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1、五、推理判断 观点态度题(浙江,C)As culturlsmbols go,the Ameri r isquit young.Thde od was blt at he Piuette Plan higan a cnturyago,itht first llig off h assmbl le(装配线)n September 27,908nly eevca wr prdced the ne onth.ut eveull Henry Fo woud budfieen milion them.Moer eria ws r nthe rad,bind whel.Theca shaped me f t

2、h mstastingaspctsof meria culture:the roadide inr,tebiloard,the motel,eventehaburger.Foos of helast centry,tcar reprsened watt meant tobAmericangog owa ahih seed t finn words.Throdoel,the roa move,hesre the mostticl Amecan ids,born of bndant etrol,chap crs ada nvernig itestat iway system,the largtpb

3、lic orksoect history.n 1928 erbrHovr maid n Amei wih “a cikeinve poand a ar in every garag.”Since thn,th soetyh ovedowar,evr lookng bac,asthe car tranformed Ameica froma frm-asedsoiety it a industial oerThe astat drove he Ameica Dra have hlpedtocrat a global ecoloicl disaster.n Amea thedemandfor oil

4、 s grown by 2 ercent sinc 990.Th probles ofxcesive(过度的) enery cosmptio,clmate cange d ppuation gowt hv ben decibed i o b h Americn writer TsLFriedman.H fearsthe wort,bt oesfr the bsFriedman poins out ta thgreeconomy(经济)s a chaceto ep Amerian stregth“The ablity osign,bid ad exportgren ecnogies fr rdu

5、ing lea watr,en arad elh ad aundntfod isgng tobehecurncy ofpower inthe newctury.”语篇解读 本文是一篇阐明文。其主题是“人与社会”,简介了美国典型的“汽车文化”,它对美国各方面的影响是巨大而深远的。汽车给美国人民带来便利的同步,也带来了诸多问题,例如能源的过度消耗、气候变化以及污染等。素材的选择旨在向考生传递一种科学的世界观:看待事物一定要一分为二,分析利弊,趋利避害,运用事物好的方面为人类服务。28Why is hamrg mentioe inPraah ?AT xan meicans ve fo travlin

6、 by ca.BTo showte nluec ocars on Aercan culture.Toss th popularityo fasfoo thAmricans.D.T prisethe efecenes of Aericasroadse.答案解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“The ar sae some of themostlastig asets Aercan cutue.evn hhage.”可知,汽车塑造了某些最持久的美国文化,其中就涉及汉堡。由此可知,汽车对于汉堡文化的形成,影响是非常大的。因此,在第二段中提及汉堡,就是为了表白汽车对于美国文化有相称大的影响。故选B项。

7、2Wat has us f ars in Amer led o?.Dcine ofecomy.Enironmentl robems.CAortg of oil supyD. ar-bad socit.答案B解析 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Te cars th drove theAmeran ra hav heped to ret a goal eoloical dsster.”可知,驱动美国梦的汽车导致了全球性的生态劫难,即汽车的使用引起了环境问题。故选项。.Wht is Friedm atudetowrdsAeiasutre?AAmbus. B.Dobf.C.Hpefu. oerant.

8、答案 C解析观点态度题。根据最后一段第一句“Friedanonts out tha e geeecoy(经济) is a hc to kp Americanren.”可知,riedmn觉得绿色经济是使美国保持实力的一种机遇。由此可知,她对美国的将来布满了但愿。故选C项。一、题型解读所谓作者的观点和态度,就是体现作者对某个话题、行为、事件的见解、感觉或判断。作者的观点和态度一般分为三大类:支持、赞同、乐观;客观、中立;反对、批评、怀疑、悲观。作者的这种思想倾向和感情色彩往往隐含在文章的字里行间。因此,在推断过程中,应特别注意文中作者的措辞,特别是体现感情色彩的形容词或副词。此类试题往往让考生推断

9、文章作者或文中人物对某事所持的态度、观点或见解,或推断文中人物的语调、性格等。设问形式常有:1.Wa thewriters atude towars.?Wha is theauhos oinion o.?3.Whadoes the author tnk bt.?二、解题技巧“忠于措辞”定选项1.文章作者或文中人物对某事物所持的观点或态度往往隐含在文章的字里行间或流露于修饰词之中,注意文中作者或人物的措辞。(1)对的掌握字里行间所隐含或流露的意思,切不可用自己的观点来替代作者或文中人物的观点。(2)留意那些描写所处氛围的语言及体现情感、态度或观点的词语或句子。(3)结合平时所积累的有关英语国家的

10、文化老式、风俗习惯等的背景知识来进行合理的推断。(4)关注首段首尾句,推断文章主题,拟定作者观点。2.要分清选项中的表达支持或肯定、中立、反对或否认的词语,再以此对照文章内容。下面是某些常用的有关作者情感、态度的词语:(1)表达支持或肯定的词语 frabe赞同的,有利的;posiiv积极的,肯定的,的确的;spotive支持的;pra赞成,正式批准;rasonae合理的;nthusitic热情的等。(2)表达反对或否认的词语crical批评的;neaive否认的,悲观的;isprvl不赞成;imaical不实际的;aicl激进的;pjdicd有成见的,偏颇的等。例如:【真题预测感悟】中第30题

11、,根据最后一段第一句“Frdan oits out that the ren econoy(经济)is a hance to keAmerica strength.”可知,redman觉得绿色经济是使美国保持实力的一种机遇。由此可知,她对美国的将来布满了但愿。故选C项。Aar Gracie isknowlegeble autChina and i afairs.Sh lso has a rtatnas aeneros llegue.She hs sige rom rbas China editor becuse er plyer willnot py r a te am te as tey p

12、ay theanuof mnwho do a ilarly chllengingad iporant ob.h ha esgned because sh redto go n oludn(共谋) wih th BCs dihoney about sfilure give on and equl py r equa wok.Gracie ws recutedto thjo,becue he had ll the taenn ills the B eeded to 10covrhe iicultintenatonaland ometi stor of the rse Cin.Oneof t nit

13、ins she sefor taking it was equal paywit he BBs othe itnaiol edirs,famili naminudi Jon opel i Washingon and rmBowe i h ddle Eat.Lstume,t govenmn forced heBB topublshwhi of e familname on raioand TVearnd ove 50,00.The resul eps an astonig pay gaThey lso showedGrcieat h mployers hmled her.Graie stsou

14、all r effort toget her bosses o do wht they had oiginally prosed er,bu hy fai to rspnd aequlyInste,they prvaricat(搪塞)ndferher aay risethastillwoldnot delierdeuaity.They toght ey could buyr offhey thughtthatthereuttionl had shews runnn ould scare her away rom th ight.Th i wrogtis tm! Gracea chosn to

15、esgnrather ta give inbcueshtinks tht i is hr reponibility sto the BBCn smethig suid.Shihting for omens ea rghts.aci sashe hopd sewulnt rememberd as he woan wcomplaine about money,but s a great jnalst.Sheis rovighat thy are twosdes of he same ivalabl cinCarie racie dispute with teBCitbout oneyitsaout

16、 dgnity!语篇解读 文章讲述了原BBC编辑嘉莉格雷西由于同工不同酬而辞职,并为争取平等权利而斗争。1.ha d you now about CrrieGrcie?Ahe is very tit wt he officecollages.Shea a god coand of hias afirs.Sews okng thr wh Jn Sel.DShe h a reptation of covering pot news.答案 B解析细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Crre Gaie is knoledeable about hina and ts afirs”可知,嘉莉格雷西对中国和中国

17、的事务了如指掌。故选。2.Whatdes Carrie Gacieemandof th BB?A.ualpay forqual rkBBette pafor mor wk.C.Apoogyr miconducts.DReponseto her comlai.答案 A解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“One o tecndiions she set ortaking t as eqal paywih the BCs otheritnainal editors.”可知,她规定同工同酬。故选A。. n infefothe pasage tat he BC .Aidn prise Gracie eq

18、ul py wih her mlolleueB.sisdCarrieracie due odemandfr ige payCwas frced to payGrace equalpay for ding theeulworkD.kephe payof itsfami namesecret befre lastsumme答案 D解析推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Latummer,h vernmn force theBBCt publsh whic of he aliamenraio and Vearned ovr 150,00.”可知,直到去年夏天BBC才公开了这些人的薪酬,由此可知之前BC始终

19、对此保密。故选D。4.Wat is e authrs attiue towardste BBC?A.oitive. B.2Vage.C3Crtcal. D.Cauio.答案C解析 观点态度题。通过文章中作者对B隐瞒薪酬差距的描述可知,作者对B是持批评态度的。故选C。A w tu o8,0oung eope itJournaof Healthan oaBehvioshs tht lthogh lovcanm adulti healthil and happily,it s a thing or oungeopl.Ppy lov(早恋) ay bring stsfor un peope nd cl

20、eadto 4depresson.Th study hos hatgirlsbcome moe pressd than boy,and ounge grls ae the wrs of allThe osibl resn for onecion between lov an highe sk of eresion frirlsi “lossofsef”According to thsdy,eenthough boys oulday “lse emselv ina rmnticrelaiosip”,is “losof sel” imuch moreel oedto deresio whenit

21、apps t girl.Young grls wohavomntic elationsip ually likeiig thei lings and oii.The won telhattother prets.Dr aranm Kaufm,an exert o youngpeple problms,say5 t20%oung pepl will have depesson durin te rowng.Tryin romnce oen uss hdepressio.She advise kidso o jum ino5romace oo early.During growin u,t is

22、imporantor young pepe t builstrg findhip and strongsns ofselfSe alsosugests the pentsshod enouratheir is t keep cloe o theirfiend,atte ore inrstig chool actvtie andped nogh tmeth fami.Paret should wchfor signs of depressineating o mdchangsad iftey seesigns from hrdughes son,they needt give elp.Thgoo

23、dnwss tateconction between omanceanddepresioneesto bcoe ek with age.ve will always keu feel yon,but nly 6mturt gies s a catoid its ba sie ffects语篇解读 一项研究显示,尽管恋爱能让成年人健康、幸福,但是早恋对青少年的伤害是极大的。早恋会给青少年带来压力,并最后导致抑郁。5.hts e ain idea o the passage?Aane is a -eed swor for d.B.Prns should forbi hirhilens o.oman

24、ce i god fo yung peoeDPupy love ma brng yog eople depesion.答案D解析 主旨大意题。通读全文,并根据第一段中的主旨句“Pppy v(早恋)m rng stre or yungpeople and anledtdepreson”可知,文章重要讲述了早恋也许导致青少年抑郁。故选D。6.Wic f t fllown is more lieo avdpresi?Crele parentswhose children aedeep i loveBYong people who hav a trngsne ofelihn.Young girs wo

25、 always hidetheirflingsand pinis.DYug os whs paet watch forthebehvo.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段末句和第二段最后三句可知,喜欢隐藏自己的感情和观点的年轻女孩更易得抑郁症。故选C。.Wat c e infered fr the passa?ATe older aoan,he less liey shesees to oe self i roman.BLackig love an lea oung eol o rw p mre uckly.CErove makesyoug pee eclose t ir rend ad pre

26、nts.DPnts shoulhl thi cidrete ware of sins of depresin.答案解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“Teood news i thatth oectnbetenromae and deprionseems tobemeak with geLe wll alays make fl yun,buonl miy givs us aance tvid bad sideeffec.”可知,随着年龄的增长,恋爱和抑郁之间的联系会逐渐削弱,年龄越大,越不容易因恋爱而变得抑郁。故选A。8.Whats the utrs attite towads ppp l

27、ove?A.ofused B.Dsaprovin.CNeutral. D.Scred.答案 解析观点态度题。根据第一段前两句中的“. s a ad thig foryun e.Pupplve(早恋) ma brin stressorog eople a c lea to derssion.”和第三段第二、三句“Tring romace en casestheeesin.She adise ks not to jumpi rmnc oo early.”可知,早恋对青少年的伤害很大,作者不赞成早恋。故选B。.障碍词汇突破(一)阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜想画线部分的意思1The man frm a

28、mounta vilaeis honest,which ha earne hi gd eatineary.名声,名誉2.Julia was vguout whr she heenn what sh had been dig,whih made us cnfed模糊的3H wa musc citi.Wat dseed wa iscritical wrtings.批判性的.Hes n asate o dee eresion oaccun of his ailue t pass te eaminti.抑郁.ove iswhe outakeaw the feeling,the asson,ad the

29、 roman i reationship an ind outtatyo still cae for that pern.浪漫6.As an dult,ou shud so somematrya be onsidert of ote gym mbs.成熟7.Powe is noreallygoodor bad;i is etl.中立的(二)同义词语替代8.Oiginally,we haplanned a tur of Scotland bt w didnt go in te ed.Atfrtnhe bgnning idnt gr wth the amont f mon h gav me,so

30、had a ist about ho much money he ow e.anarget(三)一词多义10.cover v.涉及;采访,报导;波及;行走(一段路程);足以支付;覆盖;封面,封皮;盖子(1)i fingr wen uto tohthe blk patch whi oe hslefteye.覆盖(2)I ud n ey to cove tn miles oamounof petrl.行走(一段路程)()Se itto th ddressgie th 2.50t cover posage and dministraton足以支付()I had just returnefro cve

31、ing the Camdian wa.采访,报导(5)The lear orf h ew ctionryas embllihe todlettes.封面,封皮.长难句理解1.She has resinfrom er joa Chna itr ecaser empyrswil not p herat theaera as theypay the handfulfmenwh do a smilarly chalenging andimptat job.句式分析本句话主干部分为主谓宾构造,bee引导的是因素状语从句;s they payte.为a引导的方式状语从句;who do a similary

32、.为wo引导的定语从句。精美译文她辞去了中国区编辑的职务,由于她的雇主没有付给她同那些和她做相似挑战性和重要性工作的男性同等的薪酬。2A w stdof 8,000 yong pole n e Jurnal ofealth n Social Bavio sos that lhough ovecan makeault lie haliyahappil,t s aad ing or ung people句式分析 本句话主干是主谓宾构造,可以简化为A new sud hos hat.。that althuh oe can ma aults li eahiy ad happiy,it is a bdi

33、ngo young peol是宾语从句,里面具有thouh引导的让步状语从句。精美译文 在健康和社会行为杂志中,一项对 000名年轻人的研究表白恋爱虽然能使成年人健康快乐地生活,但是对青少年是有害的。专项强化练(二十)单项填空1 entirely ihh faship smartphne andirctd ber Cn(陈可辛),the -inut vieo follosatrainttedat n sx-day train journey fm anning t Hrbi.hot B.PiuredCcreedDVideed答案A解析句意为:完全使用智能手机拍摄,陈可辛执导的这部七分钟的短片追

34、踪了一名从南宁到哈尔滨的火车上的一位列车员,该趟列车行程六天。sot拍摄;ictu画,想象;ceen放映;录制。根据句意,故选A。2Whn you al into an deprtme tre nuxi,chces are tatyou willsee sigwith a sing dt numbe ad theCin chacter “zh” promietlydisplaydext toroutshatar n .dscout BarainCsale reducton答案解析 句意为:当你走进无锡的任何一家百货公司时,在正促销的商品旁边你都会看到贴着醒目的促销牌子,上边会有数字和一种中国中

35、文“折”。dscont打折;bargain交易,便宜货;le销售;eductin减少。osle便宜发售。根据句意,故选。3Wis the psychologybei you idlss scribbles(涂鸦)?If you ower,fo eaml,a a large circar cntr, exresses fiden an theoyment of o ciallife.A.wich B.sthis s答案 C解析 句意为:信手涂鸦背后反映了什么心理?例如,如果你画的花朵有一种大大的圆心,这表白你布满自信,社交生活快乐。if引导条件状语从句,因此“ presnfidencad the

36、 enjoymen of goodsoca lfe”是主句,不必连词,wih和as是连词,故、B不对的;this指代上文提到的事情;sch表达“诸如此类的人或事”。根据语境,故选C。4Oncethmssive rckt by Space srintd off(腾空而起)atbo 345 p.m,verthin seme spanned,fm th cvation Dav Bowies (大卫鲍威) msic as utrak to the pinpoint etur of to eusleboser rocket.Atae of .go offCset off D.pul of答案B解析句意为

37、:(美国)太空技术摸索公司(Sce)的巨大火箭在下午345时腾空而起,从作为配乐的大卫鲍威的音乐的激活到两个可反复使用的助推火箭的精确返回,一切似乎都在按筹划进行。take off起飞;gof进行;se o引爆;pull f脱去。根据语境,故选B。.aer f thJpanese me “Trae Fog”ae cae of te frs an often oet fel a pet nr,expresingpride inbeing the “mther”of diigent and dsciplned chen owrryn bout the growthof her chl.A.lttl

38、e more tha B.or thanC.o moe hanD.notmore tha答案 解析句意为:日本的一款游戏“旅行青蛙”的玩家照顾青蛙,常常感觉自己不仅仅是一种宠物主人,也是勤奋的、有纪律的孩子的妈妈,或者是紧张孩子成长的妈妈,并为此感到自豪。littemoreta仅仅是;more hn不仅仅;o moetha仅仅,只是;no mre ta不超过。根据语境,故选B。6.nrvets(性格内向的人),acorgoSusanCan,e to enjo bein lon,dogqitr hngs or eing wih js one rend t a i.Shsas that is th

39、ey et thnergAh .when Cow Dwher答案C解析 句意为:性格内向的人,根据苏珊凯恩所说,常常喜欢自己待着、安静做事或者一次只和一种朋友在一起。她说这是内向性格的人获得能量的方式。hy为什么;whn的时候;o如何,引导表语从句,表达方式;her的地方。根据语境,故选C。7.Toay w fous on i clledrecurrnt oesity(复发性肥胖)r yo-yo obesiy(溜溜球式肥胖), iste phemenon w gin weihtnd then go n a cessfl diet,uth 1 mots w go bac to ou origin

40、al et.A.hat;w;in hB.whic;whc;wheC.all;that;hat.watever;as;whic答案A解析 句意为:今天,我们集中在被称为“复发性肥胖”或“溜溜球式肥胖”上。这是一种现象,一种人在体重增长后通过节食成功减重,但是在2个月以内又恢复到原有的体重。“ called recuret obsi(复发性肥胖) o yoyo obsy(溜溜球式肥胖)”是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,wh引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语、宾语或者表语,故第一空填wht;第二空wich引导非限制性定语从句,hich指代整个主句内容,并在从句中作主语;“ e gin wtn then go

41、a scessful it”是定语从句,先行词是the nomenon,在从句中作抽象地点状语,引导词用关系副词wher或者in wich。故选A。Th19th Party Cngrewas mieston in that i notjustforfiveotenyars icprty congrsses taitionaly d,butpoetal fr re an tiy years to mid-ury.s th aenda B.set alr bllsC.st te trnd Dst the limit答案 A解析句意为:中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会是一种里程碑,由于它不仅做了大会老

42、式上做的,为将来五年或十年设下了议程,并且潜在地为后来三十近年,直到本世纪中叶做了规划。st agend制定议程;et alar blls设立警钟;et the tend(在式样、风尚上)带个头;ette i设立限制。根据语境,故选A。9.d the governmen ofere h help,we loss.Aouht ot t have suferedBcoudnthve sufredC.udnsfferDcouldntsufer答案 B解析 句意为:如果政府给我们提供协助,我们就不也许遭受损失。本句表达与过去事实相反的状况,故选B。1e Spri Fstvais t time of y

43、ar tat te lgsanual mass miratn tpnet when sixt of the olds popation o.Awl se;tavelsw;watravellig.wll be eeing;wl be travllingDes;trel答案D解析句意为:每年的春节是这个星球上最大的年度大规模迁徙的时候,在那个时候,全球人口的六分之一旅行回家。see“见证”作定语从句中的谓语,tht指代先行词the time fyar,先行词是第三人称单数,与谓语动词see是积极关系,句子讲述客观事实用一般目前时,故第一空填e;分数或者百分数修饰名词作主语,谓语动词与所修饰的名词保

44、持人称和数的一致,根据语境可知,populton此处表达“人们”是复数,文章描述客观存在的事实用一般目前时,故第二空填rael。故选D。阅读理解Aet time ou goshping,eep n midhat t ma b hidden caeras analyzing yourhabit.Acordng to a suyo 150 managrs from Comte Servs Corortion,a urterof ritih sop use fail ecogition otwae o collet datnsopers behavir.Wit concers that fae-cg

45、nition cameras “ar ndof insi(冒犯的)”,Brtsh anlysiiroto aycs ha me u wth a ew way of measrg fotal(客流)by filmipeoplesshes.Tetechnology an clect a gemn opesona nfomtio.“Whave cmrast about 50cm ff h grund a theyoint dwnsothy are es inasive tha facialecogitin,” Ducan Man,Hoxtons fice sad.A odern citiege ul

46、le0 een o the pouaton wl liv n rban easby 20cmeras andothe tecnlgiesare ak ov publc pae and ollectigourdataTheir purpose is to eeppeole afe,prd eficiet sevis an peventdisaers ad crims.But ome ae nta wihthe cameras s ar theirprivacy(隐私) is oced.“Ver fewofus hve any real concep of what ata mart tieare

47、 atering,”said Renat Smo.We beggvig away ata s soon as we wake upWhen w ente thetrnprtsyst,we aregivig aa en more dtals abu oses throughart rds,mobile hones or eitcar.ick Millmn,directorat a cnsltin irmtinks statstics ar th key to heriac concern.He used thexpe of Gogle Mas,hicto monitor the low of r

48、afic n Sockhom.He expained,“t s basally adding privacy cotrls to tatitics s th y nlysee h data yu nee to know abo.this cse,Googlg eog dta tmprove traffc bu not som thatit shows ndividal joury attrn.”11What is he article mainlybout?A.Anintroducon to coleting hoprs taB. conce at gvigaayersona ta.C.The

49、 prblmscausedy imalace distruiono puio.DAn inventio recrdignd collectincustomes information.答案 解析主旨大意题。根据第五段可知,本文是有关对泄露个人数据的担忧。故选B。12.Tnew ehnology inened byton Analyts .agthe a lot f ole peronl dat fomtheirshsB.usesces fitedon trond t collet cstomers dtaC.s imov the acuy of facal recognio softwaDoe

50、r a ect ltin tocutomerivac oncrns答案 A解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.Brih nlysisfim HonAnalytc haoe up wth nw a of msuring fotfall(客流)by ilmin peoplesshe”可知,Hoxton Analyc公司提出了一种通过拍摄人们的鞋子来测量客流量的新措施。即:通过鞋子收集诸多的个人数据。故选A。13ccordn t th uhor,cmras in oder ties Acaue a ug wate fpblc spaceBhel reee size of pouatin inrbaareasC.aeliey tohepimprv trafic ondtionsD.reto id crims and isatersand prde iiet ervie答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Teirpuose i to kee peoplsaf,rid eficin svices an pret dsastendcrimes.”

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