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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上七年级下册英语书面表达专题复习Unit1 作文类型:介绍自己有关情况(考查概率80%)1.假设你是胡芳,你在桂林二中读书。你想在网上找一个笔友,请根据你的实际情况写一封电子邮件,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、语言、爱好等等,开头已给出。Dear friend,My name is Hu Fang. I want a pen pal. Im 14 years old, I live in Guangxi, China. Im in Guilin No.2 Middle School .I can speak Chinese and a little English. I l

2、ike reading and playing sports. I often play basketball with friends after school. How about you?Please write and tell me about your self. Hu Fang2.根据个人实际情况写一则征笔友启事,启事中要做适当的自我介绍,例如:姓名、年龄、国家、现居住地、爱好、最喜欢的科目(电影、运动。)想找怎样的笔友等。Dear friend , Im Liu Fang .Im 14 years old .I live in Wuzhou ,China . I can spe

3、ak Chinese and a little English . My favorite subject in school is English , because I think its very interesting. I also like music very much .I can sing well .And I love sports. I play basketball with friends everyday. How about you? Can you write to me soon ? Yours, Liu Fang3.介绍自己的名字、年龄、来自哪里、喜欢的动

4、物及食物,长大后想当什么等相关情况。MyselfMy name is Dave. Im from Guangxi ,China .I am 15 years old. I am tall and thin and I have short curly hair. My favorite animals are tigers and pandas. And my favorite food is beef and tomato noodles. I am a student, and I want to be a doctor. I have many rules at home. I cant

5、 go out at night and I have to get up at 6:00 am. Unit2 给远方的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你的邻近环境。(考查概率25%)Dear Lisa,I want to talk to you about my neighborhood .My house is near a hotel. Across from my house is a book shop. Its very clean. The park is across from the hotel. Behind the book shop is a post office. Acros

6、s from the post office is my school .Its not very big but clean. Yours, Li YangUnit3 介绍一种动物(考查概率45%)在我家附近的动物园里,有一头小象叫Larry,他来自非洲,七岁了,他喜欢吃草。他对人们很友好。他喜欢玩水。他喜欢和游人玩。他既高大又强壮,我非常喜欢他。There is an elephant in the zoo .His name is Larry .He comes from Africa. He is 7 years old .He likes eating grass. He is fr

7、iendly to people .He likes playing with water. He is tall and strong . I like him very much .Unit4 谈论职业(考查概率55%)1.假如你叫Carl Smith ,你擅长写作和交谈。希望在电视台从事记者工作。你的年龄是24岁,会英语和法语两种语言。写一封求职信。 Dear sir,Im Carl Smith. Im 24 years old . Im good at writing and talking .I can speak English and French . I want to be

8、a reporter in your TV station .I think I can do well in the new job.Thank you very much . Yours, Carl Smith2.谈谈你父母的职业。(见课堂作业P22)Unit5用进行时特定场面描写(考查概率45%)1.假设现在是星期日上午8:30,Dave和他的同伴们正在公园玩,请根据下面提供的信息写一下他们的活动。Name Activity Place Dave 、Jim and Kevin Play soccerOver thereKate and Sally Dance Under a treeJu

9、die Read a book Near a treeTom and Ken Swim At a poolBrad Listen to music Near the poolIt is 8:30 on Saturday morning now. Its sunny today .Dave and his friends are in the park .Look! What are Daves friends doing ?Well,Dave ,Jim and Kevin are playing soccer over there .Kate and Sally are dancing und

10、er a tree . Near the tree, Judie is reading a book .Where are Tom and Ken ?Oh, they are swimming at a pool .They swim very well .Brad is listening to the music near the pool .He likes music very much .They are all happy .2. 背课本p29- 3bUnit7 介绍人物外貌(考查概率55%)根据提供的信息写一篇短文:汤姆高高的个子,中等身材,金色的短直发,会讲英语和一点汉语,喜欢

11、打篮球,最喜欢的动物是熊猫和海豚。他认为熊猫很可爱,海豚很聪明。Tom is tall and has a medium build .He has short blonde straight hair .He can speak English and a little Chinese. He likes reading books and playing basketball .His favorite animals are pandas and dolphins .He thinks pandas are cute and dolphins are clever.Unit9 描写某人度

12、过的一天。(考查概率90%)类型可包括:记叙文、日记、书信格式(注意用一般过去时态) My weekend I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning ,I got up early .Then I cleaned my room. After breakfast I visited my uncle. I helped him do some farm work .I worked hard all day .In the evening, I went home . On Sunday morning ,I did my homework at ho

13、me .And it was a little difficult .In the afternoon , I played football with my classmates. I was tired but happy last weekend .Unit10 用过去时态描写假日或周末的短文、日记(考查概率70%)范文一: Wednesday, June 10thIt was sunny today. I was busy all day but I was happy. In the morning, I cleaned my room, and then I did my home

14、work. After that, I went to the movie with my friend, Jim. It was an exciting action movie. In the afternoon, I went to the library. There were many people in it, I read a book about history. After dinner, I watched sports shows on TV. Then I went to bed at about 9:30.范文二:.介绍自己如何度假,包括具体地名、天气状况、具体做了哪

15、些事情,要求用一般过去时描写。How did I spend my vacation?I went to Hainan on vacation. It was May Day. The weather was sunny and hot. I went to the beach with my mother. I went swimming and played volleyball. It was really fun. At dinner, we had a delicious seafood (海鲜) at a restaurant. We also went shopping. The

16、 shops were always crowded and the things were very expensive. We took lots of photos. Some of them were very beautiful. We had a good vacation. I like my last vacation very much.范文三:见课堂作业P60 、P76Unit11(考查概率40%)假如下面是你对你父母、姐姐对某些电视节目的看法做得调查,请根据表格写一篇短文。FatherMotherSisterChinese FoodCant stand LikeCant

17、standHealthy LivingLikeDoesnt mindDoesnt like Sports NewsLikeCant standLike Talk ShowsLikeCant standDoesnt likeWhat do you think of TV Shows ? I did a survey in my family. My father likes Healthy Living .He thinks its good for health. He likes Talking Shows and Sports News , too .But he cant stand C

18、hinese Cooking .My mom like it very much ,because she cooks dinner for us every day .She learns a lot every day .She doesnt mind Healthy Living .And she cant stand Sports News or Talk Shows .She thinks they are boring . My sister likes Sports News .She thinks Its exciting .She watches it every day .

19、But she doesnt like Talk Shows or Healthy Living .And she cant stand Chinese Cooking .As for me, I love Sports News very much, but I cant stand Talk ShowsUnit12描写各类规则的短文(考查概率75%) My school rules1、As a middle school student we have many rules in school. we cant arrive late for class. We have to clean

20、 the classroom every day. We cant eat in the classroom .And we cant go out on school nights. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom. We have to eat in the dining room. Well, we cant fight. That makes the teacher really unhappy.My family rules2、 I have many rules in my house. I have

21、to get up at six oclock every morning. I must have my breakfast at 7:00 oclock . I cant meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework. I cant watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by 10:00 oclock. On weekends, I have to clean my room. Then I have to make dinner. I love m

22、usic, but I cant listen to music at home .Im not happy. What can I do ? 3、Tom has many rules. He has to get up at 6:30 every morning. He cant watch TV or play computer games on school night. He has to finish his homework every day. He must be in bed by ten oclock . He cant eat outside. He has to be back home by 6:00 in the afternoon.注:为必需默写范文,星指数专心-专注-专业

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