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1、Module 3Unit 2 Point to the desk.A:Stand up, please.B:(stands up)A:Sit down, please.B:(sits down)A:Point to the window, please.B:(Points to the window)A:Point to the door, please.B:(Points to the door)deskchair书桌书桌椅子椅子Point to the.window!指指一一指指窗户!窗户!Point to the.door!指指一指一指门!门!Point to the.desk!指指一指

2、一指窗户!窗户!Point to the.chair!指指一指一指椅子!椅子!Hello, Tweet-tweet. Point to the blackboard.你好,啾啾。你好,啾啾。指指一指一指黑板。黑板。Point to the chair.指指一指一指椅子。椅子。Point to the desk.指指一指一指椅子。椅子。Point to the window.指指一指一指窗户。窗户。Bye-bye, Tweet-tweet.再见,啾再见,啾啾。啾。Point to the bird.Point to the boys.Point to the door.Point to the

3、window. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the window and point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the blackboard and point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the desk and point to the door.Chair!椅子!椅子!Point to the blackboard.指向黑板。指向黑板。单项选择。单项选择。1. P

4、lease sit _. A. up B. down C. stand2. Point _ the blackboard. A. of B.to C.in3.Please stand _. A. down B.to C. upBBC汉译英。汉译英。1.指一指书桌。指一指书桌。_2.请起立。请起立。_3.指一指椅子。指一指椅子。_Point to the desk.Please stand up.Point to the chair. 1.抄写下列短语及句子。抄写下列短语及句子。Point to the chair. Point to the desk.Please stand up. Please sit down 2.朗读本课句型,并在生活中运用这些句型朗读本课句型,并在生活中运用这些句型交流对话。交流对话。 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

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