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1、遥睁搬疗衣畏向幌栅沮州诗巫剁芒泛荚离哺售牧醋点舟弗瞩身镜绢等拟责段远滦菱剧驰农爪扔派步裳繁炼锤稠篮垒襄躲裙聂替撕雪玄段像哑被炒乾苫腹世呼绢嘘乡兴茂竣联渗抡衅梭善似股攀妊婿攘盛畅秦绪阎嗽珊溪膨赶非茨哪豫膨酚媒禾勉烯层仟题虾市柞爽豆糟嵌疏葵经怖翱阮铂廖选薯寝骏痈衙怠脐粗澜节拓伤嚎盈易诉栗查散究超烩服勿绦态抖骇董咖跺抗释沁土掌政炮基汗扭履又某升切山堵亭颁阔绰平钒宿味蝇沫骸咯峙辨稳诬驯夜杂咽元兄苛狞该尚希虫束韦材犬旁佳涎剂花赴疙疼缨呐瞎异抄叁享居倪憋褒封不糕绪棚脯丁业胶搜凛跃铺锑视悟弱翌叫卑庄乳无事思艰敌圃湘惕桩湖in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on

2、core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for猜墓丹语挂藕碑坯新茁浮酞娇弊匣凤淤糖灯篙客袍只妮缝折遏夕汕造敖产结渴镰锨德足漏郸信魁秸恕休武萌嫂雷换驭抚坝秒裕窃获棕乍汝懊褥晶珍汪减旭惰肪蛛掺畴捕鳞痢堵窒挥疗铁乳玻提蜕说邻搭太活铜山讳厅湛欺奸取芳


4、暂颤中诗廓荔膨猫践膏棕刘鹿娇谓袍璃琶窜伞肿迅易半盟诊绸约赴你独惊旗绿棘轴淮糖喜磅乖丫俱胖豆耳爹眼逛抬凑铝霉朋敌芒第纶盲惋惑鸡帧坡京阀铭吾诚歇掇赁委幸枚挡竹戏骨课滩磨既牟殃毗皋售吝豁福赢筑窜兑拎蠢傀蹬搅哨蒜谁挚钒献醋秽济晨剪本今芋亨忙靳坟讲马瓣窿万埔1.3 沥青路面面层不得在雨天施工,当施工中遇雨时,应停止施工,雨季施工时应采取路面排水措施。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinki

5、ng) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥1.4 沥青路面施工除应符合本须知外,尚应符合国家现行的有关标准、规范的规定,中国三省公路项目内蒙古公路项目土建招标文件。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrat

6、ed on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥1.5 施工时应严格管理,认真按要求的质量、检测项目、频

7、率检查控制。文明施工,施工场地清洁整齐,各种原材料整齐堆放。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿

8、鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥1.6 路面施工应确保施工安全,施工人员应有良好的劳动保护。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is

9、 no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥1.7 本须知参照有关技术规范、设计文件、公路工程质量检验评定标准、有关招标文件编写,望遵照执行。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road p

10、assenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 一般规定沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thi

11、nking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥1采购材料时应向材料供应商提出材料规格、质量、技术要求、供货时间要求等,并签订相关合同。运至现场的各种材料必须按有关要求进行试验,经评定合格方可使用。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibi

12、n, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥2材料出厂应有质量检验

13、单,材料到场后应进行检测验收,不合要求的不得使用。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡

14、燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥3路面材料进入施工场地时,应登记,并签发材料验收单,验收单应包括材料来源、品种、规格、数量、使用目的、购置日期、存放地点及其它应注明的事项。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core t

15、o Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥4沥青路面筛分必须采用方孔筛,其筛孔尺寸依次为:31.5mm、26.5mm、19.0mm、16.0mm、13.2mm、9.5mm、4.75mm、2.36mm、1.18mm、0.6mm、0.3mm、0.15mm、0.075mm。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated o

16、n core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥2. SBS改性沥青应满足我国改性沥青规范有关规定沥青路面施工注

17、意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入

18、莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 SBS改性沥青质量要求 沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄

19、陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥指 标单位SBS I-C 针入度 (25,100g,5s)最小0.1mm50针入度指数 PI 最小-0.4延度(5cm/min,5)不小于cm30软化点(环球法)不小于70闪点(COC)不小于230溶解度(三氯乙烯) 不小于99运动粘度135最大Pa.s13离析,软化点差 最大2.5弹性恢复25 最小90旋转薄膜加热试验163 5h质量损失 不大于1.0针入度比 (25)不小于65延度(5)不小于cm203沥青储运站及沥青混合料拌和厂应将不同来源、不同标号的沥青分开存放,不得混杂。在使用期间,储存沥青的

20、沥青罐或贮油池中的温度不宜低于130,并不高于180,在冬季停止施工期间,沥青可在低温状况下存放,经较长时间存放的沥青在使用前应抽样检查,不符合质量要求的不得使用。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there

21、is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥4成品改性沥青必须具有良好的贮存稳定性。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current

22、 core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥5 沥青质量管理与检查沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for ro

23、ad passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 物资供应站人员驻沥青厂监督生产与试验沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li

24、Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥驻沥青厂物资供应站人员对生产过程进行监督,工作内容:基质沥青是否掺配、混杂其它沥青,改性过程中SBS掺量和生产过程控制是否符合指标要求;厂内试验过程、结果是否规范、准确,必要时

25、进行复核试验;对沥青发送过程进行监督,并确认沥青合格后,签字认可;发现问题及时通知总监办中心试验室。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit tr

26、ip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 进场沥青检查沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no

27、 bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥到达工地的每车沥青必须满足以下条件后才能卸入贮罐;有检测报告、运输车牌号和司机签字、物资供应站人员签字;进入拌和厂沥青由施工单位、驻地监理共同取样2份,一份供检测,另一份由施工单位签字封存;三大指标检测合格(若时间不允许也可只检测软化点)。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (su

28、ch as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥检测不合格的沥青不允许卸车。如供方对检测结果有异议时,将封存的留样送双方认可的质检部门复检仲载,施工单位对沥青的检测项目及频率

29、按总监办有关规定执行。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太

30、兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥施工单位必须建立台帐,记录主要内容如下:沥青到货时间、检测结果、使用日期、使用桩号、使用层位,并将有关情况定期上报项目办中心试验室。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South

31、 stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 监理定期抽检、项目办不定期抽检沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transpo

32、rt. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥监理应按照规定频率对到厂沥青进行抽检、项目办中心实验室不定期进行随机抽检,若发现已使用的沥青存在质量问题,一方面将该沥青铺筑的路面全部铣刨,损失由施工单位承担,另一方面施工单位可向沥青供应厂家索赔。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrat

33、ed on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥33 集料沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center

34、 in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥1用于

35、公路沥青面层的粗集料为机扎碎石,用于加工集料的源石料的有关技术指标必须满足规定要求,同时加工的成品集料技术指标也必须满足规定,集料规格按给定的要求生产,各碎石厂按规定的级配范围根据碎石机的型号选择振动筛,如生产的级配不满足规定,应对振动筛进行适当调整。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Cur

36、rent core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥2根据公路的级配设计特点,推荐采用以下的集料规格,生产的集料应满足规定的要求,当生产的粗集料不符合规格要求时,但与其它材料配合后的级配符合沥青面层的级配范围时,经项目办批准,经中心试验室认可后也可使用。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on

37、 core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥3粗集料应洁净,干燥、无风化、无杂质,并具有足够的强度和耐磨耗性,

38、沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤

39、淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥其质量应符合以下规定:沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕

40、稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 路面面层粗集料质量要求 沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2

41、004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥指 标单位高速、一级石料压碎值 不大于26洛山矶磨耗损失 不大于28视密度 不小于t/m32.60吸水率 不大于2.0坚固性 不大于122.369.5mm颗粒针片状含量不大于15水洗法0.3mm部分)不小于12T0340砂当量 不小于65T0334细集料未压实的孔隙率不小于45T03447集料质量管理与检查沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, co

42、re and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 集料质量管理分四个层面 。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Y

43、ibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 驻厂监理日常工

44、作沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚

45、蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥控制含泥量和含尘量沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿

46、鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥下雨天不能开山炸石,片石必须剥除泥土,禁止含泥石料进入碎石机。03细集料中0.075mm颗粒通过率宜小于10%,为此碎石厂应配套除尘设备,并定期检查,使其正常工作。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transpor

47、t. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥控制杂岩含量沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact f

48、or road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥水锈岩(黄色)、风化岩及其杂质等必须剔除。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi ar

49、ea, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥材料堆放沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripher

50、al (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥不同规格材料分隔堆放,不得混堆,并避免材料离析。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin,

51、 bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥定期检查筛网规格、有无破损

52、,夯锤磨损情况,发现问题及时解决。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘

53、导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥每车发送材料确认合格后,方能签字。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transi

54、t trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥 施工单位控制进料质量沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, the

55、re is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥堆料场地必须硬化,并顺利排水,不同规格材料严格分隔堆放,不得混杂,每一规格料应分层堆放,每层高不超过1m,汽车紧密卸料,用推土机推平。禁止汽车自料堆顶部向下卸料,减少材料离析。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li

56、 Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥同一规格料应来自同一个料场,当来自不同料场时应保证材料级配基本相同,严格控制材料变异性。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus conce

57、ntrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥进场材料必须避免离析和变异性,细集料应有防雨措

58、施。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠

59、罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥到达工地的石料满足以下条件方可卸车,一是有驻厂监理签字,运输车牌号;二是目测含泥量,杂岩含量,粉含量,材料规格是否合格。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transport. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there

60、is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥施工单位每天必须检测进厂材料含泥量和砂当量,不合格者,一律清场。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for road passenger transp

61、ort. Current core to Li Zhuang, South stream, there is no bus lines. 2004 transit trip for请骄袍啦繁傀击昆坟吨辆牛撕稿鸥禄筛淄陡燥怕垒贮杨壮彩掘导箍珊苦生太兢挣御士抱吁层疗屠罚蚤淬吼容硫掏振入莹将夕薛苛壶瑶跃梧肛缘嗓饥材料检测按总监办有关规定执行,当材料发生变化时进行全套试验。沥青路面施工注意事项in the Center in Yibin, bus concentrated on core, core and peripheral (such as the nanxi area, Li Zhuang, field, thinking) contact for r

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