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1、广东省2012年高考英语语法填空Rational Cloze,高三英语组集体备课ppt.,思考:,一、广东省2012年高考英语语法填空题怎样考? 二、广东省2012年高考英语语法填空题考什么? 三、如何解题?如何备考?,Example,Sports should help a man to learn fairness, not only in games but also in and for life. If two teams play _31_game, one team must lose. If a dozen teams attend an athletic competitio

2、n, _32_ team will get the most points and all the _33_eleven teams will get _34_ points. If a school team comes out last, that is no loss of face._35_ that team and that school must do is admit that it _36_(lose).The only intelligent reaction _37_ defeat must be : next year we will do our best to co

3、me out on top, because from now on our team will devote _38_ to a stricter course of training under competent instructors. Lessons _39_ (learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people. But even more _40_(value) are the lessons learned in extra-curricular activities in school: in speec

4、h, dramatic and musical contests, in “house” activities and, especially, in the student council.,Keys:,Sports should help a man to learn fairness, not only in games but also in and for life. If two teams play 1 _game, one team must lose. If a dozen teams attend an athletic competition, 2 _team will

5、get the most points and all the 3_eleven teams will get 4_ points. If a school team comes out last, that is no loss of face. 5_ that team and that school must do is admit that it 6_(lose).,a,one,other,fewer,What,lost,文意的贯通,1. If a dozen teams attend an athletic competition, one team will get the mos

6、t points and all the other eleven teams will get fewer points.,分析句子,5_ that team and that school must do is admit that it 6_ (lose).,通过分析句子结构,知道空格5题所在的是 个主语从句,它应该是个做do的宾语; 又通过分析句子结构,知道空格6题所在的 句子是个宾语从句,动词lose在句中做谓语。,What,lost,The only intelligent reaction 7_ defeat must be : next year we will do our

7、best to come out on top, because from now on our team will devote 8_ to a stricter course of training under competent instructors. Lessons 9_ (learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people. But even more 10 _(value) are the lessons learned in extra-curricular activities in school: in

8、 speech, dramatic and musical contests, in “house” activities and, especially, in the student council.,to,itself,learned,valuable,文意的贯通,2.because from now on our team will devote itself to a stricter course of training under competent instructors.,分析句子,Lessons 9_(learn) in sports can help us in our

9、dealing with other people.,通过分析句子,知道动词learn在句子中 不做谓语 ,而做定语, 它与其逻辑主语lessons是被动关系,因此应当用过去分词形式。,learned,分析句子,But even more 10_(value) are the lessons learned in extra-curricular activities in school: ,通过分析句子,知道这个句子是个倒装句,其正常的句序是: But the lessons learned in extra-curricular activities in school are more_

10、: ,因此,空格10题在句子中做“are”的表语,用形容词。,valuable,解题过程中的几个关键问题:,问题一: 如何把握语篇特征,整体理解文章主旨?,分析篇章结构,1、文章体裁 2、文章的话题 3、篇章结构:段落层次及主题句 5、中心大意(内容),分析篇章:,文章的中心大意,文意的理解直接影响你的填词的决定 . 文段中谈及的要点,发生的时间、地点、原因、人物及其关系等 . 要通过字里行间的意思推断作者的观点、意图和立场,例如,作者同意什么,反对什么,喜好什么,憎恶什么,主张什么等等。,解题过程中的几个关键问题,问题二: 如何正确运用所学到的语法知识?,分析句子结构,请看例题中的句子:,_

11、5_ that team and that school must do is to admit that it _6_ (lose).,通过分析句子结构,知道空格5题所在的是 个主语从句,它应该是个做do的宾语; 又通过分析句子结构,知道空格6题所在的 句子是个宾语从句,动词lose在句中做谓语。,请看例题中的句子,Lessons _9_(learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people.,通过分析句子,知道动词learn在句子中 不做谓语 ,而做定语, 它与其逻辑主语lessons是被动关系,因此应当用过去分词形式。

12、,请看例题中的句子,But even more _10_(value) are the lessons learned in extra-curricular activities in school: ,通过分析句子,知道这个句子是个倒装句,其正常的句序是: But the lessons learned in extra-curricular activities in school are more_: ,因此,空格10题在句子中做“are”的表语,用形容词。,英语句型结构:,(1)主语+谓语(+宾语+宾补) (2)主语+系动词+表语,充当各个句子成分的典型词类,(1)充当主语或宾语的典

13、型词类是: (2)充当谓语的一定是: (3)充当补语或表语的典型词类是: (4)在名词前作定语的典型词类是: (5)作状语的典型词类是:,名词或代词。 此外,还有动名词、不定式短语等,动词,形容词,形容词或形容词性物主代词,副词,并列句和复合句,并列句:,简单句并列连词简单句,复合句:,主句(主谓宾)从句(连接词主谓),两个或几个简单句之间若不用句号或分号,就必须要用连词,否则,句子的结构就不完整。,连词主要有以下四类:,(1)并列句:,用and, but, or, while (而,却), when(就在这个时候)等,(2)状语从句: (3)定语从句: (4)名词从句:,用if, unles

14、s, before, after, until, although, though, as, since, because, so, so that等,用who, which, that, when, where, why等,用that, if /whether(是否), wh-等,解题过程中的几个关键问题,问题三: 如何保证全文语意的贯通?,学习例题中的语意的贯通,请朗读例题一遍,学习例题中的语意的贯通。,1. If a dozen teams attend an athletic competition, one team will get the most points and all

15、the other eleven teams will get fewer points. 2.because from now on our team will devote itself to a stricter course of training under competent instructors.,保证全文语意的贯通,一、注意词汇的复现关系:指某一个词以原词、指代词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词等出现在语篇中,语篇中的句子通过这种复现关系得以相互衔接。,例如:,People establish new companies to make and serve goods bec

16、ause they want to make a 1_.They work to improve their goods and services , to devise new products and to make a profit. A product must be something that 2_ will choose to buy. This gives the consumers some power. Whatever they are willing and able to buy is called demand. 3_is made and offered for

17、sale is called supply. The demand for a product or service always affects the 4_ of that product or service. For example, 5_ consumers buy only small cars, car-makers will keep on making them. If consumers buy large 6 _, car-makers will make these instead. Sometimes, the quality of the service that

18、is available will decide which cars are bought.,profit,consumers,whatever,supply,if,cars/ ones,Keys :,1.profit,和下文重现。 2.consumers, 和下文重现. 3.whatever, 和上文重现,构成并列结构。, 和上文重现。 5.if, 和下文重现,构成并列结构。 或 ones,和上文重现。,保证全文语意的贯通,二 、注意词汇的同现关系:指词汇共同出现的倾向。如: 1Some people prefer to live in the city,

19、_like to live in the countryside. 此处应该填others,二者总是同时出现。 2Human brains have two sides, the _ side and the right one. 此处应该填left.根据上下文,大脑分为两边,下文为右边,上文应为左边,左和右同现。,保证全文语意的贯通,三、注意句子之间的逻辑关系。,1、表示列举的连词 :,firstly, secondly, thirdly; one , two , three; for one thingfor another; in the first placein the second

20、 place ; to begin with, then, finally, .,2、表示递进的连词:,again, also, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, whats more, in addition, above all, in particular, equally,likewise, in the same way, worse still, etc.,表示总结的连词:,altogether, overall, then, therefore, thus, all in all, in conclusion, in a word,

21、 to sum up, etc.,表示解释的连词:,namely, especially, for example, for instance, in other words, that is, that is to say, etc.,表示对比的连词:,actually, rather, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary, etc.,表示原因的连词:,because, for, since, as, now that, considering that, in that etc,表示结果的连词:,accordingly, cons

22、equently, hence, so , thus, therefore, as a result, as a consequence etc.,表示转折或让步的连词,anyhow, anyway , however, nevertheless ,though, although, as, yet, etc.,小结1:怎样考?,1.语法填空的设题一般是一篇150词左右的文段,空出10个空格( 其中,7-8个自由填空 ,2-3个提示性填空 ) 2.该题共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分。 3.要求根据上下文意思填入恰当的具一定语法功能的词和词形变换两个方面。不限定一个词。,小结2:考什么?

23、,考查目标: 它主要考查考生对高中英语大纲要求的基本语法知识、词汇、习语和较为简单的英语表达方式的掌握情况。该题不仅考查语言知识的记忆与再现,更重要的是考查学生在语篇层面上对语言知识的运用能力。,小结3:如何解题?,解题四步口诀: 一步来把全文看,把握主旨逻辑线; 二步开始做答案,容易做的先做完; 难题放在第三步,上下文里找答案; 四步复读很关键,保证全文意贯通。,总结:如何备考?,备考策略 夯实语言、语法知识基础 强化句子、篇章结构分析能力 提高语言综合运用水平 加强文意贯通能力,Attention,不要花大量的时间去钻难题、偏题和怪题,而要牢牢掌握最常用的语法要点,达到运用自如。2012年

24、语法填空题考高分的同学将不是经常钻难题的同学,而是能够熟练和准确地应用基础语法的同学,减少基础题的失误就能拿高分。,尝试命题,语法填空中的考点: 语法填空主要考查动词、非谓语动词、代词、名词、连词、冠词、介词,形容词、副词、还有可能考习惯用语、特殊句型等。,考点分布,请用刚刚总结的考点,尝试用下面的短文,进行语法填空的命题 More than 220 people were killed in the fire which destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th, 1974. The building was finished only a

25、 few months before the fire; it was Sao Paulos newest building. All the 25 floors of the office building were completely destroyed. The fire also destroyed cars which belonged to people who worked in the building. Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke out on the 11th floor

26、. No one knows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an electrical fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it. Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.,More

27、 than 220 people were killed in the fire _1_ destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th, 1974. The building was finished only a few months _2_ the fire; it was Sao Paulos newest building. All the 25 _3_ of the office building were completely destroyed. _4_ fire also destroyed cars which belonged

28、 to people who worked in the building. Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke 5_ on the 11th floor. 6_ knows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an _7_(electricity) fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to put out the fire, _8_ it was i

29、mpossible to control _9_ . Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above 10_(escape).,One possible version,More than 220 people were killed in the fire _ destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th, 1974. The building was finished only a few months _ the fi

30、re; it was Sao Paulos newest building. All the 25 _ of the office building were completely destroyed. _ fire also destroyed cars which belonged to people who worked in the building.,which/that,before,floors,The,Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke _ on the 11th floor. _ k

31、nows how the fire started. Perhaps it was started by an _ (electricity) fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to put out the fire, _ it was impossible to control _ . Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above _ (escape).,out,No one

32、/Nobody,electrical,but,it,to escape,考点分布,Homework,1)Grammar items revision. 2)Do more exercises.,May you succeed!,Exercise :,Have you ever been in a meeting _1_someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles away? You probably felt sorry and _2_your mind to pay a

33、ttention and never have daydreaming again. Most of us , from earliest school days ,_3_(tell) that daydreaming is _4_ waste of time. “On the contrary,” says L Gambia, an expert in psychology, “daydreaming is quite necessary._5_ it, the mind couldnt get done all the thinking it has to do during a norm

34、al day” Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the importance of daydreams or even consider them _6_.At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental _7_(ill). Not until the late 1980s _8_ they have a better understanding of daydreams. Eric Klinger is the writer of the book

35、 “Daydreaming” .Klinger said“ We know now that daydreaming is one of the main ways _9_we organize our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our futures_10_Daydreams really are a window on the things we fear and the things we long for in life.”,Keys.,1.while 2.made up 3.have been told 4.a 5.Without 6.Harmful 7.illnesses 8.Did 9.thatin which 10.Therefore /Thus/So,

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