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1、 About “Smoke”1. smoke n. UC烟 smoke from factory chimneyC吸 烟 They stopped work to have a smoke v. 抽 (香 烟 等 ) smoke a cigarette2. smoker n. 吸 烟 者3. smoky adj. 冒 烟 的4. smokeless adj. 无 烟 的 Why do so many people smoke? 1 Reduce pressure.2 Curiosity.3 Poplar actors and kids do it.4 It is cool.5 Mothers

2、or fathers smoke.6 Brothers or sisters smoke.Top 6 reasons for young students smoking. Facts About Smoking Choose the answers you think are correct. 1) During the 1990s, (21 thousand / 21 million) people died as a result of smoking cigarettes.2) A quarter of young people who smoke more than (10/20)

3、cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking. 3) In the United K ingdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000)deaths a year.4) Thirteen people die (every hour every day) from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer , bronchitis and heart disease.5) Every year, about (20/200) peo

4、ple are killed and (200/2000) are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking. The end of lifeAn illness which affects your bronchial tubes and makes you cough.A very serious disease that often causes death.Two things some people smoke.hurt bronchitiscancer deathinjuredcigarette, tobacco What measu

5、res should people take? 1.During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. as a result of / because of 由 于 e.g. He ended up in hospital as a result of his careless driving. 由 于 粗 心 驾 驶 的 结 果 , 他 最 后 被 送 进 了 医 院 。 He gave me a hand, _ I succeeded at last.There was a terribl

6、e accident, _, I was late for school. Many people died _ smoking. so as a result 表 示 结 果 as a result of 表 示 前 面 的 原 因 so as a resultas a result ofFill in the blanks. 2. Thirteen people die every hour from illnesses related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. (1) die of

7、死 于 (内 因 ) cold, hunger, sadness, cancer, old age, thirst e.g. Nowadays many people die of cancer. 现 在 有 很 多 人 死 于 癌 症 。 die from 死 于 (外 因 ) wound, lack of food, accident, smokinge.g. He died from a traffic accident. 他 死 于 交 通 事 故 。die 词 组 die out 灭 绝die for 渴 望die away 消 逝 , 平 息 ( 风 , 声 , 光 ) (2) r

8、elate vt. 叙 述 , 有 关 联 , 涉 及 e.g. She related (to them) how it happened. 她 向 他 们 叙 述 了 事 情 的 发 生 经 过 。 relate A to / with B 将 联 系 起 来 = be connected withe.g. These two events were related to each other. 这 两 个 事 件 相 互 有 联 系 。 3. In the United K ingdom, smoking causes 121,000 deaths a year.cause v.导 致

9、, 引 起 使 某 人 做 某 事e.g. Smoking can cause lung cancer. 吸 烟 可 导 致 肺 癌 。 n. 起 因 (常 与 介 词 of连 用 )e.g. What was the cause of the fire? 火 灾 是 怎 样 引 起 的 ? Discuss the questions with other students.1. Why do people smoke cigarettes?2. Where do people smoke? Where cant they smoke?3. Is there any anti-smoking advertising in China? What does smoking do harm to? (1) waste money The harm of smoking (2) cause social problems, e.g. stealingI am a thief (3) cause illnesses, e.g. cancer, heart disease(4) cause fires

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