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Unit10Itsanicedayisntit 教学 演示
Unit 10 Its a nice day,isnt it?Period 2Small talkat the bus stop A:Its a nice day,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.A:The bus is late,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.This line is moving slowly,isnt it?Do you think its going to rain?(have been waiting for twenty minutes already,forgot to bring umbrella)A:Hes really good,isnt he?B:He sure is!I come to all his concerts.A:Do you have his new CD?B:Yes,I do.Task IA:It always rains on the weekend,doesnt it?B:Yes.It rains every Saturday!Do you think itll stop by noon?A:I hope so.I want to go swimming.B:Oh?Where do you swim?A:At Franklin Lake.Do you ever go there?PairworkIts a good match,isnt it?Its really exiting,isnt it?You love basketball,dont you?Listening Listen to the three conversations.successfulunsuccessfulConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3Are they examples of successful or unsuccessful small talk?Task IIA:Its really cold today,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.I hope the bus comes soon.A:I do,too,but its always late on Sunday.B:Oh,I didnt know that.I usually take the bus on weekdays.A:Well,do you take the bus to school?B:Yes,I do.You are at a bus stop.Make your own small talk.Complete the conversation.A:This is great weather,isnt it?B:It sure is.But its a little hot for me.A:Oh,I love hot weather._1_.B:Which beach are you going to?A:Im going to Today Beach._2_.B:I usually go to Sandy Beach.A:_3_.B:No,its never crowded.Well,have a good day!A:_4_.B:Goodbye.Possible answers:1.Im going to the beach today 2.Where do you usually go?3.Is it very crowded?4.Thanks.Goodbye.PairworkThese books are really great,arent they?waiting to cross a busy street.The traffic is very busy,isnt it?Looking through books in a bookstore.The prices are really low,arent they?Two people alone in an elevator.Waiting for a trainWaiting for rain stoppingWaiting in line to buy ice cream.Task III What are some good small talk topics to use with these people?WhoWherewhatWhoWherewhat A studentat the bus stop gamesA farmeron the farmplants or sth.else.An old manparkweatherA businessmen bus stopdoveA:Its a nice day,isnt it?The old man:Yes,it is.Its good for a walk,isnt it?B:Yes.Do you often take walks in the park?The old man:Yes,I take a walk everyday in the park.A:Great.Have a good day.The old man:You too.Goodbye.B:Goodbye.Role play conversations with these people.TalkingA:Its very crowded,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.The“New Kids”are really popular.A:This line is moving slowly,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.Ive been waiting for 15 minutes.A:The tickets are expensive,arent they?B:Yes,they are.$20 is a lot of money!A:Its cold today,isnt it?B:Yes,it is.I dont like this weather.中央电教馆资源中心制作中央电教馆资源中心制作2004.12
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