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1、2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期中试题B第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who won the contest?A. Sam. B. Sara. CTom.2. What is the man most probably doing? A. Shopping. B. Working. C. Reading.3. What is the sche

2、duled time?A. At 4:00. B. At 4:15. C. At 4:30.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Their exercise. B. A basketball game. C. A gym.5. What does the man most probably think of his car?A. Great. B. Not that bad. C. Very disappointing.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的

3、A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6.7题。6. When will the woman leave the city? A. In two weeks. B. In ten days. C. At this weekend.7. Whats the womans plan for tonight?A. To see customers. B. To eat with the man.C. To go to a conference.听第

4、7段材料,回答第8,9题。8. What will the speakers do next? A. Do some shopping. B. Go to the park. C. Go back to the hotel.9. Whats the most probable relationship between the speakers? A. Brother and sister. B. Friends. C. Guide and tourist.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why didnt the woman eat much at noon? A. She didn

5、t feel like eating. B. There wasnt much food. C. The food was too hot.11. Where will the speakers go to eat? A. At a Thai restaurant. B. At a Chinese restaurant.C. At an Indian restaurant.12. How will they go to the restaurant?A. By car. B. By bike. C. On foot.听第8段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where did the woma

6、n grow up?A. In Canada. B. In France. C. In America.14. Whom in France does the woman miss most?A. Her grandmother. B. Her parents. C. Her friends.15. What can grandmothers do on Grandmothers Day in France?A. Receive things from the government.B. Enjoy some free or cheaper things.C. Eat in restauran

7、ts for free.16. Whats the womans attitude toward the mans idea?A. Uninterested. B. Supportive. C. Disappointed.听第10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。17. Where did the woman read about the study? A. On the Internet. B. In a newspaper. C. In a magazine.18. What might be the consequence of drinking too many sugary drink

8、s?A. Being thinner.B. Having a stomachache.C. Having heart disease.19. How much of a persons daily energy can e from sugary drinks? A. Within 5%. B. Within 10%. C. Within 15%.20. What does the woman advise David to do?A. Learn some health tips.B. Read the findings of a study.C. Replace some sugary d

9、rinks with water.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节: (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Most of us feel very tired after working for eight hours a day, five days a week. When we get home, we watch at least one film because its well-deserved and the only time we get to relax before going to

10、 sleep. Wake up and repeat. No wonder you feel tired. So how do you get out of this vicious circle? How do you restart your life?1. YOUR MINDSETOh man, another one of these self-improvement things. I hope I can do it, but Ive tried these things before, and I just never stick to it.This was something

11、 I used to say to myself every time I try to start something new for myself. Theres a fear-driven side of your brain which tells you, You cant do this.What can you do? Well, the tip here is to talk to yourself like youre talking to a friend, or a coworker. So the next time you try something new, be

12、kind to yourself like you would be kind to others. You are your own worst critic. But you can also be your firm defender.2. YOUR DIETIf you are looking at what you eat for the reason to feel energized, then the general rules are:1) Eat when youre hungry. Dont eat when youre not.2) Be mindful when yo

13、u eat. Chew at least 20 times. Let yourself taste and digest your food.3) Dont do three things at once when youre eating. Your body wasnt made for that.4) Preferably, eat real food. Eat what your great-grandmother would recognize as food.Dont let your days pass by in a boring way. Start by re-examin

14、ing these key habits in your life to build a body that can start doing things you want.3. YOUR SLEEPWithout enough sleep, were basically going through the day drunk. This means tiredness, difficulty to respond quickly and smartly to anything that es up. The sleeping hours needed for an average adult

15、 ranges from 7 to 9 hours.21. What does the underlined word vicious most probably mean?A. Strange. B. Awful. C. Friendly. D. Worthy.22. When the author starts something new, he .A. often feels he cant stick to it B. puts everything else asideC. always keeps on doing it D. believes he can plete it23.

16、 What should one do if he thinks he cant do something new?A. He should persuade himself to have a try.B. He should defend himself from being hurt.C. He should think about it and give it up.D. He should force himself to do it.24. What will most likely be discussed after the last paragraph?A. Why is s

17、leep important?B. How long should we sleep?C. How can we sleep properly?D. Why do people dream when sleeping?BGrowing up, I was an extremely reserved(腼腆的) boy. I didnt have many friends in primary and middle school and rarely opened up to anyone. I didnt even ask my teacher questions in class. I was

18、 scared of the world and the people around.As a child, I was scared to do anything without my parents mainly because I was afraid that I would do it badly. I was getting good grades and was well-behaved, but I wasnt happy. It was my belief that I was, for some reason, unable to do the things the oth

19、ers kids could do. I felt inadequate.While in my second semester of college, I ran into some information on the Internet about something called social anxiety. I didnt really know much of the disorder. Thus I began to read about some of the symptoms and realized that social anxiety was the thing tha

20、t hurt me so much.It is mon knowledge that people with social anxiety experience nervousness in social situations. What a lot of people dont know is that one of the main causes of social anxiety is negative thinking. People having a negative idea of themselves often think that they are ugly or stupi

21、d.I realized what I was truly afraid of: not being good enough. I was afraid that people would look at me and would not like what they saw; I was scared of rejection. To help deal with these problems, I began to practice meditation(沉思) and other mindfulness exercises. My mind slowly began to change.

22、I realized that everyone, from star athletes to noble prize winners, experiences fear in their lives. Whether people are afraid of heights, planes, spiders, or talking to girls, we all experience anxiety and fear. There is no reason for anyone to feel excluded(排除在外的) because something scares them. P

23、eople with anxiety disorders might have problems, but there is nothing wrong with them as people. They are just as humans as everyone else.25. What do we know about the author from the first two paragraphs?A. He was poor at his subjects.B. He grew up in an awful environment.C. He was shy and lacked

24、confidence.D. He did not show respect for his teachers.26. What are the characteristics of people with social anxiety?A. They want to have high social status in society.B. They desire to get more with less effort.C. They talk a lot about themselves in public.D. They often believe that others are bet

25、ter than them.27. How did the author recover from his social anxiety?A. He did a lot of exercise.B. He adjusted his way of thinking.C. He sought help from his professors.D. He surrounded himself with something positive.28. What is the writer s attitude towards people with anxiety?A. He believes that

26、 they should overe it together.B. He argues that people treat them equally.C. He insists that they be given some help.D. He thinks people should sympathize with them.CThe streets of Stockholm may be cold and snowy during winter, but it is one of the worlds hottest startup(创业) centers and a good choi

27、ce for people with talent worldwide.Once the snow melts(融化) in early spring, the city is among the greenest in the world. Two thirds of Stockholm is made up of either water or parks, and locals make it the first thing to enjoy these peaceful surroundings. Less than l% of Swedish employees work more

28、than 50 hours per week.The quality of life is important. New parents are given 480 days of leave to look after their babies, while childcare is heavily supported in various sides. Little wonder that Sweden was rated the best location in the world for family life. Adam Webb, 34, a British businessman

29、 and father-of-one, said, Everything is set towards helping parents, from giving dads time off on almost full pay to free bus rides for anyone with a baby carriage.Stockholm is also proud of what Vogue magazine recently ranked as Europes coolest neighborhood. On the island of Sodermalm, just south o

30、f the city centre, independent record stores still make money, while plenty of cafes offer a taste for Scandinavias love affairs with timeless style.Many major international panies, including H&M and Ericsson, offer expats(外来者) acmodation for the first three months of their contracts(合同) in Stockhol

31、m. But other foreigners arriving in the city are left to battle with a unique property market and a shortage of apartments. More than a third of Swedes live in rented housing, half of which is owned by local governments or state rental panies. If youre lucky enough to get a firsthand contract for th

32、is kind of acmodation, it is yours for life. Expats are wele to join the queue, but in Stockholm they will find around half a million locals in front of them and an average wait of nine years.Finding a place to live is the single biggest challenge when moving to Stockholm, but there is a lot going o

33、n to try and solve the problem, said Julika Lamberth from Stockholm Business Region, a state-funded pany working to increase investment in the city.29. Stockholm attracts international talent probably because of its .A. beautiful weather B. free apartmentsC. working policies for employees D. widespr

34、ead greenness in the city30. Sweden is on the top of the world for its .A. tourism B. sports C. family life D. record stores31. What can be the best title of the passage?A. Have More Babies? Go to Sweden!B. The Best Neighborhood in SwedenC. The Best City for Working FamiliesD. The Most fortable Apar

35、tments in StockholmDScientists can figure out a movies emotional tone from the gasps(喘气) of its audience. These gases could point the way to a subtle(微妙的,精细的) form of human munication, a new study suggests.When you see a movie, you can hear the music and see the pictures. However, you dont realize h

36、ere are chemical signals in the air. And they, too, could be affecting you, says Williams, who led the study. As an atmospheric chemist, he studies the chemical makeup of the air around us. Williams started out measuring the air in a soccer stadium. He noticed that levels of carbon dioxide and other

37、 gases changed wildly whenever the crowd cheered. That got him wondering - Could the gases people breathe out be influenced by emotions?To find out, he went to the movies.Williams and his coworkers measured air samples collected over six weeks in two movie theaters. Overall, 9,500 movie goers watche

38、d 16 films. They included a mix of edy, romance, action and horror films. Among them were The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Carrie, and Walking with Dinosaurs. The researchers gave scenes from the movies such labels as “suspense(悬疑)”, laughter and crying. Then they looked for hundreds of chemicals in

39、 the air that showed up as people were watching particular movie scenes.And certain scenes had distinct chemical fingerprints. Scenes that had people laughing or on the edge of their seats were especially distinctive. During screenings of The Hunger Games, levels of carbon dioxide and isoprene got t

40、o the highest at two suspenseful moments. Because isoprene is related to muscle movement, the researchers think tense movie moments likely led to its spikes(尖峰). Williams and his colleagues think the increase in carbon dioxide was due to the viewers increased pulse and breathing rates.Scientists nee

41、d more data to make stronger links between human emotions and whats in their breath. But Williams can see potential practical uses. panies, for instance, could quickly measure the air during tests to see how people feel about new products. He pictures future studies recording other body variables(变数

42、) as well. These might include heart rate and body temperature, for instance. Its something to find out.32. What was Williamss purpose of the research?A. To know more about the makeup of the air.B. To find out how the air changes in a crowded stadium.C. To study how greatly the movies influence peop

43、les emotion.D. To see whether peoples emotion affects the air they breathe out.33. What do we know about the experiment?A. Each participant watched about 16 films.B. The movies were a mixture of edy and romance.C. The film scenes were labeled with three main features.D. The samples were taken in two

44、 theaters over six weeks.34. In which situation are people most emotional?A. Romantic moments. B. Exciting situations.C. Suspenseful situations. D. Horrible moments.35. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Human emotions are strongly related to the chemicals humans breathe out.B. Peoples tem

45、perature will be measured when they re watching movies.C. Williams thinks more measures should be taken for practical uses.D. panies will spend much money testing their new product.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The winter vacation during the senior year of high schoo

46、l can be a stressful time for students. 36 They may also be feeling sad that time with family and friends having a relaxation. Here are some wise ways to spend the last winter vacation of high school.Start practicing responsibilities. After you enter college, you have to do a lot of things on your o

47、wn. 37 Although some may just want to spend winter break sleeping and relaxing, its the right time for you to begin taking on some household tasks. You should start doing laundry and more things on your own. In this way, you can learn to bee responsible.For students who havent decided on a major, th

48、e last winter vacation of high school can be an opportunity to explore their interests. Students are often told theyll have time to decide on a major once they get to college. However, the last winter break might be the freest time theyll have for a while. 38 Besides a major, you also need to decide

49、 on a school. This is a great time to go on more campus visits. 39 Take another visit to ensure youre making the right choice. Sometimes, seeing the school in different seasons can help you decide if it is truly where you belong. 40 Some students agree they should take advantage of time at home with

50、 family and friends while they still can. But most students dont realize how important family is until theyve moved away. As you get more into college life, you will probably not be returning home as often, so take this opportunity. Enjoy your friends and family, as it will all change once you enter

51、 college.A. Enjoy quality time at home.B. Dont visit a campus just once.C. Spend more time with your friends.D. Ask your parents what major you can study.E. So find out what you really like to learn in college.F. And youll be independent and responsible for yourself.G. They may be dealing with press

52、ure to choose a school.第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节, 满分55分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Inventions lead to the creation of new knowledge. Knowledge is created to 41 the needs of the human beings. How does the desire of people 42 knowledge? The answer lies in the abil

53、ity of human beings to 43 something new.Albert Einstein said, Imagination is more 44 than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, but imagination includes the 45 world,promoting progress and giving birth to evolution(进化、发展). It is, strictly speaking, a 46 factor in scientific research. There is no doubt th

54、at it is through the human imagination that knowledge is 47 . Knowledge can be represented in any 48 like words, pictures, diagrams or audio-visual media. Peoples knowing of knowledge again causes imagination as the force to keep on evolving, which 49 produces new knowledge.The following is the exam

55、ple of how imagination leads to 50 . As an artist, mathematician and architect, Leonardo da Vinci sketched(勾勒) plans of underwater crafts. According to this, author Jules Veme created a 51 , one about a submarine(潜水艇) 52 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. With his book, Jules Veme fueled(供给燃料) t

56、he imagination of 53 including inventors, later, real submarines were created. Jules Veme 54 his imagination about underwater 55 when he wrote his book. 56 readers admired the authors imagination when they read it, 57 inventors turned this imagination into realities.Imagination exists within all of

57、us. 58 yourself to imagine freely. Stir your brain to 59 inspiration while imagining. Because it is in the imagination that mysteries or wonders 60 .41.A. ignore B. satisfyC. exchange D. increase42.A. make up B. get toC. turn into D. give off43.A. enjoy B. studyC. understand D. imagine44.A. importan

58、t B. necessaryC. reasonable D. active45.A. small B. newC. entire D. different46.A. basic B. typicalC. flexible D. key47.A. changed B. createdC. built D. improved48.A. size B. signC. form D. mark49.A. again B. ever C. also D. too50.A. modernization B. successC. results D. inventions51.A. toy B. story

59、C. thing D. model52.A. called B. readC. published D. told53.A. students B. scientistsC. customers D. readers54.A. raised B. warnedC. used D. supported55.A. scenes B. travelC. plants D. sounds56.A. Clever B. monC. Strange D. Few57.A. while B. andC. or D. so58.A. Force B. ExpectC. Order D. Allow59.A.

60、find B. knowC. guess D. rescue60.A. shock B. escapeC. hide D. pass第二节 语法填空(请在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1.5分,共15分)Yesterday I went shopping in the town. I was using my crutches(拐杖)on 61 were two bags. I really struggled through the shopping mall. I was 62 (tire)! After a while, I found a space and ha

61、d 63 rest there.Then I noticed Michael. He was my former student and he was a man 64 his 40s. Its been years since I 65 (teach) Michael, but he stopped to chat with me. When he noticed my crutches, he said, Let me carry the bags for you. I thanked him but 66 (polite) declined his offer. Then Michael

62、 pointed to a coffee shop nearby, I will be here Rose Marie, if you change your mind. It was lovely and kind of 67 (he) to give me an opportunity to change my mind.In fact, Michael is tattooed(纹身) on his arms. People think that guys like this are frightening, but there 68 (be) nothing threatening about Michael. Michaels 69 (appear) with tattoos is just his idea of sell-expression. 70 (chat) with him help

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