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1、English-Chinese fly into a rage Worship the rising sun,成语对等,成语对等,小结:成语的对等是从3个方面体现出来的,一个是比喻意义,一个是比喻形式,再一个就是感情色彩。三者中比喻意义是最重要的,但三者发生矛盾时,我们得优先保留比喻意义。感情色彩的对等同比喻意义的对等几乎同样重要。如果感情色彩不对等,这条成语就肯定不能用。至于比喻形式,能对等则应尽量对等,实在对等不了,就应当机立断,大胆放弃。,谚语对等,1)Look before you leap. 2) Make hay while the sun shines. 3) There is

2、no smoke without fire. 4) Ill news travels fast. 5) Practice makes perfect. 6) 欲速则不达。 7) 出门千里,不如家里。 8) 拉入篮里就是菜。 9) 皇天不负苦心人。 10) 小巫见大巫。,1)Look before you leap. 2) Make hay while the sun shines. 3) There is no smoke without fire. 4) Ill news travels fast. 5) Practice makes perfect. 6) 欲速则不达。 7) 出门千里,不

3、如家里。 8) 拉入篮里就是菜。 9) 皇天不负苦心人。 10) 小巫见大巫。,三思而后行。 趁热打铁。 无风不起浪。 恶事传千里。 熟能生巧。 More haste, less speed. East and west, home is best. All is fish that comes to the net. Everything comes to him who waits. The moon is not seen when the sun shines.,谚语对等,谚语对等,小结:谚语和成语一样,其汉英两种语言中的对等大多数也是从比喻意义、比喻形式和感情色彩等3方面体现出来的。

4、同样,比喻意义的对等是最重要的,是翻译中必须做到的,感情色彩的对等几乎是同等重要,不可忽视,在保证这两方面的基础上,再来考虑比喻形式的对等。,一词多译 “上”,上班 上场 上当 上火 上门 上相 上报 上吊 上演 上瘾 上表,To go to work; to be on duty To appear on the stage/court To be taken in To get angry To visit; to shut the door To come out well in a photagraph To appear in the newspaper To hang onesel

5、f To perform To be addicted to sth To wind the watch,一词多译 “head”,He was badly wounded in the head. You should use your head a bit. He has a good head for mathematics. The dinner cost us five dollars a head. He was standing at the end of the staircase. Lets discuss the question under five heads. Head

6、s or tails? Where is the head? Go and ask the head of our department. Present at the meeting were the heads of government of the four countries.,一词多译 “head”,He was badly wounded in the head. 他头部受重伤。 You should use your head a bit. 你该用一下自己的头脑。 He has a good head for mathematics. 他的数学能力很强。 The dinner

7、cost us five dollars a head. 这顿饭花去我们每人5块钱。 He was standing at the end of the staircase. 他站在楼梯的顶端。 Lets discuss the question under five heads. 让我们分5个题目来讨论这个问题。 Heads or tails?正面还是反面? Where is the head? 厕所在哪里? Go and ask the head of our department. 问我们系的头去。 Present at the meeting were the heads of gov

8、ernment of the four countries. 出席会议的有4国政府的首脑。,一词多译 “man”,Man and wife Officers and men His man Friday Man-of-war Be a man!,丈夫和妻子 官和兵 他的仆人“礼拜五” 战舰 要像个男子汉!,一词多译 “good”,It was a girl with good manners. These were all labelled as good eggs. Dogs are often regarded as mans good friends. Nasser was a good

9、 chess player.,译:1)这是一位举止得体的姑娘。(不宜译成:有好举止的姑娘) 2)这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。(不宜译成:好鸡蛋) 3)狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。(不宜译成:好朋友) 4)纳赛尔是个高明的棋手。(不宜译成:好棋手),词的搭配意义 “sophisticated”,Sophisticated man Sophisticated woman Sophisticated columnist Sophisticated electronic device Sophisticated man weapon,老于世故的人 狡黠的女子 老练的专栏作家 高度精密的电子装置 尖端武器

10、,词的搭配意义 “pretty”,pretty,girl boy woman flower gardem colour village,handsome,boy man car vessel overcoat airline typewriter,翻译中的选词和选义 Die & “死”,To go to sleep To be no more To close ones eyes To lay down ones life To pass away To breathe ones last To go west To come to a violent death To give up the

11、 ghost To kick the bucket To kick up ones heels To release souls from suffering To abandon the world,长眠 没了,不在了 闭眼,合眼 献身 去世,与世长辞 咽气,断气 归西天,归西 凶死,强死,死于非命 见阎王 翘辫子,翻白眼 蹬腿,伸腿 超度 弃世,谢世,a faithful Christian(虔诚的教徒) a loving parent(慈爱的父母) an obedient child(孝顺的儿女) a virtuous wife(贤良的妻子) a dutiful husband(尽职的丈

12、夫),好教徒 好父母 好儿女 好妻子 好丈夫,选词和选义 “好”,词的搭配意义run,run across run away run into debt run out run to seed run wild run to extremes run the streets run the risk of run ones head into a wall run for presidency run oil,跑过偶然碰见 跑开失去控制 负债 跑出被用完,将尽 变得不修边幅 发狂,也掉了 流浪街头 冒着的危险 撞南墙,碰壁 竞选总统 提炼石油,词的搭配意义thick,Thick hair Th

13、ick weather A thick puddle A thick voice Thick darkness Thick fog Thick cloud,浓密的头发 阴沉的天气 浑浊的泥潭 嘶哑的声音 昏暗 浓雾 密云,词的搭配意义heavy,Heavy reading A heavy meal A heavy vote A heavy investor A heavy schedule A heavy thinker A heavy cold A heavy sleeper A heavy smoker,单调乏味的读物 不易消化的饭菜 大量的得票 巨额投资者 排得很紧的日程表 思想深沉的人

14、 重感冒 睡得很死的人 烟瘾很大的人,词的搭配意义close,Close reasoning A close election A close resemblance A close mind Closed economy A closed case A close friend A close friend,缜密的思维 势均力敌的选举 酷似之处 闭塞僵化的思想 闭关自守的经济 已了结的案件 密友 近亲,词的搭配意义open,An open fire An open question An open port A man of an open mind An open drain An ope

15、n winter An open character An open secret,盆火、明火 尚未解决的问题 不冻港、自由港 虚怀若谷的人 排水阴沟 暖和的冬天 直爽的性格 公开的秘密,词的搭配意义花,开花 花领带 绣花鞋 花絮 老花眼 花色 花心 花样,Blossom Bright-coloured ties Embroidered shoes Interesting sidelights Presbyopia Design and colour Unfaithful (husband) pattern/ trick,关于利奇对语义的分类,外延意义(denotative meaning)

16、内涵意义(connotative meaning) 风格意义(stylistic meaning) 情感意义(affective meaning) 联想意义(reflective meaning) 搭配意义(collocative meaning) 主题意义(thematic meaning),尤金-奈达的功能对等,尤金 A 奈达是能翻译理论的倡导者。为使原语和目的语之间的转换有一个标准,减少差异,奈达从语言学的角度,根据翻译的本质,提出了著名的“动态对等”翻译理论,即“功能对等”。“动态对等”分四个方面: 1)词汇对等 2)句法对等 3)篇章对等 4)文体对等,广告翻译的功能对等(意义对等)

17、,即购即食 Eating immediately ready to serve 保质期 Preservation period / quality guarantee Shelf life / storage life 亚洲四小龙 Four Asian Dragons Four Asian Tigers,三心二意 neither off nor on 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。Two heads are better than one,无法对等词的翻译,Mascon (mass concentration) (表示月球表层下高密度的物质聚积) Beddo (一种多用用途的)床 overkill(

18、核弹超过军事目的的)过度杀伤力(系资产阶级渲染核武器“威力”的用语,现又用来表示宣传活动等方面不必要的过度行为) plumber(形成于“五角大楼文件”泄密事件后白宫设立的专门特工机构。原意“铅管工”,用以指特工,系借用“铅管工”堵漏,防漏之含义)美国调查政府雇员泄密事件的特工,翻译与对等 (equivalence),形式对等 这里所谓的“形式”是指用词、结构和比喻等。形式对等只从形式考虑,为了使表达M的TL与表达M的SL形式相似,力求做到词词对应,结构比喻与原作相同。 用词结构相同,意思相同 比喻相同,意思相同 形式相同,意思不同(该点为难点和重点),翻译与对等 (equivalence),灵活对等 灵活对等就是翻译时考虑的不是词的对等,而着眼于句子甚至段落的对等。在形式和意义不能兼顾的情况下,主要考虑意义。 意义对等 意义对等(equivalence in terms of meaning)只要求思想内容与原文一致,在意义上没有增删更改的现象。 风格对等 风格对等(equivalence in terms of style)指翻译时光是意思相同还不够,还要尽量保持原作风格,这是个更高的要求。,

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