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1、2022年考博英语-华中科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题With few exceptions, the last words of historys great players have been about as interesting and uplifting as a phone book. We may expect pearls of profundity from our expiring artists, philosophers, and world leaders, but more often we are left with dry-as-

2、dust cliche.Admittedly, its not exactly fair to expect deep insights into lifes mysteries when the dying clearly have other things on their minds hell, for instance, or unspeakable pain. Bullet-riddled Francisco “Pancho” Villa was probably preoccupied when he told a comrade, “Dont let it end this wa

3、y. Tell them I said something.” But dont we have the right to expect eloquence in the final stanzas of legendary wordsmiths like Lord Byron and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe? Byron couldnt be bothered to work up a decent rhyme: “Now I shall go to sleep. Good night.” Goethes last word were so dull biogr

4、aphers have been obliged to edit creatively; “Open the second shutter so that more light may come in” became the more sublime “More light!”(There is, by the way, some debate whether Goethes last words were not, in fact, “Come my little one, and give me your paw.)And one is loath to mention Whitmans

5、last barbaric yawp: “Hold me up; I want to shit.” Legendary wag Oscar Wildes last words were nothing more than shop talk. Commenting on a novel he had recently read, Wilde said, “This is a fine study of the American politician and possesses the quality of truth in characterization. What else has the

6、 lady written?”Queens have left little more for the living to chew on. Elizabeth I was whiny (“All my possessions for a moment of time”), while Marie Antoinette was clumsy but polite: “Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur, ” she said, after treading upon her executioners toe.Ironically, it may have been the rela

7、tively obscure who delivered historys best exit lines. Has anyone departed the scene better than minor English playwright Henry Arthur Jones, who, asked whom he would prefer to sit with him during the evening, his nurse or his niece, replied, “The prettier. Now fight for it.” Actor Edmund Gwenn was

8、terse: “Dying is easy. Comedy is difficult.” And you have to admire the singleness of purpose in the last words of French grammarian Dominique Bouhours: “I am about to or I am going to die; either expression is used.” For sheer entertainment value, you cant beat the last words of condemned prisoners

9、, particularly if you have a fondness for graveyard humor. Asked by the firing squad commander if he had a last request, James Roges said, “Why yes. A bullet-proof vest!” and youve got to love a condemned murderer who can continue to cut up from the electric chair. “How about this for a headline in

10、tomorrows paper,” James French said. “French Fries!”Some last words will forever remain an enigma, their meaning gone to the grave along with their speakers. Henry David Thoreaus “Moose, Indian, ” for instance, and the eerie last words of John Wilkes Booth as he emerged from a burning barn, fatally

11、wounded, looked at his hands and muttered, “Useless, useless.” In a similar vein, what to make of conductor Leonard Bernstains last words “Whats this?” or novelist Victor Hugos “I see black light”?To me, the most genuine last words are those that arise naturally from the moment, such as Voltaires re

12、sponse to a request that he forswear Satan: “This is no time to make new enemies.” Compare that to the stagy, obviously rehearsed “Now comes the mystery” (Henry Ward Beecher) or Ludwig van Beethovens “Friends, applaud. The comedy is over.”It may well be that planning your last words is no more profi

13、table a pursuit than preparing our Novel Prize acceptance speech. Who can say when the Grim Reaper will tap a bony finger on your shoulder? It is unlikely that poet Dylan Thomas thought “Ive had 18 straight whiskeys. I think thats the record” was going to be swan song.Could it be that “great last wo

14、rds” are a myth of the hale and hearty, and that the expiring understand that the deathbed is no place for 11th-hou philosophizing? Didnt Christ himself sign off with the unpretentious “It is finished”? Besides, why should the mundane act of dying bring one any closer to the truth? Karl Marx may hav

15、e had it right, for once, when he answered his housekeepers request for last words with: “Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who havent said enough!”26.The authors attitude towards famous last words is ( ) .27.According to the author, when Francisco Pancho Villa gave his last words, he ( ).28.

16、The author takes Byron, Goethe and Wilde as examples to show that ( ).29.According to the author, the last words of ( )were comparatively good.30.The author thinks the real last words should be those ( ).问题1选项A.sympatheticB.satiricalC.callousD.incensed问题2选项A.might be thinking of something elseB.trie

17、d to make them more eloquentC.wanted to tell a secret to a comradeD.was unwilling to die at an early age问题3选项A.biographers usually revise the last words of the great writersB.just like average people, the dying wordsmiths have a confused mindC.it is disappointing that they failed to leave some memor

18、able wordsD.it poses a great contrast between their works and last words问题4选项A.Edmund GwennB.Walt WhitmanC.Henry David ThoreauD.Marie Antoinette问题5选项A.illuminating and high-soundingB.prepared in advanceC.concise and vividD.given improvisationally【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】26.观点态度题。根据“but more

19、often we are left with dry-as-dust cliche.(但更常见的情况是,我们只剩下枯燥无味的陈词滥调)” “Last words are for fools who havent said enough(遗言是留给那些话还不够多的傻瓜们的)”即可得出本题答案。27.事实细节题。根据题干关键词“Francisco Pancho Villa”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段,根据“Admittedly, its not exactly fair to expect deep insights into lifes mysteries when the dying cle

20、arly have other things on their minds hell, for instance, or unspeakable pain.(诚然,将死亡的人心里显然还有其他事情比如地狱,或者难以言喻的痛苦时,期望对生命的奥秘有深刻的洞见是不公平的。)”即可得出本题答案。28.细节推断题。根据题干关键字“Byron, Goethe and Wilde”,可将信息点定位至原文第二段第五到第六句。根据“Byron couldnt be bothered to work up a decent rhyme: “Now I shall go to sleep. Good night.”

21、(拜伦不厌其烦地写了一首优美的诗:“现在我要睡觉了。晚安。”)” “Goethes last word were so dull biographers have been obliged to edit creatively(歌德的临终遗言如此乏味,传记作家不得不创造性地编辑)” ,即可推断得出本题答案。29.细节推断题。根据题干关键字,将信息点定位至原文第五段,“Ironically, it may have been the relatively obscure who delivered historys best exit lines.(具有讽刺意味的是,可能是相对不太知名的人说出了

22、历史上最好的遗言。)” “Actor Edmund Gwenn was terse: “Dying is easy. Comedy is difficult.”(演员埃德蒙格温(Edmund Gwenn)简洁地说:“死亡很容易。喜剧是很困难的。”)即可得出本题答案。30.细节事实题。根据题干关键字“real last words”可将信息点定位至原文第七段,根据“To me, the most genuine last words are those that arise naturally from the moment, such as Voltaires response to a re

23、quest that he forswear Satan: This is no time to make new enemies.(在我看来,最真实的临终遗言是那些从那一刻起就自然出现的遗言,比如伏尔泰(Voltaire)对请求他放弃撒旦的回应:现在不是制造新敌人的时候。)”,即可得出本题答案。2. 翻译题1.上周四,世界观察研究学会一年一度的“地球健康体检”报告出炉。2005年,地球的森林砍伐量创历史新高,这是该报告强调的众多环境问题征兆之一。该驻华盛顿智囊机构在一份题为地球生命征兆2007-2008的报告中指出,从肉类消费量的不断增长到亚洲经济发展等各种全球性态势与气候变化这一显著问题都

24、有关系。“地球声明征兆2007-2008”项目的负责人说,“我认为气候变化是人类有史以来所面临的最严峻的挑战”。在报告公布前,阿萨多利安在接受记者的电话采访时说,2. “我们可以看到气候变化中出现的众多趋势,比如,粮食生产受到洪涝灾害的影响;以及肉类生产,据统计,家禽饲养过程中所产生的温室气体占温室气体总排放量的20%”。阿萨多利安说,3.这份报告的主题是,二氧化碳排放及其他生态灾难引起气候变化,“不可持续”的消费模式才是气候变化的罪魁祸首。【答案】1. More wood was removed from forests in 2005 than ever before, one of ma

25、ny troubling environmental signs highlighted on Thursday in the World Watch Institutes annual check of the planets health.2. “You see many trends in climate change, whether we are talking about grain production which is affected by droughts and flooding, or meat production as livestock production ma

26、kes up about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.”3. The key message of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emissions and other ecological woes.3. 单选题Finally the dirt road in Maine was leading home. The tire touched the first

27、 profanity of pavement, and subtly my vacation began slipping away.By the first Finally the dirt road in Maine was leading home. The tire touched the first profanity of pavement, tollbooth my state of mind had shifted from neutral to first gear. By the time I had passed all my favorite landmarks, th

28、e sign to Biddeford, the bridge labeled Cat Mousam RoadI had slowly and reluctantly begun to relocate my sense of place, my sense of values.I was going back, to lists and alarm clocks and stockings and school lunches and all the external pressures of the life known as civilization. I was going back

29、to things I had to do.This time even the skies divided these two halves of my life. Along Route 95, a curtain of almost impenetrable rain separated one world from the other. The day before, this rain on the roof of the house would have been a comforting boundary to the day, a prediction of reading a

30、nd fires. Now, the rain on the windshield of the car was a hassle, a challenge to overcome.I turned up the radio, so I could hear the final installment of Jane Eyre over the pelting rain, and thought about these different rhythms that mark my own life, mark of our lives. Left behind was a world in w

31、hich I simply lived according to its patterns. Ahead of me was the world of agendas and problems that I was expected to encounter and resolve.Was it country versus city? Leisure versus work? Nature versus human environment? Both and neither. Vacation is a state of mind as much as a state of union.Fo

32、r two and half weeks in Main I watched the sky, the cove, the cormorants and a seagull with the gall to steal chicken off our barbecue. I am told that I became an accomplished mud watcher, sitting on the porch, watching the bottom of the cove of low tide for hours. I prided myself on developing a ho

33、bby rarely listed in Whos Who, I became a fine stick-in-the-mud.To me, an urban woman who lives much of her life according to other peoples deadlines and demands, this was a chance to literally vacate the world of schedules and struggles.I did not, do not, use my vacation to climb mountains, shoot r

34、apids or fulfill itineraries of some travel agent. I preferred to drift along ray inclination down through the circle of goals to the mud of acceptance.I was content with the harmony we call doing nothing. There was a sense of letting got being at ease with time rather than at odds with it, I wallow

35、ed in the under-standing that there was nothing that had to be done beyond watching the clothes dry and casting for mackerel.But I was also returning. Returning to the energy, the structure, the demands, the pressure, I also chose engagement.There are, I suppose, these two sides to all of us. The si

36、de that wallows like any riser organism in the world, and the other side that seeks some purpose above that. The side that feels most content in nature, and the other side that feels more energized on top of the world.I am aware of this duality, the urge to watch the mud, the urge to build something

37、 out of it. Our peculiar human creativity doesnt come from harmony but from wrestling with chaos as well. Every poem and every building was wrested out of material by people who refused to accept things as they were.Too often we work by clocks instead of sunsets and become more attuned to air condit

38、ioning than the condition of the air. But there is also in all this the challenge and energy and pleasure of accomplishment.At one time, I thought these worlds were at odds, that we had to choose engagement or disengagement, accepting or accomplishment, watching the mud or building with it.But trave

39、ling this kind of road again and again, I realized that they are just two destinations, points along a path of dirt and pavement. Now it is the tension that intrigues me. The search for a balance between comfort and purposefulness, between accepting things and struggling with them.Driving home, I wa

40、s reluctant to leave one for the other, reluctant to put on my city clothes of purpose and structure. But I knew that I was lucky to be a commuter.36.In the first few paragraphs the author( ).37.Which of the following best describes the way the author spends her vacation?38.All of the following sign

41、ify the authors two different worlds EXCEPT ( )39.We can infer from the passage that ( ) .40.What does the author most probably mean when she says she was lucky to be a commuter?问题1选项A.reflected on her vacationB.mentally switched vacation to city lifeC.marveled at what city life could offerD.reconci

42、led country life with city life问题2选项A.Hastily.B.Creatively.C.Restlessly.D.Relaxedly.问题3选项A.the final instilment of Jane Eyre and the pelting rain (para.5)B.feeling content in nature and feeling more energized “on top of the world (para. 12)C.peculiar human creativity and wrestling with chaos (para.

43、13)D.comfort and purposefulness (para. 16)问题4选项A.the author often takes vacationB.the authors hometown is in MaineC.the author hates skyscrapersD.the author hates traveling on a rainy day问题5选项A.She was able to choose engagement or disengagement.B.She was able to move her home to Maine in the future.

44、C.She was able to strike a balance between natural life and human life.D.She was able to choose one life over the other.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C【解析】36.细节事实题。根据题干关键词“first few paragraphs”可将信息点定位至原文开篇前几段。根据“leading home” “my vacation began slipping away” “I was going back”即可得出本题答案。37.观点态度题。根据题干关键

45、词“the way the author spends her vacation”,本题设问是作者对其假期的态度。根据原文第七段作者对其假期生活的详细描述以及 “a chance to literally vacate the world of schedules and struggles.” “a sense of letting got being at ease with time”等,即可得出本题答案。38.细节推断题。作者在文中多次提到了城市生活和假期生活“两个世界”的对比,注意题干关键词“except”,选项C并未体现出两者的对比。从而得出本题答案。39.事实推断题。根据原文最后

46、一段最后一句“But I knew that I was lucky to be a commuter.”中的“commuter”指的是来往“work”和“vacation”。即可进行合理推断,从而得出本题答案。40.细节推断题。根据题干关键词,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。根据“reluctant to leave one for the other”可知作者认为假期生活与城市生活同等重要,要保持二者的平衡。从而得出本题答案。4. 单选题To facilitate entry into fine art thinking and avoid being misled in fundament

47、al ways, archaeologists must understand the principles that define and govern each art category, whether utilitarian, fine or decorative. The traditional intent of a craft like ceramics is to serve a utilitarian function and its ability to act in this capacity is essentially dependent upon the skill

48、 of properly shaping a vessel to correspond to its task, so neither its exact manner of construction (by hand or wheel, coil or slab) nor the significance of imagery glazed on its surface changes its primary role “to contain”, though it may add to its value. While ceramicists must think and construc

49、t art according to certain patterns of utilitarian form, following a prototypal model that relates to the artworks purpose, fine art has no such requirement.Fine artists often work in mixed or new media, evidenced by the example of vases created during the Greek Archaic period, which were an anomaly

50、 to the paradigm of earlier vases because the later ones not only served “to contain”, but also to communicate ideas. An examination of this apparent inconsistency reveals both the Greeks high regard for aesthetics and the explanation that fine artists usually created the paintings on the vases made

51、 by potters. Though Greek vase painting differs greatly from the work of modern artist Pablo Picasso, he too painted on ceramic objects made by others. Contrasting ancient fine art forms such as paintings and stone or metal sculptures with contemporary fine art forms such as computer art, video imag

52、ery, and holograms, it is possible to see that as the cultures technology transforms, its changes are visible in the structural forms of fine art.At the same time, changes in fine art indicate its mandate to both reflect and create new perceptions of the culture, but form alone is insufficient to cl

53、assify objects into art categories. Frequently, art that serves a decorative function is confused with both utilitarian and fine art because of its similar appearance, but the function of decorative art is the form itself, it is not compelled to fulfill either a utilitarian task or address concepts

54、that exemplify its historic period. Communication would appear redundant if fine artists, like utilitarian and decorative artists, were to produce unlimited numbers of the same object. Once an idea is assimilated into the culture there is no longer a need to discuss it unless artists are more clearl

55、y defining or redefining it. Therefore, archaeologists should be aware that an artifact produced in any way by formula is not fine art. The fine artists process is continuous from the moment of conception until a piece is complete, and thus everything is thought of in terms of context, so that, as a

56、 general guide, archaeologists should consider no mark within a work unimportant and only define its meaning in relation to the whole piece.36.In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with ( ).37.According to the passage, the earlier vases mentioned in the second paragraph constitute which

57、of the following?38.According to the passage, the form which fine art takes at any given historical moment is often dictated by ( ).39.Which of the following best states the authors view of the argument that fine art may be distinguished as a category by its physical form?40.Which of the following s

58、tatements about fine arts production is best supported by the information presented in the passage?问题1选项A.distinguishing mutually exclusive categoriesB.clarifying an apparent contradictionC.supporting new ideasD.analyzing a problem问题2选项A.The product of mixed media art, involving hybrid forms.B.A cas

59、e of primarily utilitarian art being put to decorative purposes.C.Utilitarian art whose makers were solely concerned with functionality.D.Fine art, whose primary purpose is to convey aesthetic meaning.问题3选项A.the level of continuity in the artists thinking processB.the concepts which exemplify the hi

60、storical period of its creationC.the technology available to the artist at the time the art piece is createdD.the level of skill which the artist brings to the art work问题4选项A.Outright approval.B.Skepticism.C.Neutrality.D.Indignation.问题5选项A.The best fine art is in some cases produced by formula, resu

61、lting in mass quantities of a singleobject.B.Once an artist creates a work, there is usually little benefit in his duplicating it, as it has already conveyed its meaning.C.In aesthetic terms, fine art is often considered superior to decorative art, whose beauty is limited by functionality.D.At the p

62、resent historical moment, high technology like electronics seldom plays a role in arts other than fine arts.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B【解析】36.主旨大意。原文第一段第一句提到To facilitate entry into fine art thinking and avoid being misled in fundamental ways, archaeologists must understand the principles that def

63、ine and govern each art category, whether utilitarian, fine or decorative.(为了便于进入美术思维,避免在基本方面被误导,考古学家必须理解定义和管理每一个艺术类别的原则,无论是实用主义的、精细的还是装饰性的。),说明作者在分析一个问题。从而得出本题答案。37.细节推断。根据题干“earlier vases”定位到原文第二段第一句Fine artists often work in mixed or new media, evidenced by the example of vases created during the

64、 Greek Archaic period, which were an anomaly to the paradigm of earlier vases because the later ones not only served “to contain”, but also to communicate ideas.(优秀的艺术家经常使用混合或新媒介的作品,以希腊古时期的花瓶为例,这是早期花瓶范式的一种反常,因为后期的花瓶不仅具有“容纳”的作用,而且还具有传达思想的作用。)分析第一句可知earlier vases指代前文的“mixed or new media”,从而得出本题答案。38.细节推理题。根据题干关键词“fine art” 定位到原文第二段最后一句Contrasting ancient fine art forms such as paintings and stone or metal sculptures with contemporary

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