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1、申请理由:申请项目(请在适当的项目前打“v7”):Items of application (Please tick where appropriate)1签证延期Extension of visa此签证偕行人数申请延期至年月日(一)签证:VisaIntended extension tillyrmthdayNumber of persons accompanied居留证临时居留证Reside neeTemporary Reside nee申请居留期至Inten ded du rati on of stay.yrmthday.种类变为增加入境一次匸:增加入境二次TypetoOne more e

2、ntryTwo more entries增加或减少偕行人数:团体签证分离Number of pers ons accompa nied in crease of decreaseSeparation fromfgroup3、申请新签证New Visa签证种类 L 旅游、探亲F 商务、培训 G过境Type of visaTourist of private purposesBusin ess or trai ningTransit Z任职、就业及其家属J 记者 X留学Employment & the familyForeign correspondentStudent D定居C乘务及其家属Per

3、ma nent reside neeInternational services & the family入境次数: 一次多次停留签证Number of entriesSingleMultipleStay visa二次出境证DoubleExit permit申请有效期至年月日此签证偕行人数Inten ded du rati onof visayrmthdayNumber of person accompanied(二)居留证:Reside nee permit2、变更签证项目Alteration of visa申请新居留证此申请居留证偕行人数Number of person accompani

4、edNew reside neevisa2、居留证延期 Exte nsion of reside nee也匕居留证彳皆行人数Number of person accompanied护照号码身份工作单位1住址Passport no.Occupati onPlace of work or studyAddress 迁入或迁往增加或减少偕行人数1其它项目Transfer in orNumber of persons accompaniedOther changesTransfer out toIn crease or decrease其它说明:Other expla nation第三部分:相关证件、

5、证明或说明Section3 : Supporting evidenee or certificate of your purpose in China外国人就业证Foreigner s employment外国专家证Foreign expert certificate外籍教师到职通知书或确认书Approval from the provincial authorities(for teachers)留学生入学通知书或院校证明Evidenee of enrolment or letter from university(for student)外国(地区)企业 常驻代表机构工作证Represen

6、tative b certificate 此证件号码The Certificate number其他工作、商务、培训单位证明Letter from organization(for business,training or working)证件有效期Certificate expiry date.yr年月日mthd ay工作或邀请单位名称Full name of the organization在华亲友与申请人关系地址电话AddressTelephone no.Relatives or friends jn ChinaRelati on ship to applicant其它说明:Other

7、expla nation我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责(如属代办,代办人签字并加盖单位公章。)I hereby declare that the information given above is true. I shall bear the responsibility for the above information.申请人或代办人签名:工作或邀请单位盖章:Signature of applicant orApplicant representativeSeal of the organization申请日期:Date of application.yr月mth日da

8、y申请理由:申请项目(请在适当的项目前打“v7”):Items of application (Please tick where appropriate)1签证延期Extension of visa此签证偕行人数申请延期至年月日(一)签证:VisaIntended extension tillyrmthdayNumber of persons accompanied种类变为增加入境一次匸:增加入境二次TypetoOne more entryTwo more entries增加或减少偕行人数:团体签证分离Number of pers ons accompa nied in crease of

9、decreaseSeparation fromfgroup3、申请新签证New Visa签证种类 L 旅游、探亲F 商务、培训 G过境Type of visaTourist of private purposesBusin ess or trai ningTransit Z任职、就业及其家属J 记者 X留学Employment & the familyForeign correspondentStudent D定居C乘务及其家属Perma nent reside neeInternational services & the family入境次数: 一次多次停留签证Number of entr

10、iesSingleMultipleStay visa二次出境证DoubleExit permit申请有效期至年月日此签证偕行人数Inten ded du rati onof visayrmthdayNumber of person accompanied(二)居留证:Reside nee permit2、变更签证项目Alteration of visa申请新居留证此申请居留证偕行人数Number of person accompaniedNew reside neevisa居留证临时居留证Reside neeTemporary Reside nee申请居留期至Inten ded du rati

11、 on of stay.yrmthday.2、居留证延期 Exte nsion of reside nee也匕居留证彳皆行人数Number of person accompanied护照号码身份工作单位1住址Passport no.Occupati onPlace of work or studyAddress 迁入或迁往增加或减少偕行人数1其它项目Transfer in orNumber of persons accompaniedOther changesTransfer out toIn crease or decrease其它说明:Other expla nation第三部分:相关证件

12、、证明或说明Section3 : Supporting evidenee or certificate of your purpose in China外国人就业证Foreigner s employment外国专家证Foreign expert certificate外籍教师到职通知书或确认书Approval from the provincial authorities(for teachers)留学生入学通知书或院校证明Evidenee of enrolment or letter from university(for student)外国(地区)企业 常驻代表机构工作证Represe

13、ntative b certificate 此证件号码The Certificate number其他工作、商务、培训单位证明Letter from organization(for business,training or working)证件有效期Certificate expiry date.yr年月日mthd ay工作或邀请单位名称Full name of the organization在华亲友与申请人关系地址电话AddressTelephone no.Relatives or friends jn ChinaRelati on ship to applicant其它说明:Other expla nation我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责(如属代办,代办人签字并加盖单位公章。)I hereby declare that the information given above is true. I shall bear the responsibility for the above information.申请人或代办人签名:工作或邀请单位盖章:Signature of applicant orApplicant representative申请日期:Seal of the organizationDate of applicationyrmthday

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