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2、抛开时间因素答案:B 本题解析:这题比较简单,要求是从画家的作品中了解画家的年龄状况。答案是B。因为,这是一个假设类型,要求通过假设的判断来与文中的意义对照起来。如果画家不可能在63岁时,将自己画成年轻时的样子,则文中的假设画家作画的时间1930年是错误的就无从判断,因此正确答案是B。2.和亲是改善封建关系的一种形式。当然,和亲也是在不同的历史条件下出现的,有些和亲 是被迫的,但有些也不是被迫的,昭君出塞就没有任何被迫的情况存在。如果不分青红皂 白,只要是和亲就一律加以反对,那么在封建时代还有什么更好的方法可以取得民族之间 的和解呢?在我看来,和亲政策比战争政策总要好得多。对于和亲政策,作者的

3、观点是( )。A.和亲政策是统治阶级的一方在迫不得已的情况下采取的B.和亲政策只能作为权宜之计C.一般情况下,在封建时代,和亲政策总要比战争政策好得多D.和亲政策应与战争政策结合并用答案:C 本题解析:文段最后指出:“在我看来,和亲政策比战争政策总要好得多。”可见对于 和亲政策,作者的观点是一般情况下,在封建时代,和亲政策总要比战争政策好得多。3.不属于省辖储蓄通存通兑的业务范围的是( )A.普通活期储蓄存折存款B.一本通存折活期存、取款C.活期储蓄存单的结清D.定、活期储蓄存单结清答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析4.有甲、乙两口井,水面距井口均为3米,水深分别为56米和32米,抽去两井水的相同高

4、度后,甲井的水深是乙井的4倍。问抽水后,甲井水面距井口多少米?( )A.24B.27C.32D.35答案:B 本题解析:本题属于初等数学运算。设抽去高度为h的水。则56-h=4(32-h),解得h=24。所以,抽水后甲井水面距井口24+3=27米。A、C、D选项错误。因此,选择B选项。5.银行真题()A.选项AB.选项BC.选项CD.选项D答案:A 本题解析:题干图形都是直线图形,选项中只有A符合。6.促销活动的主要任务是()。A.引起消费者的购买欲望B.怩进消费者需求C.向消费者传递商品和服务信息D.向消费者传递企业信息答案:C 本题解析:促销是企业把生产经营的商品及所提供的服务向消费者进行

5、宣传,促进和影响消费者购买行为和消费方式的活动。促销的主要任务是向消费者传递商品和服务信息,扩大销售。7.A.4B.8C.17D.20答案:C 本题解析:填入l7后表格中的数字2,3,5,7,11,13,(17),19,23是连续质数数列8.我国历史上有许多的文人墨客享有盛誉,例如李白被人称作“诗仙”、杜甫被人称作“诗 圣”、两人合称“李杜”等,以下选项中,正确的一项是( )。A.李白曾有名句“蓬莱文章建安骨,中间小谢又清发”,其中的“小谢”指的是东晋、刘宋之间最为著名的山水诗人谢灵运,由他开始,山水诗成为文学上的一个流派B.“模棱两可”这一成语源自唐代一位著名诗人苏味道,因他遇事依违两可,时

6、人称其为 “苏模棱”,他有著名诗句“火树银花合,星桥铁锁开”C.陈子昂是初唐著名诗人,推崇汉魏诗风,也就是“建安风骨”,建安风骨的代表人物有 “三曹”、蔡琰、“建安七子”,其中“建安七子”是指孔融、陈琳、王粲、徐干、阮咸、应场、 刘桢D.清代“扬州八怪”之一的郑板桥曾刻一印,自称“青藤门下走狗”,这里的“青藤”指的是 明朝最全能的艺术家唐寅,其代表作是烟波钓叟歌答案:B 本题解析:“模棱两可”源自于旧唐书?苏味道传:“处事不欲决断明白,若有错误,必贻咎谴,但模棱以持两端可矣。”唐代诗人苏味道正月十五夜诗:“火树银花合,星桥铁锁开。”故B选项正确。谢灵运是南朝宋人,世称大谢;谢跳与谢灵运同宗,因

7、比之晚生了近八十年,为齐人,世称小谢。大谢是中国山水诗派的开创者,小谢是“永明体”创作的代表人物。故A选项错误。建安七子为孔融、陈琳、王粲、徐干、阮瑀、应场、刘桢,故C选项错误。“青藤门下走狗”,这里的“青藤”指的是徐渭(明代杰出书画家、文学家,号天池山人,或署田水月、青藤 老人、青藤道人、青藤居士),故D选项错误。9.2011年。全国质量技术监督系统经费总支出41294亿元。其中工资福利支出12123亿元,商业和服务支出13273亿元,对个人和家庭补助支出36o4亿元,基本建设支出和其他资本性支出等专项支出920l亿元(其中基本建设支出3126亿元,专用仪器设备购置支出2570亿元,其他支出

8、3506亿元),经营支出2305亿元,其他支出788亿元。 2011年,全国质量技术监督系统经费收入同比增长( )。 A.11.63B.12.26C.12.89D.13.52答案:B 本题解析:10.1,13, 45, 169, ( )A.443B.889C.365D.701答案:B 本题解析:将每项的自有数字加和为:1,4,9,16,(25)8898892511.The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more( )A.realisticB.raci

9、alC.recycledD.rebellious答案:D 本题解析:随着哥哥年纪渐长也更叛逆,他与母亲的关系变得更糟。12.He _ more focused on the launch of new cars in the next season.A.needs beB.needs to beC.need beingD.need to be答案:B 本题解析:need 作实义动词时,第三人称单数作主语时need 加s,其后一般接带to 的不定式;need 作情态动词时,无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。故该题选B。13.5,17,21,25,( )A.28;B.29;C.34;D.36答案:B

10、 本题解析:选B;35+2=17;45+1=21;55+0=25;65-1=29;14.Ina trade conflict more people will pay higher prices and more people will lose jobs becauseof these tariffs_will be gained.A.thanB.thatC.whatD.as答案:B 本题解析:本题考查定语从句。从语法结构上分析,题千的主谓宾完整, becauseof 后接名词,作原因状语。所以“_willbe. gained只能做定语修饰先行词trifti.又知定语从句中缺少主语,所以能引

11、导定语从句并且能充当定从的主语,选that.从语义上讲:在贸易争端中,(被)收取这些关税,将使更多的人付出更大的代价,也导致更多的人失业。符合题意。故本题选B.15.商业银行负债业务经营的核心是( )。A.资本金B.存款C.同业拆借D.向中央银行借款答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析16.今年某高校数学系毕业生为60名,其中70%是男生,男生中有1/3选择继续攻读硕士学位,女生选择攻读硕士学位的人数比例是男生选择攻读硕士学位人数比例的一半,那么该系选择攻读硕士学位的毕业生共有()。A.15位B.19位C.17位D.21位答案:C 本题解析:男生人数6070%=42人,则女生有60-42=18人,男生

12、攻读硕士的比例是1/3,即421/3=14位,则女生攻读硕士比例应为1/6,即181/6=3,则共有14+3=17人继续攻读硕士。C选项正确,A、B、D选项错误。故本题正确答案选C。17.中国工商银行的愿景是:建设(C)国际一流现代金融企业A.最盈利、最大、最受尊重的B.最盈利、最优秀、最受欢迎的C.最盈利、最优秀、最受尊重的D.最盈利、最大、最受欢迎的答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析18.目标营销战略的第一步是( )。A.大众化营销B.选择目标市场C.市场细分D.市场定位答案:C 本题解析:目标营销战略首先进行的是市场细分。19.Questions refer to the following

13、article. On Friday June 7, 2013, we will undergo a major system upgrade that will bring into play more sophisticated technology to enhance the services and products that we can provide to you,our valued customer. These upgrades include making our debit card program “real-time” new and improved onlin

14、e banking, mobile banking and bill pay and more! We are excited about these changeswe believe that our new system will enable us to be able to focus even more on helping our customers,like you! It is important to us that this transition be a smooth one for you. These are just a few of the various ch

15、anges that will soon take place. Please feel free to contact one of our friendly customer service representatives in Fisher or Mahomet with any questions you may have! Fisher National Bank has a longstanding tradition of providing exceptional financial service. We want to thank you for being part of

16、 this tradition and for allowing us to meet your financial needs. We appreciate your patience through this exciting change and we value your trust and confidence. All locations will be closing at 100p.m. on Thursday June 6, 2013;however, drive ups will remain open as usual. Normal business hours wil

17、l resume on Friday June 7. Online banking will not be available from June 6 through June 9. Login(user)name will not change. Once the new system is in place on June 10(approximately 9a.m.), you will be prompted for your secret answer. Please note: After the conversion to the new online banking syste

18、m, you will no longer be able to see transaction history prior to June 6. Please log in prior to this to print off any history or statements.The bank suggests that customers().A.stop any transactions till the resumption of normal business hoursB.contact one customer service staff for more informatio

19、nC.print off their transaction statements once the new system for online banking is in placeD.use their secret answers to altar their user names答案:B 本题解析:原文中“Please feel free to contact one of our friendly customer service representatives in Fisher or Mahomet with any questions you may have!”与B项相符。2

20、0.For the past 3, 000 years, when pcople thought of money they thought of cash. From buying food to settling bar tabs, day-to-day dealings involved creased paper or clinking bits of metal.Over the past decade,however ,digital payments have taken off- tapping your plastic on a terminal or swiping a s

21、martphone has become normal. Now this revolution is about to turn eash into an endangered specics in some rich cconomics. That will make the cconomy more efieicnt - -but it also poscs new problems that could hold the transition hostage.Countries are eliminating ceash at varying speeds. But the direc

22、tion of travel is clear, and in some cases the joumey is nearly complete. In Sweden the number of retail cash transactions per person has fallen by 80% in the past ten years. Cash accounts for just 6% of purchases by value in Norway. Britain is probably four or six years behind the Nordic countries.

23、 America is perhaps a deeade behind. Outside the rich world, cash is still king. But even there its dominance is being croded. In China digital payments rose from 4% of all payments in 2012 to 34% in 2017.Cash is dying out beause of two forees. One is demand- younger consumers want payment systems t

24、hat plug scamlessly into their digital lives. But equally important is that supplirs such as banks and tech firms (in developed markets) and telccoms companics (in emerging oncs) are developing fast, easy-to-use payment technologics from which they can pull data and pocket fees.There is a high cost

25、to running the infrastructure behind the cash economy- ATMs, vans carrying notes, tellers who acept coins. Most financial firms are keen to abandonit, or deter old-fashioned customers with hefly fees.In the main,the prospect of a cashless economy is excellent news. Cash is inefficient. In rich count

26、ries, minting, sorting, storing and distributing it is cstimated to cost about 0.5% of GDP. But that does not begin to capture the gains. When payments dematerialize, people and shops are less vulnerable to theft. Govermments can keep closer tabs on fraud or tax evasion.Digitalisation vastly expands

27、 the playground of small businesses and sole traders by enabling them to sell beyond their borders. It also creates a credit history, helping consumers borrow.Yet set against these benefts are a bundle of worries. Eleotronic payment systems may be vulnerable to technical failures power blackouts and

28、 cyber- atacks- this weck Capital One,an American bank, became the latest fim to be hacked. In a cashless economy the poor, the elderly and country folk may be left behind. And eradicating cash, an anonymous payment method, for a digital system could let govemments snoop on peoples shopping habits a

29、nd private titans exploit their personal data.These problems have three remedies. First, govermments need to ensure that central banks monopoly over coins and notes is not replaced by private monopolies over digital money. Rather than ltting a few credil-card firms have a stranglehold on the eleetro

30、nic pipes for digital payments, as America may yet allow; gov emments must ensure the payments plumbing is open to a range of digital firms which can build services on top of it. They should urge banks to offer cheap,instant,bank-to-bank digital transfers between deposit accounts ,as in Sweden and t

31、he Netherlands. Competition should keep priccs low so that the poor can afford most services, and it should also mean that if one firm stumbles others can step in,. making the system resilient. Sccond, govemments should maintain banks obligation to keep customcr information private, so that the plum

32、bing remains anonymous. Digital firms that use this plumbing to offer services should be free to monetise transaction data, through, for example, advertising, so long as their business model is made explicit to uscrs. Some customers will favour free services that track their purchases; others will w

33、ant to pay to be left alonc.Last, the phasc-out of cash should be gradual. For a period of ten years, banks should be obliged to accept and distribute cash in populated areas. This will buy govermments time to help the poor open bank accounts, educate the elderly and beef up internet access in rural

34、 areas. The rush towards digital money is the result of spontaneous demand and innovation. To pocket all the rewards, govemments need to prepare for the day when erumpled bank noles change hands for the last time.Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of cashless economy based on the ar

35、ticle?( )A.Govemments can keep closer tabs on fraud or tax evasion,B.Cashless economy vastly expands the play ground of small bus inesses and sole traders byenabling them to sell beyond their bordersC.When payments dematerialise people and shops are less vulncrable to thef,D.Countries are hiring mor

36、e tellers to aecepl coins for them答案:D 本题解析:细节理解题。由第四段中“当支付电子化时,人们和商店就不那么容易被盗。政府可以对欺诈和逃税进行更密切的监控。数字化使小型企业和个体贸易商能够在海外销售产品,从而极大地拓展了经营范围”可知A. B、C项均正确,D项表述错误,所以答案选D。21.产业化示范项目中,立项数最高的技术领域占产业化示范项目总立项数的比重比立项数最低的领域高约多少个百分点?A.25B.28C.32D.37答案:B 本题解析:根据图1和文字材料“2012年国家火炬计划项目总立项数2108项,其中产业化示范项目1834项”可知,产业化示范项目

37、中,立项数最高的技术领域占产业化示范项目总立项数的比重比立项数最低的领域高即28个百分点。因此,本题答案为B选项。22.Building a house costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to build a house. Your first step will be to find a right piece of land. Your choice will depend on many different things. You will probably try to find a sunny place, with pleas

38、ant surroundings near shops and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work.Next you will find a good builder, and together with the builder you will work out a plan. The builder will draw the plan. It will show the number of rooms, their position and size, and other parts,

39、 which must be noticed, such as windows, doors, and electric outlets. The builder will work out how much money is needed to build your house. He will work out the cost of the wood, bricks, the glass, and everything else that must be used in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, this

40、 estimate must be corrected and revised. His estimate is based on existing prices, but prices of such things may change, and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.When the builder gives his estimate, you may wish to change your

41、 plan. (You may also wish to change your builder, if his estimate is too high! ) You may find that the house you wanted at first costs too much, or that you can spend a little more and add something to your plan. The builders estimate depends on the plan, but the final plan depends on the builders e

42、stimate.The first thing for a person to build a house is _A.to get as much money as possibleB.to find a suitable piece of landC.to work out a planD.to make an estimate答案:B 本题解析:由短文首段的第三句“Your first stepwill betofind a right plece of land”(你的第一步就是选好一块合适的地)可知此句正是该题答案的出处23.观察给定的几个图寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填入的图为()。

43、A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:第一组三个图形中黑点个数依次是2、4、6,白圈个数依次是10、8、6按此规律第二组图形的黑点个数依次是4、6、(8),白圈个数依次是8、6、(4),应选择B。24.近几年,我国大陆房地产业迅速升温,很多人节衣缩食只为购买一套住房;但也有人不愿意将大半生的积蓄耗在房子上,声称人不能为一套房子而活着。下列哪项判断为最不可能推出的结论?A.近几年我国大陆的商品房价格偏高B.在房价偏髙的情况下,买房人可能会成为房奴C.人应该为两套或两套以上的房子而活着D.有的中国人感到生活中有意义的内容很多,住房只是其中的一个方面答案:C 本题解析:有人声称

44、人不能为一套房子而活着,因为这些人不愿意将大半生的积蓄耗在房子上,更不可能买多套房子了。故选C。25.对外贸易地理方向指一个国家或地区进口商品的来源和出口商品的去向,从而反映该国与其他国家或地区之间的经济贸易联系程度。下列属于对外贸易地理方向的是( )。A.上海合作组织成功举行了一场反恐演习B.第一次全国经济普查结束,中国经济总量升至世界第六C.海关统计,2004年欧盟成为中国最大的贸易伙伴D.中国与欧美纺织品贸易摩擦经多次谈判后最终得到协商解决答案:C 本题解析:A、B不属于贸易往来。D只是贸易摩擦的解决办法,并没有反映贸易联系程度。 C“最大的贸易伙伴”反映了贸易联系程度,并且“贸易”包括

45、进出口。所以正确答案是C。26.中国的一年四季,季季都令人神往,春日_,夏天绿荫满枝,秋时_,冬季银装素裹。依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是:A.姹紫嫣红 硕果累累B.风光旖旎 充实丰盈C.生机勃勃 琳琅满目D.婀娜多姿 五谷丰登答案:A 本题解析:题干中已有的绿荫满枝、银装素裹都含有颜色,故第一空选姹紫嫣红最合适。秋日用硕果累累形容,也很容易让人联想起秋天丰收的颜色金色。故本题正确答案为A。27.Kings ,where you can tour the famous tomb of“King Tut”But best of all,our guide will share their kn

46、owledge of these sites with you,helping you to understand both the history and the modern culture of this amazing countryExpand your mind with Mindful Travel,IncPackage price does not include airfare to or from CairoMindful TravelIncPublic Relations Office11 Derry LaneLondon,EnglandNovember 9,2006De

47、ar MT representative,Having recently returned from your companys Treasure of Egypt tour,Im happy to report that I had a wonderful timeI dont think Ive ever had such an enjoyable and educational vacation1 was particular impressed with how much I learned about history of Egypt,as well as what the coun

48、try is like todayAll of the guides and other MT employees assisting me during my travels were courteousHelpful,and very knowledgeable about the fascinating historical sites that I visitedPlease extent my thanks especially to MrMokhta Said,who guided me around the Valley of the KingsThat was the high

49、light of my trip1m going to share my experiences with friends and family,and l will definitely suggest that they travel with MT the next time they take a vacationThank you again,Leila DornTo remove jammed paper from the printer,_lift up the plastic panel and pressthe button marked“Jam”A.SimplifyB.Si

50、mpleC.simplyD.simplistic答案:C 本题解析:通过选项可知道此题为选择正确词性的问题。28.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:原式=0.1710/93/4(3/104/30.51)=(0.170.51)(10/93/10)(3/43/4)=1/31/3=129.Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are mores expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime desti

51、nations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan you d think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lowerWhats puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go o

52、n to another destination.Take Alitalia to Rome for instance for travel in August A round-trip economy flight directly to Rome leaving JFK at 10:05 p.m on Alitalia 611 on August 5 costs $1,655 when booked on April 30 Compare that to $903 for a round-trip economy ticket to Milan(stopping in Rome)leavi

53、ng JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m on August 5. So why is Alitalia willing to fly you to Rome for $752 less than it would otherwise plus give you an extra one-and-a-half-hour flight to Milan?Airlines have increased their profitability in recent years by segmenting the market f

54、or air travel and charging customers different prices for the same product. In this case the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights. Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct(They also mak

55、e it a little more inconvenient if you dont pay up for a direct flight in order to encourage you to fly direct)When process become so obviously illogical it may be time to why air tickets cant be transferred or resold just like any other normal product If the airlines are entitled to exploit the fre

56、e market shouldnt customers be allowed to do the same thing?Whats the authors attitude to the present airline pricing?A.NeutralB.PositiveC.NegativeD.Not mentioned答案:A 本题解析:态度题。从整个文段作者表述的方式,就是客观的表明机票的定价机制。并没有针对这个问题过多的表明自己的态度。所以作者就是中立的态度。B项:积极的;C项:消极的;D均:未提及;均不符。因此答案选A。30.我们身边经常发生一些见义勇为者“流血流汗又流泪”的案例,_

57、这也是行善要面对的风险和代价,_在客观上也确实阻碍了更多的人见义勇为。让人们在做好人好事的时候有了后顾之忧。填入划横线部分最恰当的是()。A.虽然 但是B.即使 也C.尽管 还D.因为 所以答案:A 本题解析:分析可知,两个分句“这也是行善要面对的风险和代价”和“在客观上也确实阻碍了更多的人见义勇为”之间存在转折关系,由此可排除表假设的B项和表因果的D项。C项填入句中不通顺,可排除。故本题答案为A。31. 国务院2013年9月12日发布大气污染防治行动计划提出,到2017年,全国地级及以上城市可吸人颗粒物浓度比2012年下降()以上。 A.5%B.10%C.15%D.20%答案:B 本题解析:

58、国务院2013年9月12日发布大气污染防治行动计划提出,到2017年,全国地级及以上城市可吸入颗粒物浓度比2012年下降10%以上。32.根据以下内容,回答245-249题。To: All Griffin Corporation EmployeesFrom: Sally Kleinman, Director, Employee RelationsRe: Employee Fitness CenterSent: Thursday, November 1,9:46 AM.Dear Colleagues:As you know, Griffin Corporation recognizes the

59、importance of having an excellent exercisefacility on the premises. Over the past three years, we have worked hard to improve the employeefitness center: we have purchased new exercise equipment, renovated the locker rooms, and begunoffering Welcome Aboard! , a safety training course.Two months ago, you responded enthusiastically to a survey about this fitness facility. Basedon our recommendations, changes

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