外研新标准英语三年级起点六年级下册M U

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1、isbuysee learngivegetthankaskfinishdecidewasboughtsaw learntgavegotthankedaskedfinisheddecided不规则动词过去式变身规则动词过去式变身:在后面加上买看学习是得到,收到给结束,完成谢谢决定请,求过去式变身:过去式变身:遇到老大yesterday,last及agoago时表示 动作的词要变身。ed第1页/共44页2space太空第2页/共44页Earth(地球地球)第3页/共44页4 on the earth在地球上在地球上第4页/共44页ET 外星人外星人 What did it buy on the e

2、arth?It bought.boughtbuy买买第5页/共44页The ET went to the earth byspaceship第6页/共44页7spaceship宇宙飞船巧记:space(太空)+ship(船)=spaceship(宇宙飞船)第7页/共44页第8页/共44页paper纸第9页/共44页a paper spaceship一个一个纸质的纸质的宇宙飞船宇宙飞船第10页/共44页Daming thanked her for the birthday present.大明谢谢她给的生日礼物。大明谢谢她给的生日礼物。第11页/共44页Simons mum bought him

3、 a present.西蒙的妈妈给他买了一个礼物。西蒙的妈妈给他买了一个礼物。第12页/共44页Damings birthday第13页/共44页Answer Questions:1.When is Damings birthday?Yesterday.It was Damings birthday yesterday.第14页/共44页 Module6 Unit 1It was Damings birthday yesterday.昨天是大明的生日。昨天是大明的生日。第15页/共44页Answer Questions:1.Who bought Daming a book?A.Simon B.

4、Simons mum2.What is the book about?A.space B.space travel 3.Is Daming interested in book?A.Yes,he is.B.No,he isnt.buy的过去式的过去式对对.感兴趣感兴趣 第16页/共44页Answer Questions:1.Who bought Daming a book?Simons mum bought him a book .西蒙的妈妈给他西蒙的妈妈给他买买了一了一本书本书。第17页/共44页Answer Questions:2.What is the book about?Its ab

5、out space travel.太空 旅行第18页/共44页Answer Questions:3.Is Daming interested in book?Yes,he is.第19页/共44页Listen,point,repeat and pay attention to present 礼物礼物friend 朋友朋友travel 旅行旅行asked 请,求(请,求(ask的过去式)的过去式)with 和和一起一起第20页/共44页1.What did Daming and Simon see in the book?他们在书上看见了什么?第21页/共44页2.Did they finis

6、h the book?3.What did they decide to do?4.What did they give Simons mum?第22页/共44页What did they see in the book?They saw many pictures of spaceship from China,Russia and the US.Yang Liwei Gagarin 加加林加加林(太空第一人太空第一人)Arm Strong阿姆斯特朗(登月第一人)俄罗斯 第23页/共44页2.Did they finish the book?3.What did they decide to

7、 do?4.What did they give Simons mum?Yes,they did.They decided to make a paper spaceship together.They gave the spaceship to Simons mum.第24页/共44页Listen,point,repeat and pay attention to picture 图片图片spaceship 太空飞船太空飞船Russia 俄罗斯俄罗斯the US 美国美国decided to 决定(决定(decide to的过去式)的过去式)gave to 给(给(give to的过去式)的

8、过去式)thanked for 谢谢(谢谢(thank for的过去式)的过去式)then 然后然后make 制作制作第25页/共44页Homework1.P34(3)关键句3英1中。2.试做P34(4),M6U1课文朗读。第26页/共44页interested 感兴趣的interesting 令人感兴趣的区别:区别:interested 用来形容人用来形容人,主语是主语是人人 interesting 用来形容物体,主语是用来形容物体,主语是物物例如:I am interested in this interesting book.我对这本令人感兴趣的书感兴趣。第27页/共44页1.Im ve

9、ry _ in this book.2.This book is very _for me.3.Space travel is _ for Yang Liwei.4.Yang Liwei is _ in space travel.“interesting”“interested”interestinginterestinginterestedinterested第28页/共44页showedaskedwasshow 把把.给给.看看ask 问问is 是是第29页/共44页give,make 的使用。这些词都可以与人和物连用,make常与for连用,give常与to连用,如:为某人做某物 mak

10、e sb.sth.=make sth.for sb 把某物给某人 give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.第30页/共44页finishedgavemadedecidedthankedwasfinish完成完成give 给给make 制作制作decide决定决定thank谢谢谢谢is 是是thank.for动词动词原形原形动词动词过去式过去式第31页/共44页2.On Damings birthday.Amy bought him a present.It was a blue toy car.On Damings birthday.Amy bought a present f

11、or him.It was a blue toy car.第32页/共44页3.On Amys birthday.Sam bought her a present.It was a yellow cap.On Amys birthday.Sam bought a present for her.It was a yellow cap.第33页/共44页4.On Linglings birthday.Daming bought her a present.It was a green kite.On Linglings birthday.Sam bought a present for her.

12、It was a green kite.第34页/共44页规则动词的过去式变化如下:1、一般情况下,动词词尾加-ed,如:watch-watched play-played 2、以不发音的-e 结尾动词,动词词尾 加-d,如:live-lived hope-hoped 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:study-studied carry-carried 4、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节 动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 第35页/共44页 不规则动词需要特殊记忆:不规则动词需要特殊记忆:例如:1.ride-rode 2.eat-

13、ate 3.am,is-was 4.drink-drank 5.see-saw 6.go-went 7.win-won 8.buy-bought第36页/共44页Task:Who gave it to you?_ gave it to me.I bought _ for you.I made _ for you.第37页/共44页 Finish the Task:用今天所学的句子完成下列表格用今天所学的句子完成下列表格:1、介绍两件你收到过的礼物,说说谁送给你的?、介绍两件你收到过的礼物,说说谁送给你的?Presents Who gave it to you?2、说说你曾经送过朋友和家人什么礼物?、说说你曾经送过朋友和家人什么礼物?Presents I bought it for.第38页/共44页第39页/共44页interested 感兴趣的短语:be interested in 对感兴趣第40页/共44页I bought this cap for you.I bought you this cap.第41页/共44页I bought the bike for you.I bought you the bike.第42页/共44页对比:对比:buy+物品物品+for+人人 buy+人人+物品物品 买买给某人给某人第43页/共44页感谢您的观看!第44页/共44页

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