外研高中英语必修二模块四language points

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1、外研高中英语必修二模块四外研高中英语必修二模块四language pointsStep 1. Words1. _ n. 艺术家_ n. 艺术 _ n. 文科(拓展:_ n. 理科)2. _ adj.彩色的_ n. 颜色 3. _ adj. 令人愉快的 _ adj. 高兴的 _ n./ vt. 高兴,使高兴4. _ n./ vt. 颜料,油画,绘画 _ n. 绘画,油画_ n.画家artistartartssciencecolorfulcolordelightfuldelighteddelightpaintpaintingpainter第1页/共20页5. _ adj. 传统的,习俗的 _ ad

2、v. 传统地 _n. 传统6. _vt. 临摹;仿效 _ n.仿制品,赝品7. _ n. 真实,现实,逼真 _ v.领悟,了解,实现,实行 _adj. 真的_adj. 现实主义的traditionaltraditionallytraditionimitateimitationrealityrealizerealrealistic第2页/共20页8. _ n.表达 _ v.表达9. _ n.风景;景色; 场景 (_ n. 风景画;风景;景色) 10._ vt.观察,注意到 _ n. 观察者 observation (n.) _ observatory (n.)_11. _ vt.忍受 (它的过去

3、式_、 过去分词_ )12. _ vt.破坏_n. 破坏expressionexpressscenesceneryobserveobserver观察、观察力观察、观察力天文台;瞭望台天文台;瞭望台standstoodstooddestroydestruction第3页/共20页Step 2. Phrases1. 对厌烦 2. 喜欢;喜爱3. 从可以看出 4. 推迟;延期5. 轮流 6. 一系列的7. 使自己适应 8. 成功做某事be get tired ofbe fond oftell byput offtake turns to doa series of adapt oneself tos

4、ucceed in doing第4页/共20页9. 目标是做某事 10. 对产生兴趣11. 以而闻名 12. 考虑做某事Step 3. Practice: test to see if you can use them correctly1.I_the same breakfast every day. 我厌倦了每天吃同样的早餐。2. I _English. 我喜欢学英语。aim to dodevelop an interest inbe famous forconsider doing sth.amget tired of havingam fond of learning第5页/共20页3

5、. Im familiar with him, so I can tell him _ his voice. 我跟他很熟,所以我能从声音判断出是他。4.We are willing to_. 我们愿意采取你的计划。5. I _last year. 去年我对艺术产生了兴趣。6.Pop art _ordinary twentieth-century city life. 波普艺术目的在于展现20世纪普通的城市生活。byadopt your plandeveloped an interest in artaimed to show第6页/共20页Language points1. This is a

6、 painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. 过去分词短语considered to be 作定语,修饰Pablo Picasso,相当于定语从句 who is considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.即学即练(1)Things_ (lose) never come again.lost第7页/共20页(2

7、)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ (grow) on his own farm.(3)Cleaning women in big cities usually get _(pay) by hour.2. observe 学法点拨:学法点拨:(1) observe 作作“观察,注意观察,注意”时,和时,和see, hear, feel, listen to, watch, notice等感官动词一样,常用于等感官动词一样,常用于下面的复合结构:下面的复合结构:“observe +宾语宾语+省略省略to的不的不定式定式/

8、doing/ done.”(2)当当observe 等感官动词用于被动时,不定式要带等感官动词用于被动时,不定式要带to, 即即sb be observed to do sth.growngrowingpaid第8页/共20页即学即练:即学即练:1) While driving, you should _ the speed limit.A. celebrate B. ignore C. deny D. observe2.) He was observed _ (pass) by the store in a hurry. 读下面例句,注意observe的不同意思。1. His neighbo

9、r observed a stranger enter his house. _Dto pass观察到、注意到观察到、注意到第9页/共20页2.You should observe the local customs(风俗) when you go abroad. _3.Can you say something about how the Chinese observe the Mid-Autumn Festival?_3. aim (1) v. 打算,计划,以打算,计划,以为目标为目标 aim to do sth. = aim at doing sth.He _ (lose)4 kg in

10、 a month.他打算一个月瘦四斤。他打算一个月瘦四斤。(2) v.(用枪等)对准;瞄准(用枪等)对准;瞄准 aim at sb./ sth.遵守、遵循遵守、遵循celebrate庆祝庆祝aims to lose第10页/共20页He _ a bird. 他把枪瞄准一只鸟。(3) n目标,目的目标,目的Whats your aim in your life?即学即练即学即练This newspaper aims _(improve) our English.aimed his gun atto improve第11页/共20页Revision4.with的复合结构的复合结构 adj./ ad

11、v. 介词或者介词词组介词或者介词词组 with+ 宾语 + 宾补 doing done to do 第12页/共20页练习:练习:1. With his homework _ (finish), he went out singing and dancing.2. With so many things _ (deal with), I cant go on holiday with you.3. We found the place easily with the boy _ (lead) the way.finishedto deal withleading第13页/共20页Gramma

12、r1. 动词动词-ing形式和形式和to do形式作宾语形式作宾语(1)The doctor advised _(take) more exercise.(2) I suggest _ (do) it in a different way.(3) I decided _ (ask) for my money back.(4) The boy refused _ (say) where he was from.(5) He tried to avoid _ (answer) my questions.(6) Im looking forward to _ (hear) from Tom.taki

13、ngdoingto askto sayansweringhearing第14页/共20页总结:总结:1. 常接动词常接动词-ing形式作宾语的动词及短语有:形式作宾语的动词及短语有: advise (建议建议), admit (承认承认), appreciate (感激感激), avoid (避免避免), consider (考虑考虑), suggest (建议建议), feel like (喜欢喜欢), look forward to (盼望盼望), object to (反对反对), get used to (习惯做习惯做), cant help (禁不住禁不住) cant stand (

14、不能忍受不能忍受);crazy about(痴迷于;痴迷于;迷恋迷恋);good at(擅长擅长); put off(推迟;拖延推迟;拖延)2) 常接不定式作宾语的动词有:常接不定式作宾语的动词有: afford (负担得起负担得起), agree (同意同意), decide (决定决定), hope (希望希望), expect (期望期望), want (想要想要), offer (主动提供主动提供), refuse (拒绝拒绝), promise (答应答应), plan (计划计划), pretend (假装假装), wish (希望希望), attempt(试图;企图试图;企图)

15、第15页/共20页即学即练:1. We agree _ (meet) at the school gate tomorrow.2. He pretended _ (read) a book when his mother entered the room.3. I expect_ (know) the answer to your question.4. Shes got used to _ (live) in the countryside.5. I suggested _ (deal) with the problem in this way.to meetto be readingto

16、knowlivingdealing第16页/共20页6.We plan _ (buy) more paintings this year.7.He is attempting _(finish) his painting by the weekend.8.She promised _(take) me around the art gallery.9.Dont put off _(visit) that exhibition.to buyto finishto takevisiting第17页/共20页2.动词动词-ing形式做主语形式做主语1) Seeing is believing.2)

17、Its nice seeing you again.用法总结:(1)v.ing形式做主语往往表示一种概念、习惯或经验。(2)有时用it 作形式主语,而把v.ing形式置于句尾。(3) “There is + no”后可以用v.ing形式作主语, 表示“没法”第18页/共20页即学即练1. _ mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。2. It is no use _ (talk) to him.3. There was no _ (tell) when this might happen again.没法预料这样的事什么时候会发生。Talkingtalkingtelling第19页/共20页

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