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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上情景作文高考考什么1掌握情景作文的基本写作方法。2学会描写情景作文中的情节冲突。3学会对情景作文的情节进行扩充。4学会在情景作文中合理运用起承转合的过渡语。5掌握情景作文中的抒情议论句和高级词汇。命题人怎么想本节课首先从语篇角度来介绍情景作文的写作方法,然后会为大家提供抒情、议论的语料库,保证从宏观和微观两个角度为大家的写作提供支持。满分必备攻略Part A 从语篇角度谈情景作文写作技巧一、情景作文的基本写作思路:主题先行+双线并行所谓主题先行,是指我们在写情景作文时,一定要对四幅图片进行宏观把握,抽出文章的大主题,这样,有助于我们从整体的角度出发,对每幅图进行情感渲

2、染。同时,我们要明白:要写好情景作文,必须保证叙事清晰、情感充沛。换言之,要保证“动作描写”和“情感描写”两条线并行不悖,给人层次清晰、逻辑严密、动作到位、情感充实的印象,这便是所谓的“双线并行”。要保证叙事清晰,一定要在上幅图转换到下幅图时,运用好起承转合的连词,同时对时间、场景的转换做好交代。要保证情感充沛,一定要对静态的画面进行挖掘,分析人物心理,补充事实细节。【例一】假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华。最近你班组织了一次活动,寻找身边的雷锋。请根据下图提示将此次活动情况记录下来,并以“Looking for Lei Feng”为题向你校英语报刊投稿。注意:1文章题目已为你写好。 2

3、词数不少于60。Looking for Lei Feng【写作初稿】_【教师评分与修改意见】_【范文赏析】Among all the great figures in China, Comrade Lei Feng is one inspiring generations of people. Last week, a memorable activity was held in our class, aiming to find out people following Lei Fengs spirits in their daily life.Early in the morning, w

4、e set out in groups, taking cameras, in the expectation to capture many touching scenes of people selflessly helping each other. No sooner had we arrived at the Shopping Mall of the City Center than we caught sight of a blood-donation car, with many people waiting in the queue to donate their blood.

5、 We immediately took photos, with great admiration of these peoples devotion to those in need.Soon afterwards, we arrived at the hospital near the Shopping Mall. Seeing a patient sparing no efforts to help another patient walk down the steps of the stair, we could feel the atmosphere of love and car

6、e pervade into every corner of the space. With the scene taken into our camera, we went back to the school bus. Hardly had we discovered a vacant seat when we simultaneously noticed an aged lady. We spontaneously helped her to approach the seat. Seeing her get seated and offering appreciation, we al

7、l felt satisfied for the sake of being able to help others, just like Lei Feng.A few days later, a column in the bulletin was set aside for our activity, with all our photos of the living “Lei Feng” in our life presented to all. We introduced what we had seen to our classmates, arousing heated discu

8、ssion among them.We all treasure this activity, for it not only teaches us to discover the kindness in our life, but also inspires us to become the very person delivering love to everyone around us.【他山之石】请总结范文中表示心情的语言点,并仿写句子。_二、情景作文写作技巧:注意矛盾冲突,注意心理发展过程,注意动作全程 情景作文中有的图片往往存在很强的情节冲突,这就为我们进行情节扩展提供了广阔的空间


10、大家要将这个画面写透。【写作初稿】_【教师评分与修改意见】_【范文赏析】Many a time I have experienced unforgettable moments. But one certain memory stands out and speaks volumes to me.It was early in the morning last Saturday. I was bathing in the warm sunshine and reading a novel in Summer Palace. Sitting beside the Kunming Lake, I

11、felt the beautiful sceneries of winter seemed to have a magic power.Suddenly, an urgent cry pierced the sky and shattered my silent enjoyment of the scenery. Iapproached the cry and found a boy in the freezing cold water. Apparently he fell into the lake by accident. The poor little boy called for h

12、elp desperately, with a large group of people watching beside. I wondered why nobody went into the water to pull the boy onto the bank and then peoples whisper went into my ears.“Its none of my business”“Its freezing cold ”Peoples remarks made my heart sink. Feeling obliged to save life, I made up m

13、y mind to take action. Hardly had I taken off my coat when I jumped into the water.“God! Its so cold!” I chilled in the water. However, the little boys eyes of expectation inspired me greatly and motivated me to swim ahead. Finally I got hold of his hand and took pains to drag him onto the lake bank

14、. It was not such a long distance. However, for me, it seemed to be an endless journey. Eventually I reached the bank and the little boy was saved. He kept thanking me, but I was too exhausted to offer any reply.I never thought I was a hero. I just did something I was supposed to do. After all, by s

15、aving others life, we are also making our own life fulfilled.【他山之石】请总结范文中对你有启发的语言点,并仿写句子。_三、情景作文写作技巧:对画面细节进行联想、扩充情景作文的画面,一般由四幅图构成。这四幅图中,有的图集中了大量动作,写起来比较容易;有的图仅仅是一个场景,要将其写好、写活,必须依赖联想、发挥。【例三】假设你是红星中学高三(1)的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的信息,为校刊英语园地写一篇英文稿件,叙述上周六你参加学校组织的“Career Day”的活动过程及感受。注意:1文章的开头已为你写好。2词数不少于60。Our sch

16、ool holds CareerDay once a year in March, offering us a chance to get familiar with different businesses and career optionsLast Saturday,【写作点拨】这四幅图都是场景,我们要写出一篇情感充沛、细节丰富的文章,务必要结文章“职业发展教育”的主题,重点谈我们在每一个环节的收获。只有这样,才能将简略的场景中人物的心情描写得无比动人。【写作初稿】_【教师评分与修改意见】_【范文赏析】Our school holds Career Day once a year in

17、March, offering us a chance to get familiar with different business and career options.Last Saturday, we arrived at the library punctually at 9am where the whole-day activities were to be held. Gathering at the gate , some of the students watched the arrangement on the poster hanging on the wall, tr

18、ying to figure out the schedule of the day, The content seemed so attracting that we could hardly wait to step into the conference hall.Coming first was a lecture given by a well-known professor with the theme titled “Career Introduction”. Impressed by not only the experienced analysis on the inform

19、ation of occupations of various kinds, but also, we got captured by the professors humorous tone. Thus, none of us were absent-minded and took down useful tips on the note book.Next came the consulting meeting which offered us an awesome opportunity to work out our questions on job-choosing. Seeking

20、 advice from the skillful consultant, we had a deeper knowledge of the vocations that we took great interests in.Last but not the least, we were given a chance to experience the work under the consultants guidance, which was really meaningful for it helped us have a better picture of our future as w

21、ell as having a clearer goal.The time elapsed while we were enjoying the Career Day. Needless to say, the life road ahead will be long, our climb will be step, but with the great passion and strong determination, I felt sure that we will earn the valuable career through our industrious effort.【他山之石】

22、请总结范文中对情节进行扩充的手法,并总结对你有启发的语言点,然后仿写句子。_四、情景作文写作技巧:注意起承转合、场景转换情景作文的四幅图往往在时间、地点上存在大量的转换。因此我们一定要运用恰当的过渡语,将时间和场景的转换交代清楚。【例四】假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的班长李华,去年冬天你们班开展了“为西藏希望小学献爱心”的活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文短文向某中学生英语报投稿,介绍你们本次献爱心活动的全过程。注意:词数不少于60。Last winter, we carried out an activity themed “Helping the Children in the

23、Hope PrimarySchoolinTibet”.【写作点拨】这四幅图,每一幅图都发生在不同的地点。而且每一幅图里,人物的心情都有着微妙的区别。所以我们在场景转换时,也要注意区分人物心理的变化。同时,这篇作文存在着很大的抒情、议论的空间,有利于我们最大限度的发挥水平。【写作初稿】_【教师评分与修改意见】_【范文赏析】Last week, we carried out an activity themed “helping the Children in the Hope Primary School in Tibet”. In order to light the love in our

24、heart, we held a class-meeting to share our hope. During the meeting, we watched a TV program posted by CCTV news about the life in Tibets Hope Primary School. Seeing the hard life of those poor children, we all felt its our duty to change their lives. To make more people participate in this program

25、, we wrote urging letters to call for helps. We put up the poster in the school exhibit board and handed out messages, telling everyone passing by about the unimaginable situation.After weeks of broad out works, we held a donating party in our school. Its really beyond our imagination that nearly ev

26、eryone in our school gave out part of their efforts. Not only did we donate our pocket money, but also a lot of useful goods were donated, such as school bags and quilts.As soon as the donating party ended, we carried the goods and money, which embodied our sincerely love and hope for the poor child

27、ren to the post office. When I was filling the post list, I felt so proud of my classmates and me. Though the little donations from us wouldnt completely change the life of the children, I hope our action can bring them hope to fight against the adversities of life. For I know, love is such a little

28、 thing, but it has the strength to change the world.【他山之石】请总结范文中在起承转合、场景转换、心理描写等方面对你有启发的语言点,并仿写句子。_Part B 情景作文写作语料库(With special thanks to:宋秀英老师、田翠媛老师、程爽老师、陈丽华老师、尹维库老师)在第一部分,我们主要是从文章整体的角度,结合各个篇目的特点,分析了情景作文的常见写作技巧。然而,写作毕竟是一个需要系统积累的过程,我们要想写出一篇精彩、充实的作文,还需要丰富的语料库。一、情景作文常见的议论句在寒假班的模块讲义中,我们已经系统的讲解了情景作文的写作

29、方法。其中特别提到:我们可以根据情景作文的主题,在描写每一幅图时加入适当的议论句,这样可以使我们的作文更加饱满充实。试翻译下列句子:1. 这次短期的海外学习经历对我们的影响远远超出了任何人的想象,它丰富了我们的阅历,开阔了我们的视野,还激发了我们的学习兴趣。_2.今天,很多伟大的教育家也像我们的祖先一样,同样强调了实际经验的重要性。_3.能够留下不可磨灭的印象的是实践经验而不是书本知识。(It is not butthat)_4.有时候,在生活中我们所需要的正是奋斗。如果我们真的不经历任何风雨而生活的的话,我们的人生将不会是完整的。我们就不会真正的强大起来。_5.这既是一个机会,又是一个挑战。

30、(as muchas)_6.这个活动不仅使我们开阔了视野还使我们明白了节水的重要性。_二、情景作文中常见的描写心情的短语表达喜悦in high spiritswith enthusiasmmaking me more than a little delighted(伴随状语)with a broad smile shining on his faceleaving me brimming with rapture and fulfillment(伴随状语)The broad smiles on my grandparents faces delighted me.My smile leaped through the bars and generated a smile on his lips.Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently.Smile can make you see the brighter side of

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