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1、2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The airport police who( )the girl concluded that she was innocent and hadnt known about the drugs.问题1选项A.interrogatedB.shroudedC.ratifiedD.muffled【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。interrogate “询问”;shroud “遮蔽”;ratify “批准”;muffle “使声音低沉,裹住,捂住”。句意:机场警察询问了那个女孩,认为她是无辜的,她对毒品一无所知。选项A符

2、合题意。 2. 单选题For reasons of personal safety, the man told the police that he wished to remain( ).问题1选项A.anonymousB.suspiciousC.conspicuousD.rigorous【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。anonymous “匿名的,无名的”;suspicious “可疑的;多疑的”;conspicuous “显著的,显而易见的”;rigorous “严格的;严密的;严酷的”。句意:考虑到人身安全,这个男人告诉警察他希望能够保持匿名。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题Questi

3、ons 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Along the low-lying Colorado River.B.At the Dinosaur National Monument.C.Along the border of the U.S. and Canada.D.At museums of natural history in large cities.20.问题2选项A.Volcanic explosions could bring whole animal species to extinc

4、tion.B.Some natural disaster killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in the area.C.The pit should be carefully preserved for the study of dinosaurs.D.The whole region must have been struck by a devastating flood.21.问题3选项A.They floated down an eastward flowing river.B.They lay buried deep in the sand for mi

5、llions of years.C.They were skeletons of dinosaurs inhabiting the locality.D.They were remains of dinosaurs killed in a volcanic explosion.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A【解析】Recording TwoThe partial skeletons of more than 20 dinosaurs and scattered bones of about 300 more have been discovered in Utah and Colora

6、do at what is now the Dinosaur National Monument. 19 Many of the best specimens may be seen today at museums of natural history in the larger cities of the United States and Canada. This dinosaur pit is the largest and best-preserved deposit of dinosaurs known today. 20 Many people get the idea from

7、 the massive bones in the pit wall that some disaster, such as a volcanic explosion or a sudden flood, killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in this area. This could have happened, but it probably did not.The main reasons for thinking otherwise are the scattered bones and the thickness of the deposit. In

8、 other deposits where the animals were thought to have died together, the skeletons were usually complete and often all the bones were in their proper places. Rounded pieces of fossil bone have been found here. These fragments got their smooth, round shape by rolling along the stream bottom. In a ma

9、ss killing, the bones wouldve been left on the stream or lake bottom together at the same level. But in this deposit, the bones occur throughout a zone of sandstone about 12 feet thick.The mixture of swamp dwellers and dry land types also seems to indicate that the deposit is a mixture from differen

10、t places. The pit area is a large dinosaur graveyardnot a place where they died. 21 Most of the remains probably floated down an eastward flowing river until they were left on a shallow sandbar. Some of them may have come from far away dry land areas to the west. Perhaps they drowned trying to cross

11、 a small stream, or washed away during floods. Some of the swamp dwellers may have got stuck in the very sandbar that became their grave. Others may have floated for miles before being stranded.Even today, similar events take place: when floods come in the spring, sheep, cattle, and deer are often t

12、rapped by rising waters and often drown. Their dead bodies float downstream until the flood re- cedes, and leaves them stranded on a bar or shore where they lie, half buried in the sand until they decay. Early travelers on the Missouri River reported that shores and bars were often lined with the de

13、caying bodies of buffalo that had died during spring floods.19. Where can many of the best dinosaur specimens be found in North America?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问在北美哪里可以找到许多最好的恐龙标本?录音中提到,如今可以在美国和加拿大一些大城市的自然历史博物馆里看到许多最好的标本,因此D选项“大城市的自然历史博物馆”与录音原文一致,因此正确。A选项“地势低洼的科罗拉多河沿岸”;B选项“国家恐龙纪念遗址”;录音开头提到,美国犹他州和科罗拉多州是恐龙骨骼的发

14、掘地,如今被称为Dinosaur National Monument,并不是标本保存的地方,因此A选项和B选项均可排除;C选项“美国和加拿大的边界沿线”,录音中提到了美国和加拿大,但并未提到边界,因此不正确。20. What occurs to many people when they see the massive bones in the pit wall?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问很多人看到坑壁里巨大的骨骼时会想到什么?录音中提到,许多人看到巨坑中的恐龙骨骼,认为是一些自然灾害使得一大群的恐龙葬身在这片区域,B选项“一些自然灾害导致该地区一群恐龙死亡”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确

15、。A选项“火山爆发使得整个动物群灭绝”和D选项“整片地区一定是被洪流淹没的”表述过于绝对,录音中均没有明确的信息可以证明,因此可排除;C选项“这个巨坑应该小心保存下来用作恐龙研究”在录音中未提及,因此不选。21. What does the speaker suggest about the large number of dinosaur bones found in the pit?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问说话人对于在巨坑中发现的大量恐龙骨骼有什么看法?录音中提到,大部分遗骸可能是顺着河流向东漂流而下,最后留在了一个浅滩上。A选项“它们顺着河流向东漂流而下”正确。B选项“它们被深埋

16、在沙子里达数百万年之久”和C选项“它们是栖息在当地的恐龙的骨骼”在录音中并没有提及;D选项“它们是死于火山喷发的恐龙的遗骸”最具有干扰性,主要是利用录音中的volcanic explosion设置干扰,录音中虽然明确提及火山喷发可能造成大群恐龙死于巨坑之中是其他人的观点,并不是说话人的观点,因此可排除。4. 单选题He managed to stay in power for over five years, ( )all the criticism and the pressure on him to resign.问题1选项A.withstandingB.withholdingC.with

17、drawingD.witnessing【答案】A【解析】考查形似动词辨析。withstand “抵挡,禁得起,反抗”;withhold “克制,忍住”;withdraw “取款;回收;撤退”;witness “目击”。句意:他成功掌权五年多,经受住了各种批判和要他下台的压力。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Indulging in seeking leisure and material comfort.B.Attaching too much impo

18、rtance to independence.C.Failing to care for parents in the traditional way.D.Leaving their parents on the verge of starvation.问题2选项A.They have great difficulty living by themselves.B.They have little hope of getting any family care.C.They have fond memories of their good old days.D.They have a sens

19、e of independence and autonomy.问题3选项A.People in many parts of the world preferred small-size families.B.There have been extended families in most parts of the world.C.Many elderly people were unwilling to take care of their grandchildren.D.So many young Americans refused to live together with their

20、parents.25.问题4选项A.Leave their younger generations alone.B.Avoid being a burden to their children.C.Stay healthy by engaging in joyful activities.D.View things from their childrens perspective.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B【解析】Recording ThreeI would like particularly to talk about the need to develop a new

21、 style of aging in our own society. 22 Young people in this country have been accused of not caring for their parents the way they would have in the old country. And this is true. 23 But it is also true that old people have been influenced by an American ideal of independence and autonomy. So, we li

22、ve alone, perhaps on the verge of starvation in time without friends. But we are independent. This standard American style has been forced on every ethnic group, although there are many groups for whom the ideal is not practical. It is a poor ideal and pursuing it does a great deal of harm. This ide

23、al of independence also contains a tremendous amount of unselfishness.In talking to todays young mothers, I have asked them what kind of grandmothers they think they are going to be. I hear devoted loving mothers say that when they are through raising their children, they have no intention of becomi

24、ng grandmothers. 24 Theyre astonished to hear that in most of the world, throughout most of its history, families have been three-or four-generation families, living under the same roof. We have overemphasized the small family unitfather, mother, small children. We think it is wonderful if grandma a

25、nd grandpa, if theyre still alive, can live alone. We have reached the point where we think the only thing we can do for our children is to stay out of their way. And the only thing we can do for our daughter-in-law is to see as little of her as possible. Old peoples nursing homes, even the best one

26、, are filled with older people who believe the only thing they can do for their children is to look cheerful when they come to visit. 25 So in the end, older people have to devote all their energies to not being a burden.We are beginning to see what a tremendous price weve paid for our emphasis on i

27、ndependence and autonomy. Weve isolated old people and weve cut off the children from their grandparents. One of the reasons we have as bad a generation gap today as we do is that grandparents have stepped out. Young people are being deprived of the thing they need mostperspectiveto know why their p

28、arents behave so peculiarly and why their grandparents say the things they do.22. What have young Americans been accused of?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问美国的年轻人被指责什么?录音开头提到,美国的年轻人被指责没有像过去一样照顾他们的父母(not caring for their parents the way they would have in the old country),C选项“没有按照以往的传统来照顾父母”是录音原文的同义表述,因此正确。A选项“沉溺于追求

29、休闲和物质上的舒适”在录音中并未提及;B选项“过分注重独立”,利用录音中的independence设置干扰,录音中说的是美国的老年人深受独立自主的理想的影响,并没有提及年轻人过分注重独立,因此可排除;D选项“让他们的父母食不果腹”,利用录音中的on the verge of starvation设置干扰,录音说的是老年人因深受独立思想的影响,选择自己独自生活,以致可能挨饿,生病时身边没有朋友。父母食不果腹并不是年轻人造成的,因此D选项不正确。23. What does the speaker say about old people in the United States?【试题答案】D【试

30、题解析】题目问的是说话人对美国的老年人的看法。录音中提到,美国的老年人确实深受独立自主的理想的影响(influenced by an American ideal of independence and autonomy),D选项“他们有独立和自主的意识”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“他们独自生活有很大的困难”,录音中只是提及他们(老年人)可能会挨饿,生病时身边没有朋友,但并没有说这是很大的困难,因此可排除;B选项“他们几乎没有希望得到任何家人的照顾”和C选项“他们对过去的日子有着美好的回忆”在录音中没有信息提及,因此不选。24. What is astonishing to the

31、young mothers interviewed by the speaker?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问说话人采访的年轻妈妈们对什么感到惊讶?录音中提到,她们惊讶的是,世界上大多数地方的人们,在历史上多数时期里都是三、四代人生活在同一个屋檐下,B选项“世界上大多数地方都有大家庭”与录音原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“世界上许多地方的人都更喜欢小家庭”很明显与录音原文表述相反,所以不正确;C选项“许多老人不愿意照顾他们的子孙”和D选项“美国太多的年轻人拒绝和他们的父母生活在一起”在录音中没有信息提及,所以排除。25. What does the speaker say older pe

32、ople try their best to do?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问老年人尽力做什么?录音中提到,老年人相信他们能为孩子做的唯一的事情就是当孩子来看望他们时,尽量表现得快乐,把所有的精力都用来避免成为一个负担(not being a burden),因此B选项“避免成为子女的负担”符合录音原文表述,因此正确。A选项“不打扰他们的年轻一代”;C选项“参与快乐的活动以维持身体健康”和D项“站在孩子们的角度看待事情”在录音中均没有提及,因此排除。6. 单选题The UN Security Council investigates quarrels between nations an

33、d suggests ways of settling them. If any nation endangers the peace, the council may use economic (sanctions)against it.问题1选项A.restrictionsB.oppressionsC.reformsD.penalties【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。sanction表示“制裁,处罚,认可”;A项restriction“限制,约束,束缚”,B项oppression“压抑,镇压,压迫手段”,C项reform“改革,改良,改正”,D项penalty“罚款,罚金,处罚”。句意:

34、联合国安理会负责调查国家间的争端,并提出解决办法;如果任何国家危及和平,安理会可以对其实施经济制裁。因此,根据句意可知D选项正确。7. 单选题More than 100( )cats that used to roam the streets in a Chinese province have now been collected and organized into a tram to fight rodents that are destroying crops.问题1选项A.looseB.tamedC.wildD.stray【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。loose “宽松的”;ta

35、med “驯服的,平淡的”;wild “野生的”;stray “迷路的,流浪的”。句意:100多只曾经在中国某个省份街上流浪的猫被收留并被组织去对付破坏庄稼的啮齿动物。8. 单选题This is a far from( )bookit is a rich mix of pleasures and information, and is full of surprises.问题1选项A.solemnB.solidC.solitaryD.sophisticated【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。solemn “庄严的,严肃的”;solid “固体的,可靠的”;solitary “孤独的,独居的”

36、;sophisticated “复杂的,久经世故的”。句意:这完全不是一本严肃的书充满趣味,信息丰富还有各种惊喜。根据破折号后面的句意可知,选项A符合题意。9. 单选题Such an approach forces managers to communicate with one another and helps( )rigid departmental boundaries.问题1选项A.pass overB.stand forC.break downD.set off【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。pass over “越过,忽略”;stand for “代表,支持”;break dow

37、n “分解,失败”;set off “出发,引起”。句意:这种方法迫使经理们相互交流,并且有助于跨越严格的部门界限。选项A符合题意。10. 单选题Biological wizardry of a different sort is responsible for the ruggedness of sea-ear shells, which under high-powered microscopes resemble _ constructed stone walls.问题1选项A.reversiblyB.elaboratelyC.spontaneouslyD.concurrently【答案

38、】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项reversibly“可逆地”;B选项elaborately“精巧地;苦心经营地”;C选项spontaneously“自发地;自然地;不由自主地”;D选项concurrently“同时地;兼营;兼任地;并发地”。句意:鲍鱼壳的坚固是由另一种生物魔法造成的,在高倍显微镜下,它就像精心建造的石墙。因此B选项正确。11. 翻译题首先,额外的学习对孩子的身体发育是不利的。教育专家指出,孩子在枯燥的教室里待了一整天之后,参加一些体育活动,而不是额外的学习,是非常重要的。孩子们正处于身体快速发育时期,缺乏体育锻炼可能会对他们的生活造成严重的影响。第二,从心理上讲,大部分孩子

39、似乎对额外学习没有什么好感。当别的孩子玩耍的时候,很难想象一个学生能把精力集中在课本上。而且,由于要额外地学习,孩子们没有多少时间和同龄的孩子玩耍和交流, 很难培养他们的交际能力。他们可能变得孤僻,甚至产生某些心理疾病。通过以上讨论我们可以得出结论:尽管额外的学习的确有很多优点, 但它的缺点不可忽视,远大于它的优点。因此,放学后强迫孩子学习是不明智的。任何家长都应非常重视孩子在学习和玩耍这两方面的平衡,正如那句老话:只学习,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻。【答案】First, additional learning is detrimental to childrens physical devel

40、opment. Educational experts point out that taking some sport activities instead of extra study is very important for children after spending the whole day in a boring classroom. Children are undergoing rapid physical development and lacking physical exercise might severely affect their future life.

41、Second, psychologically speaking, the majority of children do not seem to like extra study. When other children are playing, it is hard to imagine a student can be absorbed in his textbook. Furthermore, children do not have much time to play and communicate with their peers because of the extra lear

42、ning. It is therefore difficult to develop their interpersonal abilities. They may become withdrawn, and even suffer certain mental illness. Therefore, from what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that, although extra study indeed has many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shou

43、ldnt be ignored and far out-weigh its advantages. It is therefore absurd to force children to take extra study after school. Any parents should make sure their children keep a balance between play and study, as the old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.12. 单选题Questions 23 to 25

44、 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.They cant be solved without government support.B.They are easy to solve with modern technology.C.They have not been examined in detail so far.D.They arise from the advances in technology.问题2选项A.It is intensely competitive.B.It focuses on new pro

45、ducts.C.It demands huge investment.D.It is attractive to entrepreneurs.问题3选项A.Cooperation with big companies.B.Sharing of costs with each other.C.Recruiting more qualified staff.D.In-service training of IT personnel.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B【解析】Recording ThreeWelcome to the third lecture in our series on

46、the future of small businesses in Europe. The purpose of todays lecture, as you have seen from the title and the abstract, 23 is to examine in more detail the problems facing small and medium-sized enterprises which arise at least in part from having to adapt to rapid advances in technology. And I w

47、ant to look at these both from a financial and from a personnel point of view and to offer a few hopefully effective solutions.Here we have three of the most important problems facing small businesses that I want to look at today.First, keeping up with the pace of technological change, recruiting hi

48、gh quality staff in a time of skills shortages in IT as a whole and in a highly competitive market, and the issue of retaining staff once theyve been recruited and trained. Now, all of these problems involve significant costs for all businesses. But they are particularly challenging issue for small

49、and medium-sized enterprises. And those costs would vary depending on the size and scale of the businesses.So lets come to the first issue on our list which is keeping pace with developments in technology. 24 Now we all know that the technology industry is intensely competitive with new products bei

50、ng launched all year round as the various companies strive to compete with each other, rather than, say once a year or every couple of years. And this is a real headache for smaller businesses. So, lets imagine we have a small company which is doing ok. Its just about making a profit and it spends m

51、ost of its income on the overheads. So for a company in this situation, keeping up to date with the latest technology, even if its only for the benefit of key staff, this can be hugely expensive.So in my view, some creative thinking needs to come in here to find ways to help companies in this situat

52、ion to stay ahead in the game, but at the same time, to remain technologically competitive.Well, theres a possibility that small groups of companies with similar requirements but not directly competing with each other, 25 they could share the cost of upgrading in much the same way as, lets say, an i

53、ntranet operates within larger organizations. 25 In fact, cost sharing could be a very practical solution, especially in times of financial difficulty. If theres a downward pressure on costs, because of a need for investment in other areas, I would argue that this is a perfectly feasible solution.23

54、. What does the speaker say about the problems facing small and medium-sized enterprises?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于中小企业面临的问题,说话者说了什么?本篇讲座在开头就提到讲座的目的是详细分析中小企业在适应技术的快速进步方面所面临的问题。由此可知,中小企业面临的问题来源于技术的进步,因此D选项正确。A选项“没有政府的支持,问题不能解决”和 B选项“利用现代科技很容易解决”在录音中均没有信息涉及;C选项“到目前为止,问题还没有详细研究过”,在这次讲座中说话者明确分析了中小企业面临的三个问题,而且接着

55、展开了对第一个问题的详细剖析,因此C选项不正确。24. What does the speaker say about the technology industry?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于科技行业,说话者说了什么?说话者在说跟上科技发展步伐这个问题时提到,科技行业是竞争激烈的行业,各公司相互竞争,一年到头都可能有新产品推出市场。A选项“竞争非常激烈”与原文表述一致,因此正确。B选项“专注于新产品”;C选项“它要求巨大的投资”和D选项“它对企业家是有吸引力的”在录音中均没有信息提及,均可排除。25. What is a practical solution to the prob

56、lems of small and medium-sized businesses?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问什么是解决中小企业问题的可行方案?说话者最后提到有相似需求和要求的小型企业,如果相互之间没有直接的竞争关系,可尝试共同分担技术的升级成本,而这不失为一种实用的解决方法。因此B选项“互相分摊成本”正确。A选项“与大公司合作”和D选项“信息技术人员的在职培训”在录音中没有信息提及;C选项“招聘更能胜任工作的员工”在录音中虽有提及,但这是中小型企业面临的第二个问题,并非实际解决中小型企业问题的方法,因此可排除。13. 单选题Questions 9 to 11 are based on

57、the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.Radio waves.B.Sound waves.C.Robots.D.Satellites.问题2选项A.It may be freezing fast beneath the glacier.B.It may have micro-organisms living in it.C.It may have certain rare minerals in it.D.It may be as deep as four kilometers.问题3选项A.Help understand life in freezin

58、g conditions.B.Help find new sources of fresh water.C.Provide information about other planets.D.Shed light on possible life in outer space.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D【解析】Passage OneWhile some scientists explore the surface of Antarctica, others are learning more about a giant body of water 4 kilometers bene

59、ath the ice pack. 9 Scientists first discovered Lake Vostok in the 1970s by using radio waves that penetrate the ice. Since then they have used sound waves and even satellites to map this massive body of water. How does the water in Lake Vostok remain liquid beneath an ice sheet? The thick glacier a

60、bove acts like an insulating blanket and keeps the water from freezing, says Martin Siegert, a glaciologist from the University of Wales. In addition, geothermal heat from deep within the Earth may warm the hidden lake. 10 The scientists suspect that micro-organisms may be living in Lake Vostok, clo

61、sed off from the outside world for more than 2 million years. Anything found there will be totally alien to whats on the surface of Earth, says Siegert. Scientists are trying to find a way to drill into the ice and draw water samples without causing contamination. Again, robots might be the solution

62、. If all goes as planned, a drill-shaped robot will melt through the surface ice. When it reaches the lake, it will release another robot that can swim in the lake, take pictures, and look for signs of life. 11 The scientists hope their discoveries will shed light on life in outer space, which might

63、 exist in similar dark and airless conditions. Recently, close-up pictures of Jupiters moon, Europa, showed signs of water beneath its icy surface. Once tested in Antarctica, robots could be sent to Europa to search for life there too.9. What did scientists first use to discover Lake Vostok in the 1970s?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问科学家最先用什么在20世纪70年代发现沃斯托克湖?录音开头提到,科学家在20世纪70年代首次利用能穿透冰层的无线电波发现了沃斯托克湖,因此A选项“无线电波”正确。B选项“声波”和D选项“卫星”是科学家在发现沃斯托克湖之后在地图上绘制该湖时所使用的手段,因此排除;C选项“机器人”,录音

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