统,要认知整个社会有很大难度。人对自我的定义 往往是周遭人(而不是整个社会)的评价加上自我的意识在一段很长时间内逐 渐形成的。)通过群体来定义是有危险的,有时人们会为了某种特殊的目的而 呆在某个群体。如:政治家为了选举、社会学家为了获得第一手资料、间谍为 了得至特定信息。他们与这个群体中的人并不相同,但却混在一起。 群体虽然是一群有相同特征的人的集合,但群体中每个人都有自我的个性,并且 每个人都可属于不同的群体.整体对个体的影响引申:人是否有自主选择权和自我能动性73Theconceptofindividualresponsib

12、ilityisanecessaryfiction.Although societiesmustholdindividualsaccountablefortheirownactions,peoples behaviorislargelydeterminedbyforcesnotoftheirownmaking. 136Choiceisanillusion.Inreality,ourlivesarecontrolledbythesocietyin which we live. 142Oneoftenhearsabouttheneedforindividualstotakeresponsibilit

13、yfor theirownlives.However,theconditionsinwhichpeoplefindthemselveshave beenlargelyestablishedlongbeforepeoplebecomeawareofthem.Thus,the conceptofpersonalresponsibilityismuchmorecomplicatedandunrealisticthan is often assumed.116 The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare. 没有选择的情

14、形非常非常少见。观点: 1承认社会大环境对人的限制(法律规范道德)这种限制的好处,绝对民主会 造成的混乱。2但随着民主进程的展开,越来越多的选择权落到了个人手中,所以没有自主 选择的权利不能成为个人不为自己行为承担责任的后果。3选择过多造成操作上的混乱和困难,往往为此耗费大量财产精力。进退两难 踌躇不定、反复衡量的局面。2、矛盾:更注重整体还是更倾向个体?个体和整体的矛盾是否一定存在?在不同的情况下各有轻重,但维持整体的平衡性【原则上正负平衡观点,也可按喜 好全倾,自圆即可】Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whethe

15、r their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.57 People today are too individualistic. Instead of pursuing self-centered, separate goals, people need to understand t

16、hat satisfaction comes from working for the greater good of the family, the community, or society as a whole. (个人主义) 151 People who pursue their own intellectual interests for purely personal reasons are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than are people who try to act for the public good.

17、125 A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing ones principles. ( 社会规范和个人原则是不是一定 冲突?社会规则的变化大多数时候只是微调,大方向不发生改变。当然这种在社会 框架内的自我调试能力是十分重要的) 强调个体会不会影响对整体的把握?(细节对整体性)1)个体信息量的累积有助于对整体面貌更全面立体的观察审视,从而有助于对 整体复杂性和全貌的把握。(理解整体的必要个体信息积累)2)过分强调细节会

18、无法构建一个清晰简明的整体形象,难以对本质和真实性有 所挖掘和快速把握,沉溺在细节的蒙蔽中(。滤除不必要的细节,只把握关键 的点,类别绘画和阅读)量多带来甄别的难度(需要必要的科技、软件 支持:搜索引擎)E.g.: 3 Contemporary technology makes available many small pieces of factual information. As a result, people have become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little

19、attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives.E.g.: 88 In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedingstrials, debat

20、es, meetings, etcthat are televised, the more society will benefit. (信息量 越多越好?求对不求全,此题可和232、147、4 等联系看,有关政府的信息控3、怎样达到整体效益最大? 牺牲一部分人的利益,来实现利益的最大化(。权力:牺牲一部分权力节制小 心使用)度的衡量,过犹不及1) 可行性:每个人有各自的利益诉求,整体注定是个矛盾调和点。有些成员的利 益甚至冲突,个体与个体间相互的冲突,个体和整体间相互冲突(。只是表面 上,站在更远的时间、更广的角度来看,个体整体的利益有其一致性) 政府对信息、权力的控制使用(多大程度上公开?

21、)E.g.: 4 People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.232 It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.147.”iIstimpossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth

22、all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.1)有没有公开的必要:权力集中封闭容易导致内部腐败(abuse),需要媒体和大众的监督eg.三权分 立、权力的制约和平衡) 与公众展开有效的沟通。1、有助于公众对政策和项目的理解,提高项目的执行 实施效率。2、提升政府的公信力,巩固执政。3、集思广益,为政府献计献策。4、另外,有助于政府了解公众的困难和需求,更好地为民众服务。 (应建立 一种双向的信息沟通机制,而不是单方面意味要求政府信息公开)运用新技术 为此服务。 民主政治的基本保证,公民的权利。2)何种程度的公开,是不是越多越好? 增加公众识别和甄选重要信息的难度 一些机密和公共安全的信息公开会造成社会的恐慌和不安(疫情) 被别有用心的人利用来挑起反政府反社会的情绪

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