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1、编号:Con tract No.: 全日制劳动合同书Full-time Employme nt Con tract甲方(用人单位名称)Party A(Employer)用人单位住所地 Address法定代表人(或负责人) Legal Represe ntative(Pri ncipals)企业法人营业执照号码 En terprise Legal Pers on Bus in ess Lice nse No.乙方(劳动者)姓名 性别 出生年月 Name of Party B(Employee) Gender Birth Date 文化程度联系方式Educati on Backgro und Co

2、n tact Number 户籍所在地Domicile Place 实际居住地Housing Place 居民身份证号码 ID Card No: 其他有效证件名称 证件号码Name of Other Valid Certificates Certificate No. 社会保险个人编号 Pers onal Social In sura nee No. 合同履行地:PlaceofCon tractPerforma nee甲、乙双方根据中华人民共和国劳动合同法和有关法律、法律规定,在遵循合法、公平、诚实信用原则的基础上,经平等自愿、协商一致签订本合同,并共同遵守本 合同所列条款。In accord

3、anee with the Labor Law of the PeopleRepublic of China( PRC”)and releva nt laws, regulati ons and rules ,in accorda nee with equality, free will and mutual consultation. Party A and Party B agree to enter into this Employment Con tract on the basis of lawf uln ess, fair ness and hon esty.一、劳动合同期限Art

4、icle 1 Term of the Con tract甲、乙双方约定按下列 种方式确定“劳动合同期限”:The term of the Employme nt Con tract shall be determ ined as set forth in Itembelow:A、 有固定期限的劳动合同自 年 _ 月 _ 日起至 年 月日止,其中试用期自 年 _ 月 _ 日起至 年_月 _ 日止。Fixed Term: Fromto; the probati onary period comme ncing onandending on.B、 无固定期限的劳动合同 年 月 日起至 年月 日止,其

5、中试用期自 年 _ 月 _ 日起至 年月 _ 日止。Open-ended: From to the probationary period commencing on and ending on.C、以完成 工作任务为劳动合同期限,自 _ 年 月 日起至完成本项目工作任务之日即为劳动合同终止日。Project-based:From to the date when finish the duties of this projectwork, it the term in ati on date of this con tract.二、工作内容和工作地点Article 2 Job Descrip

6、ti on and Workplace Locati on(一)乙方根据甲方要求,经过协商,从事 工作。 甲方可根据工作需要和对乙方业绩的考核结果,按照合理诚信原则,经与乙方协商,可以变 动乙方的工作岗位。2.1 According to the requirements of Party A, after consultations,Party B shallwork as . After con sultati on. Part A can cha nge the job of Party B onthe basis of the working requirmentand perform

7、aneeevaluation results, inaccorda nee with reas on able and hon est prin ciple.(二)甲方安排乙方所从事的工作内容及要求,应当符合国家规定的劳动基准和甲方依法制定的并已公式的规章制度。乙方应当按照甲方安排的工作内容及要求履行劳动义务2.2 Party B job content and requirement should comply with provisions of thelabor sta ndards, rules and regulati ons established legally by Party

8、 A,which is knownto the public. Party B shall fulfill labor obligations in accordanee with the job content and requireme nt of Party A.(三)乙方的工作地点:2.3 Workplace of Party B should be at 三、工作时间和休假时间Article 3 Working Hours, Rest Days and Holiday(一)乙方所在岗位执行下列工作时制度 (A、B、C选其中之一)3.1 Party B shall perform th

9、e standard working hour rules ( chooseoneof A, B, C through con sultati ons)A甲方安排乙方的工作岗位属于实行标准工时制的岗位。Party B job belongs to standard working hour system.B甲方安排乙方的工作岗位,经批准属于实行不定时工作制的岗位,双方依法执行不定时工作制度。Party B job should comply with irregular working hour sysem.C甲方安排乙方的工作岗位,经批准属于实行综合计算工时制的岗位,双方依法执行综合计算工时

10、工作制规定。Party B job should comply with the comprehensive calculation working hoursystem.(二)甲方严格遵守法定的工作时间,控制加班加点,保证乙方的休息与身心健康,并依法给予乙方甲方因工作需要必须安排乙方加班加点的,应与工会与乙方协商同意, 补休或支付加班加点工资。3.2 Party A should strictly comply with the legal working hours, making sure therest and health for Party B, Party A may exten

11、d working hour due to the requireme nts of its producti on or bus in ess after con sultati on with the trade unionand laborers, and provide Party B time off or overtime wages.(三)甲方依法为乙方安排带薪年休假,具体休假时间与乙方协商决定。3.3 Party A shall provide paid annu al leave, details should con sult with Party B.四、劳动报酬Arti

12、cle 4 Labor Remun erati on甲方应当每月至少一次以货币形式支付乙方工资,不得克扣或者无故拖欠乙方的工资。乙方在法定工作时间或依法签订劳动合同约定的工作时间内提供了正常劳动,甲方向乙方支付的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。Party A shall pay the wages in crash to Party B at least once a mon th.Party Bshall provide the no rmal work within legal worki ng time.Wagespaid to Party B byParty A shall not be

13、 lower tha n the local minimum wages sta ndard.(一)甲方每月_日为发薪日。4.1 Party A pats Party B wage before Date) cash monthly.(二)乙方在试用期内的工资为每月 元。4.2 Party B in probati onary periodwage sta ndard is RMB .(三)经甲乙双方协商一致,对乙方的工资报酬按下列 条款执行;4.3 Afer both parties agreeme nt, Party B salary and remun erati ons shall b

14、egoverned by the following scheme(A/B/C/D)A、 根据乙方的工作岗位确定其每月工资为 元。Party B s salary is RMB comply with its job.B、甲方对乙方实行基本工资和绩效工资相结合的内部工资分配办法,乙方的基本工资确定为每月 元,以后根据内部工资分配办法调整其工资;绩效工资根据乙方的工作业绩、劳动成果和实际贡献按照内部分配办法考核确认。Party A exercises Part Bs salary distribution method that combines basic salary and perform

15、anee salary. Part B basic salary is determined as RMB per month and it will be adjusted according to internal salary distribution methods;Performa nee salary will be con firmed by in ternal salary distributi onmethods accord ing to Party B Job performa nee, work results and actual con tributi on.C、甲

16、方实行计件工资制,确定乙方的劳动定额应当是本单位同岗位百分之九十以 上劳动者在约定工作时间内能够完成的,乙方在法定工作时间内按质完成甲方定额,甲 方按照约定的定额和计件单价,根据乙方的业绩,按时足额支付乙方的工资报酬。Party A exercises piecework accumulated wages method, Party A must guarantee the determined work quota could be accomplished by more than 90% laborers similar to Party B position within the l

17、egal working time. Part B shall finish the work quota as required quality, Part A shall pay Party B full amount wages in time in acordance with the agreed quota and piece price.D、其他形式Other salary distributi on method is specified as follows (四)甲方根据企业经营效益、当地政府公布的工资指导线、工资指导价位或本单 位工资集体合同规定,每年合理提高乙方工资。4

18、.4 Party A shall make a proper in crease on salary based on the compa ny profitability level,guideline published by local goverment or provisions of the compa ny collective wage con tract.(五)乙方加班加点的工资,按不低于本条第(三)项约定的工资标准为基数计算。4.5 Party B overtime wage can be calculated not less than the wage sta ndar

19、d agreed by article 3 of this sect ion.(六)甲方可根据实际经营状况,内部规章制度对乙方的考核结果,以及乙方的工 作年限、奖罚记录、岗位和工作内容变化等,在于乙方协商后,调整乙方的工资水平。4.6 Part A can adjust Part B wage standard after consultation in accordance with its actual operating conditions, evaluation results of Party B caused by internal rules and regulati ons,

20、 as well as Party Bs work ing life, rewardand puni shme nt records, job content and job cha nges etc.五、社会保险和福利Chapter 5 Social In sura nce and Welfare(一)双方依法参加社会保险,按时足额缴纳各项社会保险费,其中依法应由乙方 缴纳的部分,由甲方从乙方工资报酬中代扣代缴。5.1 Both parties shall participate in social in sura nce accord ing to the law, thosethat s

21、hall paid by Party B shall be withheld by Party A from Party B salary and remitted by Party A on Party Bs behalf.(二)甲方应当每年向职工公布本单位全年社会保险费缴纳情况,接受职工监督。5.2 Party A shall show the situati on of annual social in sura nee premium to the public, accept the oversight of the employees.(三)乙方发生工伤事故或患职业病的,甲方应负责

22、及时救治,或提供可能的帮助, 并在规定时间内,向劳动保障行政部门提出工伤认定申请,为乙方依法办理劳动能力鉴 定,并为享受工伤保险待遇履行必要的义务。If Party B suffers from work-related injury or occupati onal disease, Party A shall take the resp on sibility of timely rescue or assist the possible aid, Party A shall also, within specified time period, apply for work-relate

23、d injury authentication to the labor security departme nt, and a n ecessary obligati on shall be performed for Party B deserved work-related injury medical ben efits.六、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业病危害防护Article 6 Labor Protect ion 丄abor Con diti ons and Occupati onal Preve nti on(一)甲方对可能产生职业病危害的岗位,应当向乙方履行如实告知的义务,并对 乙

24、方进行劳动安全卫生教育,防止劳动过程中的伤亡事故,减少职业危害。6.1 For the position of possible occupational hazards, Party A shall fulfill the obligati on to truthfully in form, and provide the occupati onal safety and health education, to prevent the accidents during the process of work, to reduce occupati onal hazards.(二)甲方必须为

25、乙方提供符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生条件和必要的劳动防护用 品,安排乙方从事有职业危害作业的,应定期为乙方进行健康检查,并在乙方离职前进 行健康检查。6.2 Party A shall provide Party B with complied national occupational safety and health con diti ons and n ecessary labor protect ion articles, if Party A arrange Party B to en gage in occupati onal hazards, periodic health ch

26、ecks and final healthcheck is compulsory for Party B before he/she leave his /her job.(三)因乙方从事的工作岗位有职业危害可能,在甲方的监督下,乙方必须采取以下防护措施:,乙方在劳动过程中必须严格遵守安全操作规程。乙方对甲方管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业,有权拒绝执行6.3 If Party B job has the possibility of occupational hazard, under Party Asupervisi on.PartyBmusttakethefollowi ngmeasure

27、s: . Party Bshould strictly abide by the rules ofsafe operation in the process of their work. Party B shall have the right to refuse to operate if the man ageme nt pers onal of Party A comma nd the operati on in violati on of rules and regulations or force Party B to run risk in operation.(四)甲方按照国家关

28、于女职工、未成年工得特殊保护规定,对乙方提供保护。6.4 Party A shall provide female workers and juvenile workers with special protect ion in accorda nee with the applicable laws of P.R.C.(五)乙方在工作期间患病或非因工负伤的,甲方按照国家关于医疗期的规定执行。6.5 If Party B falls sick or suffers non-work-related in juries duri ng the term of employment, Party

29、A shall solve it according to the national rules.七、双方协商一致,约定下列 条款Article 7 Party A and Party B may conclude the matters as following upon reachi ng a n egotiated consen sus .A、因乙方工作涉及甲方商业秘密和知识产权先关的保密事项,甲方可以事前与乙方依法协商约定保守商业秘密或竞业限制的事项,并签订保守商业秘密协议或竞业限制协议,作为本合同的附件。If Party B job beari ng on the con fide

30、ntiality matters relat ing to mai ntai ning the con fide ntiality of the bus in ess secrets and in tellectual property of Party A, Party A may agree with Party B adva nce on maintaining the con fide ntiality of the bus in ess secrets or competiti on restrict ion provisi ons, and sig n an agreeme nt

31、specify to keep bus in ess secrets or in tellectual propertycon fide ntially as thiscon tract attachme nt.B、由甲方出资对乙方进行专业技术培训,并要求乙方履行服务期的,应当事前征 得乙方同意,并签订协议,明确双方权利义务,协议作为本合同的附件。If Party A provides speial funding for Party B training and gives him/her professi onal tech ni cal training, and also requir

32、es Party B to perform service term, Party A shall obtain the agreement from Party B and sign on an agreementspecified both Party obligati on s.Theagreeme nt is deemed as this con tract attachme nt.C、甲乙双方需要约定的其它事项: Other matters requires to be stipulated by both Parties八、劳动争议处理Resoluti on of Labor Di

33、spute(一)甲乙双方因履行本合同发生劳动争议,可以协商解决。不愿协商或者协商不 成的,可以向本单位劳动争议调解委员会申请调解;调解不成的,可以向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。甲乙双方也可以直接向劳动争议仲裁委员提出书面申请,对仲裁裁决不服且符合起诉条件的,可以自收到仲裁裁决书之日起十五内向人民法院提出诉讼。8.1 Where a dispute between Party A and Party B arises from the impleme ntati on of this con tract, the Parties may seek for a settleme nt throug

34、h negotation. If no settlement can be reached through negotiation by the parties concern ed, the dispute may be submitted to the in ter nal labor dispute mediati on committee of the employer for mediati on ;If fails, the Parties in volved may apply tothe labor dispute arbitrati on committee for arbi

35、trati on .Eitherparty can alsodirectly file a writtenapplication to the labor dispute arbitration committee forarbitration.Any party that is unsatisfied with the adjudication of arbitration may bring a lawsuit to a people court within statutory limitation days from the date of receiving the adjudica

36、tion.(二)甲方违反劳动保障法律、法规和规章,损害乙方合法权益的,乙方有权向劳 动保障行政部门和有关部门投诉。8.2 If an employer violates labor laws or statutes or breaches the rules and regulations, harms the lawful rights and interests of Party B, Party B is entitled tocompla in and report the violati ons to the Labor Security departme nt or releva

37、nt departme nts.九、其他事项Chapter 9 Others(一)劳动合同期内,乙方户籍所在地、实际居住地、联系方式等发生变化的,应 当及时告知甲方。9.1 Within the con tractperiod, Part B shall no tify Party A timely of suchcha nges on household address, prese nt address, con tract in formati on, etc.(二)本合同未尽事宜,按国家、省和市有关规定执行,没有规定的,通过双方平 等协商解决。9.2 Any ti ng not cov

38、ered in this con tract, shall be performed accord ing to the releva nt provisi ons of the State and the rules and regulati ons worked out by Part Ain accordnce with the law, or both parties may resolve through equal consultation if the matters not bee n specified.(三)本合同不得涂改。9.3 No painting on this c

39、on tract.(四)本合同如需同时用中文、外文书写,内容不一致的,以中文文本为准。9.4 If this con tract n eedsbe made in both Chin ese and En glish editi on, in theeve nt of any diverge nce betwee n two vers ions, Chin ese vers ion shall be prevail.(五)本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。9.5 This con tract is made in two origi nals, each party hold one origi nal.(六)本合同附件包括:员工手册、岗位说明书9.6 Attachme nts to this con tractin clude:employeehan dbooks,jobdescripti ons(七)本合同于 (日期)生效。9.7 This con tract becomes effective on (Date).乙方签名:Employee (sig n)法定代表人(或负责人)签名:EmployerLegal Represe ntative or Prin cipals (sig n)甲方盖章:签名日期:DateParty A (Stamp)盖章日期:Date

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