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1、2022年考博英语-华东政法大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题I am always a little puzzled when I hear people complain about the difficulties of finding a good job. Young people in their 20s express dissatisfaction that all the good jobs have been taken by those in their 40s. People in their 40s, trapped in the middle gr

2、oups of the workforce, complain about waiting for their elders to make room for them at the top. Older employees worry about being forced out of the job market prematurely by younger people willing to work at entry-level wages. It is not a pretty picture.But I do not buy it. In my view, differences

3、between generations are not a problem but an opportunity if you remember to apply some basic principles of self-marketing. Most of us learned from Marketing 101 textbooks that there are four phases in the life cycle of a product or brand. The names may differ, but essentially the four phases are Int

4、roduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. As a manager of high-profile athletes for more than 30 years, I know that these four phases certainly apply to the career and marketability of an athlete.An athletes introduction or start-up phase is when he or she starts competing, does well and captures the

5、 attention of people in the sport. Introduction turns into the growth phase when the athlete goes from being a promising performer to an established star. Thats when everybody wants a piece of the athletes time and he must stay focused on his primary talent and not get distracted by side issues.For

6、an athlete, the toughest thing about the mature phase may simply be recognizing that he or she is in it. If youre marketing a bar of soap it is easy to tell if the product is mature. It is there in the stagnant or shrinking sales figures. It is different with athletes. Not only do they think the gro

7、wth phase will never end but they often deny that there is any decrease in their athletic skills or marketability, no matter what the numbers say.The decline phase for an athlete may sound harsh, but it doesnt have to be if he or she thinks of it as a reflective phase. In this phase an athlete can h

8、ave a tremendous future as a legendary figure who functions as an ambassador for his or her sport. If you substitute “employee” for “athlete” in these examples, these four phases apply to any individuals career.I genuinely believe that whenever people face a career crisis, a big reason is because th

9、ey are “out of phase”. I have always been a tremendous advocate of recruiting older workers. With the massive downsizing of corporate America, there are tens of thousands of talented men and women over the age of 50 who feel shut out of the work-place. To me, these people are a gold mine not because

10、 they are available but rather because they possess the qualities that employees in the introduction and growth phases lack, namely wisdom and experience. And since many of them received generous early-retirement packages, money is not their sole motivation. In other words, they are affordable.If I

11、were marketing myself in the mature phase. Id focus on these qualities. Wisdom, experience and affordability make up a potent package. But you cannot do that unless you first recognize and fully appreciate the phase you are in.1.What can be concluded from the passage?2.Who are complaining about the

12、difficulties of getting a good job at the top?3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the author?4.According to the author, in which of the four phases can an athlete have a tremendous appeal?5.The author thinks highly of older employees because _.问题1选项A.Most young people cannot fin

13、d a job if they dont study the four phase theory.B.Young people with good jobs have studied the four phase theory.C.Job seekers should fully understand the phase they are in.D.Older employees will be forced out of the job market by the young.问题2选项A.Young people hopping from job to job.B.People in th

14、eir forties.C.Older employees with the likelihood of early retirement.D.People not completing the four phases in their career cycle.问题3选项A.One generations ambition will sooner or later become a reality.B.Finding a good job mainly depends on ones age.C.Differences between generations are more of an o

15、pportunity than a problem.D.The marketability of a product can be compared to that of an athlete.问题4选项A.Introduction phaseB.Growth phaseC.Mature phaseD.Decline phase问题5选项A.they are good at marketing themselvesB.they are obedient and can be easily controlledC.they possess better qualities in the grow

16、th phaseD.they have more wisdom, experience and affordability【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文最后一段最后一句But you cannot do that unless you first recognize and fully appreciate the phase you are in.(但除非你首先认识到并充分欣赏你所处的阶段,否则你无法做到这一点)可知选C选项“求职者应该充分了解他们所处的阶段”;A选项“大多数年轻人如果不学习四阶段理论就找不到工作”,B选项

17、“有好工作的年轻人学习过四阶段理论”以及D选项“年长的雇员将被年轻人逼出就业市场”未在原文提及。因此C选项正确。2.事实细节题。根据题干关键词“at the top”定位到原文第一段People in their 40s, trapped in the middle groups of the workforce, complain about waiting for their elders to make room for them at the top.(40多岁的人被困在劳动力的中间阶层,他们抱怨要等前辈为他们上层腾出空间)可知选B选项“40多岁的人”;A选项“年轻人经常换工作”,C选

18、项“年龄较大的员工有可能提前退休”以及D选项“人们在他们的职业周期中没有完成四个阶段”和原文不符。因此B选项正确。3.事实细节题。根据第二段第二句In my view, differences between generations are not a problem but an opportunity(在我看来,两代人之间的差异不是一个问题,而是一个机会)可知选C选项“两代人之间的差异与其说是一个问题,不如说是一个机会”;A选项“一代人的抱负迟早会成为现实”,B选项“找到好工作主要取决于年龄”原文未提及;根据原文there are four phases in the life cycle

19、 of a product or brand. The names may differ, but essentially the four phases are Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. As a manager of high-profile athletes for more than 30 years, I know that these four phases certainly apply to the career and marketability of an athlete.(产品或品牌的生命周期有四个阶段。名字可

20、能不同,但基本上这四个阶段是入门,成长,成熟和衰退。作为一名管理知名运动员30多年的经理,我知道这四个阶段肯定适用于运动员的职业生涯和市场价值)可知原文并没有提到产品的市场性,D选项“产品的市场性可以与运动员的市场性相比较”错误。因此C选项符合题意。4.推理判断题。根据原文第三段第一句An athletes introduction or start-up phase is when he or she starts competing, does well and captures the attention of people in the sport.(一个运动员的入门或启动阶段是指他或

21、她开始比赛,表现出色,并在这项运动中吸引人们的注意力)可知选A选项“入门阶段”;B“增长阶段”,C选项“成熟阶段”,D选项“衰退期”没有提到吸引力这一项。因此A选项正确。5.事实细节题。根据题干关键词“older employees”定位到原文倒数第二端I have always been a tremendous advocate of recruiting older workersnot because they are available but rather because they possess the qualities that employees in the introd

22、uction and growth phases lack, namely wisdom and experience.(我一直大力提倡招聘年长员工不是因为他们可以得到,而是因为他们拥有员工在入门和成长阶段所缺乏的品质,即智慧和经验)可知选D选项“他们有更多的智慧,经验和负担能力”,同时可知C选项“他们在生长阶段拥有更好的品质”和原文不符;A选项“他们善于推销自己”,B选项“他们很听话,很容易控制”未提及。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题I _ to call on you, but was prevented from doing so.问题1选项A.meantB.has meantC.was

23、meaningD.had meant【答案】D【解析】考查时态。根据but之后的动词was prevented from为过去时态,而mean to call on you发生was prevented from之前,过去的过去,则时态为过去完成时。在句意:我本想拜访你,但被阻止了。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题The new curriculum intends to strengthen childrens practice of basic social _.问题1选项A.mannersB.politenessC.rulesD.regulations【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项m

24、anners“方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗”;B选项politeness“有礼貌;优雅”;C选项rules“规则(在特定情况下或玩游戏时可以做什么、必须做什么或不能做什么的陈述);建议;统治;习惯;定律;法治;尺子;破折号”;D选项regulations“管理;规则(政府或其它权威制定的官方规定);校准”。句意:新课程旨在加强儿童的基本社交_实践。本句表达“基本社交礼仪”,因此A选项正确。4. 单选题The party was excellent, and Id like to thank all the _.问题1选项A.concerning peopleB.people concernin

25、gC.people concernedD.concerned people【答案】C【解析】考查定语。concerned是分词形容词,其意为“有关的”(involved);concerning是由分词转换而成的介词,其意为“关于”(relating to),结合句意:这个聚会太棒了,我要感谢所有_人。可知本句表达“有关的人”,排除A选项和B选项,concerned通常作后置定语,放在修饰的词之后。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题They use _ sales tactics to defeat their major competitor.问题1选项A.immoralB.immortalC.un

26、scrupulousD.ambitious【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项immoral“不道德的(生活作风上的道德上的错误);邪恶的;淫荡的”;B选项immortal“不朽的;神仙的;长生的”;C选项unscrupulous“肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的;不讲道德的(不诚实或不公平)”;D选项ambitious“野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的”。句意:他们使用_销售策略来击败主要的竞争对手。本句表达“肆无忌惮的销售策略”,指不诚信、不公平的销售手段,和生活作风无关。因此C选项正确。6. 单选题John complained to the bookseller that there w

27、ere several pages _ in the dictionary.问题1选项A.missingB.losingC.droppingD.leaking【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项missing“丢失,缺失”;B选项losing“浪费;使沉溺于;使迷路;遗失;错过”;C选项dropping“推动;帮助;宣扬;下降;终止”;D选项leaking“使渗漏,泄露;漏,渗;泄漏出去;透露”。句意:约翰向书商抱怨这本字典_几页。本句表达“字典缺失几页”,现在分词做后置定语,因此A选项正确。7. 单选题I. JurisprudenceMany readers will remember t

28、hat during the electoral debacle in Florida in 2000, the Rule of Law was invoked at each stage on all sides of every issue, culminating in the famous dissent by Justice Stevens in Bush v. Gore: “Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this years Presidential

29、election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nations confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the Rule of Law.”Thousands of other examples could be cited. The Rule of Law is seen as a fragile but crucial ideal, and one that is appropriately invoked whenever government

30、s try to get their way by arbitrary and oppressive action or by short-circuiting the norms and procedures laid down in a countrys laws or constitution. Interfering with the courts, jailing someone without legal justification, detaining people without any safeguards of due process, manipulating the c

31、onstitution for partisan advantage all these are seen as abuses of the Rule of Law.I would like to consider the role of this ideal in general jurisprudence, that is, in the conceptual work that we do in legal philosophy when we try to explain what law is. I am going to argue for two propositions: I

32、shall argue that our understanding of the Rule of Law and our understanding of the concept of law ought to be much more closely connected than they are in modern jurisprudence; I shall argue also that our understanding of the Rule of Law should emphasize not just the value of settled, determinate ru

33、les and the predictability that they make possible, but also the importance of the procedural and argumentative aspects of legal practice.I shall argue, moreover, that these two propositions are connected. It is much easier to grasp the connection between the Rule of Law and the concept of law when

34、we understand the Rule of Law at least partly in terms of procedural and argumentative themes than when we see it purely in terms of determinacy and predictability. The procedural aspect of the Rule of Law helps bring our conceptual thinking about law to life; and an understanding of legal systems t

35、hat emphasizes argument in the courtroom as much as the existence and recognition of rules provides the basis for a much richer understand of the values that the Rule of Law comprises in modern political argument.51. According to the first paragraph, which of the following is NOT correct?52. Accordi

36、ng to the author, which of the following is NOT an abuse of the Rule of Law?53. According to the 3rd paragraph, the author thinks that _.54. Which statement is correct according to the 4th paragraph?问题1选项A.Justice Stevens did not agree with the majority of the Justices.B.The year 2000 was a year whe

37、re Presidential election was held.C.The Justices knew who the loser was in the election.D.At every stage of the debate, the Rule of Law was invoked.问题2选项A.Letting the court decide the final result of the Presidential election.B.Arresting someone without any safeguards of due process.C.A government a

38、gency giving orders to courts for specific cases.D.Putting someone into jail without a trial by court.问题3选项A.the scholars understanding of the Rule of Law is correctB.the understanding of the Rule of Law should emphasize both the substantive and procedural aspectsC.when people try to explain what la

39、w is, they talk about the Rule of LawD.laws are settled, determinate rules问题4选项A.One should look at the Rule of Law at least partly in terms of procedural and argumentative themes.B.The Rule of Law should be seen purely in terms of determinacy and predictability.C.It is much easier to grasp the conn

40、ection between the Rule of Law and the concept of law.D.Understanding of laws both as rules and as those used in courtrooms helps to understand the Rule of Law.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A【解析】51. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干定位到原文第一段the Rule of Law was invoked at each stage on all sides of every issue, culmin

41、ating in the famous dissent by Justice Stevens in Bush v. Gore(每一个阶段,每个问题的各方都援引了法治,最终以大法官史蒂文斯在布什诉戈尔案中提出的著名异议告终),结合法律知识,此处的异议是指案外人对执行标的提出不同的意见,而不是大法官史蒂文斯不同意大多数人的意见,A选项“法官史蒂文斯不同意大多数法官的意见”和原文不符,同时可知D选项“辩论的每一阶段都援引了法治”符合原文;第一段Many readers will remember that during the electoral debacle in Florida in 2000

42、 (许多读者会记得2000年佛罗里达选举失败时的情形)可知2000年正在进行总统选举,B选项“2000年是总统选举举行的一年”符合原文;第一段Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this years Presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nations confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian o

43、f the Rule of Law.(尽管我们可能永远无法完全确定今年总统选举的赢家是谁,但输家的身份是非常清楚的。这是国家对法官作为法治公正监护人的信任)可知C选项“法官们知道谁是选举中的失败者”符合原文。因此A选项符合题意。52. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干关键词“an abuse of the Rule of Law”定位到原文第二段Interfering with the courts, jailing someone without legal justification, detaining people without any safeguards of du

44、e process, manipulating the constitution for partisan advantage all these are seen as abuses of the Rule of Law.(干涉法庭、在没有法律依据的情况下监禁某人、在没有正当程序保障的情况下拘留人、为党派利益操纵宪法所有这些都被视为对法治的滥用)可知A选项“让法院决定总统选举的最终结果”,B选项“在没有任何正当程序保障的情况下逮捕某人”,D选项“未经法庭审判就把某人关进监狱”属于对法治的滥用,A选项属于为党派利益操纵宪法,法院不能直接决定总统选举的结果。C选项“针对特定案件向法院下达命令的政

45、府机构”不属于原文所提到的对法治的滥用。因此C选项正确。53. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文第三段I shall argue also that our understanding of the Rule of Law should emphasize not just the value of settled, determinate rules and the predictability that they make possible, but also the importance of the procedural and argumentative as

46、pects of legal practice.(我还认为,我们对法治的理解不仅应强调既定的、确定的规则的价值和它们使之成为可能的可预测性,而且还应强调法律实践的程序和辩论方面的重要性)可知作者认为对法治的理解还应该强调实体和程序两个方面,选B选项“对法治的理解应该强调实体和程序两个方面”,同时可知D选项“法律是既定的,确定的规则”不符合原文,原文只是说不仅应该强调既定的,确定的规则,不能过度推测出法律是既定的,确定的规则;A选项“学者们对法治的理解是正确的”和C选项“当人们试图解释什么是法律时,他们谈论的是法治”第三段未涉及,排除。因此B选项正确。54. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题

47、。根据题干定位到原文第四段It is much easier to grasp the connection between the Rule of Law and the concept of law when we understand the Rule of Law at least partly in terms of procedural and argumentative themes than when we see it purely in terms of determinacy and predictability.(当我们至少部分地从程序性和辩论性的主题来理解法治时,要比

48、单纯地从确定性和可预见性来理解法治时,更容易理解法治与法律概念之间的联系)可知选A选项“人们应该至少从程序和辩论主题的角度看法治”,同时可知B选项“法治应该纯粹从确定性和可预见性的角度来看待”和原文相悖,以及C选项“更容易把握法治与法律概念之间的联系”不完整;第四段and an understanding of legal systems that emphasizes argument in the courtroom as much as the existence and recognition of rules provides the basis for a much richer

49、understand of the values that the Rule of Law comprises in modern political argument.(而对法律制度的理解,既强调法庭上的辩论,也强调规则的存在和承认,为更丰富地理解法治在现代政治辩论中所包含的价值提供了基础)可知同时强调法庭上的辩论和规则的存在能帮助对法律制度的理解,而对法律制度的理解为了丰富地理解法治在现代政治辩论中所包含的价值提供了基础,D选项“将法律理解为规则和法庭上使用的规则有助于理解法治”和原文有偏差,排除。因此A选项正确。8. 翻译题1. Translate the following parag

50、raph into Chinese (5 marks) As we knelt on the cold ground and worked the soil, gently introducing the plants and bulbs to their new home, we alternately chattered and giggled and remembered quietly. We planted the flowers in a heart shape, sketched out in the snow by Matsumarasan (松村女士). I tried to

51、 imagine what it must feel like to be her. To be kneeling on the ground that you once called home, now empty and exposed. What it must feel like to look at your home town and see most of it destroyed. Only memories remain. 【答案】我们跪在冰冷的土地上,翻动着土壤,边将植物和球茎慢慢地放到它们的新家里,边聊着,笑着,静静地回忆着。我们按着松村女士在雪里大概画出的形状,把花种成

52、了心的形状。我尝试着去想象她会有什么感觉。想象着跪在那片曾经称之为家园,而现在却已荒芜暴露的土地上;想象看着自己的家园大部分已经被被毁,是一种什么感觉。仅剩下回忆。9. 单选题With the number of private cars increasing, the main streets are often _ during the rush hour.问题1选项A.clatteredB.proppedC.cloggedD.hindered【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项clattered“发出哗啦声;喧闹的谈笑”;B选项propped“支撑;放置;用撑住(某物);(马等挺直前腿

53、)骤停”;C选项clogged“阻塞;障碍(表示交通堵塞)”;D选项hindered“阻碍;打扰(让某人做某事或某事发生困难)”。句意:随着私家车数量的增加,主要街道在高峰时间经常_。本句表达“主街道竟然在高峰期堵塞”,因此C选项正确。10. 单选题The successful launch of the Special Olympic Games has demonstrated that _ Shanghai is well on its way to become one of the most internalized metropolises worldwide.问题1选项A.imp

54、erceptiblyB.conceivablyC.deceivablyD.imaginatively【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项imperceptibly“极微地;微细地;察觉不到地”;B选项conceivably“可以想象的是,可以想得到的是;可能的是;可以理解的是”;C选项deceivably没有该单词;D选项imaginatively“想象上地”。句意:特别奥林匹克运动会的成功举办表明,_,上海正在成为世界上最国际化的大都市之一。本句表示“可以想象”。因此B选项正确。11. 单选题. (Litigation Procedure)A related consequence of

55、the trials disappearance would be the increasing bureaucratization of American society. Corporate bureaucracies rationally organized to achieve profit maximization would be less qualified. We would have to rely more completely on our often politically beleaguered administrative agencies to control t

56、he latter. And even within the legal system itself, formalistic modes of adjudication, which parallel bureaucratic decision-making, would be less qualified. Bureaucratic modes of social ordering seek “to exclude questions of value or preference as obviously irrelevant to the administrative task, and

57、 it would view reliance on nonreplicable, nonreviewable judgment or intuition as a singularly unattractive method for decision”. Insofar as a bureaucratic apparatus grinds forward mechanically and inexorably we may end up with what Hannah Arendt has famously called an irresponsible “rule by nobody”.

58、It is unlikely, however, in many cases that general rules really do decide particular cases. Instead of a mechanical system deciding cases deductively, what we will probably have in many cases are judges deciding cases in the interstices of complex rules which do not themselves decide the case. Unli

59、ke the devices of the trial, which can really “get inside” the decision-maker and whose moral sources actually can trump the subjectivity of a lone decision-maker, complex patterns of jurisdictional, procedural, evidentiary, and substantive rules can invite manipulation by a Cartesian judge viewing

60、those rules from a distance. After all, as Judge Posner, put it, “There is almost no legal outcome that a really skillful legal analyst cannot cover over with legal varnish (漆)” at least “when the law is uncertain and emotions aroused”. The grim picture that thus emerges from the trials disappearanc

61、e is a bureaucratized world where the run of cases are ground out by an irresponsible mechanism and the remaining cases “when the law is uncertain and emotions aroused” by the untutored subjectivity or political commitments of the judge. There is another effect of the declining importance of public

62、processes of adjudication.We are continuing to lose a major source of public information on important questions of general concern. “As long as courts continue to be places that provide public data in volume and kind outstripping that produced about adjudication in administrative agencies, and as lo

63、ng as private providers do not regularly disseminate information about or provide access to their processes,” then “with the declining trial rate comes a diminution of public knowledge of disputes, of the behavior of judges,and of the forging in public of normative responses to discord.”83. The unde

64、rlined sentence means that bureaucratic modes of social ordering _.84. The statement closest in meaning to Judge Posners statement is _.85. When courts continue to be places that provide public data, the declining trial rate does NOT come with _.86. According to the author, what will NOT happen if trial disappears in the United States?

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