冀教版八年级英语上册Unit 3 Lesson 15《A present for LiMing》 课件 (共18张PPT)

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1、Lesson15 A Present for Li Ming 预习检测(Prepare test)基础单词。1.尺寸_2.合适_ 3.无论如何_4.款式_5.生日_6.礼物_7.商店_8.相同的_9.夹克_10.另一个_二、核心短语1.试穿_ 2.寻找_3.亮绿色_4.走进_ 5.与相同_size fit anywaystyle birthdaypresent store samejacket anothertry on look for bright greengo into the sameas On LiMings birthday, Jenny bought a coat for hi

2、m.He wears size 5. The coat fits him very well.He likes the style. He said he thanked Jenny anyway. 注:fit sb very well对特别合适New words: 我是记忆小能手This white T-shirt _ Tim very well.Millies shoes are mine.May I _that skirt? It looks beautiful.I dont like moon cakes _.I like the _ of your dress. Its modern

3、 and new. anyway , fit , try on, the same size as , stylefitsthe same size astry on anywaystyle self-study(自主学习)默读课文,做39页第一题 1.I think hes the same size as Brian. 我认为他和布莱恩一样的尺码。 解析:the same as 意为“与一样; 和相同语言点(language points) Tims shirt is the same colour _ his fathers.(与一样)as练习: 2.Try on this jacket

4、, please. 请试试这件夹克。解析:try on意为“试穿”是动副短语。当宾语是名词时,可以放在try on之后,也可以放中间:try on this jacket = try this jacket on.当宾语为代词时,必须放中间:I like the dresses very much. Can I try them on. I like the dress very much. Can I try it on. 练习:The blue skirt looks very nice. May I _ ?Yes, please.try them on B. try it onC. ta

5、ke them off D. take it off B 3.I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.我认为无论如何李明不会喜欢那件夹克的。I dont think she can swim.我认为她不会游泳。原来语序是I think she can not swim把否定部分前移到I think ,这种用法叫做否定前移。 练习:( )1.I _ think it will _ rain tomorrow.Today is so sunny. A./; not B. not ; / C. dont ,; not D. dont ;

6、/2.I dont think he can answer the question.翻译:D我认为他不能回答这个问题。 4.Do you have any other styles?你们还有别的款式吗? 朗读课文,如果你还有问题,可以举手寻求帮助。(Read the dialouge loudly, if you still have a question,you can ask for help.) Group work按小组编一个买衣服的对话:长短不限。(Make up a dialouge in groups) 根据汉语意思提示完成句子1.Jenny thinks Li Ming is

7、 _ _ _ _ Brian.(和布莱恩一样的尺码)2._ _(试穿) this yellow jacket, please!3.Do you have _ _ _ (其他款式 )?4.I _ _ (想要) a beautiful dress.5._ _ (多大尺码) does your friend wear?6.-What about the T-shirt? - Oh, its _ _(亮绿色).I like it.the same size asTry on any other stylesWhat sizewould likebright green 课堂回顾 Words: size fit anyway style Patterns:What can I do for you? What size does your friend wear? I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway. Try on this jacket Do you have any other styles? 作业(Homework)背诵对话中的语言点。完成练习册。

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